Friday, December 01, 2017

Hello again (redux)!

It's been a while since I last posted, and I wanted to let everyone know I'm still here and doing pretty well. I'm just writing under my real name, at my real-name website.

The kittehs are all doing well (even if they're naughty a lot of the time). The freelance writer's life is a strange one, but it's one I like. I haven't taught since April 2015—how grateful I am to no longer be in the classroom.

Here are a few things I've posted lately on my professional website...
I'm also an artist. I came to photography pretty late, at age 41. I post photos at least four times a week on my website. Here are a few tagged categories...
Thanks again for stopping by. I'm so thankful to have made so many friends via E&P over the years. Let me know how you're doing.

Rachael (aka Miss Kitty)

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Hello again!

This afternoon, I noticed a longtime E&P reader had stopped by my "real-name" website to leave a comment. How wonderful it was to see this person's name again after six or eight years! And the reader had followed the links from this blog over to my new website. Somehow, this person was still reading and visiting E&P after all this time.

My last post here was over six months ago. Holy crap, has it been that long? Yep. So this post is to let everyone know I'm still alive, still doing well, and still writing under my real name. I've even got a newsletter now. Perhaps the newsletter will even feature another edition of Ask Mom. (And yes, Mom, El Seebeno, Pixie, and the kittehs are all doing well.)

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you'll drop by the new website and say hello. Let me know how you're doing.

R.S. Williams (aka Miss Kitty)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Come on over and see me sometime...

It's been over ten years since I started Educated & Poor—and WOW, how things have changed since January 2006. E&P is where I began writing for a large audience full of people who don't know me personally. This is where I developed my writing voice in a way graduate school never did. And it's where I met so many of you: people I may never have met, but whom I love dearly. Your loyalty means the world to me. Thank you for staying with me on my journey.

Today, I want to redirect you to my real-world website. There, you can read my creative nonfiction, poetry, and short stories, and see my photography. Working as a freelance writer/photographer can be tough, but I enjoy it far more than I ever did teaching. It's a thing of beauty to wake up in the morning and look forward to where the day's writing may take me.

Yes. This is a real photo of me. My selfie game is strong.

Thanks, y'all. You are truly the best. I hope to see you over at my (new since 2011) real-world website, and I hope to hear from you, too. Let me know how you're doing.

Love always,
R. S. Williams
(aka Miss Kitty)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I am still alive, and doing fine.

Chances are that all my loyal former readers have long ago unsubscribed from E&P, but I'm posting this anyway to let you know that 1) I'm doing well, and 2) a lot has changed since May 2013.

I'm no longer teaching, thank goodness. These days, I'm working as a freelance writer as I get my consulting business launched. I hope to publish my first novel (a memoir about my late father) next year. And I've also honed my artistic eye through my photography.

Over the next few weeks, I'll likely remove a lot of the old content on this blog so I can revise and reuse it on my new blog—that is, my real-world website that uses my real name. If you're interested in signing up for the email list, just let me know and I'll send you the URL.

Hugs to you all.

Miss Kitty