Just quietly making contacts – the Therapy of Ham Radio

Everyone has these phases in their lives where much focus, energy and attention is required elsewhere. The need usually has a big emotional content and often comes with bonus time draws when others need your support at the same time you’re dealing with the main issue(s).

What is actually issue doesn’t much matter, as your time is pushed into responding and then recovering yourself.

You end up triaging what things you do in life to meet the needs of the moment.  Hierarchy of needs factors in – get fed, pay the bills, keep things going… and eventually you have to replenish yourself in ways that get you ready to “rinse & repeat” as the life situation demands.

Seems everyone has a mental activity, as sort of “safe space” of activity, that they retreat to while replenishing.

Mine falls in a trio of activities – first keeping active.  When in this situation I truly crave my gym & pool daily time.

Next I read books.  I am ineffective reading anything serious and most non-fiction when so pushed, so often it is a retreat into action fiction.  Jack Reacher, Grey Man, Peter Ash, Stiger Chronicles, or their historical equivalents.

The third part is radios – making contacts.  If not too mentally/emotionally fatigued SSB is a choice opportunity to hear new friendly voices.  Otherwise it is the mentally quiet digital mode QSO action that works.

Early in July I really enjoyed digitally chasing the 13 Colonies Event while they were on the air.  Important?  Only that is was a welcome distraction from life events.

Ham radio as Therapy?  You betcha!



Don’t touch that dial – a brief hiatus (July 2024)

Distracted by a bunch of “real life” things, I basically dislike the posts I’d been working on.

So there will be a brief hiatus while toss out the drafts that read like they were done in broken crayon, and start those topics over anew.

I’ll see if I can finish off a few new drafts and get them to post fairly soon.



Spam Spam Spam Spam

Whether by phone, by text, by SMS, by postal mail, or by email there is so much Spam!

The noise is easily exceeding signal on most every method of communication.

Inbound phone calls are largely Spam or their even worse cousin, political begging for money calls.

My spam filter is trimming out junk emails at a record rate.

Nearly half of my mail is Spam or Political Begging, and most of the other half is magazines/newspapers and bills. Truly interesting mail is a rarity.

Texts arrive all day ranging from account inquiries from providers I never heard of, to simple “Hi, how you doing?” blind texts hoping to start a scam conversation.

Every one of these Spam messages break the fundamental trusts in communication.

I get a big chuckle with the Spam that starts with “I don’t know why you haven’t replied to my previous messages…” Jokers know exactly why and it is only because they manipulate their Spam addresses that these follow-ups occasionally slip through.

Love it the ones that use our logo pretending to be internal messages from departments we never will have.  

Or the web marketplace that Spams you several times a day after you placed a legitimate order.  Off to the Junk folder with your pestilence! 

Spam, oh spam. Without you I wouldn’t have as much to smile about!




Thirteen Colonies Week Outcome 2024 – Log Tool

Being able to complete that last QSO with GB13COL, 20m FT4,  it is a Full Sweep for me as well!

Link:  http://13colonies.us/

Just used their log tool to create a print ready log for submission.

I’m not much of a certificate person, as most end up in a desk drawer.

In this case it becomes the excuse to be supportive.

As I did all of my 2024 13 Colonies contacts plus all three bonus stations, to be supportive I’ve mailed in $20 with my application to cover my costs and some (they ask for $5 donations).

Here is what my log looked like, parsed by the log tool:





Thirteen Colonies Week Outcome 2024

Dale N6JSX reports he has a Full Sweep for 2024 (all thirteen colonies plus all three bonus stations) where as I started to write it looks like my natural Clean Sweep (all thirteen colonies) plus two of the three multipliers is my 2024 outcome.

As I am writing I’ve been able to complete that last QSO with GB13COL, 20m FT4. So in the end it is a Full Sweep for me as well!

Link:  http://13colonies.us/

I had fun catching the event stations whenever I saw them!  I even had a post-it note where I was crossing off the stations as we made QSOs.

I did all of my 2024 13 Colonies contacts by FT8/FT4, both working remote from my work desk and using SmartSDR for iOS on a rather vintage iPad.  We’ve had so much rain that venturing out to the workshop’s Hamshack was just going to get me soaked.  Even Scout our dog thought staying inside was a better idea.

Lots of small trees and tree branches down and I have two truck loads of gravel screenings coming so I can repair my roads and trails.

It is interesting that making that communication with GB13COL proved so troublesome, as wasn’t it a bit of difficulties that led to the colonies become the United States? Hmmm….




Technological Unintended Consequences

Technology is certainly a double-edge sword. For every advantage technology also has a disadvantage. Often we call these adverse impacts “unintended consequences” despite being part of the design of the technology from the get go.

“There are three categories of unintended consequences. The unexpected benefit, which is a positive but unplanned outcome, The unexpected drawback, in which we create a problem that is apart from the problem we wish to solve, And perverse results, wherein in trying to solve a problem, we actually make it worse.” – https://sustainabilityunlocked.com/videos/the-three-categories-of-unintended-consequences

So there are three main unintended consequence outcomes. Helpful, Disconnected Adverse, and Direct Adverse. While I could argue there are more (Disconnected Helpful, Distractive/Diversions, and Induced Randomization might be another three) using the “Helpful, Disconnected Adverse, and Direct Adverse” model suits our discussion.

An example is the built-in loss of privacy with the tracking of wireless access points:


So basically if you want the “desired” capabilities you expose the “undesirable” capabilities.

Makes sense, as you can’t operate a transponder without making your position discoverable.

Many of these so called “dark aspects of technology” are part & parcel of the base technology, and it is unwise of us to imagine that they would remain unexploited.

Reflecting on Amateur Radio operations, we also put out a lot of information about our operating practices, location(s) and personal world over the air.  While I’ve not seen papers yet on it, it is conceivable to distinguish from remote operations to in-shack operations on an aggregate level.  Have several characteristics that likely are worth a look at to see if a difference can be discerned and further used as a tool in the field.

Interesting area of study.

