Implement a racially neutral capitalization policy at the CBC!

Implement a racially neutral capitalization policy at the CBC!

April 22, 2021
Petition to
Blair Shewchuk and
Signatures: 2,546Next Goal: 5,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Students For Western Civilisation

The CBC has implemented a racially discriminatory policy of capitalizing the word “Black” when referring to black people, but not the word “white” when referring to white people.

This policy is a degrading insult which signals to the world that white people are of inferior status and that discriminating against them is acceptable.

We, the undersigned, strongly oppose this policy, and wish to see the CBC implement a racially neutral, non-discriminatory policy, which treats all peoples equally.   


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Signatures: 2,546Next Goal: 5,000
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