Not Even High Interest Rates Can Stop The Relators Of ‘Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles’ From Making A Deal: Watch The Season 15 Trailer

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Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

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The soon-to-be released Season 15 of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles is sure to be part of your summer streaming plans! The latest installment of the long-running Bravo series features your favorite realtors—Josh Altman, Tracy Tutor, and Josh Flagg—as they face the challenges of making high pressure sales in a less than ideal environment. “The luxury home market confronts its new reality: not enough buyers and sellers,” reads Tutor from her phone in the Season 15 trailer. That, combined with high interest rates and LA’s “mansion tax,” will ensure that this could be the trickiest time in the realtors’ careers.

“At the top in real estate, it’s a battle every day,” confides Altman to the camera. In the next scene, Altman moans to his colleagues: “There’s so much pressure on every single deal.” Later his wife, Heather Altman, confronts her husband about spending too much time at their Los Angeles home. “You’re down here half the week, some nights not coming home,” complains Heather. In her confessional, she reiterates: “Josh is not going to stop. It may kill me.”

His relationship with wife is not the only one Altman is trying to mend. In the trailer, we see Tutor try to get Altman and Flagg to reconcile after the two had a falling out. We catch a glimpse of a tense scene with the realtors. “Roll correct,” snaps Altman at Flagg, “and be a real friend or don”t be a friend.” Flagg can only roll his eyes in response during a confessional.

More drama ensues as the trailer turns its focus to Tutor, who is blindsided when her boyfriend/fitness trainer, Erik Anderson, breaks up with her suddenly. “He packed up and left,” Tutor is heard telling a colleague over a dramatic montage. As she sits, grief-stricken in her breakfast nook, she cries to her co-worker: “I knew there was something wrong, and I was too afraid to confront him.”

However, the trailer is not all tears and yelling! A montage shows Flagg dressed in a shark suit to make a sale, Tutor riding a go-cart through the streets, and Altman closing a $24M deal by sabering a bottle of very expensive champagne. The preview ends with the three trying and comically failing to negotiate a contract together. The more things change, the more they stay the same!

Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles returns for season 15 on Wednesday, July 10 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.