Bella Steals ‘We Were the Lucky Ones’ Episode 6 With Her Tearful Goodbye to Her Parents

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The new period drama We Were The Lucky Ones, which airs weekly on Hulu, follows the Kurc family as they are separated from each other and navigate the horrors of the Holocaust. This week’s episode, “Warsaw,” shows a young woman saying farewell to her parents after they refuse to follow her out of town to work at a factory.

The series has put forth haunting imagery and emotional challenges surrounding the large family. In previous episodes, Halina Kurc, played by Joey King, risked her life for her lover’s safety, and Mila Kurc, played by Hadas Yaron, nearly died while seeking refugee for her daughter.

Episode 6 continues to illuminate the many sacrifices people made to ensure the safety of their loved ones during the genocide.

Going into the episode, the couple Jakob Kurc (Amit Rahav) and Bella (Eva Feiler) are still separated with Jakob working as a photographer and Bella working at a factory.

Bella is told that the ghetto in Radom where her parents are living is going to be liquidated and many of the people will be sent to a concentration camp. Bella convinces the factory to hire and relocate her parents.

The young woman writes to her parents in code, telling them the news. At first, they rejoice at the letter but then they consider the dangers that may arise.

Bella arranges a trip to visit her parents and take them to the factory, but they tell her they are not leaving with her. Her parents fear the guards will not let them walk out, even with Bella and the factory representative. They also express concerns for her safety if they join her.

Photo: Hulu

“Sweetheart, you have to go back without us,” Bella’s mother explains. “It’s safer for you without us slowing you down.” Bella fights back against her parents, and tells them, “I know you’re scared, I understand…”

Her father responds, “We’re not scared. We’re tired, we can’t run anymore.”

Bella continues to argue with her parents until her mother interrupts her: “Bella, this is something we can do for you. Give you the chance to survive. Be victorious.” The young woman pleads in response, “But I don’t want to survive without you. Please don’t leave me alone, please.” Bella continues to beg her parents to join her, but they are resistant.

Photo: Hulu

In one of the most heartwrenching scenes in the entire series, Bella breaks down into tears as her parents console her. The young woman’s pleas and tears will weigh heavy on the hearts of viewers as the reality of the situation sinks in: Bella’s parents are likely to be brought to a concentration camp, and may not survive.

At the end of the episode, the Radom ghetto is cleared. Jakob has escaped and arrived at the factory where Bella works under the guise of being assigned to take photos. He’s brought to Bella by another factory worker who tells him they could hear screams all night from the raid. Jakob comforts his girlfriend, who’s lying in bed in an emotional state.

The next morning, Jakob and Bella discover that the factory is being raided. The two narrowly escape through a hole in the fence and run through a field as the episode ends.

Bella has suffered immense loss throughout the episode, and though she has reunited with Jakob, the fate of her parents remains a mystery. Meanwhile, the Kurc family is piecing themselves together with Halina having rescued her parents from a factory by bribing a German soldier. Hearts are breaking in each episode, but the drive each character has to protect their loved ones remains a powerful force.

We Were the Lucky Ones is streaming on Hulu.