Hello! Привіт! I'm James (/d͡ʒeɪmz/) (also capjamesg). My pronouns are he/him/his. I live in Scotland. This is my blog.

I hope this website can bring a little bit of joy into your day.


  • Flowers

    Published on under the Life category.

    Purple flowers are like nature’s glitter., I said to myself. The season of flowering and growth is here. Where there were buds, there is now colour. I noticed on my walk home today that there are many purple flowers. There is one flower, tall with lots of purple petals, whose name I do not know, but that I love.

  • Four years of the personal web

    Published on under the IndieWeb category.

    A friend pointed out earlier this week that my website is coming up on being four years old. I replied “Time flies when you are having fun!” Then, ten minutes later, I said “Ahhh four years is a long time.” It feels like yesterday when I was joining my first online website meetups, motivated by finding a place on the web where I could be my creative self without having to worry about others’ expectations.

  • The basement bookstore

    Published on under the Poetry category.

    Your eyes open to a blue sky on a Sunday morning. Laying in bed, under the softest of covers, you think about the day ahead. “What could I do today?” The most wonderful of questions. With your eyes becoming less heavy as the minutes pass, an idea emerges: I could go to the bookstore. I wonder what new books they have in store. you say to yourself. With wonder, the thought of leaving the warm sheets to go outdoors feels less tiring. Today is a day for a tiny adventure.

  • Details

    Published on under the IndieWeb category.

    A few weeks ago, I started work on a new design for my website. This new design was based on the theme of ensuring that my words were the main focus of any given web page. With a vague idea in my head of what I wanted my new theme to look like, I spent hours working away on the new layout, experimenting as I went. With a lot of time, I had a design ready to go that I then published on my site.

  • The coffee shop conversation

    Published on under the Life category.

    Last week, after having been awake all night one day after a volunteer engagement, I made my way to a coffee shop at the crack of dawn. I needed a coffee to wake me up. I ordered a flat white and a toastie. I sat down at a bar-like table and ate my toastie, looking through the window as I did. My phone was close to running out of battery, but I looked through my bag and found that I had the cables I needed to plug in my phone to charge. I was so tired that I felt like falling asleep there.

  • Avoiding anxious loops

    Published on under the Life category.

    On most days, my anxiety is tolerable. Present, but manageable. But every so often there comes a wave of anxiety that is harder to manage. This typically comes after a trigger, like a lack of sleep.

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