Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wow it's been a long time!

Sorry to have let this blog slide for so long! I'm addicted to Facebook and a game on there called Farmtown. Lame I know:)

Hmmm let's see.......I'm still working non-medical/emergency transport. Soon (they say) I'll be precepting as an EMT. I hope so, I fear I'll forget everything I learned!

Work has been interesting to say the least. My partner (the young girl, 22) have not gotten along, and numerous times we have been in the supervisor's office. It got so bad that they switched me to another shift for a while to separate us. So now I have a new shift and a different partner almost daily. That's tough, but not as bad as the last one! She's a train wreck waiting to happen.

My youngest as you've heard got married, she and my son-in-law moved out two weeks ago......although I miss her, I don't miss the crowded house. We are still going thru mountains of belongings, trashing some and keeping's a long process.

My oldest is still at home, she's trying very hard to find a job in her field in the D.C. area. Had a few interviews, no luck. Either she didn't get the job she wanted or the job stank. She's still trying, I think her application count must be in the low 100's. Although she's not alone, many of her friends are still unemployed or took low paying meaningless jobs. It stinks!

Hubby and I are adjusting to my wacky scehdule, and trying to adjust to a more empty house. It's hard but we are trying. So far our health is good, no major problems.......just daily aches and pains of older age:)

Well that's about it for now, if you want to follow me on Facebook, send an email to: I check that email often.

Take care and stay safe!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I Passed!!

I am now a card carrying EMT-B! Wow at 43 no less;)

Wedding is tomorrow.........geez time flies!

Starting Monday I can actualy read a book that isn't a text book....I can't wait!

Hugs to you all for all the support!

Update and pics from the wedding will be up as soon as I can!

Stay Safe!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hi all!

I'm finished with EMT class and exams, now I wait for the results.

Jenn's wedding is in three days!

I'm going nuts!



Wednesday, May 27, 2009

OOPS they did it again!

My family I mean.........they rescued ducklings........again. Here are the little beasts.....way too cute! They are in a man made pond ( a sand box lid turned upside down).

In other news, my kid and I had our 3rd quater written final last night. We both passed, 86% and 85%. Now on to next week with local testing then states. I can't wait for it to be over!.....oh and Jenn's wedding is 2 1/2 weeks away. YIKES.

That's it for now..........stay safe everybody!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey All!

Hey folks I'm baaaack! I'll probably be checking in here more often then I have been, well I'll try at least.

I like facebook, but since I tend to rant alot I may just keep those feeling here. As aparently some of my co-workers were offended at my recent facebook entries and complained to a supervisor about them. Waaahh Waaahh. I never used names etc. So they asked me to chill. Yeah no problem, whatever.

Work is going ok, if you like dealing with spastic drama. I won't even get into it, it would take up three pages, so I'll just talk about the latest events.

My oldest graduated from college on Sunday! I can't believe she's that old! She's now adjusting to life at home and looking for a job in her field.

My youngest has her bridal shower this Sunday, again another shock...they grow up too fast!

The wedding plans are comming along nicely. We had a bump while ordering silk flowers on-line, but fixed that by using a local company instead. Better to help out the locals anyway! Most of what we need is bought, just need decorations for the hall etc.

I'm almost finished EMT school! finals, local exams then states and that's it! I just about made it! I can't believe I've survived this crazy schedule!

That's it for now, I may put this blog on invite only, we'll see, that requires me to work and well I work enough.

Take care all and be safe!