The Highs and Lows of ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 6

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Is love blind? The hit Netflix reality show had long answered the question before Season 6 began. Fewer contestants are making it to the altar, and even fewer are actually getting hitched. But the streaming platform keeps on giving and we keep on taking.

Set in North Carolina, the latest season of Love Is Blind saw five couples get engaged from the start but only three made it to the finale and only one got married.

While the season was less uneventful than others, there were a few notable moments, like when Jeramey lied to Laura about meeting with a pod fling or when Chelsea outed Jimmy for having previously slept with one of his friends whom she had met in the previous episode. Not to mention there was the cringey “bean dip” conversation where a contestant jokingly told her fiancé to touch another woman’s breast during a party.

Though, a lot of the spicier moments occurred off-screen. Early in the season, it was revealed that Jeramey was engaged shortly before joining the reality competition, which is not mentioned or alluded to in the final cut of episodes, and Jimmy found himself denying rumors that he was in an ongoing relationship with a random woman from TikTok during filming.

Next week’s reunion is bound to be an exciting one, but for now, let’s reflect on the highs and lows of this season. A few of us from the Decider team pulled together a list of the best and worst moments from the season.

Now that the season has wrapped, let’s get to talking! Here is our recap of the crazy season.

LOW: Matthew Walking Out of Pods

BRETT WHITE: The Love Is Blind process is clearly not for everybody, but you have to wonder what Matthew thought he was getting into. Did he really think that taking a list of pre-written questions into every interview (those were not dates) was a smooth move? And the way he treated the women as automated voices on the other end, expected to reply to his prompts but never allowed to ask him anything? The energy was way off, and it didn’t help that he was edited to appear like he ghosted several women. I’ll give Matthew this and only this: he never busted out the teardrops, so he will always be the second worst guy in the pods. 

Photo: Netflix

LOW: Sarah Anne’s Anti-Abortion Pod Convo

RAVEN BRUNNER: Love Is Blind has never been afraid of leaning into tough conversations, but when the topic of abortion came up during one of Sarah Anne and Jeramey’s pod dates, I couldn’t help but want to plug my ears and chant “la la la.” Sarah Anne blatantly told her date that she is against abortions unless it’s a situation of rape or sexual abuse, which is, well, gross for several reasons. While her dumb take surprised me, it was Jeramey’s lackluster “I don’t have an opinion on this because I’m a man” that caught the attention of the online community who praised him, in return, for saying so. Excuse me, ladies? Do we need to go back to the drawing board? If a man isn’t equivocally defending women’s reproductive rights, he’s in the wrong. This moment needed to end up on the cutting room floor or get some additional prodding from producers, rather than turn into a throwaway scene. This was a new low for the reality show.

HIGH: Pod Girl Power With Laura and Jessica

GRETA BJORNSON: Some of the cringiest and craziest moments in Love Is Blind go down in the pods, but if you’re not paying attention to the scenes in the men’s and women’s quarters of the show, you’re sleeping on the real drama. While last season we watched Lydia comfort Aaliyah about her own ex-boyfriend Uche (much to Aaliyah’s surprise), we saw some less messy sisterhood this season when Laura watched out for Jessica after learning Jimmy’s inventions with Chelsea. Laura showed her loyalty in giving Jessica a heads up that Jimmy wasn’t planning to choose her after he told Chelsea he loved her, a refreshing show of respect and true friendship that we rarely see in the reality genre.

Photo: Netflix

HIGH: Jimmy Seeing Chelsea IRL For the First Time 

RB: Let’s all take a moment of silence for Chelsea who was bombarded with endless “she doesn’t look like Megan Fox!!!!” comments from Love Is Blind viewers after the first drop of episodes. It really didn’t help her case that after Jimmy laid eyes on her for the first time, he did an awkward solo interview where he criticized her looks. I think it’s fair to say that the show needs to ixnay on all the conversations regarding appearances, but this specific scene made for some quality reality television fun because the shade was real!

HIGH: Sarah Ann’s Jetski Villian Arc

BW: After a week of unanswered texts following Jeramey’s ill-advised hangout with Sarah Ann at her place, Laura and Jeramey reunited at the backyard barbecue to have a serious talk about their relationship — quickly, though, because Jeramey didn’t want to harsh the cookout’s already strained vibe. Laura gave Jeramey the quick exit he so wanted, telling him to “go kick rocks in open-toed fucking shoes.” And honestly, he would have come across way better if he’d taken Laura’s advice instead of following his own instincts. Jeramey’s instincts told him to have a 1:1 with Sarah Ann, within view of Laura, and — in one of the most over-the-top send-offs of any #PodSquad person ever — then literally ride off into the sunset with the other woman on a jet ski. The most unbothered de-coupling in Love Is Blind history, up there with the time that Shake name-checked Nobu mere minutes after getting left at the altar. 

Photo: Netflix

LOW: Clay Talking About AD’s Weight

GB: Clay really must have seen Shake on Season 2 and decided he could one-up the veterinarian/DJ, who was somewhat infamous for asking a fellow cast member in the pods if he’d be able to lift her on his shoulders. While Clay’s conversation about AD’s appearance in the pods was difficult enough to listen to, his remarks once he actually met her were somehow worse. While on vacation after their engagement, Clay told AD he would never “let her” get “out of shape,” and even said he’d tell her to go to the gym if she ever gained weight. Show solved! Love is not, in fact, blind. Sorry, Nick and Vanessa.    

LOW: Johnny and Amy Refusing to Admit Condoms Exist

BW: I know Love Is Blind asks a lot of its audience. Like, we have to accept that these people are falling in love mere hours after hearing a stranger’s voice. Then we have to accept as fact that these two people should absolutely be prepared to get married before the milk currently sitting in their fridge goes bad. That’s the baseline reality we’re operating with on Love Is Blind. But Johnny and Amy added a new twist to this reality when they made me wonder if this show somehow takes place in a reality without condoms. Without any real conflict to latch onto, the show reduced Johnny and Amy’s storyline to, “We want sex now but we don’t want a baby now — how?!” Amy’s not on birth control, which, hey — her prerogative! What’s weird is that we spent at least two episodes with Johnny as he weighed the pros and cons of getting a vasectomy — before either of them even mentioned condoms. Love Is Blind Season 6 stands as a rebuke of sexual education in North Carolina schools.  

Photo: Netflix

LOW: Kenneth’s Real Love Was With His Phone

BW: Ugh. Kenneth’s phone obsession may be a “me” issue, but I really could not get over how much this man was glued to his screen, even as his fiancée tried to engage him in conversation. And I know it all could be editing magic, but the man literally celebrated being reunited with his phone after being isolated in the pods. He owned up to it! As Brittany tried to unpack and settle into their new apartment once they returned from vacation, Kenneth seemed entirely uninterested in anything that wasn’t happening on the inches-wide device in front of him. I know he’s a busy school principal, but it seems like even Kenneth would benefit from a screen time app (or two). 

HIGH: Clay’s Mom Putting Her Ex in His Place

RB: The Season 6 finale was quite the snoozefest. Due to a last-minute break-up, only three couples walked down the altar, which left time for a few subplots. After Clay botched his relationship with season favorite AD at their wedding, the show spent time with his divorced parents, who have drama of their own to unpack. It was a recurring conversation throughout the season that Clay’s father cheated on his mother, which left Clay with some confused feelings about relationships. During the finale, Clay’s mother talks about ending the cycle of generational trauma and puts her ex in his place when he insists that one day Clay will meet someone like her. “Yeah, you met me but you weren’t good to me,” she said. Destroy him.