“Ultimately, the Democratic Party is a criminal organization; and to support it is to be a criminal. And since it is the ruling party, unless you oppose it, you support it.”
Curtis Yarvin, The Gray Mirror

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When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” – Thomas Sowell

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Latest News From The White House

I’m reminded of a story

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Why “Or”?

Headline: “Choose One: Law Enforcement At Trump Shooting Was Either Incompetent Or Complicit

Why not “And”?

I’ve little doubt those people were behind this.

And will try again.

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Counting Chickens

I find it interesting how all of a sudden, it’s being assumed the election is over and Trump wins in a landslide.

It’s not November yet, let alone end of January – why would anyone think “they” have given up?

Perhaps withdrawn a bit after yet another failure to “Get Trump” (no one believes the Damned weren’t behind this, do they?) but this is now time for planning another approach.

I still hesitate to believe DJT will be on the ticket come November – well, maybe on the ticket … but not alive to enjoy the results.

They dare not allow Trump to take office.

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Uh-Oh, We’re Losing

Time to change the rules

Jeffries, Schumer Working Behind the Scenes to Sabotage Joe Biden, Convinces DNC to Delay Nomination Vote!

Y’all didn’t think the primaries meant anything anyway, did you?

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