Thursday, August 8, 2013

So what happened to summer?

The weather this year has been strange.  Spring was almost non-existant (10" of snow in early May!), we went into high summer, and now that we seem to be going into autumn.  I should NOT need a jacket to sit outside and drink my morning coffee in early August!  This reminds me of Rocky Mountain National Park summers, and we're nowhere near the Rockies.

It's been awhile

I'm finally getting back to the blog.  And you all thought you were rid of me permanently, huh?  Sorry, but I'm back. Sorta-kinda.  More or less.  Yeah, well....

If you notice anything strange, I'm trying to revise the blog and remove stuff with broken links, things I maybe shouldn't have said (but not all of them!), etc.  Blogger has changed things quite a bit and I'm having trouble navigating around to do maintenance, so please bear with me.

Oh, and just to keep things interesting, the system keeps throwing me back to the most recent post, while I'm trying to get to the earliest ones.  Maybe I should consider moving over to Wordpress or something.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hi. It's me. No, I'm not dead, just . . . dealing with things. My dad died, our oldest son got married to a wonderful young woman, we've been involved with remodeling the house (for ten months now!), we've adopted two more cats (one handicapped), I've been dealing with depression issues, and my therapist retired - not necessarily in that order. His replacement is very nice and very competent, but, well, she's not him - and she's *too* nice.  I need someone who'll kick my butt when I need it, not mother me.  So it goes.


I recently had an email from a very nice lady by the name of Emily Walsh. She's the Community Outreach Director for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, and she asked if I would be interested in publishing an article from her. Of course I said yes! Our youngest is in the Navy (as my three remaining readers might remember) and, unfortunately, many of our retired service members have had long-term negative health effects from exposure to a number of substances that are now known to be harmful, asbestos being one of them.

The thing about asbestos is, it's a naturally occurring mineral. It's still used in quite a number of applications, and isn't always dangerous to be around. It's only when the fibers are released into the air and inhaled into the respiratory system that trouble occurs. There's some good information to be found on the EPA website.

Here's what Emily sent me, in its entirety:

Regular Check-ups Strongly Advised for Military Veterans 

Studies show that many of our military servicemen and women are not receiving regular healthcare screenings after they leave active duty. Understanding the importance of these check-ups, the Pentagon orders all troops to receive a screening for various health issues between three and six months after returning from deployment. However, regular screenings for veterans beyond this six-month time frame are also strongly advised. In fact, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) recommends that veterans receive an annual physical at their local VA office.

What Health Issues Are Checked? 
Physicians should be regularly screening veterans for symptoms of both physical and mental health issues that might make transitioning back into the civilian world difficult following deployment or active duty. Many veterans simply return to their family doctor, however there are many issues that can affect veterans that can easily be overlooked by civilian physicians. 

Obtaining a health care screening from the VA will provide the best opportunity for addressing specific issues associated with prior service. Many different diagnostic tests are run, such as blood and other routine tests, to help your VA physician diagnose any issues before you even start to show symptoms.

Physical Health Screenings 
The VA offers a wide variety of preventative services and screenings based upon the veteran's age, gender, family history and current health status. Screenings for PTSD, HIV, high blood pressure and alcohol abuse should be given to all veterans. Other risks associated with prior active duty service, including illnesses from location-specific deployment; environmental exposure, which can lead to mesothelioma or some cancers; and trauma-related issues may also be screened for during an annual exam. 

Other issues, such as tobacco use, weight loss and other challenges faced by veterans can also be addressed during these check-ups. Diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis and other common ailments can be screened for during your exam. An annual physical is also a great time to update your medical records and to ensure that your vaccinations are current. 

Mental Health Screenings 
Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety are frequently seen in military veterans. Unfortunately, these issues aren't usually apparent until between 90 and 180 days after returning to civilian life. It is important that soldiers aren't assessed too early, otherwise many of these conditions can be overlooked, negatively impacting the veteran's life further down the road. 

New veterans should schedule a check-up and connect with local VA soon after returning home. Sometimes the transition between active duty and civilian life can be difficult. Many of these services also provide counseling and opportunities to get to know others who have shared similar experiences during active duty. 

It is important to know that each veteran is different and that each of these screenings and services have unique pros and cons that must be considered. As a result, you may wish to receive more, less or different types of services during your visit, so it is important to speak with your medical team before proceeding with your annual exam.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I'm sorry I havent posted in quite awhile, but I've been . . . busy. We lost my mother two years ago to lung cancer, and now my father's dying of lymphoma. With Mom, we had three months' 'warning'. With Dad, it's only been a couple of weeks since diagnosis. We don't expect him to last much longer, maybe not even through the night. At least now we know what's been wrong...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

I hope those of you affected by Irene are safe, and your property intact! Our youngest is stationed in Norfolk and he's been at sea, so we have NO idea whether his apartment and car are/were under water. I don't think he knows, either.... :(

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th, y'all! Have fun, be safe, and thank a veteran or current Service member for your ability to continue to celebrate this day!

Friday, April 29, 2011

It's Alive!

My sourdough starter tried to escape overnight:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

There, I fixed it!


Guess I probably shouldn't consider "electrician" as a second career, huh?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bank of America fuck-up, part 3

Well, I talked with *yet another* BoA estate department rep this evening, and according to him, Dad's account was reinstated and active as of two days ago. Hmm, the previous rep had sworn he'd call me when that happened. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath on that, isn't it?

And they got him resurrected just in time for Easter - and he's not even a Jewish carpenter! #snark

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heh, looks like I'm rich.....

Found in my spam folder:

Dear Beneficiary,

You have been awarded $800,000.00USD. Western Union as been mandated to transfer
your Full compensation payment of $800,000.00USD to you,The funds are coming
directly from African Union Nations Fund headquarters in Nigeria. It is a Grand
Donation from the African Nations to support individuals financially due to the
global and financial economic meltdown.Your email address was selected globally
as one of the beneficiaries for this year 2010 and we are only to pay you the
beneficiaries once they meet their financial obligations.We are obligated to
transfer to you the sum of $800,000.00USD.

To claim This money as the beneficiary, your information as show below is

1. Full Name:-
2. Address/Country:
3. Telephone:
4. Age/Gender:
5. Occupation:

I hope to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Best Regards
For More details contact
Manager: Mr. Lawrence Ndubisi
Western Union® Money Transfer Nigeria.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bank of America fuck-up, part 2

I just got off the phone with a BoA rep. Dad's account still has NOT been reinstated, apparently it's still "in processing". Hmm, makes me wonder how they can (virtually) kill off a customer and cancel their account in mere seconds with a keystroke - WITHOUT A DEATH CERTIFICATE OR CONFIRMATION FROM NEXT OF KIN - but take weeks to correct the error.

But I think I got across to the guy I talked to today that THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE and that I AM NOT HAPPY. He even promised to call me back (rather than me having to call them YET AGAIN) as soon as the problem is fixed. Game me his full name, too, which means I can track him down and find him.


We'll see.

Meanwhile, I've verbally deauthorized the auto-draft payments on that card (will send them a STRONGLY worded letter rehashing my position this afternoon), informed them that the current bill will NOT get paid until they've reinstated Dad, and that as far as I'm concerned, they can damned well eat those charges by way of partial apology for the inconvenience to us!

Oh, and BTW, you REALLY don't want me to involve my father's attorney....

Now, for those of you who don't know me personally, I might need to explain something: I used to be this meek little thing - I wasn't raised to stand up for myself. But I hit A Certain Age (as many of us do; 30 was my magic number) and decided that I had had quite enough of being walked on, and I wasn't going to take it anymore.

Fast forward and add another 15 or 20 years onto that Certain Age, and my tolerance for bullshit of any sort pretty much hit rock bottom. Play nice with me, treat me right, and I'll carry your business cards around and hand them out to people. I'll even play advocate for you with other customers if need be. But piss me off or fuck with me, and I have absolutely NO problem with turning into The Customer From Hell!

Some days I even enjoy doing it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Grammar? Who needs grammar?

I found this in my spam folder this morning. Talk about run-on sentences and unfamiliarity with the language!


Counter-terrorism and Fund Division
19th Street,N.W,D.C.20431. USA

ATTN: Beneficiary,

With the supporting evidence before the IMF in respect to your awaited fund (winning/Inheritance Fund). We wish to inform you that we have thoroughly Investigated your payment matter which have been overdue with the help of our Global Financial Intelligence Monitoring Network System (GFIM) that you are having an illegal transactions with people claiming to be who they are not.

During our Investigation over your fund, we found out that the reason why you have not received your fund was because you have not fulfilled your Obligations given to you in respect to your fund and at the same time you have choose to deal with the wrong people over your fund, which is the main reason why your payment have been delayed up till this moment, After much complains over beneficiary not been paid the situation was brought to our office.

Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry of Finance on your behalf and they have brought a solution to this problem which is been faced, by normalizing in your favor a part payment in total of $2.5million USD. All you have to do is to call and email Mr. Ken Wright of the Federal Law Chambers Nigeria on the below stated email to receive directives on how to receive your fund from the Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.


ORGANIZATION: Federal Law Chambers Nigeria
NAME : Mr. Ken Wright

Do contact Mr. Ken Wright of the Federal Law Chambers Nigeria with your details:

FULL NAME : .....................................
HOME ADDRESS : ..................................
TELL/CELL : .....................................
OCCUPATION: .....................................

NOTE: Do Contact Mr. Ken Wright of the Federal Law Chambers Nigeria Office through his above email to receive directives on how to receive you fund.

Best Regards,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pretty cool!

I found this over on the GeekMom site this morning:

Monday, March 28, 2011

We are NOT amused

No, I don't think I'm Queen Victoria back from the dead.

And speaking of the dead, I received this in the mail today:

I don't know if you can read it or not (click on the image to enlarge), but it's a letter from one of Dad's credit card companies, offering their condolences on his death, notifying me that his card had been cancelled, and inquiring as to who will be paying the balance on his account.

I could understand this if he were actually deceased, but he's still very much alive and breathing!

The good news is that it apparently was an internal error and hadn't spread anywhere else . . . like to the Social Security Administration. Had this wrong information been disseminated, I would at present be scrambling to get his Social Security benefits, his Medicare, his supplemental health insurance, his other credit cards and both retirement benefit accounts reinstated. And gods know how long THAT could've taken! Meanwhile, he would have been deprived of his sources of income and medical funding.

What if this had happened to someone who was traveling, and who had only the one credit card? They could have found themselves stranded, with no means of paying for transportation, meals and lodging.

What if it had happened to someone who hadn't spoken with a parent for a few days or perhaps a week? Can you imagine the shock and heartache of finding out a loved one had possibly died, not from a friend or relative, but from a credit card company?!?

Folks, for those of you with Bank of America credit cards, be warned that they do not require a death certificate to declare you dead and cancel your account. (See the end of the second paragraph.) Be glad your local friendly bank probably doesn't operate that way. Mine sure as hell doesn't. They require a copy of the death certificate to be on file before they will make such changes . . . although one of them still hasn't taken my mother's name off of all account records, despite her having been dead for over a year....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Absolutely amazing....

I found this over on Shadowfax's blog - exciting technology!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yeah, I'm still alive....

We moved my dad halfway across the country on short notice and I'm wiped out both physically and mentally. For every item I cross off of the "to do" list, two or three more get put onto it. There seems to be no end to the paperwork I have to take care of with his pension plan, Mom's pension plan, Social Security, Veterans' Affairs, all three banks, five insurance companies (covering car, renters' and life), etc., etc., ad nauseum. Dad's no help, his memory's going. Today I handed him a medical alert card he should have put into his wallet while Mom was still alive, and he sits there looking blank for a minute, then says "That's what this is", meaning the wallet. Despite having him in assisted living, I suspect I've just gained a full-time (non-paying) job....

To borrow from a Sam Kinnison routine, "If you love me, KILL ME NOW!"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A blast from the past

I had totally forgotten about this until I saw it on a friend's FB page....

I love the Muppets!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


For anyone who still hasn't figured out that there's one hell of a markup on prescription medications, here's an eye-opener from an insurance statement:

(common cholesterol-lowering drug) 20mg . . . charge: $152.12 . . . total drug cost: $16.63.

Which explains why those who don't have insurance sometimes have to choose between buying medications they need, and putting food on the table. No one in this society should NOT be put into that situation! Yes, there's Medicare for seniors and Medicaid for low-income people, but there's a good chunk of the population that doesn't meet the criteria for either program. Make just a few dollars too much a month? No insurance coverage for you! (Like these folks, who are in a nightmarish situation - go read through the blog, it's worth the time it takes. Much as I bitch about things, I know we're really very lucky in comparison.)

Yet we don't need national health care. Bullshit.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fun with phones

Well, we're going to be moving my dad closer to us (more on that later), and I've been trying to find him a new apartment, get moving arrangements made, change-of-address notifications sent out, new bank accounts set up and money transfers made, insurance company/coverage changes handled, etc. There's a LOT to take care of in a move, especially in one across country.

I figured getting him local phone service would be the easy part, since AT&T covers the landline service where he'll be living, and he already has them for his current carrier. Guess what? I figured wrong. First, the AT&T representative told me he would have to run a credit check on Dad before they could set up the new service. OK, he's a current customer, no big deal - right? Um, no. The AT&T provider in *this* part of the country has no way of accessing the AT&T account records of anyone in the *that* part of the country. Customer service: Strike One.

Then the rep couldn't find the address of Dad's new apartment in their system, despite giving him BOTH alternate street names. Yes, there are two. Apparently the road got renamed after the apartments were built. The apartment manager gave me a sheet they hand out to all new residents, telling people what specifically to say regarding the physical address when dealing with AT&T. Guy couldn't find it, under either variant. But he *could* find a similar address that *might* be the right place. But it might not be, either. Customer service: Strike Two.

Finally, told me there IS no service to Dad's new address, based on what he could find in their records. That's odd, everybody else in the building has AT&T as their local carrier. Customer service: Strike Three.


So when we get Dad out of the old apartment and cancel his current phone service, we're not getting him a landline here. We'll buy him a basic cell phone (a smartphone would just confuse - and frustrate - the hell out of him), put him on our calling plan (YEA VERIZON! . . . although we liked Alltel better), and cancel the emergency-only 10-minutes-a-month cellular plan he has now. Cost for us: about $20 a month. Savings to him: about $60 a month. Advantage: We'll be able to text him instead of calling with reminders and quick messages. AND he won't have long-distance charges to worry about anymore. Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

Addendum: I forgot to mention that the guy couldn't find the correct building address in the system by finding the apartment office **because the residential division can't look up business numbers**, even though they're both serviced by AT&T! Idiotic system they have there.

I do have to say, we had AT&T cell service back in the early days and their customer service was top-notch then. We've also had them as our long-distance carrier in the past, and the customer care wasn't as good as with cellular. Now, I'm even less impressed, at least with the residential service care.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I just discovered that one of our local funeral homes is offering "pet aftercare". Embalming Fluffy? I don't think so.....

Update: The offer cremation, remembrance services and memorial plaques. No embalming. I asked. As a pet owner, I think that's pretty cool. And NO, the animals are NOT cremated in human-cremation facilities.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Your Final Text Message"

Not much left to say after that, is there?

Monday, January 24, 2011

I love Zits (the comic)

Techgeek finds this funny. OTOH, Squidboy would turn wrong side out if I said something like that to him!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Huh. Who would've thought it...?

I have international visitors. I don't know that I can call them "readers" as they may have inadvertently wandered in here and didn't stick around. But it's interesting.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Yeah, that's me in a nutshell, procrastinating again. I still haven't finalized my list of new year's resolutions, but I think I have a reasonable start:

1. Stop procrastinating. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm already a week and a half late on this one!

2. Blog more, and not just post videos without comment.

3. Lose the extra weight. Working on it already, although it's definitely been slow going. But I have logged 14.95 miles on the treadmill in the last week!

4. Eat more dark chocolate. Ding! Ding! We have a winner here, folks!

5. Get organized. In *this* lifetime?!?

6. Clean up my blogroll and delete some of the dead links.

7. Stop cussing quite so much. Maybe if I start now, by the time I have grandkids in a few years, I won't inadvertently teach them any words they shouldn't use in front of their other grandparents.

8. Answer e-mail in a more timely fashion.

9. Cook more often myself and give Athos a break. And actually try the recipes I've set aside "to try soon" on a regular basis instead of just every now and then.

10. Consume fewer carbs. I'm a carb junkie, and the only reliable way for me to get the weight loss going is by cutting waaaay back on them at first, and then keep my intake down. The problem is, it doesn't feel like I've had a "real" meal if it hasn't include at least a little bread, rice, pasta, or potatoes. Sometimes I can make do with croutons in my salad, but not often.
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Pawsing To Ponder by randompawses at gmail dot com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.