Fun, free AI tools to try

Some AI tech is kind of freaky, but a lot of the new AI tools out there are just plain fun. Here are a few awesome, FREE ones to try.

AT&T data breach: Who’s at risk and what to do now

AT&T dropped huge news this morning: “Nearly all” customers had text and call data leaked in a massive cyberattack.

House swapping is hot right now – Do it the right way

Home swapping is more popular than ever, but it comes with risks. Here are my tips for swapping safely.

Using end-of-life tech? You’re at risk of attack

Is your old tech unsupported? You might be at risk of attack. Here’s the tech you should update ASAP.

Scams are getting personal – Don't get fooled by fakes

Scammers are getting smarter. Check out my tips for how to up your online sleuthing game.

Your network is a target for hackers

The average home and its internet-connected devices experience about 10 cyberattacks every 24 hours. Here’s why firewalls are critical for your device security.

Breaking news and tips

Hackers just stole 10 billion unique passwords

You might want to sit down for this one. Hackers posted a file named RockYou2024[.]txt to a dark web forum on July 4. The file includes a mind-numbing 9,948,575,739 passwords.

Wondering if this attack puts you at risk? Yup, it does. The RockYou2024 leak is made up of passwords from both old and new data breaches.

Give ’em stuffin’ to talk about

Credential stuffing is no joke. This is when crooks take your leaked passwords and try to break into as many services, sites, accounts and apps as they can. They’re hoping you got lazy at least once and reused that password somewhere else.

Recent attacks on big names like Ticketmaster, Advance Auto Parts and Santander Bank were all the result of this technique. Any system that isn’t protected against brute-force attacks is at risk, and this goes beyond smartphones and computers. Even internet-connected cameras and industrial equipment are on the hackable list.

What are your next steps?

If you have time, visit Cybernews’ Leaked Password Checker to see if your passwords were exposed. HaveIBeenPwned is another option. Enter your email address into either one, and I’ll bet you’ll find yourself on the list.

Reset the passwords for every single account associated with those leaked passwords. Now, virtually shake my hand and promise me you won’t reuse your passwords — ever.

Your browser can help

Your browser’s password manager can alert you if your passwords have been involved in a breach. Here’s how to view or enable this feature in three popular browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Password alerts are enabled by default. If you think you might’ve missed one, head to Google’s Password Manager and run a Password Checkup.
  • Microsoft Edge: You’ll need to turn on Edge’s Password Monitor. To do this, go to Settings and more (the three-dot menu at the top right of your browser window) > Settings  > Profiles > Passwords. Then, toggle on the switch for Show alerts when passwords are found in an online leak.
  • Apple Safari: Password monitoring is on by default for browsers running on MacOS 14 or iOS 14 and later. To check for alerts on your iPhone or Mac, and to update any compromised passwords, go to Settings > Passwords > Security Recommendations > Change Password on Website.

Oh, and this is important to remember: Any random two-factor authentification (2FA) codes you receive via email or text that you didn’t ask for could mean someone is trying to access your accounts.

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Rise and shine

Wake up with a smile on your face!

  • The new Amazon Echo Spot (44% off) is sweet if you’re looking for an alarm clock-slash-smart speaker with tidbits of useful info to start your day.
  • Gradually wake up with a sunrise clock and sound machine, on sale now for $30. It’s not connected to the internet, so it’s significantly cheaper and more privacy-oriented than “smart” alternatives.
  • This 10% off alarm clock projects the time and temp in an eye-friendly red light. It has the forecast, too.
  • An alarm clock that doubles as home decor with a 6-inch mirror surface; get it on sale for $13.
  • OK, so you just want an old-fashioned alarm clock. This back-to-the-basics battery-powered option is 10% off.

You’re a target for AI voice scams


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Imagine a call from a loved one in distress. Even if it’s their voice, how can you be sure it’s not a scam?

Cord management made easy: Get some stickers — labels you write on, color-coded dots or colored foil star stickers. Affix the same label or colored sticker to the cable and the port on the device. When you plug in the cord, simply match the cable’s sticker to the port.

🦟 Mosquitoes suck: Try the Weather Channel app’s new mosquito forecast that analyzes weather info and real-world mosquito data to predict activity by ZIP code. Download the app (iPhone and Android) > add a ZIP code > tap Daily at the bottom of the screen > and scroll down. OK, now I’m itchy.

Police pull over a Waymo driving on the wrong side of the road

Waymo says the vehicle was confused by construction signs and stayed in the oncoming lane for 30 seconds because “it was blocked from navigating back into the correct lane.” Luckily, no one was hurt.

NASA identifies the first “potentially habitable” planet: The James Webb Space Telescope found the exoplanet with an atmosphere 50 million light-years away. It’s 1.73 times the radius of Earth and 5.6 times its mass. Color-wise, it’s a cross between Mars and Jupiter. Isn’t that something?

Noland Arbaugh is the first Neuralink patient


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His brain-chip implant lets him control computers and other devices with his mind. Kim Komando talks to Noland about why he got it and how it works. What could this tech mean for the future? He shares his ideas and hopes.


Which tech company stores the most information on the internet? Is it … A.) Amazon, B.) Facebook, C.) Google or D.) Wikipedia?

Find the answer here!

Airplane Wi-Fi: Read this before you use the Wi-Fi on a plane. Anyone can grab your credentials. If you’re not flying soon, hit the site and email the article to yourself to read later.

How to maximize your Airbnb profits


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Got a listing? Here are ways to make more money from it. 

By the numbers

8,815 objects

Shot into space in the past five years. Elon Musk is responsible for about 72% of that. Starlink satellites only have a five-year lifespan. Musk wants to put as many as 42,000 in orbit. Space junk could become a massive problem within our lifetime. At least we’ll have Mars or a new exoplanet. 🙄

Top tech myths you need to stop worrying about

Let’s bust some tech myths wide open! I’ve heard them all, and it’s time to set the record straight to keep you ahead of the game.

Myth: 5G causes cancer.

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Don’t trust Amazon reviews: More proof is out that Amazon sellers are trading cash and free products for five-star ratings. Some even pay for negative reviews on competitors’ pages. Tips to spot the fakes? Language and timing. Look for multiple reviews using similar phrasing with no details.

You better work: Android now supports creating a work profile on your device to separate your work apps and data from your personal apps. Go to Settings, search for Work Profile or similar, and follow the setup prompts. Sorry, iOS lovers, no soup for you! Apple doesn’t support this.


Which unusual internet-connected device was launched to help farmers monitor the well-being of their livestock? Is it a … A.) Cow fitness tracker, B.) Chicken mood ring, C.) Pig sleep monitor or D.) Goat GPS tracker?

Find the answer here!

⚠️ Keep it real: More folks than ever are trying out AI companionship. You create your dream partner, and the bot finetunes its responses to match your exact needs. But this sets you up for IRL failure; real people aren’t instantly available, and they def won’t do or say everything you want.

What I’m watching this weekend

The movie ‘Thelma’ follows a 93-year-old on a mission to get back $10,000 from a phone scammer. The scam is 100% real. A crook used an AI voice clone to pose as Thelma’s grandson in jail. Luckily, the real Thelma was smart enough to call her kids, who stopped her from sending the money.

By the numbers

75% drop-off

In Apple Vision Pro purchases by August. Uh-oh. Anyone willing to shell out $3,500 probably already has. Apple’s best hope for a comeback is a cheaper model in 2025. Even at half the original cost, it’ll still be one of the priciest VR headsets out there.

A grieving mom forced off social media: A judge said “to protect minors,” the posts about her 13-year-old daughter’s suicide must be removed. Internet sleuths located the four teens accused of bullying the girl offline and online, and now their families are receiving threats. This happened in a Mississippi town of 20,000 people, but it’s getting national attention.