Don Lemon’s Elon Musk Interview: How To Watch The Full Video Interview That Got Lemon’s Contract With X Canceled

Don Lemon‘s highly anticipated interview with X’s (the platform formerly known as Twitter) head honcho Elon Musk has finally arrived.

Their conversation marks the first installment of The Don Lemon Show, which was originally intended to be a collaboration between Lemon and X. However, Lemon said in a statement last Wednesday (March 13) that Musk “canceled the partnership [he] had with X, which they announced as part of their public commitment to amplifying more diverse voices on their platform.”

Lemon, who alleged that Musk “informed [him] of his decision hours after an interview [he] conducted with him on Friday,” noted that the interview would “remain the premiere episode” of his new show.

“While Elon goes back on his word, I will be doubling down on my commitment to free speech and I cannot wait to get started,” he concluded.

Lemon also gave the public a glimpse at their conversation on CNN last Thursday (March 14), just under a year after he was fired from the network in April 2023.

Read on to find out how to watch Elon Musk’s interview on The Don Lemon Show.

How to watch Don Lemon’s Elon Musk interview:

The complete interview is currently available on Lemon’s YouTube page, with the entire interview clocking in at just under 67 minutes.

As mentioned in Lemon’s statement last week, the full interview should be available on X, although there appeared to be technical difficulties this morning. In response to Lemon opting to continue with posting new episodes on his platform, Musk replied, “Even though I think Don [Lemon] is a pompous fool who spouts nonsense, he is still free to upload his show to 𝕏 and will receive advertising revenue.”

Additionally, the interview can be streamed “wherever you listen to podcasts,” per Lemon’s statement. He reiterated such during the intro portion of the debut episode, where he shared that their “plan is and always has been to release this show everywhere.”

“On YouTube, on Spotify, on iHeartRadio,” he highlighted. “Just about any place you stream content.”

Don Lemon Elon Musk Interview Video:

You can also watch the interview in full right here — just scroll below to see the video in full.

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