Did Jason Tartick Spoil ‘The Bachelor’s Ending? How An Accidental Podcast Slip-Up Outed Joey Graziadei’s Winner

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Whether you’re a member of Bachelor Nation who actively seeks out show spoilers or one who tries to avoid them entirely, The Bachelor Season 28’s run has been a wild ride.

In keeping with tradition, Bachelor Nation’s go-to spoiler Reality Steve revealed Joey Graziadei’s winner months ago. Then in a twist, he owned up to a rare miscall ahead of Hometown Dates, switching his projected Season 28 winner entirely! In case that emotional whiplash wasn’t dramatic enough, it seems franchise alum Jason Tartick accidentally spilled the beans about Joey’s final rose recipient on a recent episode of his Trading Secrets podcast. Looks like this guy really can’t keep a secret! Good podcast name, Jason!

At the end of a recent episode, Tartick took time to tease upcoming podcast guests, telling listeners that he’d be interviewing Joey and (stop reading now if you don’t want to be spoiled!) his Top 3 contestant Kelsey Anderson. As Bachelor fans noticed the slip-up and broke into a social media frenzy, it appears Tartick and his team noticed the oversight, edited that portion of the podcast out, and reposted the episode with the damning detail removed.

Unfortunately for Tartick, the sound bite was already recorded and posted on Reddit, where it lives on in all of its spoilery glory.

“Could he technically mean he’s having them both on at different times? Like ‘And we have Joey, Jenn and Kelsey from the Bachelor?'” one Reddit user asked after listening to Tartick’s tease. “Nope…that just doesn’t make sense,” another replied. (And we agree! Plus, if you didn’t spoil the season, why edit the information in question out of the episode entirely?)

Following the slip-up, fellow franchise alum and current Bachelor in Paradise bartender Wells Adams seemingly poked fun at Tartick by posting a video to Instagram captioned, “You’re never going to believe who Joey Graziadei ends up with!”

As Wells and Joey walk together on a golf course, Wells says, “I’m out here on the course with, uh…Joseph. And he just told me who he chose, you’re never gonna believe it —.” Before he finishes his sentences, Joey says “STOP!” and the video cuts off, toying with Bachelor Nation’s emotions once more.

For those in need of a Season 28 spoiler recap, Reality Steve’s inital post from November 29, 2023 claimed that Joey and Daisy Kent were happily engaged. Reality Steve was admittedly fuzzy on what went down during The Bachelor‘s “unprecedented” finale, but because he was so confident about his source and he has a fairly solid success rate, Bachelor Nation strongly believed Daisy and Joey were endgame for most of the season.

Serious doubts crept up when fans who analyzed Joey and his contestants’ social media posts noticed striking similarities between his and Kelsey Anderson’s videos. Then, in a February 27 blog post, Reality Steve said his initial source was wrong, Daisy wasn’t the Season 28 winner, and Kelsey Anderson and Joey end the season engaged. GASP! Reality Steve went on to spill exactly what he suspects goes down between Daisy, Kelsey, and Joey in the final episodes in case you’re curious now.

Otherwise, you can wait for the highly-anticipated finale, or hope that Jason Tartick’s podcast episode accidentally drops early, because we’re sure he’ll break it all down — including his flub!

New episodes of The Bachelor premiere Mondays at 8:00 p.m. on ABC with next-day streaming on Hulu.