LA County
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Community Notification Enrollment
Access your account to manage notification preferences. To recover your password please enter the username associated with your account and click continue. The reset password link has been emailed to you. Insert a new password. Your password has been reset successfully. Fill in and submit the form to contact customer support. Welcome to the Alert LA County emergency notification system. Sign up for emergency alerts and weather alerts, health notifications, building alerts and other updates from the state and federal agencies. Sign up, get notified, and stay safe! Please verify your location, map position, contact information and alert types. Creating a managed account will allow you access to modify your existing notification settings and contact information. New or updated information has been submitted. Sorry, an error has occurred. There was a problem accessing the link you have used. Sorry, an error has occurred. Sorry, an error has occurred. Sorry, an error has occurred. Your contact information is governed under OnSolve™’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Your contact information is governed under OnSolve™’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Would you like to create a managed account?


Creating a managed account will allow you access to modify your existing notification settings and contact information. You may also further customize the type of notifications you receive and add an additional address for the AlertLA County system to monitor.










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