The British political-jailbreak attempt of 2024: Reflections on the attempt to destroy the Conservative Party

[4,000 words]

The British people are nearing a revolutionary mood, or so it seems. Such a mood they expressed, this year, on the day associated with the American Revolution: the Fourth of July.

In the British general election of July 4, 2024, the UK’s Conservative Party got its worst-ever result. A specter now haunts the land, a specter of a White ethnonationalist political-force willing to act in concert and punish those who betray it.

The new oft-ethnonationalist political-bloc is no single party, no niche movement. It is psychological. It has declared itself the enemy of the Conservative Party (and vice versa). The cordon sanitaire is broken. Just as we have seen elsewhere Western Europe. Britain, a late-comer to this game, has finally arrived. Welcome.

The results I give in popular-vote terms:

The table, my own, shows the magnitude of the anti-Conservative political revolt. The scale of vote-shift may not seem like a lot, but there are many reasons to take these results as a major milestone, as will become clear in this essay.


Again to fall back to the Fourth of July connection: The UK’s Conservative Party has long carried the nickname “Tories,” the name as used by the pro-royalist faction of British politics in centuries past. In the 1770s-80s, the “Tories” were opposed to the independence movement by the North American colonies, and every American will have heard the term “Tories” in history class to refer, at least, to anti-independence residents of the North American colonies.

The July 4, 2024 election date was set by the Hindu-Indian-origin prime minister, Rishi Sunak. What an interesting alignment across time. The 1776 incident associated with that date was an anti-Tory revolt; the 2024 election back home, associated with the date, was likewise an anti-Tory revolt.

The Fourth of July 1776 is the day associated with the American-colonial delegates signing a “declaration of independence” against British rule. It was for independence, for securing control of their own future. With this 2024 version, much the same could be said. Another way to see this is that Britain now rules itself using a quasi-imperial policy, except applied domestically. The revolt is by those who demand independence, and in Britain’s case it is against steep odds. But we may now be at the cusp of it.


The UK’s Conservative Party of recent decades is an outright bad political party, which exists by merit of inertia. Its objectives seem to be: managed decline, generally; White dispossession; helping refugees over natives, and helping LGBTQ’s over White-British families; a post-Western(ization) cultural policy; a subservient foreign-policy as part of a globalization posture by which Britain and its global influence is a useful ally of, and sometime-host to, wealthy transnational elites and dual-citizens. (It was, alas, quite appropriate that the billionaire Hindu-Indian, Rishi Sunak, became prime minister in 2022.)

The Conservative Party, though, will have you know that those poisonous fruits they will assemble and distribute will have a moderately-lower toxicity, and the entire process of poisonous-fruit distribution will be carried out with an air of dignity and class. Keep calm! Carry on! You can still be proud to be British.

A large share of the Conservative Party’s own voters are now intent on “destroying” it, if possible, as a useless impediment. They impede the emergence of revivalist posture. A fresher or nimbler opposition could achieve great things, but the Conservative Party cannot, will not. People sense this. Know this. Feel this. But for years there has been minimal organized action.


Labour wins in landslide,” said the reports. It’s true that the Labour Party won 411 of 650 seats (63% of seats), but saying it that way really completely misses what’s happened here.

The “Labour landslide”-type headlines are a technically-accurate but dumbed-down or smoothed-over form of reporting. Much like the output of an AI rewriting system: It churns out something that’s probably okay, often sort-of accurate, and probably ‘palatable,’ but that often “misses the point.”

I haven’t seen a good graphic showing what the real point is, so I put one together (above). (Not all numbers are guaranteed to be final as of this writing.) Even my graph fails to drive home how significant it is: those voting for Reform-UK knew well that they could well be, and often would indeed be, “spoilers,” splitting the anti-Labour vote. This happened in hundreds of constituencies, leading to Labour’s 411-seat victory.

But Labour lost votes in absolute terms (from 10.3 million in 2019, to 2024’s 9.7 million)!

How can this be a mandate-delivering victory?

Just what is going on here?

The true story is that of the collapse of the Conservative Party. It was a “jailbreak” by large numbers of White-British kept penned inside a cordon sanitaire for years, for decades, for generations.

There is a secondary story here, too: an anti-Labour inner-revolt, which softened support for them. This one was of lesser scale, and will have minimal impact on the makeup of the new government. But it is still politically significant and towards the end of this essay I’ll discuss it, too. This left-wing dissident revolt was associated the anti-Israel, pro-Palestine protest movement. It is most directly with the Workers Party of Britain, which was only competitive in a few places. The nationwide 0.4%-share for the new Workers Party is misleading. In an open field, they could get easily 10x that number of votes, maybe 20x that number or more, depending, if Labour continues to hold its pro-Israel line.

In an anti-Conservative wave election, we’d expect some centrists to ‘by default’ drift to Labour. But that didn’t happen, on net. The reason: Many voters of nonwhite immigrant-stock, but especially Muslims, turned against their beloved Labour Party, over the Gaza war, and as a vote of no-confidence in the Keir Starmer-led Labour Party’s pro-Israel position.

The British political equilibrium had not one, but two crises, one from each flank to deal with. By far the bigger one comes from the Right (Reform-UK), in that a number of troublesome White nobodies and losers out there got the idea — the gall! — to think they could harm the venerable, the mighty, Conservative Party.



British decline and the attempt to destroy the Conservative Party

We see a large ‘net’ move away from Conservatives; and towards two sources: (1.) towards the soft-ethnonationalist Reform-UK party; and, about equally, (2.) towards Non-Voters.

What you’re seeing there is White-British fury at ongoing immigration policies, and the troubling sluggishness of the British economy that has the UK economy middling along. Measures of GDP per capita at purchasing-power parity suggest the UK is 15% to 25% below its peers in Northwestern Europe, and groups more with Southern-European economies.

In absolute terms, the early-2020s economic situation for the typical Briton is not much above the 2007-08 peak before the Great Recession. Fifteen lost years. A steady inward-flow of migrants and refugees all the while, amid other ongoing managed-decline policies.

Anti-White domestic and cultural policies pervade the air, and people know it. The most-honest commentators on the British election tacitly acknowledge that this was a big factor in the unprecedented “jailbreak” attempt that was this election. Those who, being already-dissident commentators and who therefore have a free-hand, if they have a sufficient supply of courage, will say this openly. It was a White revolt against a bad political party that does not represent its own voters.

One unspoken reason, so the whispers went, is that most White-British don’t want to be ruled by a non-British-origin “brown man” like Rishi Sunak, no matter how much of a smooth-talker he may be. He was never elected by voters. He took power in whatever the parliamentary equivalent of a “palace coup” would be called, in late 2022. Some thought he could be the first-ever sitting prime minister to lose a seat in an election, over the centuries of British electoral politics. This didn’t happen, but in recent weeks the Conservatives are slamming for “racism” the anti-Conservative voters who went for Reform-UK.

One of the Reform-UK candidates made sensationalist headlines for saying that the British war-policy in the 1930s-40s was a big mistake, that the UK should have accepted Germany’s offer for a cooperative alliance, avoiding most of the thing called “World War II” as we, inheritors of the Western narrative, understand it. This candidate said: how much better off we British people would be without that damned war. It’s increasingly hard to argue with, but it still counts as a taboo (the candidate was removed and banned from the party).

Britain has become an increasingly racialized culture, which coexists with the long-run erosion of the default White-family norm of yester-generation, and which now exists primarily in the memories of those of retirement-age. One finds many little signs of this throughout the West, but any say the UK is the worst-off of any European country, even worse than France.

A big sign that the thing was already fully formed twenty years ago was the degree of triumphalist pro-“Black-male, White-female” romantic-relationship propaganda that dominated the 2003 British romantic-comedy movie Love, Actually.

Jumping ahead fifteen or so years, to the end of the 2010s, the same cultural-force was symbolized by Prince Harry’s ties to an adventurist mulatto from Hollywood, California. Harry and ‘Meghan’ met in mid-2016, married in mid-2018, and brought in mixed-race children born into “royal line,” mid-2019 and mid-2021, with Meghan cultivating vendettas against the other royals back in England. By the early 2020s we see shows show as Bridgerton, which place Blacks as the most-dynamic figures of early-19th-century British aristocracy: a blatant recasting and multi-racialization of history that was bound to come eventually.

Meanwhile, the pipeline of new migrants and “refugees” has continued, with big surges in the early 2020s. People have for decades voted for the Conservative Party to prevent this very sort of thing. That is true ever since Margaret Thatcher coopted the National Front’s pro-White momentum.

Conservative Party voters, or those who were coopted to vote Conservative despite leaning National Front in the 1970s-80s, or the BNP in the 2000s, or those in tune with similar political currents that didn’t actively contest elections — they believed the Conservative Party would limit migration. They believed the Conservatives would keep the excesses of postmodern left-wing anti-White policy to a healthy minimum, whenever possible. But nothing like that happened.

The rise of Boris Johnson, a classic demagogue and narcissistic self-promoter (prime minister, July 2019 to mid-2022, when forced out by his own party), did nothing to reverse the negative trends. Nor did the tenure of Hindu-Indian billionaire Rishi Sunak (prime minister, Oct. 2022 to July 4, 2024).

In many ways, both Johnson and Sunak are emblematic of certain trends that the Conservative Party, as traditionally understood, is supposed to resist or block. Certainly the policies they ran are generally not traditionally “little-c conservative” nor “capital-c Conservative.” Something had changed at the core.

The commentator Millennial Woes, of Scotland, wrote this in July 2023, summing up UK political changes of the past thirty years:

[End quote from Millennial Woes, Substack entry, July 2023]

At some point, a cumulative few-million White-British had “had enough.” Something finally ‘snapped’ broke within the managed system with the Brexit vote of 2016. As so many things are, the Brexit referendum was not really about what it nominally was about.

I have written in earlier essays here of the political-science concept of the cordon sanitaire. Certainly the Conservative Party of the UK has been involved in “running” one. It has done so with success for decades. The 2024 election’s anti-Conservative uprising from the Right is the biggest-yet “breakout” attempt out of the cordon sanitaire by those penned up inside it.

The relative success of the rival Reform-UK party is itself not about Reform-UK as a party, or Nigel Farage as its charismatic figurehead. The party soaked up a few million of these disaffected voters. But it was not cause. It was the effect. Reform-UK was a convenient vessel for protest-votes. To make a statement, to demand a realignment of the kind essentially fully blocked out for a generation or more.

Yes, the revolt of several million White-British against the Conservative Party is all the more amazing because it occurred in a highly mature, long-stable political system. It occurred in a system which, as everyone knows, has two dominant parties and a few extra parties on the margins for something like spice in the soup (little regionalist entities) or even a degree comic relief. These “other” parties are without any in-system right-to-rule. The entire government system of the past century is supposed to be a hand-off between Labour (or “New Labour,” since Tony Blair) and the Conservatives. The default ruling-party, which largely sets the tone, being the Conservatives.

But the two parties came to largely resemble one another, a process also seen elsewhere. A common refrain heard from insurgent Reform-UK supporters was: “Yeah, maybe you can convince me that Labour is a notch or two or three ‘worse’ than the Conservatives, but the Conservatives are so bad it doesn’t much matter, those two or three notches.” This is remarkably similar rhetoric, and disaffection, as seen with the Trump-MAGA movement adherents of 2016.

But it should again be repeated: Party-identification in Britain, with its proud and long-stable political system, is associated with identity markers such as region, class, family-tradition. It is almost as strong and as sticky as ‘football’-fandom.

An Englishman surely doesn’t lightly change which football club he is a fan of. Come what may, he tends to stick with his team even if they annoy him. It’s “his” team, after all. Likewise, such a man will not lightly change parties, much for the same reason. But here we have more than half of those who voted Conservative in 2019 refused to do so in 2024, even knowing well they could deliver a lopsided supermajority to “Labour” in doing so. And that was the point.


The “#ZeroSeats” campaign was but a dream

There really was a conscious campaign to destroy the Conservative Party in 2024, in case you think this is my own idea. It became known as the “#ZeroSeats” campaign. Ex-Conservative voters tried to rally people to the cause of destroying the party by saying they had that as an achievable goal by voting Reform-UK, or really by voting for anyone but Conservatives.

Nigel Farage, the charismatic and slightly demagogic head of the Reform-UK party, also said it was his goal to hurt and destroy the Conservative Party. He and others argued the party was useless, so why keep it around like some Frankenstein-monster?

The “#ZeroSeats” campaign of 2024 was always more like a “less than 75 seats for the Conservatives” campaign, realistically speaking, because statistically some seats are so “safe” as to be untouchable, the mass-democracy equivalent of the “rotten boroughs” of yester-century.

There are 650 seats in the British Parliament, so the goal was to put the Conservatives around 10% of total seats, if possible. It would be a humiliation that could trigger the dissolution, or hostile take-over, of the party. But “#ZeroSeats” didn’t succeed to the level of its supporters’ hopes. The Conservatives end up with 121 seats of the 650 [19% of seats]. Still a heavy blow (as of July 3, they held 344 sears [53% of seats].

A few quick glances at some who held seats:

The Hindu-Indian billionaire and now-ex-prime minister Rishi Sunak held his seat. He says he wants to be in the British Parliament for years to come.

Also holding her seat was one of Suella Braverman. She is one of Rishi Sunak’s co-conspirators who maneuvered to help Sunak’s late-2022 seizure of power and ascension, without a popular-vote mandate, to become the first non-White British prime minister, courtesy of the Conservative Party’s machine.

As for Suella Braverman, a slick political actor skilled in the usual ways that South-Asians are with politics and influence, was reelected Conservative Party parliament-member. She is also a former top-level government-minister, and is not someone to dismiss. Her story is also symbolic of the political mood of the moment.

Suella Braverman is of Indian-subcontinental ancestry. Her father, an Indian-diasporic living in Kenya, arrived at Heathrow Airport in February 1968 and stuck around, later meeting another Indian-diasporic immigrant who had been born in Mauritius and arrived in the 1970s separately. Braverman is said have had ties to Buddhism, possibly via her mother. But her true identity is something else. For one thing, Suella Braverman has a wealthy Jewish husband. She boasts proudly that she is raising her mixed-race children Jewish, and boasts of having in-laws who are in the Israeli military, making her children dual-citizen-eligible with Israel.

Suella Braverman is exactly the kind of multi-national elite that grates on the nerves of some millions of British natives. Never moreso than when people she, and many others, lecture the White-British on how morally superior elite-immigrants are. She is more British than the native-British! (One detects the seeping-in of toxic U.S.-Wokeness and immigrant-supremacist ideological influence here).

After the parliamentary-coup that elevated Hindu-billionaire Rishi Sunak to the venerable prime-ministership of the UK in late 2022, Suella Braverman, who had maneuvered to take down the previous prime minister (Liz Truss, White-Christian without dual-citizenship), was given the plum ministerial role of home secretary, one of the most-powerful roles in the UK government and like a turbocharged version of the U.S. government’s attorney-generalship position. She held the role for thirteen months (late 2022 to late 2023), but may be back in the future. She is only 44 (born April 1980). Who knows, when her two growing Jewish children are old enough to go serve in the IDF themselves, she might be able to maneuver right back to the top. Her position was considered untenable after the denounced Palestinians and praised Israel, in late 2023.

Suella Braverman survived the great anti-Conservative wave, somehow. She lost about one-third of her votes to Reform-UK, which was not quite enough to knock her out of parliament (final result for here constituency: Suella Braverman [Conservative] 35%; Labour, 23%; Liberal-Democrats, 19%; Reform-UK, 18%; others, 5%).

More than half of the heads leading the Rishi Sunak government ministries (or “departments,” as Americans would put it) lost their seats outright. Government ministers tend to always be in “safe seats.” They also benefit, typically, from prestige-gains by heading the government ministries (name recognition, at least). That eleven of the twenty-or-so government ministers lost their seats outright, through the anti-Conservative revolt, is without any precedent. Not in living-memory, nor even for many generations before living-memory. It’s hard to imagine a precedent for this. Maybe something like the English Civil War of the mid-17th century.

The new ministerial lineup, appointed by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, includes eight White-males of Christian origin, though several are firmly pro-Jewish (the anti-Israel wing of the party having been suppressed). There are thirteen who are not White-males.

The powerful foreign secretary position (foreign minister) is now held by a large-bodied Black male named David Lammy. This is a man who gloats about being Black-and-proud, says White Britain has a moral-duty to accept Blacks, and has suggested he identifies as “Black” first, “English” second. He has a white wife and three mixed-race children.

David Lammy (b.1972) benefitted his whole life from Black racial-preferences, and achieved great heights. He is no dummy, having graduated from Harvard Law in 1997. David Lammy’s parents immigrated to Britain from the former British crown-colony of Guyana, considered culturally part of the Caribbean. His father had ties to England as early as 1956, but apparently went back and forth. His mother arrived in 1971, and he was born the following year.

David Lammy is in the Labour Party, but it’s not really so hard to imagine him in the Conservative Party of recent times. He is more like a transnational elite than anything, and his Blackness buys him substantial extra-points on that front, much like Barack Obama, under the ruling ideology and cultural-policy in force in the UK. Lammy’s transnational ties are the lion’s share of what put him on the path to managing British foreign-policy which he now does, nominally and legally speaking.


People hate the Conservative Party now. A fair share of White-British associate both the Labour and Conservative parties with certain types of failure, economic decline (almost everyone is relatively worse off), cultural decline (White ghettoization), Muslims, refugees, an ongoing and hard-to-quite-define Third Worldization process from both bottom and top.

Third Worldization is a slow process, comparable to what invariably occurs to a paper bag that gets wet, becomes damp, and eventually loses its core functionality and can cause some big messes. Already there plenty of visible results.

The protest-voters who went for Nigel Farage’s party engaged in a concerted political jail-break attempt. Large numbers who declined to participate: 40% of eligible voters declining to vote! A record-high, they say. Is it a sign:

Conservative Party delenda est?

If the Conservative Party cannot be ‘reformed,’ is this not an idea whose time has come?


For those interested in White-Western ethnonationalist-revival prospects here in the dawning mid-21st century, the British election of July 2024 is worth attention.

The strategy, so-hoped by some, is to replace the not-quite-sunk ‘Tory’ ship with something more like the anti-regime soft-ethnonationalist-oriented opposition. This has wide precedent in European politics. It is not some crazy idea equivalent to belief in alien spaceships. It is realistic, with the right will.

Of course, people said much the same about the BNP in its mid-2000s to early-2010s heyday, seeing one year better than the last for a five-or-more-year span running, and they allowed themselves to dream. The BNP completely imploded in the early 2010s, and nothing more was heard from it, though it’s years making headlines and attracting attention and energy helped inspire much that came after.

This time, there might just be something to it all. The BNP never achieved what Farage and several million friends have just done. Much now depends on Nigel Farage, an alcoholic, smooth-talking political gadfly.


The lesser revolt by the Left, over Israel

Given the new huge parliamentary majority for the Labour Party, there is unlikely to be a new election anytime soon. The new prime minister, Keir Starmer, could absorb a substantial intra-party revolt, given the size of his majority. He could just wave it away. He is secure.

A few words on Keir Starmer may be in order. The big narrative-level story here is clearly the story of the anti-Conservative revolt or “jailbreak” as I’ve called it (a quite-fitting analogy, I believe). There was also a smaller, similar phenomenon on the Left: A revolt by a core part of the support-base. It has to do with Israel’s cruel war in Gaza.

That the new Labour prime minister, Keir Starmer, has Jewish children is interesting to note. His wife is a highly active and political woman of Polish-Jewish origin. It is said that her grandparents emigrated to London, from Poland, in 1929. Presumably, it was easier to get into the UK at the time. (The USA had taken firm measures to severely restrict Eastern-European Jewish immigration in the early 1920s.)

(Of Joe Biden’s grandchildren, there are also a large number who are Jewish. Trump, the same. And, strangely, the same also for the Clintons. The U.S. and UK seem to have that in common. A near-125-year-old nominal alliance, and a substantial overlap in political-traditions and civilizational-tradition. But now, with new ‘actors’ involved in managing this alliance, directing it. Quite large numbers of the alliance-managers are “transnational,” in a sense that would have disturbed the men of earlier generations.)

Some tried to stage a campaign to not vote Labour, as a protest against Israel and Israel’s Gaza war. The knew their direct candidates would win very few seats, if any at all. (And alas they won zero.) But it would be a way to exert pressure on the ruling forces of the Labour Party, a way to say “your pro-Israel, pro-Jewish Power positions are not going to slip past us.” It was the same sort of idea as with the going on, at much-larger scale, with the disaffected White-British who either refused to vote or went wit Farage.

One thing to understand about Labour, and similar parties elsewhere, is the heavy degree they now rely on Nonwhite votes for any prospect at power. Extrapolating from one polling-based estimate, up to one-quarter of aggregate votes for the Labour Party in the UK now come from nonwhites. A large supermajority of Blacks vote Labour, and majorities of every other nonwhite, non-European immigrant and racial group also behind the party.

A substantial politically-committed faction of Muslims who by default vote for Labour withheld their votes, or voted for other parties. The same goes for some number of White-British Leftists outraged by British support for the cruel Gaza war. This is probably what lay behind the -1% all-population vote-share for Labour (seen in the table) when, as mentioned already, we’d expect at least some of the anti-Conservative voters to drift into Labour by default (low-info, committed centrists). Any such effect was cancelled out by the left-wing protest-vote against Israel.

The Workers Party of Britain is a central actor here. A new party, the Workers Party is led by anti-Israel, left-wing political-star George Galloway. The party-leader had the best result in his party, but failed to get a seat which he had earlier won in a special election, again on the strength of the pro-Palestinian protest-vote.

The next-best result for the Workers Party was an activist known as Jody McIntyre, who has cerebral palsy and has been wheelchair-bound his whole life. Jody McIntrye nearly won the seat on an anti-Israel platform, striking an unusual posture for a populist politico what with his storming onto the scene being done in a wheelchair and with his involuntary shakes of the body from his condition. This unlikely hero, Jody McIntyre, stole half of the Labour vote in the constituency. He ended up losing only narrowly: 31% for the Labour candidate, to 29% for Jody McIntyre on his anti-Israel platform. The delightful scene of a wheelchair-bound cerebral-palsy White man aligned to something called the Workers Party of Britain, as Member of British Parliament, was not to be. For now.)

Muslims are not enough of a political-force in Britain to really move things when they try to act in concert and shift their votes as a bloc. But the White-British generally can do it.

(UPDATE: See a substantial comment below analyzing the results of the Muslim Vote and the Jewish vote. Exit-polling survey data, it turns out, aligns very well with what I’d written here.)

What the Left made some ‘hay’ about but failed to deliver in force, the White-British did do. That is: stage an uprising with serious political consequences. I’ve called what the White-Right did here a “political jailbreak attempt” (though the British spell the word “gaol“). The heavy blows dealt to the Conservative Party were the result.

Both sets of risers-up (the anti-Israel protest vote on the Left, and the all-hands insurgency-attempt against the Conservative Party) did have some results, even though the “managed system” remains. The disaffected White-British people did not win in their goal of destroying the Conservative Party. But they did have enough power in their hands to seriously hurt and even humiliate their jailers, those who staff and supervise the cordon sanitaire, those who have kept the system buzzing along, decade after decade.


Political brushfires, insurgencies, building: The century is young!

The British people have finally started some political brushfires. Their cousins on the European mainland have been lighting such fires for years, as I’ve occasionally written about in these pages. That applies to Germany’s AfD, and to the current goings-on in France. The French so-called “Far Right,” most especially the large soft-ethnonationalist party associated with the name Le Pen, is a decades-long project finally seeing some success in the 2020s. British politics never quite managed to get a similar long-term presence, despite the great enthusiasm the British National Party attracted in its heyday.

A cynic will say that the huge anti-Conservative Party revolt of 2024 will be forgotten, just as the native-British population is sort-of forgotten in its own country, is systematically disadvantaged within its own country, and is subject to a hostile managed-decline program and a hostile cultural-policy and all the rest.

It’s unclear what the gadfly and populist behind Brexit, Nigel Farage, will do with his small parliamentary bloc of five seats, knowing he has some degree of support from something like one-half of White-British, highly active support from a politicized element of the Right, maybe one-in-three White-British who have interest in politics. The system is stacked against them strongly, and everyone knows it. Which makes this jailbreak attempt all the more remarkable.

Nigel Farage had ties to the Trump-2016 campaign in the USA. He is more morally serious than Trump but perhaps not quite morally serious enough to really reverse the Third Worldization process. Some are wondering what will break the dam on all this, if Farage really is that man, or could be the man. I don’t know. We do know that Reform-UK appeals to Whites disaffected with all that’s wrong. But it does appeal to White-British overtly or explicitly. Overt appeals to Whites, electorally, in the mid-2020s are not going to meet with success. But one wonders about what would happen if a fully proportional-representation system were introduced.

Ask them why; they’ll tell you readily enough: The Conservative Party simply outsources its ideology and policy to a softer version of the Left. Native White-British continue to be marginalized and slowly dispossessed. Migration continues. The White share of the population is locked in, by this system, on a generally-permanent downward slope, not always individually but definitely at social scale.

For fourteen years running, these people have run the British government, but on most everything they were elected to do things are worse off. Enough people know it; enough asked, Just what is the purpose of the Conservative Party?

Polling suggests that in about mid-2022, an anti-Conservative cascade began to roll through British politics. Not all at once, but steadily. For two years, it rolled through the system and White-British on the Right “radicalized” against the Conservative Party and committed themselves to the task of destroying it.

Some of the “#ZeroSeats” campaign people have expressed real disappointment that Reform-UK didn’t gain more seats. And that the Conservative Party, despite it all, still took 121 seats [19% of the total]. The results were not strong enough towards the goal of destroying the Conservative Party, they say.

The Scottish commentator Millennial Woes had this to say about the results, reflecting many of the views I’ve quotes:

To the White-British pessimists who hold something like the above views, I say: look to the European mainland. This is something that many-a haughty Englishman has often disdained to do. But there are many examples over there of successes of the kinds you, in the UK, need and can achieve under your own power. White-Western men have run political-insurgencies or “jailbreaks,” of various levels of success, within hostilely controlled systems. The 2024 election anti-Conservative revolt need not be a one-off affair. The century, friends, is yet young.



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A study of White ethnic-dispossession and ‘replacement’: Maryland’s Prince George’s County, 1970s to 1990s

Last week, a Steve Sailer commenter named Colin Wright recalled a scene from his life, some years ago, in which he had helped a friend in Washington, D.C., move house: “[Every] night, dog-tired after putting in our twelve-fourteen hours, we’d get lost [on the way to our accommodations] and wind up cruising DC’s ghetto for an hour in the dark. I did not need that. Not with everything else.”

To this came a reply from Ennui, apparently former area resident of the area, who said that among the areas to “avoid” in the Washington, D.C. region was the entirety of Prince George’s County. Given the size of that county, it’s a bold statement to say “avoid it entirely.”

Prince George’s County is actually a story of the perils of migration and ideology, and U.S. race politics. The county, within living memory, had a large 90%-White population, as of the 190s. Today its active population is maybe 5% White. This was a true, full-on “Great” Replacement.

This essay will look at the “loss” of Prince George’s County. The shocking scale at which it happened, how and when it happened, and what lessons it gives us on Third Worldization and de-Europeanization in Western countries in the mid-21st century, especially of value to Europe as it faces similar processes at home.

Later in the essay, we ask whether Prince George’s County could be an example of the U.S. government and cultural-apparatus applying the foreign-policy concept of a “protectorate” onto its domestic population. An ethnic protectorate. The concept sounds strange but ends up looking strangely compelling.

[6,000 words]

Prince George’s County, in the U.S. state of Maryland, is not small. It is 482.5 square miles in size (1250 sq km). That is eight times the land-area size of the “District of Columbia,” which it borders to the east. Here is a map:

The rule-of-thumb to “avoid Prince George’s County” is a good one. By doing so, many problems and headaches are avoided. While just about anyone with regional knowledge knows well enough that Whites are well advised to not go to most of Prince George’s County, White-liberals will hesitate to simply say so outright. The White-liberals too, however, will stay to fairer parts of the region. (There is that old Revealed Preference again.)

Longtime residents who have a ‘feel’ for a particular region will develop an instinct on which areas are to be avoided in their “metropolitan areas.” Prince George’s County has been effectively a part of “Washington, D.C.” since the 1930s. (Not legally, but “for all practical purposes.” More on this later.)

Washington itself has an unusual-in-the-U.S.-east “square” boundary, straddling a turn in the Potomac River, that turn first mapped by the English explorer John Smith in 1608. (The site of a local Algonquin Amerind chieftain’s village, near that turn in the river, was on the east bank of a branch river now called the Anacostia. A frontier-like status existed in the 17th century. Permanent and post-frontier White settlement dates to the early 18th-century, so now past the three-century mark. If we give this place three-hundred years of full-White history, it now has some decades’ worth of post-White history in recent decades. The whole thing augurs some bad things for the West generally, where the same sorts of mechanisms have, and will continue to, ‘tip’ places ethno-demographically away from their White element.

The longtime resident or frequent-visitor to Washington (or any place) has a tacit filing system for places, neighborhoods, with some filed as “Avoid,” others “Approach With Caution,” and a third big-category of “Safe.” Prince George’s County, in its entirety, by rule-of-thumb, is “Avoid” for Whites, a few specific islands or institutions therein notwithstanding.

The three-category system is modified by time of day, day of the week, and what sort of company one is in. The categorization of a given place will differ if young White women are involved, versus a single-male traveling along. Bringing along children also modifies it, as added vigilance is highly advisable in that case. In effect, these modifications mean qualified rules, like: “Approach [this place] with caution at x, y, z times; otherwise Avoid.” The wise person gets a feel for these and occasionally updates them as needed.

Another factor is “era.” Time, but not in the week or day sense. More like “decadal” time. A given area could easily ‘upgrade’ from “Avoid” to “Approach With Caution” after, say, a ten-year time-lapse of improving conditions. It happens a lot.

The 2016 murder of Seth Rich, the neighborhood of which I looked around in about 2017, was one of those that had upgraded from Avoid to Approach With Caution. It had been an “Avoid for Whites” area for a long time, but Seth Rich’s time no longer was.

(Seth Rich’s murder in mid-July 2016 was two weeks before Hillary Clinton’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention of late July 2016. By the 2010s, the neighborhood in which Seth Rich lived was definitely “gentrifying,” which means moving from “Avoid” to “Approach With Caution,” with an uncertain set of modifiers (as explained above) that everyone is still negotiating. When I spent time around the Seth Rich murder-site and its vicinity, in 2017, the long story short is I had no trouble believing that a random murder would occur there in the 3am hour of a Saturday. The street itself is quiet, but within a certain walking-distance radius were still many telltale signs of “Avoid.” My conclusion: Seth Rich, a non-local person — and a political Bubble-person to a great extent, or so I presume — had misinterpreted the status of the area in which the room he was temporarily renting was situated; a version of Seth Rich with sharper mental-map categories of these things would not have put himself wandering about with phone and wallet out, in that place, at 3am.)

All the nuances given in the preceding few paragraphs are of interest in general. But for Prince George’s County itself they mostly don’t apply. The entire county, amazingly enough, has long been in the “Avoid” category on a rule-of-thumb basis. Knowledgeable locals would be able to point out spots, here and there, that are relatively-less bad. There are also some recent ‘colony’-like efforts, such as the National Harbor and Casino, being “exceptions that prove the rule.” (The “National Harbor” is a high-security, Disneyland-like, walled compound along the river. It has high-end restaurants and stores on a few artificial small-town-like street blocks, constructed specifically for the project. Effectively, almost, an outdoor shopping mall, with a pricey hotel and casino.)

A White person can spend years of active life in this region and virtually never spend any time in Prince George’s County. Many major metropolitan areas in the USA have regions like this with racial components in which No-Go areas are created. The “Avoid” areas in U.S. cities in our time have few Whites, and, as a rule, no White families. That is both a central fact about the USA, and a central taboo of the USA.

White-liberals — not just left-wing ‘Woke’ cadres — will tend to avoid thinking about all this. Some of them even allow themselves to participate actively in a political-cult that preaches “Black Moral Superiority doctrine” (or perhaps it’s “White Moral Inferiority doctrine”), which involves Biblical-apologetics-like explainings-away of the observation about the “Avoid” areas and so on.

In my experience, foreigners who are neither socialized into this taboo nor subject to propaganda-reinforcement of it, can see right through it. (This, in my view, explains the rise of men like Vivek Ramaswamy, and a whole class of mini-demagogues of foreign origin.)

To return to Prince George’s County. It is also locally called “P. G. County,” the very saying of which tends to lend ‘ghetto’ feel to the air hanging in place after its speaking, at least as of the 1990s and beyond. Yes, the negative stereotypes locally, over the past few decades, about the entire county — a very-large county by land area, as I say — are overwhelming. No White person wants to go there; people avoids going there, if possible. The most grumpily-unhappy of all the “federal workforce” are those stuck out in satellite offices in Prince George’s County. Some of them are said to treat the whole thing like working in the Green Zone of wartime Baghdad, or the like, never wandering about outside the fenced compound; driving in, in the morning; driving out, at quitting time.

The surprising thing is that Prince George’s County was, within very-easy living memory, an overwhelmingly White, functional area with reasonably strong institutions and local civic-culture. To anyone born in about the 1980s or later, this is an astonishing fact to learn. So total and so negative is the reputation of “P. G. County,” one could be excused for thinking it emerged in the dysfunctional in the Mesozoic period, the dinosaurs prone to antisocial behavior congregating in that area.

To return to the Steve Sailer discussion that opened this essay. Another commenter, Curle, wrote this in response:

“PG County was white in the late sixties. Becoming black quickly in the early 80s. Don’t know when and if peak black has been reached. Google earth images of the old neighborhoods don’t suggest the homes have been kept up.

There were probably some blacks back then but I don’t remember them except white neighborhoods got vandalized by blacks in cars throwing rocks at windows right after MLK was shot. Window repairmen did a brisk business.”

This recollection is an interesting starting-point for an investigation into when and how regional or sub-regional Third Worldization can occur in a Western society. The answer is that Prince George’s County ‘flipped’ from

A similar process has occurred countless times across the West, small-scale versions of this even happening in places like Sweden in which neighborhoods ‘tip’ towards having Black- and Muslim-oriented foreign-origin supermajorities.

The story of Prince George’s County, Maryland, is actually quite similar in outline to the stories of those migrant-majority No-Go Zones in Sweden. The main difference may be the scale, and certain ideological factors that are deeper in the USA than in Sweden (for example, Sweden had a shift towards immigration-restrictionism after the rise of a political party that demanded it; the U.S. Regime refuses to accommodate that reasonable demand and instead seeks scorched-earth tactics against those who push for immigration moratorium and if not pro-White policies than at least the removal of the vast array of anti-White policies).

USA had a process in place, from the late 1910s to some time in the early 1960s, in which large numbers of Southern Blacks migrated north (such as Washington’s own crack-addict longtime mayor, Marion Barry [1936-2014], born in Mississippi, raised from mid-childhood in Memphis, Tennessee; Marion Barry’s earliest ties to Washington only date to the 1960s; in other words, Marion Barry, and the bulk of his Black support, were themselves Migrants up from the Deep South. Keep this in mind as we look back on these census numbers to try to locate the “tipping point” in Prince George’s County, Maryland:


racial-population census counts, 1910 to 2020


  • 24,043 Whites lived in Prince George’s County, Maryland
  • 11,493 Blacks

    In 1910, the White:Black ratio was 209:100.

    This is a very-low total population, consisting of rural-style communities, farms, small-towns, a handful of medium-sized downs. Recall that Prince George’s County is 482.5 square miles in size (1250 sq km). The population density in 1910 was 73.5 per square mile (28.5 per sq km).


  • 46,048 Whites
  • 14,023 Blacks

    In 1930, the White:Black ratio was 328:100.


  • 171,247 Whites
  • 22,652 Blacks

    In 1950, the White:Black ratio was 756:100.


  • 324,714 Whites
  • 31,011 Blacks

    In 1960, the White:Black ratio was 1050:100 (i.e., over 10:1).

    Sometime near the 1960 census was the relative peak of “White Prince George’s County.”


  • 561,476 Whites
  • 91,808 Blacks
  • and, by 1970, there were 7,000+ “Others” of non-Black, non-White origin; the first beachheads of non-European immigrant stock were established, though by the early-21st century these would look very different in national-origin terms.

    In 1970, the White:Black ratio was 612:100.

    Relative decline of Whites is already picked up by the 1970 census (compare the White:Black ratio for 1960 vs. 1970). But the 1970 ratio is still a comfortable White majority, on a scale shocking today.


  • 383,215 Whites
  • 247,860 Blacks
  • and, by 1980: 34,000 Others

    By 1980, the White:Black ratio had fallen to 155:100.

    Blacks were flowing into Prince George’s County in the 1970s; Whites began leaving, on net. There was a net-gain of Blacks 156,000 Blacks a net-loss of 178,000 Whites. This was the first time the number of Whites had fallen after decades of growth. The Third Worldization process was now not only by now “well underway,” by 1980 it had already been completed in some places, and others were just waiting their turn.


  • 303,090 White non-Hispanics
  • 365,705 Blacks non-Hispanics
  • and, by 1990: 60,473 Others (near half of Others were Hispanic)

    In 1990, the White:Black ratio was 83:100.
    In 1990, Whites outnumber Hispanics 60:10.

    At some time in about the mid-1980s, at county level the number of Blacks exceeded the number of Whites for the first time — the first time ever.


  • 194,836 Whites
  • 502,550 Blacks
  • 104,000 Others (just over half of Others were Hispanic)

    In 2000, the White:Black ratio was 39:100.
    In 2000, Whites outnumber Hispanics 34:10.

    By 2000 we see a wo-thirds drop in the absolute number of Whites, while Blacks continue to net-gain population.


  • 128,853 White non-Hispanics
  • 548,439 Black non-Hispanics
  • 186,128 Others (seventy percent Hispanic)

    In 2010, the White:Black ratio was 23:100.
    In 2010, Whites and Hispanics were at parity.


  • 109,060 White non-Hispanics
  • 571,866 Black non-Hispanics
  • 286,275 Others (seventy percent Hispanic)

    In 2010, the White:Black ratio was 19:100.
    In 2010, Hispanics alone now outnumber Whites more than 2:1.

    By 2010, the White population had fallen to 11% of total. The Prince George’s County Public Schools population was far-lower still, at 3.8%. A portion even of these will not be ordinary White-Christians of European ancestry, but some census-categorization quirk assigning people of Migrant origin into the “White non-Hispanic” category, such as Arabs.

It’s evident, here, how fast places can “slide” if they are allowed to, or encouraged to, even in peacetime. No war, or ‘Dustbowl’-style natural calamity, or Stalin-style forced population-movement occurred here. The cause of the complete de-Europeanization of Prince George’s County in Maryland bears some other explanation.

Between the 1960s and the 2000s, the White:Black population-ratio in Prince George’s County flipped from over 10:1 in favor of Whites, to around 1:5 in favor of Blacks. The handful of Whites still left in the early-21st century formed, effectively, no community. Some were elderly hangers-on, living links to the decades-earlier peak-White-presence period.

The time-period involved is within living memory for older people and within one-generational memory for most young-to-middle-aged people today (in other words, stories from their parents or at least parents’ generation). But these collective memories are seldom discussed, and certainly not celebrated.

The pattern of White retreat from areas they had settled, built up, and lived in. It is a familiar one across “Big Blue” metro-areas in parts of the USA over the past fifty-or-so years. It also existed in parallel with this:

(See: “A study on America’s demographic-national crisis: Developments in the White birth-share in the USA, 1920s to 2020s.”)

Even those White-alarmists of our time who prophesy civilization doom, often avoid the topic of Blacks. They instead point to the Immigration problem, and not without reason: The new feature on the scene, by the 2000s, was a constant, bottom-end ‘churn’ of illegals and semi-illegals. Illegals have been a common sight for decades in the wider region, heavy in the northwestern part of the county. By the 2020s, they and their descendants, and co-ethnics, are a major population-component in their own right.

As for White displacement in Prince George’s County, it was near-complete by ca. the 1970s in many places; and, by the 1980s, effectively at county-wide level. By the 1990s, at latest, depending on your standard of “complete” and how much credence you give to tenuous pockets of Whiteness as places that could hold any kind of line of a local White presence when surrounding jurisdictions were all rapidly losing Whites.

The succession of Migrant arrivals displacing earlier residents induces a strange feeling. Starting, in this case, with the arrivals of Black migrants in the mid-20th century, but by the 2020s with plenty more examples of people from highly implausible places from all across the globe. The strange feeling is this: The ‘purpose’ of the USA is to be Uncle Sam’s Boarding House, a revolving-door territorial-expanse, all of the institutions of which align to give a series of foreigners a “better life,” at least until the golden-goose is on its deathbed.

Those in Southern California know the pattern well, better than almost anyone. That may be one reason why Steve Sailer chose the renegade’s path over a plush life of polite outward-obliviousness. His fateful decision in year 2000, when he quite his humdrum job to try to be an independent journalist, is now a long time ago. Maybe the same Steve Sailer, if he were a lifetimer in the proverbial Peorias out there, never would have taken up the Noticer’s cross, at all.

The White-non-Hispanic share of the economically active population in Prince George’s County is today below 10%; a portion of this is taken up by White wives or common-law wives of Nonwhite men, thus effectively assimilated into the Black (or Other) population, and the rest exists on the rural margins of the county (it is large, remember, at 482 square miles, 1250 sq km). But, on the main, everyone’s gone. Those who inherited it, if that be the right word, could not have built it. Nor could they maintain what there is. Not without technical, and organizational, financial, know-how, and temperamental assistance, guide, and largesse.

If this essay has turned into an epitaph for a never-mourned “White Prince George’s County,” we might as well return to its modern birth, to fill in the story and search for lessons:

The surge in White residents in Prince George’s County came with the rise of the Washington-based “federal government,” especially in the 1930s to 1950s. Those with direct economic (or military) ties to the federal government were far-outgrowing the bounds of the City of Washington, even for a while before the 1930s to some degree. But the older outgrowths were conceptually what would now be thought of as “exurbs,” largely strange and distant, not really desirable even at low prices, probably not viable for mass-growth.

The conceptual-model for cities like this was organically changing before the 1930s, but slowly. IThe federal-government boom of the FDR people locked it in. The fateful 1932 election; the storming into office in March 1933. A new, ever-larger “federal” workforce followed. Residential and ancillary expansion in every direction accelerated with the early-1940s military buildup. These processes went on for decades. The “Pentagon” mega-project, of the early 1940s, was a symbolic part of this. They built it on the Virginia side of the Potomac. In an earlier time, the land just to its north had been considered of so little value to Washington that they allowed a sprawling military cemetery to be built there. (The huge cemetery still, awkwardly, in use today in the middle of a multi-million-person metropolitan area; and the federal government has recently annexed even more land to it.)

The White population in Prince George’s County, meanwhile, was still growing even in the 1960s. But Blacks surged in, perhaps beginning in earnest also in the 1960s. Meanwhile you also had a flow of Migrants getting in at the margins, here and there. but too small to much be noticed. By summer 1968, you have the first arrivals legally processed into the USA under the notorious and now-much-lamented Hart-Cellar immigration law.

Momentum that existed in the 1960s accelerated in the 1970s and kept up strong in the 1980s. The 1990s was just about the final phase. Still-existing pockets of White-Western normalcy, with White-Western norms and population, were phased out in the 1990s, one by one. Those Whites able to do so left in the 1970s to 1990s.

It’s been something like forty years since a sense of White-Western-Christian normalcy has existed at large scale in Prince George’s County. Locally, in many places, it’s been fifty-plus years. In holdout areas, it’s been at least thirty years.

By the 1990s, “P. G. County” itself, just the name, was becoming near-synonymous with Black-dysfunction. There were also some well-off Black areas in the large county. The huge money-magnet of that “federal government” and military-apparatus remained. Cargo-cult-like, it could keep showering cash over the place. People were mostly not-quite sure where it came from, but money did flow, and does flow. Dysfunction remained. Never quite to Sierra Leone levels, but never far from the feel of Sierra Leone; and definitely the feel of the Third World.

Meanwhile, short crow’s-flies distance away to the west was the center of “federal government” and military bureaucracy. The “political class” oversaw, and cared little, for White dispossession of a large share of the metropolitan area in which the seat of federal power, perhaps a strange form of neglect and not one likely to occur in most countries. In approximately the same period, most of Washington, D.C. itself had undergone the same process, in which Whites fled with huge property-value losses and Blacks took over — with Washington’s worst-ever decades following.

Steve Sailer has never coined an “Invade the World, Invite the World”-like slogan for how the Regime accommodates Blacks. There is a recognizable mixture of (1.) toleration of Black misbehavior; and (2.) a strange propagandistic lionization of Blacks’ supposed great moral virtue. It is a dual policy, juggling both things while trying to keep a tether to solid ground. The dual-policy evolved in the late-20th century, becoming overseen and ‘run’ by the Regime’s political and cultural arms.(In and of itself, I believe this is a large part of what Wokeness is about; in other words, Wokeness has not just Regime support, it has Regime guidance.)

The forces that controlled the U.S. political-cultural heights were perfectly happy with the “loss” of Prince George’s County in the late-20th century. There are always safer places to flee to. There is no real need to ever go to Prince George’s County, after its loss; never a need to have a lark of it wandering about with picnic-basket in hand. The place can always be avoided totally. And there is always a reservoir of Whites elsewhere to counter-balance, right? So why worry?

From the perspective of a Westerner concerned with the continuity and health of civilization, Prince George’s County is a tragedy. Not because there is great inherent value to this one, specific 482-quare-mile land area in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. But rather because it is so symbolic of broader Third Worldization, the specter of which is now politically convulsing Europe.

The dislocation of Whites in their own communities, and ultimately in their own “homelands,” is a tragedy, I say again. Prince George’s County is perhaps a specifically American tragedy because of the driving force being U.S. Blacks from the Deep South. Most of these Blacks who participated in the process are not villainous themselves. They were part of a process that was, however, destructive.

It may be too much to speak of Prince George’s County as a study in (that which has been marketed as) the “Great Replacement.” But there is also no reason the process wouldn’t happen to an entire region, not just get sequestered off into one unfortunate part of a single region. As long as the money flows.

NATO bombed Serbia over supposed “ethnic cleansing” in Kosovo in the 1990s. But the Kosovo question was of a more-ambiguous nature than what we see in Prince George’s County. And countless other places like it in the USA. And now elsewhere in the West.

They’ve bragged about the humiliation of Serbia (Kosovo) ever since. But no one of any importance has ever championed the plight of the dispossessed Whites.

In the living-memory of middle-aged or older people, there were once 600,000+ Whites in productive White families resident in Prince George’s County. Today, there are as few as 70,000 (excluding White women with mixed-race children and excluding peripheral-Whites not of European-Christian origin), these largely existing here and there on the rural fringe. In many ex-White communities, there are now zero White families left. But the story goes on: By the 2000s there was a large flux of foreigners also present — mainly ‘Mestizos’ and ‘Indios’ from Central America — but political power has been all-Black for decades.

In Prince George’s County Public Schools, nominal enrollment is said to include 24% English-language learners, a very-high number, and largely Hispanics. But that 24% figure also includes some Blacks of foreign-origin. Black foreigners looking to settle in the USA eventually saw Prince George’s County as a cheap place Blacks could get ahead. Chain-migration began.

Of the 1,000 to 1,500 reported deaths on the Islamic pilgrimage known as the “Hajj” in Saudi Arabia in June 2024, ten or so deaths are said to have been by U.S. residents. The first two reported were residents of Prince George’s County: Two Muslims of African-immigrant origin, quoted in the media as “Alhaji Alieu Dausy Wurie, 71, and Haja Isatu Wurie, 65,” both of Sierra Leone. When, why, and how these Dausy Wurie’s got into the United States is uncertain. There are some Sierra Leone-origin Wuries tied to Suitland, a notoriously ‘bad’ part of Prince George’s County regularly in the news for crimes, drugs, robberies, homicides; the Wuries who died of heat-stroke in Mecca were said to live in Bowie, another part of Prince George’s County.

This looks like a nightmare-vision of Third Worldization, a runaway chain-reaction, all at the net-expense of Whites, with Whites falling into the place of, practically, museum-curiosity. Granted, there are other parts of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with effective White-majorities. But demographic change means fewer and fewer of them, more “tipping-points” reached, the onerous burden of high prices the only mechanism by which a White person can buy into Western-normalcy.

It can happen, too, at wider scales than just one county. It can happen to entire regions. To entire countries. The Camp of the Saints novel, from the early 1970s, was an allegory for Third Worldization happening to Western civilization itself.

The end of “White Prince George’s County” might have been written on the wall following the April 1968 riots that scarred next-door Washington. Prince George’s County, not yet having a large concentration of Blacks, was mostly unaffected. The older Sailer commenter who writes under the name “Curle” says he remembers “blacks in cars throwing rocks at windows” (quoted above), with no lasting damage. That can’t be said for Washington, with its street after street of burned-out buildings (the National Guard successfully protected federal buildings, the White House, museums and monuments; the rioters easily attacked business-districts elsewhere, but only forays into the central White business-district near the old downtown).

The April 1968 riots induced the exodus of Whites from most of Washington. (A stunned twenty-nine-year-old Pat Buchanan looked on in disgust, resolving to do all he could to get the Nixon-Agnew campaign to cross the finish line, and himself a place in the White House as adviser; with the riots and the carnage and psychological shock of these riots to the haughty never-bombed-in-WWII America, Pat Buchanan and millions of Nixon-’68 and also Wallace-’68 voters had premonitions that civilization was at stake; as did, probably, more than a few loyal-Democrat voters who still went for Hubert Humphrey in 1968, hoping the storm-clouds of destruction would always affect somebody else).

The April 1968 riots in Washington, therefore, turbocharged a process which was already underway. It had gotten underway for various reasons (including car-culture) but one of which was the Black grab for power and a kind of unofficial and unorganized war, that had emerged and was rolling along by the mid-1960s. The momentum after April 1968 led to the various tipping-points that caused Prince George’s County to slip, within a generation, into its Black-supermajority position.

The rise of “car culture” and highways, and the flow of cheap fuel for them, extended the extent of the true “federal district” in a defacto sense by (what would become) thousands of extra square-miles, in all directions. The post-1960s “loss” of most of the 1790-delineated “federal district” of Washington, D.C., was cushioned thereby.

In other words, most of “Washington” has been, now for many decades, outside of the so-called District of Columbia, much less Washington’s own urban core. Except for a few prestige buildings, government offices, monuments, museums, Washington’s downtown core is, strangely, not the center of action that many would imagine it, all else equal. When is the last time that the normal family-people who ‘manned’ those institutions within the federal government in and around “Washington, D.C.” have lived within the limits of the District of Columbia? Some time in the 1950s? 1960s? In other words, Prince George’s County “matters” very much, and is effectively part of Washington. A large share of those who rioted and looted in the mid-2020 protests following the “Covid” lockdowns, went over to downtown Washington from Prince George’s County. Those who engaged in active looting of businesses were seen to be aided by people in cars, which, more often than not, had Maryland license-plates, likely meaning Prince George’s County.

The exodus of the large majority of Washington’s normal White families, in the 1960s–1970s, has been often lamented by Washington native Pat Buchanan (b.1938), whom I briefly already mentioned as being stunned and galvanized by the April 1968 riots. Pat Buchanan was of age to see both chronological sides of the exodus. The re-settlement by some Whites in Washington proper, starting in or by the early 2000s, was unsatisfying because the new people were deeply ideologically-committed left-wing people, often LGBTQs, and seldom genuine White families. To any community, families are a bedrock element; if White families tend to avoid a place, something’s wrong with that place.

The only reason Tucker Carlson (b.1969) had some ties to Washington in formative years, and largely lived there in the 1990s to 2010s, leaving finally in 2020 after activists repeatedly showed up at his door issuing threats of violence to wife and daughters. Tucker’s well-connected family was so wealthy they were always on the far-nicer ‘tony’ end of things. Even at its worst lows, Washington was still a center of power, still a magnet for wealth and influence. A few neighborhoods remained intact, especially west of Rock Creek Park. That is where I understand Tucker Carlson himself largely raised his children.

Tucker’s (now former) house was in a location in far-western end of Washington that was as far from Prince George’s County as one can get while still being in Washington, D.C. This makes Tucker and his family an exception. He is, and always has been, upper-class in socioeconomic terms. But all of Washington’s middle- and lower-middle-class White families had fled and there was no obvious mechanism for the return of such people without huge reserves of money to their names.

It’s possible that it the knowledge and observation about the tilting of Washington itself — as a place, as a lived geography — so far against ordinary Whites that seeded Tucker Carlson’s mind for his eventual turn towards whatever he is now. If he is not a pro-White spokesman, he is at least an anti-anti-White spokesman. He himself has often made the observation in his late-2010s, early-2020s punditry career that wealthy Whites do well, in a sense, under the Wokeness regime; but middle-, lower-middle-, and working-class Whites don’t. Middle- and lower-end Whites are crushed, mocked, dispossessed, expelled from their homes, poisoned (by drugs), and killed (by Deaths of Despair, drugs, dysfunction, and crime); they are, frankly, not welcome in most of the most economically dynamic parts of Big-Blue USA.

The ethnic-cleansing of Whites from Prince George’s County is of the same magnitude and scale as what happened to most of Washington, D.C. Looking back decades later, much of Washington underwent a partial revival in the 2000s and 2010s, but there is little if any trace of White re-entry anywhere in Prince George’s County.

Washington’s partial recovery, in the 2000s, began after decades of terrible, No-Go conditions prevailing in most of the city. Washington’s recovery had reached impressive heights by about the mid-2010s, a degree of relative normalcy prevailing, except for the bitter-ideological commitments of most new White residents and the continuing lack of White families. Recall my discussion Seth Rich’s tragic summer-2016 mistake in over-estimating just how much the improvement had happened–Even so, it had happened enough that Seth Rich could overestimate it (as have many others before and since, whose names we never know because none were DNC operatives like Seth Rich).

As for Prince George’s County in the 2020s, no one would make that mistake. It’s no surprise you don’t hear of any Whites being murdered in Prince George’ County; because none go there, or, if they do, none overestimate its safety.

And place like Prince George’s County gets considerably less attention than Washington, despite being next-door and having a higher population than Washington. Before the automobile era, or so, a place like Prince George’s County could not compete with Washington and the interconnectivity offered by Washington. Today, the prestige factor from those old institutions remains. No outsider visitors pay specific visits to Prince George’s County, but people flock to downtown Washington for visits.

Many hundreds of millions of people, across the world, are influenced directly by impressions made by people in certain parts of Washington, D.C., because so much media is active there. They still do see plenty of Whites around them. But trends across the whole United States (and world) — not to mention x miles to the east in Prince George’s County, and other post-White landscapes — are another matter. De-Europeanization and Third Worldization are possible, and we have many examples of the processes.

The key events of the de-Europeanization of Prince George’s County happened in the 1960s and 1970s. The key single event must be the April 1968 riots, by Blacks, in Washington, which left so many central-business districts damaged and destroyed, and induced so many people to flee at considerable losses. a psychological shock was no “will” to make any form of push-back in the 1970s or 1980s. On what basis could resisters have stood? The slide continued, one place after another.

It would be interesting to collect stories of Whites who had family-ties to Prince George’s County any time the 1930s–1980s period. Almost all of them are long gone, long since ceasing any active ties to the county. What was the transition-period like? What caused the decisions-to-leave to be made: When? Where? Why? Can it be stopped at either regional or national level?

By the 1980s and even 1990s, there still remained some redoubts. But no young person, by then, would have looked to Prince George’s County when the question of White family-formation came to the fore. In their parents’ and grandparents’ time, it had been an attractive place for middle- and lower-middle- and working-class White-families. The decline-and-dispossession process locked itself in, after a certain threshold was passed. When are the equivalent thresholds at national level?


I am reminded, again, over all the self-congratulatory crowing over the bombing Serbia in the 1990s. The “crowing” was to the effect that the USA had heroically stopped ethnic-cleansing by a thug named Milosevic, then-president of Serbia. Meanwhile, across the USA in the previous few decades, ethnic-cleansing had been terraforming large areas (including, for one, Prince George’s County, Maryland).

How big is Kosovo, anyway? In population-scale terms, even just the “loss” of Prince George’s County itself was comparable in scale. And there hundreds more like it in the USA.

Many among the U.S. foreign-policy elite boasted and bragged of their liberal-interventionist triumph over Serbia, boasted the Clinton administration and military’s great heroism in having humbled those bad-villainous Serbs and empowered those noble-oppressed Muslims in Kosovo. (Not told is that the Albanians had tipped the ethnic-scale in “Kosovo” over previous decades through illegal immigration and lax enforcement by the communist-era government, which kept the lid on al kinds of ethnic rivalries).

Quietly, ever since, the U.S. foreign-policy apparatus has undertaken a project of propping up a never-before-existing statelet called “the Republic of Kosovo,” which still today exists as a U.S./NATO protectorate.

There could be more to this parallel. It could be that the USA views even its own domestic population as a series of Kosovo-like projects, which it seeks to manage in a series of Kosovo-like ethnic-protectorates, all of which are, like any small-state protectorate of a great-power, completely loyal and dependent on the patron. That is a rational strategy by the Regime.

A catch phrase is needed to sum up the strange contrast of the Serbia/Kosovo intervention with the near-concurrent losses at home, dispossessions of Whites, the supposed core-ethnic, norm-setting, founding, shaping, and culture-bearing population behind the United States itself, and the civilizational tradition on which it rested. It would have to be something to the effect of:

Abroad, bully with pride; at home, get bullied and hide.”

Yes, that is in the tradition of Steve Sailer’s “Invade the world, Invite the world.”

The proposed “Abroad, bully with pride; at home, get bullied and hide,” as a satirical version of actual U.S. policy in practice, may not be a perfect slogan. Maybe someone else can think one up, especially one that includes something of the spirit of that whole Kosovo-like ethnic-protectorate theory.

People across the West, very much now including Western Europe, are asking what to do about this. The phrase “Remigration” has been proposed, that it be government policy to encourage Migrants to return home, including with money inducements. Is there a future in North America in which such a policy would work? Or are places like Prince George’s County simply lost forever? Once lost, permanently lost and thereafter managed as client-state-like ethnic protectorates (their rambunctiousness looked upon with motherly care, the client-populations cast as a small child who has gone and accidentally broken another toy or two again, or made a playmate cry)?



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Dennis Dale on Steve Sailer: the perils of success

Dennis Dale is a longtime, loyal Steve Sailer reader. He has, this past week, loaded up the catapult and blasted into the Internet an interesting Steve Sailer-related essay, timely and frank. His appraisal of Sailer, while not totally hostile, is certainly no hagiography. Any Sailer-reader of Sailer-interested person would do well to read it.

I have come to bury Steve Sailer,” says Dennis Dale. “And to praise him.”

Here it is:

Noticing and Nothingness,” Dennis Dale blog (also, mirrored on Substack), May 2024.

Dennis Dale should be commended for producing such a valuable assessment of Steve Sailer’s work and public-profile, and Sailer’s place in our discourse as things stand in the mid-2020s. Only someone like Dale could get something like this right. I refer to someone of good character, keen perceptual skills, and courage, but who has so many years of following Sailer. Such a man, as Dale, can pick up the nuances of Sailer’s various changes across the 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s. Most others cannot.

It’s clear to me, as another longtime Sailer reader and follower, that there is not just one Steve Sailer. We must speak of more than one Steve Sailer. That is one message implicit in the Dennis Dale essay. There are many Sailers. I agree. It’s probably true of all of us, admittedly. But most of us have not had public profiles as pundits and thinkers and nexuses of dissident thought spanning 25+ years. This is all of great interest with Sailer in part because of what it says about the overall picture of our times. Yes, “the life and times” of Steve Sailer. But, as already mentioned, Dennis Dale is no hagiographer.

The great man, Sailer, is now sixty-five. He has 1960s- and 1970s-nostalgia, a nostalgia for a basically-pre-Diversity America; certainly a pre-Wokeness America. People like to bring up the concept “cognitive dissonance,” and one wonders how much this concept explains the punditry-career Mr. Sailer has had, torn between loyalty to Classic America (mid-20th-century, pre-Third Worldization America) and the trends of the 1970s to present. One can get stuck easily.

It seems true enough that today’s Sailer is one that a surprisingly large share of his most-loyal fans and readers are unhappy with, to one degree or another. The big juncture was in 2020, when his own commentariat went into open revolt and only a handful of blowhards supported his position on the Corona-Panic. But the axes of disagreement by the Sailer-fans, or is it disillusionment, go far beyond one or another particular “missed call.”

Dennis Dale has launched this critical appraisal of Sailer’s work to us here in the spring of 2024 because it is shortly after a landmark-moment in Sailer’s career as a pundit and think: the publication of Sailer’s book, Noticing. But Dennis Dale’s Sailer essay has little directly to say on Sailer’s book itself. It is more about the changes in Sailer’s output and orientation.

As regards to the Sailer we have today, Dennis Dale is critical. He is also appreciative of the Sailer we once had, the Sailer of the 2000s and most or possibly all of the 2010s.

Dennis Dale says:

“Over the years Steve’s casually thrown off more useful concepts, insights and memorable phrases than one can keep track of. Over time these have percolated up through layers of suppression to influence—almost always without credit—polite conservatives.”

Yes, Steve Sailer has been extremely valuable, and much more influential than most people know. His core-readers know it, but the vast general political-consumer class who are unaware of him don’t know it, or frightened when they see the SPLC have him on their “enemies of the public” list and don’t even want to know. But they do know about the Trump/MAGA movement, whose electoral strategy was based on the “Sailer Strategy.”

The great man introduced the Sailer Strategy the world in the early 2000s, as Dennis Dale recalls and reminds us. As early as the year-2000 election cycle, Sailer proposed the strategy in identifiable form. He refined it and promoted it over the coming gew years. In 2015-16, Trump and co. put that exact strategy to use.

The Trump people won the unlikeliest election-victory in U.S. history in 2016, at least since the shock result of 1824 (which outraged the Andrew Jackson supporters, who’d have to wait to 1828), or the disputed 1876 election (in which both sides had used fraud in Southern states). The 1824 and 1876 elections outcomes were grand-bargains in which interest-groups balanced to put a compromise candidate into office. The 2016 election was winner-take-all, and the Regime then worked to crush Trump, a man who had wiggled his way into office thanks to Steve Sailer and related people’s efforts and proposals and intellectual foundations. And, yet, Steve Sailer began to withdraw from interest in politics during this period.

The question of what are Steve Sailer’s goals comes up in any assessment of this kind. The audiences that have read him, and followed his work over the years, do care about political change, and do want to win. They don’t want to compare Black traffic-statistics on bar-graphs. They want to turn the tide against the Wokeness regime. They want to assure the security and viability of of White-Christians in North America.

Here is Dennis Dale again:

“Another memorable phrase of Steve’s, the “point and sputter”, describ[es] the unfortunately effective but intellectually dishonest practice of pointing out and defaming as “racist” or otherwise verboten statements or ideas without any attendant substantive refutation of their veracity. […] [But Sailer himself now] indulge[s] in what I call the “point and titter”, the practice of pointing out conventional absurdities for a laugh but to no meaningful effect—and beyond this point it isn’t clear their effect isn’t in fact deleterious, acting as an energy sink and diversion.”

The perceptive Dieter Kief has written, recently, that Steve Sailer is consistent in being “no activist.” Steve Sailer is, instead, “an analyst,” says Mr. Kief. “He is not in the business of changing things actively – in other words: He is not directly involved in politics.”

This accurately describes the Steve Sailer of the mid-2020s, and for some years, it is largely accurate. Although he did became involved in the politics of the Corona-Panic and urged obedience to the Panic’s mandates, instead of attacking the absurdity of the Panic-regimes, as a younger Sailer might have done.

Yes, it is a readily available criticism of Sailer is that he uses his cultivated image as a neutral-observer analyst as cover for other goals. The branding of doing something called “noticing” has the effect of making oneself look like what the Spanish call a “pobre inocente,” someone who just stumbles into things with zero agenda of any kind. A naive but well-meaning person.

Mr. Kief’s characterization of Sailer is less accurate for the 2000s and 2010s than it is for the 2020s. Dennis Dale’s view on Sailer is stronger for the entire arc of a quarter-century (and more) of Sailer commentary.

Dennis Dale also has the courage to bring up a subject many of Sailer’s readers have brought up: his conspicuous decision to avoid the subject of one particular ethnic-group, a group he formerly wrote about often but no longer does. Dennis Dale doesn’t say it directly, but there are hints of a belief that Sailer has allowed himself to be, as they say, “co-opted.” How, and why, this is supposed to have happened deserves a full analysis and debate. The unfortunate genres of the social-media one-liner or the fifteen-second TikTok rant won’t provide any meaningful answers. (Incidentally, Dale’s perceptive analyses decline to mention Steve Sailer’s own heavy use of Twitter since about 2018, and how that may have affected his perceptions of the right-and-noble, or his place in the world.)

I’d direct those interested in Steve Sailer to read Dennis Dale’s full essay, “Noticing and Nothingness.” It is worth a few minutes of your time.

The Sailer story is far from over, for, as far as we know, the man is in excellent health and will continue to be on the scene for years to come. Charles Murray, some sixteen years older than Sailer (and vulnerable to many of the similar criticisms the disillusioned Sailer fans have been making of Sailer), is still active and shows no signs of slowing down. Murray even has a positive long-form review out, in the Claremont Review of Books, of the Sailer Noticing book.

Here is how the Claremont Review of Books‘ editorial-cartoonist, Mr. Elliot Banfield, has chosen to depict Steve Sailer:

This is probably an over-idealized vision of Sailer’s role. But that is the stock-and-trade of cartoonists like the skilled Mr. Banfield (see also: “America’s Ruling Class, early 2020s,” Hail To You, Dec. 2021 — a response to a Banfield cartoon).

Banfield’s Sailer is also different Sailer than the one we get from Dennis Dale’s pen. The great man’s place in our thought, and our times, won’t soon be wrapped up in any single narrative, try as people might. But Dennis Dale’s contribution is much more valuable than most.



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Michelle Wu, Mayor of Boston, believes “every human-being has the legal right to come to the United States”: Michelle Wu as a biographical-ideological study of the U.S. elite in the 2020s

A woman by the name of “Michelle Wu” is, for some reason, the mayor of the City of Boston.

Michelle Wu’s ideas on what America “is” and what America is “for” are worth some analysis and commentary, which is what this essay will be. The questions we seek to answer are: “Who is Michelle Wu, how did she get where she is, what makes her think the way she does, and what is she ‘up to’?”

Included will be substantial biographical-investigation elements into the origins and political-career of Michelle Wu, and what these things have to say about the state of the U.S. elite in our time.

Before adding another word of further comment, let me quote the remarks made about immigration-and-nationality policy, delivered by Michelle Wu on May 12, 2023. Quote:


“Every person, every human being, has the legal right to come to the United States and seek asylum, or shelter. Those policies have been in place for a long time.

…[As for the ‘process’ that allows for a] ‘pathway’ to stay, and/or work-authorization that comes along with that: when that process is so drawn out, people are stuck. They are looking to work, looking to contribute, looking to be in a safe democracy where they can raise their families.

We, at the city level, are now dealing with many of the impacts of the processes [that have] people ‘falling through the cracks’ at the federal level. We’re working very closely with the state.

This is affecting municipalities across [Massachusetts]. [We are trying to] ‘triage’ the situation, to create temporary housing so that families can get settled.”

[End quote from “Michelle Wu,” Mayor of Boston, on Boston Public Radio, May 12, 2023; see timestamp 14:48.]

While these comments might be called “tone-deaf,” they are better seen as a “triumphalist,” braggadocio-tinged assertion of a “post-American future.”

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Who is responsible for the decline in family-formation in the U.S. and the rest of the West?

A few months ago, we presented George Gilder’s 1973 “Sexual Suicide” essay here at Hail To You. The essay was the forerunner of a hit book of the same name (Sexual Suicide). From it we get a snapshot of the status of the “opposition” during the genesis period of modern Feminism. It’s a fascinating document in that sense.

The Sexual Suicide book caused quite a storm at the time. Its arguments are still enough to “rile feathers” in 2023, as we shall see in the forthcoming discussion. Except the great bulk of the whole discussion is now a semi-taboo, so no feathers are ever presented for any ruffling.

A commenter here at Hail To You says that both Gilder (a “propagandist”) and those interested in his arguments (“know-it-all menboys who search for truth on slanted pages”) are immoral people who cruelly seek to harm others. (“Others,” namely, women; but also lots more members of historically-oppressed groups, perhaps.) But, if that be the case, what is the correct approach to the family-formation problem in which we seem to be stuck? What is the answer?

The question of family-formation, as such, is seldom raised directly in our time. The taboos against asking it are now strong. And, so, it doesn’t really have a place in U.S. political discourse…

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Why was Steve Sailer invited on “The Charlie Kirk Show” for the first time in October 2023?

Steve Sailer recently appeared on The Charlie Kirk Show. Why and how did this happen in mid-October 2023, and not earlier? An investigation into several hypotheses.

(2500 words)

Who is Charlie Kirk? He is a political figure of the day, with a radio show and a political-action organization called “Turning Point USA.” His political persona has been mainstream-conservative, low-mid-brow-MAGA oriented, Fox News-friendly. By the early 2020s he was well-established in the network of approved conservative pundits.

Charlie Kirk has actually made a highly lucrative career for himself as an activist and commentator after emerging in 2016. Given the time of his emergence as a political-activist, it is no great surprise that Charlie Kirk had close involvement with the MAGA movement. As so often the case with such figures, he scooped up publicity and support from people who believed he was “dog-whistling” true beliefs that were more strident or solutions-oriented. Kirk has been extremely well-promoted in his career as a “commentator” thus far, with large follower-counts and a cup of prestige that overfloweth all over the place….

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George Gilder’s essay “Sexual Suicide” (1973), a landmark attack on feminism and warning for the future, revisited and reappraised at its 50-year mark

In July 1973, an explosive anti-feminist, anti-sexual-revolution essay titled “Sexual Suicide” appeared on the scene. Viewed from fifty years later, “Sexual Suicide” is incisive and prescient in all kinds of ways.

“Sexual Suicide” first appeared fifty years ago this week in the New York Times, was widely republished in the following weeks, and later became a book. I have converted the essay “Sexual Suicide” into HMTL and hosted it right here at Hail To You, immediately below. (This may be the first time on the Internet that the essay has appeared in HTML format in full form.)

Although an anti-feminist polemic, “Sexual Suicide” was argued with precision and finesse. A beauty of the ‘essay’ form, it is fascinating as historical (‘period’) document from the early-1970s genesis-period for modern feminism, as we continue to see to understand the world we have slid into, the ‘when,’ the ‘how,’ and such questions.

Following the essay, I include several commentary sections on the essay “Sexual Suicide,” written by me after my own July 2023 reading of it. One section has biographical info on the essay’s author. Another is on the reception of the essay and its expansion into book form. A third section points to various highlights and weaves in and out of comparisons with the actual experience of the past fifty years, for, while reading the essay one can put oneself into the essay’s “present” (summer 1973), we also have the gift of seeing “the future” (1973 to 2023).

But before any of my own commentary, I give you the essay “Sexual Suicide,” uninterrupted, just as it appeared in newspapers across the land in July 1973 and beyond.

Without further any ado, then, I present to you the essay “Sexual Suicide” (4800 words), taking you back to late-July 1973, newspaper in hand, you see the bold headline and begin reading:






by George Gilder, July 1973


IT IS TIME to declare that sex is too important a subject to be left to the myopic crowd of happy hookers, Dr. Feelgoods, black panthers, white rats, answer men, evangelical lesbians, sensuous psychiatrists, retired baseball players, pornographers, dolphins, swinging priests, displaced revolutionaries, polymorphous perverts, and Playboy philosophers — all bouncing around on waterbeds and typewriters and television talk shows, making “freedom” ring the cash registers of the revolution.

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A study on America’s demographic-national crisis — Early-2020s birth-data by race; and developments in the White birth-share in the USA, 1920s to 2020s

The USA’s ongoing demographic-national crisis: slow but steadily moving, largely downplayed by the system that oversees and manages it, and therefore more “beneath the waves of public-consciousness” than not. What do we call a “crisis” that is seldom talked about in direct terms?

Yes, here in summer 2023, the near-final data is out for all U.S. births covering calendar-year 2022. The news is not good, but there is a way out. A lot of ground will be covered here, all based firmly in data of a kind you are not likely to find elsewhere.

The data herein presented and discussed I have put into easy-to-use, easy-to-share graph form. Visual insights can often be had more easily than text-only one. This is such a case. As I shall be making direct and indirect reference to these graphs often throughout this essay, let me put them up straight-away before going any further:

Graph I. Births in the USA by race of mother, 1989-2022:


Graph II. The White birth-share (%) in the United States, 1989-2025:


Graph III. The White birth-share (%) in the United States over one century — 1925-2025:

Note that Graph III is a “zoom-out” on Graph II. It is the same data, extended back to the 1920s.

A few insights derivable from these graphs are easy enough to see and ‘grasp’ immediately; all will be considered in turn.

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Tim Scott as “national leader” in the Multicultacracy (2012) — Revisited, 2023

I wrote a post here at Hail To You titled “Tim Scott, a ‘national leader’ in the Multicultacracy,” ten years ago, back when he (the Black politician Tim Scott of South Carolina) was given his political debut. He was then appointed to the U.S. Senate by “Nikki” Haley-nee-Kaur-Randhawa. The latter had somehow been elected South Carolina governor two years earlier.

It’s interesting now to revisit this late-2012 commentary — as both these people, Tim Scott and Nikki Haley-Kaur-Randhawa, are second-tier presidential candidates for the Republicans, as shown and discussed in my recent post: “The 2024 Republican nomination — betting market update, May 2023 — Trump 50%, DeSantis 28%, Other 22%.”

Both of these individuals are positioned as important second-tier presidential candidates for 2024, after their entry into politics in the early 2010s as minor “bush-league” figures (just after the capital-B Bush era ended). Both may be products of the “Tea Party movement” of the time. It’s as if they were, have been, groomed for their positions and for national leadership. That was the main theme of my 2012 post on the meaning of Tim Scott. The man was being spoken of immediately as a “national leader”, in late 2012, upon his appointment to the U.S. Senate, by Haley. Out of nowhere…

This would seem to say something about Regime politics.

Hail To You

TIM SCOTT, “national Leader,” 2013-?

NPR: “The choice is full of firsts — Scott will be the only African-American in the Senate, the first black Republican in the Senate in decades, and only the second since Reconstruction. The one-term congressman immediately becomes a national figure”.

David Woodward, a Clemson University professor: “I think he [Tim Scott] represents an opportunity for conservatives to rally behind somebody who could be a national leader.”

A national leader!

An obscure, one-term Congressman. A graduate of a third-rate university (his alma-mater, Charleston Southern, ranks 15th of the 20 colleges in South Carolina in terms of enrolled-student SAT scores; the average attendee did not even manage 500 per section on the SAT).

NIKKI HALEY (nee Nimrata Kaur Randhawa), champion of ‘minority’ advancement

Why did Governor Haley appoint this man?

Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina:

It is very…

View original post 78 more words

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The 2024 Republican nomination — betting market update, May 2023 — Trump 50%, DeSantis 28%, Other 22%

Using PredictIt better-market data, here is a look at the state of the Republican nomination race for 2024. I made a previous version of this kind of report in August 2022, and will here compare the May 2023 with the August 2022 data (derive from the PredictIt betting market), along with other relevant commentary and developments.

(1250 words)

(from cartoon by Ben Garrison, Nov. 9, 2022.)

–The first-tier candidates are: Trump and DeSantis.

— The second-tier candidates are: Tim Scott, ‘Nikki’ Haley, Mike Pence, and perhaps Glenn Youngkin and/or Kristi Noem.

— A small group of long-shot bettors put real money on the nominee being Tucker Carlson after his firing, an effect which still remained in mid-May 2023.

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On the “Oregon Shakespeare Festival” (OSF) board’s turn towards Wokeness, and the role of Asians in the USA

(3800 words)

Our motto, almost from the beginning, has been: ‘What’s past is prologue’.”
— Jerry Turner, artistic director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, 1991


Let us consider the role of Asians in the USA. To toss in a few ideas without developing them, for now:

  • The “diasporic ethics”; the instinct towards monopoly;
  • The low social-trust (despite being, as is often said, “nice people”);
  • The lack of magnanimous civic-mindedness, despite being (as is often said) “nice people”;
  • The striving over-competitiveness; the “passport shopping” phenomenon (by which they change citizenships without changing identity in any meaningful way and even retain primary ties to the mother-country or mother-group, just with a new U.S. passport);
  • The social-cultural quirks, traits, and distortions of the wider playing-field that come from these people’s interactions with the Regime, and with the Regime’s ideology;
  • The effects on these people of interactions with other groups within the 21st-centuy prison-house-of-nations called the USA;
  • The way the Asian applies his or her cultural-political instinct to conditions as-encountered, both as an individual seeking personal gain and as a member of a group seeking collective gain;
  • The auxiliary role many Asians tend to embrace, particularly the ambitious young ones, within the Wokeness-ideological dispensation.

An interesting group-dynamics case-study on the question of the role that Asians play in the 21st-centuy USA comes to us from a (frankly) unexpected place: the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF).

The organization, the OSF, is a theater company. It is dedicated to the performing arts. Its leadership — the board of directors and artistic-directorial staff — now has six Asian women (zero Asian males). A look at these people yields interesting insights on the “role” of Asians in the USA, or at least of a particular kind of elite-aspirant Asian.

(Oregon Shakespeare Festival [OSF] promotional material, 2010s.)
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