The editors of Real Life are always looking for thoughtful, individual, and original work about living with technology, especially as it intersects with culture, society, and politics. We’re commissioning essays with a conceptual core and a novel thesis or argument.

Please email if you have writing or art in mind for this magazine. We pay $800 for longer features (1,500+ words) and $500 for shorter ones (around 1,000 words).

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We also publish regular series, including:

New Feelings: On newly prominent feelings, pathologies, fantasies, etc., inspired or enabled by digital media

Home Icons: A cultural history of a domestic object, guided by a few questions: Where did this come from; under what material, social, and cultural conditions was it created; through what set of circumstances did it arrive in your possession or care; how has its significance changed, or not, in the recent past?

Bad Metaphors: On inadequate, popular metaphors used widely in tech; propose a better one

Guided Tours
: A look at a historical or cultural site via Google Street View

Syllabus for the Internet: On a book (or body of work) written prior to the rise of the consumer internet, which nevertheless gives us a way to understand it

Book Reviews: More essays than reviews; on books related, or relevant (as you see it) to technology

If you have an idea you think might work for us, get in touch!

  • A
  • Hanif Abdurraqib

    Hanif Abdurraqib

    Hanif Abdurraqib is a poet, essayist, and cultural critic from Columbus, Ohio. His first collection of poems, The Crown Ain't Worth Much was released in 2016 and was nominated for the Hurston-Wright Legacy Award. His first collection of essays, They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us, was released in fall 2017 by Two Dollar Radio.
  • Crystal Abidin

    Crystal Abidin

    Dr. Crystal Abidin is an anthropologist and ethnographer who researches internet culture and young people’s relationships with social media, technology, and devices. She is Postdoctoral Fellow with the Media Management and Transformation Centre at Jönköping University and Adjunct Research Fellow with the Centre for Culture and Technology at Curtin University. Reach her at
  • Tara Aghdashloo

    Tara Aghdashloo

    Tara Aghdashloo is a writer, filmmaker and curator living in London. She writes, shoots, and talks about art, politics, and the female experience.
  • Nitin K. Ahuja

    Nitin K. Ahuja

    Nitin K. Ahuja is a physician living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Rahel Aima

    Rahel Aima

    Rahel Aima is a writer based between Brooklyn and Dubai. She runs NIGHTLIFE, a newsletter about staying in, and is currently working on a book about oil, water, and digital culture in the Arabian Gulf.
  • Alexi Alario

    Alexi Alario

    Alexi Alario is a writer living in New York City. She is currently an undergraduate student at Pratt Institute's Critical and Visual Studies B.A. program.
  • Neta Alexander

    Neta Alexander

    Neta Alexander is an Assistant Professor in the Film and Media Studies Department at Colgate University, New York. Her work focuses on digital culture, film and media, and science and technology studies. Her first book, Failure, co-written with Arjun Appadurai, will be published by Polity Books this fall.
  • Becky Alexis-Martin

    Becky Alexis-Martin

    Dr. Becky Alexis-Martin writes on nuclear culture, medical histories, and the Global South. She is the author of Disarming Doomsday: The Human Impacts of Nuclear Weapons since Hiroshima (Pluto Press) and winner of the L.H.M Ling Outstanding First Book Prize.
  • Lux Alptraum

    Lux Alptraum

    Lux Alptraum is a writer, sex educator, comedian, and consultant. Past gigs have included serving as the editor, publisher, and CEO of Fleshbot, the web’s foremost blog about sexuality and adult entertainment; editor-at-large for Nerve; a sex educator at an adolescent pregnancy prevention program; an HIV pretest counselor; and the founder of Boinkology, a blog about sex and culture.
  • Ana Cecilia Alvarez

    Ana Cecilia Alvarez

    Ana Cecilia Alvarez's words on art and women, among other topics, have appeared in several publications, including the New Inquiry and Vice. She lives on a hill in Los Angeles.
  • Jeremy Antley

    Jeremy Antley

    Jeremy Antley holds a PhD in Russian History from the University of Kansas and currently resides in Portland, Oregon. His most recent work on wargames and culture can be found at First Person Scholar and in Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming.
  • Rob Arcand

    Rob Arcand

    Rob Arcand is a freelance journalist and culture writer based in Brooklyn. He writes about music and aesthetics and has appeared in Tiny Mix Tapes, Thump, and the Quietus.
  • Angel Archer

    Angel Archer

    Angel Archer is a Libra and in her spare time enjoys downloading pictures of angels from, printing them out, and kissing them.
  • Agnes Arnold-Forster

    Agnes Arnold-Forster

    Agnes Arnold-Forster is a writer and historian of science, technology, and medicine. She has written for the Washington Post, Times Literary Supplement, the London Review of Books, Catapult, and the Daily Dot. She is currently writing a biography of nostalgia, that will be published by Picador in 2024. She lives in London.
  • Robert Astermann

    Robert Astermann

    Robert Astermann is a former political science academic and blogger who doesn’t want the internet to know too much about them.
  • Drew Austin

    Drew Austin

    Drew Austin writes about technology and urbanism on the blog Kneeling Bus.
  • Hazel Avery

    Hazel Avery

    Hazel Avery is a poet living on unceded Abenaki land. She has books available at Metatron Press and Trident Press, and other work freely available online. She wants you to think more seriously about fungal systems and abolish ICE.
  • Janna Avner

    Janna Avner

    Janna Avner is a creative technologist living in Los Angeles who recently co-created Femmebit, a yearly digital new media festival celebrating women artists. Janna graduated from Yale in 2012, and is currently a gallery director who curates shows, exhibits paintings, and writes as much as time permits.
  • B
  • Emma Baker

    Emma Baker

    Emma Baker is a freelance writer and a graduate of NYU's Cultural Reporting and Criticism program. She writes about self-image and consumer culture, and lives in Brooklyn.
  • Erik Baker

    Erik Baker

    Erik Baker is a historian of science and work and a contributing editor at the Drift.
  • Skyler Balbus

    Skyler Balbus

    Skyler Balbus is the Director of Product Design at Postlight, a digital product studio in New York City, where she practices design as both a maker and a leader. Her work is informed by her multidisciplinary background, and she is always interested in finding new ways to bring ideas and people together.
  • Jessica Baldanza

    Jessica Baldanza

    Jessica Baldanza is a Toronto-based writer focused on technology-mediated intimacy.
  • Jack Bandy

    Jack Bandy

    Jack Bandy is a PhD candidate at Northwestern University. His research and writing focuses on public interest computing, and explores the social impact of algorithmic platforms like Twitter, Apple News, and TikTok.
  • David A. Banks

    David A. Banks

    David A. Banks writes about cities, technology, and society from Troy, NY.
  • Chelsea Barabas

    Chelsea Barabas

    Chelsea Barabas is a doctoral candidate in the Media, Arts and Sciences program at MIT, where she examines the spread of algorithmic decision-making in the U.S. criminal legal system. Formerly, she was a Technology Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and a research scientist for the AI Ethics and Governance Initiative at the MIT Media Lab.
  • Dalia Barghouty

    Dalia Barghouty

    Dalia Barghouty thinks and writes about beauty, temporality, digital experience and the self(ie).  She is currently a PhD student at the University of California, Davis researching media theory and contemporary literature.
  • Jesse Barron

    Jesse Barron

    Jesse Barron has written for the New York Times Magazine, Harper's, Vice, Bookforum, and other publications. He lives in New York.
  • Hannah Barton

    Hannah Barton

    Hannah Barton is a doctoral researcher based in London. Her academic interests include internet memes, new literacies, and cultural history. She tweets occasionally @hhannahhbarton.
  • Alex Beattie 

    Alex Beattie 

    Alex Beattie is a writer and PhD candidate at Victoria University of Wellington and is researching ways in which people disconnect from the internet.
  • Sarah Beller

    Sarah Beller

    Sarah Beller is a social worker and writer.
  • Liat Berdugo

    Liat Berdugo

    Liat Berdugo is an artist, writer, and curator whose work focuses on embodiment and digitality, archive theory, and new economies. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and festivals internationally, and she collaborates widely with individuals and archives. She is currently an assistant professor of Art + Architecture at the University of San Francisco.
  • Rachel Bergmann

    Rachel Bergmann

    Rachel Bergmann is a writer, researcher, and MA student in Communication Studies at McGill University. Her research explores the intersections of digital culture, computing technology, emotions, and social justice. Her current work examines the cultural history and social impacts of new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning systems.
  • Linda Besner

    Linda Besner

    Linda Besner’s most recent book is Feel Happier in Nine Seconds. Her poetry and nonfiction have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the Boston Review, the Globe & Mail, and Enroute, and aired on CBC Radio. She lives in Montreal.  
  • Doug Bierend

    Doug Bierend

    Doug Bierend is a freelance writer, and author of In Search of Mycotopia. He is interested in science, media, technology, ecology, degrowth, food systems, and general subversiveness in service of a more equitable and sustainable world. You can follow him on Twitter or on Instagram.
  • Alexander Billet

    Alexander Billet

    Alexander Billet is a writer and artist based in Los Angeles. He is a member of the Locust Arts & Letters Collective, helps edit its publication Locust Review, and is co-host of the podcast Locust Radio. He blogs at
  • Maya Binyam

    Maya Binyam

    Maya Binyam is a writer and editor based in Brooklyn. Her writing has appeared in the New Inquiry, the Awl, the Hairpin, and elsewhere.
  • Abeba Birhane

    Abeba Birhane

    Abeba Birhane is a PhD candidate in Cognitive Science at University College Dublin. Her interdisciplinary research, which intersects between embodied cognition, digital technology studies, and critical data science, explores the dynamic and reciprocal relationships between individuals, society and digital technologies. She is a contributor to Aeon Magazine and blogs regularly about cognition, AI, ethics and data science.
  • Sophie Bishop

    Sophie Bishop

    Sophie Bishop is a Lecturer in Cultural and Creative Industries at the University of Sheffield. She uses feminist political economy to study content production on the internet.
  • Andrew Blevins

    Andrew Blevins

    Andrew Blevins is a writer in New York who has previously appeared in the Point, the Common, and WebSafe2k. 
  • Phoebe Boatwright

    Phoebe Boatwright

    Phoebe Boatwright is a New York–based photographer. She is currently a project coordinator for the Bronx Museum’s Friends of José Martí Sculpture Project.
  • Alice Bolin

    Alice Bolin

    Alice Bolin is the author of Dead Girls, forthcoming from Morrow/Harper Collins. She is moving to Boston soon.
  • Rosa Boshier

    Rosa Boshier

    Rosa Boshier is a writer and artist whose work has been featured in publications such as The Offing, Necessary Fiction, The Acentos Review, and Los Angeles Review of Books. She has been awarded residencies and artist grants from Rainin Foundation, Zellerbach Foundation, Bill Graham Foundation, Maker City LA, and Hannacc in Barcelona, Spain. In 2018, her short story "N n' N" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Ghost Parachute. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from The California Institute of the Arts.
  • Leslie L. Bowman

    Leslie L. Bowman

    Leslie L. Bowman is a writer and recovering academic whose interests include women's voices, television, pop culture and language. Her work has appeared on HuffPost. She currently lives in Boston with her sweet fur babies, Pippin and Toast.
  • Anne Boyer

    Anne Boyer

    Anne Boyer is a poet and essayist. Her most recent book is Garments Against Women. She lives in Kansas City.
  • Jackie Brown

    Jackie Brown

    Jackie Brown is a researcher and writer based in Toronto. Her work focuses on economic justice and the relationships between people, technology, and their environments.
  • Ruby Brunton

    Ruby Brunton

    Ruby Brunton is a New Zealand-raised writer, poet and performer who now lives in Brooklyn. She's had poems in Metatron, 4 Poets, Queen Mobs and the Felt and essays in Complex, the New Inquiry and Mask Magazine where she is a contributing editor. She spends a lot of time thinking about intimacy, resistance, how to create community and education alternatives. Find her on twitter & tumblr @rubybrunton.
  • Tom Thor Buchanan

    Tom Thor Buchanan

    Tom Thor Buchanan is a writer and researcher living in Toronto. His work has appeared in Joyland, Cosmonaut Avenue, and Metatron.
  • Astrid Budgor

    Astrid Budgor

    Astrid Budgor writes about movies and videogames on the internet.
  • Tara Isabella Burton

    Tara Isabella Burton

    Tara Isabella Burton has written on religion and culture for National Geographic, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic, the American Interest, and more. She is finishing a doctorate in theology and literature as a Clarendon Scholar at Trinity College, Oxford.
  • Jeremy P. Bushnell

    Jeremy P. Bushnell

    Jeremy P. Bushnell is the author of two novels: The Weirdness (2014) and The Insides (2016), both published by Melville House. He lives and works in the Boston area.
  • Arjun Byju

    Arjun Byju

    Arjun Byju is an MD student at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and research fellow at the Center for Retina and Brain, University of Rochester Medical Center. His writing has appeared in Current Affairs, the Journal of Medical Ethics, and the New Physician.
  • C
  • Autumm Caines

    Autumm Caines

    Autumm Caines is a liminal space. She works as an instructional designer at the University of Michigan – Dearborn, spells her first name with two M’s, and you can find out more about her on
  • Camilla Cannon

    Camilla Cannon

    Camilla Cannon is a trans and technology studies scholar. They are interested in the intersection of queerness, algorithmic surveillance, and subjectivity formation in a digital world.
  • Aaron Miguel Cantú

    Aaron Miguel Cantú

    Aaron Miguel Cantú is a journalist in New York City. He is a senior editor at the New Inquiry.
  • Dr. Elinor Carmi 

    Dr. Elinor Carmi 

    Dr. Elinor Carmi is a feminist, journalist and postdoc research associate at the Communication and Media Department at Liverpool University, UK. She’s currently working on several projects around data literacies and has recently published her second book Media Distortions: Understanding the Power Behind Spam, Noise and Other Deviant Media on Peter Lang.
  • Sam Carter

    Sam Carter

    Sam Carter is a writer and an editor at Asymptote.
  • Sasha Chapin

    Sasha Chapin

    Sasha Chapin is a writer living in Toronto. His writing has appeared in Vice, the National Post, and Hazlitt.
  • Lara Chapman

    Lara Chapman

    Lara Chapman is a writer, design researcher and curator based in London. She writes about the patterns and politics that operate in everyday objects and has previously written for Disegno, Running Dog, Frankie Magazine and others.
  • Crystal Chokshi

    Crystal Chokshi

    Crystal Chokshi is Associate Director of the Environmental Media Lab and a PhD candidate in Communication and Media Studies at the University of Calgary. Her work explores the stakes of letting AI decide what we say.
  • Alex Christie

    Alex Christie

    Alex Christie is a PhD candidate at Loyola University Chicago where he writes about the entanglement of posthumanism and ethics. 
  • Dolly Church

    Dolly Church

    Dolly Church is a London-based writer and editor. She writes about urban living, culture and technology, and is currently working on a potato salad.
  • Adam Clair

    Adam Clair

    Adam Clair is a writer currently based in Philadelphia. He tweets infrequently at @awaytobuildit.
  • Mikaella Clements

    Mikaella Clements

    Mikaella Clements is an Australian writer currently based in Berlin. Her fiction and non-fiction can be found in the Guardian, Catapult, Buzzfeed, Hazlitt and more.
  • Meredyth Cole

    Meredyth Cole

    Meredyth Cole is a writer from Vancouver, Canada.
  • Madeline Leung Coleman

    Madeline Leung Coleman

    Madeline Leung Coleman is a writer and editor who lives in New York. She has written for Canadian Art, Artnet, and Aperture, among others.
  • Lauren Collee

    Lauren Collee

    Lauren Collee is a London-based writer and PhD student. Her essays and short fiction have appeared in Another Gaze, Uneven Earth, Eyot Magazine and others.
  • Ella Comberg

    Ella Comberg

    Ella Comberg is a writer from Philadelphia. Currently, she works as an editor and researcher at the National Gallery of Art in Washington. Her writing has been published, most recently, in the Avery Review.
  • The Coquette

    The Coquette

    The Coquette is the author of Notes to My Future Husband and has written pop culture and advice columns for Playboy, Nerve, the Daily, and others. Her latest book, The Best of Dear Coquette, is available for pre-order now.
  • Lou Cornum

    Lou Cornum

    Lou Cornum was born and raised in Arizona. They now live in Brooklyn and study Black and Indigenous science fiction at the CUNY Graduate Center. They can be found in the park looking for mushrooms or on twitter @spacendn.
  • Katherine Alejandra Cross

    Katherine Alejandra Cross

    Katherine Alejandra Cross is a PhD Candidate at the University of Washington School of Information who specialises in the study of anti-social behaviour online, including online harassment. She's written extensively on tech, video gaming, and culture for a variety of outlets.
  • D
  • William Davies

    William Davies

    William Davies is author of The Happiness Industry: How the Government & Big Business Sold us Wellbeing (Verso, 2015). He blogs at
  • Davey Davis

    Davey Davis

    Davey Davis is a writer and editor living in the SF Bay Area. They have written about culture, sexuality, and genderqueer embodiment at the Rumpus, the Millions, Mask Magazine, and many other places.
  • Jade E. Davis

    Jade E. Davis

    Jade E. Davis is an academic based in New York. By day, she is an applied theorist, working toward ethical integration of digital media in learning for marginalized populations. By night, she overthinks why we look at what we look at on the internet and how we talk about it.
  • Jenny L. Davis

    Jenny L. Davis

    Jenny L. Davis is a lecturer in the School of Sociology at the Australian National University and co-editor of Cyborgology.
  • Aria Dean

    Aria Dean

    Aria Dean is an artist and writer. She lives in Los Angeles.
  • Gaby Del Valle

    Gaby Del Valle

    Gaby Del Valle is a freelance reporter covering immigration and labor. She is the co-founder of BORDER/LINES, a weekly newsletter about immigration policy.
  • Kieran Delamont

    Kieran Delamont

    Kieran Delamont is a reporter for Metro News in Ottawa, and has written about cities, technology, and culture for the Guardian, Vice News, CityLab, and Spacing, among others. He runs, watches too much TV, and eats ramen far too frequently.
  • Corbin Dewitt

    Corbin Dewitt

    Corbin Dewitt lives and writes in Berkeley, California. Most recently her work has appeared on One Week // One Band, where she wrote on Suzanne Vega. She tweets at @corbin_dewitt and Instagrams flowers at @corbindewitt.
  • Colin Dickey

    Colin Dickey

    Colin Dickey is the author of, most recently, Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places, and the forthcoming The Unidentified: Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained. 
  • Tatum Dooley

    Tatum Dooley

    Tatum Dooley is a writer living in Toronto. Her work has appeared in the Globe and Mail, the Hairpin, the Fix, the White Wall Review, and elsewhere.
  • Kerry Doran

    Kerry Doran

    Kerry Doran contributes to exhibition catalogs, artist books, and independent publications, including ArtforumBOMBFlash ArtFoam MagazineRhizomeTerremoto, and SFMOMA’s Open Space.
  • Rochelle DuFord

    Rochelle DuFord

    Rochelle DuFord is starting as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at University of Hartford in Fall 2019. Her work is driven by a critical concern with the development of political, ethical, and social life under contemporary conditions of globalization, late capitalism, and liberalism. She is currently completing her first book project, which concerns the application of feminist and democratic theories of solidarity in contemporary political and economic conditions.
  • Philippe Pamela Dungao

    Philippe Pamela Dungao

    Philippe Pamela Dungao is a writer based in Toronto. Her work has appeared in Shameless Magazine, Broken Pencil Magazine, the White Wall Review, and elsewhere. 
  • Jane Frances Dunlop

    Jane Frances Dunlop

    Jane Frances Dunlop is an artist and writer whose work addresses emotion and performances of relation on the internet. She lives and works in London, UK.
  • Thuto Durkac-Somo

    Thuto Durkac-Somo

    Thuto Durkac-Somo is a cofounder of the zine Us Neither and a video editor in New York.
  • E
  • Nehal El-Hadi

    Nehal El-Hadi

    Nehal El-Hadi is a writer and researcher whose work explores the relationships between technology, the body, and space. She is based in Toronto, where she is currently the Science+Technology Editor at The Conversation Canada and the Editor-in-Chief of Studio. She tweets @iamnehal.
  • Alicia Eler

    Alicia Eler

    Alicia Eler is a writer whose cultural journalism and essays have appeared in New York Magazine, the Guardian, the New Inquiry, Hyperallergic, Maxim and Fusion. Ask her anything about selfies, tinder and the lesbian dick pic. She is based in Los Angeles.
  • Rooney Elmi

    Rooney Elmi

    Rooney Elmi is a freelance film writer and founding editor of SVLLY(wood) Magazine, a print and digital radical editorial geared toward curating a new cinephila.
  • F
  • Lauren Fadiman

    Lauren Fadiman

    Lauren Fadiman is a folklorist and writer living in Brooklyn.
  • Adam Fales

    Adam Fales

    Adam Fales grew up in Kansas and recently graduated from Fordham University. He is a manager at Book Culture in New York City and has also written for the American Antiquarian Society’s Past is Present, the Journal of the History of Ideas’s blog, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and Full Stop.
  • Safy-Hallan Farah

    Safy-Hallan Farah

    Safy-Hallan Farah is a writer whose work has appeared in the Awl, Vogue, GQ and Nylon Magazine.
  • Jason Farman

    Jason Farman

    Jason Farman is an associate professor in the department of American studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is author of Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media (Routledge), winner of the 2012 Book of the Year Award from the Association of Internet Researchers.
  • Grant Farred

    Grant Farred

    Grant Farred is the author, most recently, of The Zelensky Method (Westphalia Press, 2022) and Only A Black Athlete Can Save Us Now (University of Minnesota Press, 2022). His other works include An Essay for Ezra: Racial Terror in America (University of Minnesota, 2021) and Martin Heidegger Saved My Life (University of Minnesota, 2015).
  • Jacqueline Feldman

    Jacqueline Feldman

    Jacqueline Feldman, a writer living in New York, has also worked in artificial intelligence. Her essays appear in the White Review, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and other magazines.
  • Annie Felix

    Annie Felix

    Annie Felix is a human being and online presence who sometimes writes. She lives in New York City and tweets at @atanyafelix.
  • Nathan Ferguson

    Nathan Ferguson

    Nathan Ferguson is a recent creative writing graduate who resides in a hologram called the Midwest. You can follow his writing on Cyborgology and tweet him @natetehgreat.
  • Alexandra Fiorentino-Swinton

    Alexandra Fiorentino-Swinton

    Alexandra Fiorentino-Swinton is a student at the University of Chicago and the London School of Economics. Her writing and research interests include music and media history, youth-oriented consumer culture, and digital phenomena.
  • Julia Foote

    Julia Foote

    Julia Foote is a writer and designer based in Brooklyn, NY. She graduated from the New School with a degree in Urban Studies, and loves talking about haunted houses.
  • James Freitas

    James Freitas

    James Freitas is a writer from Massachusetts.
  • Fuck Theory

    Fuck Theory

    Fuck Theory is a New York-based scholar and critical thinker. Not critical like critique, but critical like don't leave home without it. For more, there's Tumblr.
  • G
  • Elisa Gabbert

    Elisa Gabbert

    Elisa Gabbert is the author most recently of The Word Pretty. Her next collection, The Unreality of Memory & Other Essays, will be out from FSG Originals in August 2020.
  • Keli Gabinelli

    Keli Gabinelli

    Keli Gabinelli is an independent scholar, media theorist and activist living in Santa Cruz, California. She is constantly obsessing and analyzing digital technologies' dystopian potentials, while organizing around the housing crisis and lamenting late capitalism with her comrades in DSA.
  • Ben Gabriel

    Ben Gabriel

    Ben Gabriel is a technical writer, the editor of Island Demeter, and a member of #spamfm.
  • Matthew Gallatin

    Matthew Gallatin

    Matthew Gallatin is a writer in New York.
  • Sasha Geffen

    Sasha Geffen

    Sasha Geffen is the author of Glitter Up the Dark: How Pop Music Broke the Binary, an analysis of queerness and gender nonconformity in the past century of popular music. Their writing attends to the intersections of gender, pop culture, the body, and technology, and has been published in Artforum, the Nation, Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, Paris Review, and elsewhere. Originally from Boston, they now live in Colorado.
  • Robert W. Gehl

    Robert W. Gehl

    Robert W. Gehl is an associate professor of communication at the University of Utah. This essay is based on a chapter from his forthcoming book, Weaving Dark Webs: Violence, Propriety, Authenticity (MIT Press).
  • Hank Gerba

    Hank Gerba

    Hank Gerba is a PhD student at Stanford’s Art & Art History department studying computational media, complexity, and aesthetics.
  • Rachel Giese

    Rachel Giese

    Rachel Giese is a journalist in Toronto. She’s working on a book about modern boyhood and masculinity. You can find her at
  • Britney Gil

    Britney Gil

    Britney Gil is a freelance writer interested in technology and society, media criticism, and speculative fiction. She lives in Troy, New York.
  • Chris Gilliard

    Chris Gilliard

    Chris Gilliard has a PhD from Purdue University’s Rhetoric and Composition Program and currently teaches at Macomb Community College. His work concentrates on privacy, institutional tech policy, digital redlining, and the re-inventions of discriminatory practices through data mining and algorithmic decision-making, especially as these apply to college students.
  • Meghan Gilligan

    Meghan Gilligan

    Meghan Gilligan is a writer living in New York.
  • A.M. Gittlitz

    A.M. Gittlitz

    A.M. Gittlitz is a freelance writer on the subjects of counterculture and radical politics from Brooklyn, NY. He posts his work at
  • Danya Glabau

    Danya Glabau

    Danya Glabau researches, teaches, and writes, about gender, bodies, and technology in New York at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research and NYU Tandon School of Engineering. She is working on a book on food allergies, gender, and capitalism.
  • Mehitabel Glenhaber

    Mehitabel Glenhaber

    Mehitabel Glenhaber is a PhD student at the University of Southern California, currently living in Sommerville, MA. They also draw comics about climate change at
  • Jon Glover

    Jon Glover

    Jon Glover earned his PhD in 2011 at the University of Florida, where he focused on postcolonial crisis narratives. His more recent work adapts this approach to immersive media. He is also a musician and professor of literature and media literacy. His writing has appeared in PopMattersThe South Atlantic ReviewRace and Displacement (U of Alabama Press), The Florida Philosophical Review, and others.
  • Hannah Gold

    Hannah Gold

    Hannah Gold is a freelance writer who has worked for The Cut, Jezebel, Mask Magazine, and the old Gawker.
  • David Golumbia

    David Golumbia

    David Golumbia is an Associate Professor of English Department at Virginia Commonwealth University. He is the author of��The Cultural Logic of Computation (Harvard University Press, 2009), The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism (University of Minnesota Press, 2016) and many articles on digital culture, language, and literary studies.
  • Mira Gonzalez

  • Lewis Gordon

    Lewis Gordon

    Lewis Gordon is a journalist and writer based in Glasgow. He writes about culture, technology, and the environment, and has previously written for Vice, the Verge, the Nation, and others.
  • Marlowe Granados

    Marlowe Granados

    Marlowe Granados is a writer and filmmaker. She co-hosts The Mean Reds, a podcast dedicated to women-led films, and her advice column, "Designs for Living," appears in the Baffler. Granados currently resides in Toronto. Happy Hour is her debut novel.
  • Nisse Greenberg

    Nisse Greenberg

    Nisse Greenberg is a storyteller, math educator, and vegetarian (ancestrally). His playground of work can be seen at
  • Amanda K. Greene 

    Amanda K. Greene 

    Amanda K. Greene is an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Lehigh University. Using interdisciplinary approaches from the humanities and social sciences, her research examines the constantly evolving feedback loops between human bodies and new media technologies.
  • H
  • Benjamin Haber

    Benjamin Haber

    Benjamin Haber is a doctoral candidate in sociology at The Graduate Center, CUNY. He is currently co-editing a special issue of Women & Performance on the queer digital.
  • Joshua Habgood-Coote

    Joshua Habgood-Coote

    Joshua Habgood-Coote is currently an honorary research fellow at the University of Bristol. He works on epistemology, the philosophy of language, and the philosophy of technology, and has written for Aeon and the Guardian.

  • Mack Hagood

    Mack Hagood

    Mack Hagood is the Robert H. and Nancy J. Blayney Associate Professor of Comparative Media Studies at Miami University, Ohio. He has published work on subjects such as tinnitus, the use of noise-canceling headphones in air travel, the noise of fans in NFL football stadiums, indie rock in Taiwan, and the ontology of Foley and digital film sound. His book Hush: Media and Sonic Self Control is about “orphic media,” apps and devices used to create a comfortable sense of space through sound. He is the producer and host of Phantom Power, a podcast about sound and sound art.
  • Shuja Haider

    Shuja Haider

    Shuja Haider is an editor at Viewpoint Magazine.
  • Sophie Haigney

    Sophie Haigney

    Sophie Haigney is a writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, New York Magazine, the Baffler, and elsewhere. She is an editor at Popula. She often writes about visual art, social media, and the 24/7 news cycle.
  • Leijia Hanrahan

    Leijia Hanrahan

    Leijia Hanrahan is a writer and researcher in New York City. Her work is about architecture, urbanism, feminism, and police.
  • Malcolm Harris

    Malcolm Harris

    Malcolm Harris is a freelance writer and an editor at the New Inquiry.
  • Chenoe Hart

    Chenoe Hart

    Chenoe Hart is an architectural designer in cyberspace.
  • Matt Hartman

    Matt Hartman

    Matt Hartman is a freelance writer and journalist from Durham, North Carolina.
  • Eric Harvey

    Eric Harvey

    Eric Harvey is an assistant professor in the School of Communications at Grand Valley State University. He researches and writes about music and technology.
  • Zack Hatfield

    Zack Hatfield

    Zack Hatfield is a writer living in New York. His criticism has appeared in the Paris Review Daily, Artforum, BOMB Magazine, and the Los Angeles Review of Books.
  • R.E. Hawley

    R.E. Hawley

    R.E. Hawley is a writer and designer whose work has previously appeared in the New Republic, the Baffler, and the Outline, among other places.
  • Emma Healey

    Emma Healey

    Emma Healey's first book of poems, Begin With the End in Mind, was published by ARP Books in 2012. Her nonfiction has appeared in the LA Review of Books, the FADER, the Hairpin and more.
  • Michael Hessel-Mial

    Michael Hessel-Mial

    Michael Hessel-Mial is the co-editor, with Penny Goring, of MACRO: an anthology of image macros (Boost House), a collection of image macro poetry published from 2011 and 2015.
  • Stefan Higgins

    Stefan Higgins

    Stefan Higgins is an MA student in English and Cultural, Social, and Political Thought at the University of Victoria in Victoria, Canada. His work focusses on the murky intersection of the political economies and aesthetics of platforms, and the construction and reception of images in the 21st century.
  • Callie Hitchcock

    Callie Hitchcock

    Callie Hitchcock is a writer living in Brooklyn and a graduate of the NYU journalism Master's degree for Cultural Reporting and Criticism. She has published writing in the Believer, the New Republic, Los Angeles Review of Books, Slate, and elsewhere.
  • Sun-Ha Hong

    Sun-Ha Hong

    Sun-Ha Hong is Assistant Professor of Communication at Simon Fraser University. He is the author of Technologies of Speculation: The Limits of Knowledge in a Data-Driven Society (NYU Press, 2020), and his current research explores how popular technofutures facilitate and resonate with the technological proliferation of harmful information.
  • Rob Horning

    Rob Horning

    Rob Horning is an editor at Real Life.
  • Nina Horstmann

    Nina Horstmann

    Nina Horstmann is a PhD student in Anthropology at Stanford University. Her research uses ethnographic methods to better understand how technology is applied in political contexts and the social and political problems that technology attempts to solve.
  • Cherie Hu

    Cherie Hu

    Cherie Hu is a freelance journalist focusing on the intersection of music and technology. She writes regular columns for BillboardForbes and Music Business Worldwide, with additional bylines in publications including PitchforkVarietyRolling StoneGoldthread and the Columbia Journalism Review.
  • Jane Hu

    Jane Hu

    Jane Hu is an English PhD candidate at UC Berkeley with an emphasis in Film and Media Studies. She has published in Textual Practice, the New Yorker, the New Republic, Slate, and the Awl.
  • Zoë Hu

    Zoë Hu

    Zoë Hu has written for publications like Bookforum, the Believer, and the New Republic.
  • Cynthia X. Hua

    Cynthia X. Hua

    Cynthia X. Hua is a researcher working on Internet media ecosystems. She has studied web video at Hulu, BuzzFeed and Facebook Video.
  • Rachel Huber

    Rachel Huber

    Rachel Huber is a British freelance writer and editorial translator now based in California. She has been published by Bust magazine and Restless, and more recently in the book Communication in the Era of Attention Scarcity.
  • Gordon Hull

    Gordon Hull

    Gordon Hull is Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has written extensively on issues at the intersection of law, technology and politics, as well as on political philosophy and the history of philosophy. He is also blogs on New APPS.
  • Hanna Hurr

    Hanna Hurr

    Hanna Hurr is a co-founder and editor of Mask Magazine. She grew up in Finland and lives in Brooklyn.
  • I
  • Alif Ibrahim

    Alif Ibrahim

    Alif Ibrahim is an Indonesian artist and writer based in London and Jakarta. His work focuses on alternative modes of technology, new forms of kinship and the material pre-conditions of the digital. He holds an MA in Digital Media from Goldsmiths, University of London.
  • Marielle Ingram

    Marielle Ingram

    Marielle Ingram is a writer based in New York City. She’s interested in relationships between technical images, labor, globalization and capitalism, as articulated by contemporary artists.
  • J
  • Lauren Michele Jackson

    Lauren Michele Jackson

    Lauren Michele Jackson is a doctoral student and writer-ish person living in Chicago. Her writing has appeared in the Atlantic, the New Inquiry, and the Awl among other places. She tweets feelings @proseb4bros.
  • Ella Jacobson

    Ella Jacobson

    Ella Jacobson is a freelance journalist and writer. An Alaskan transplant to Brooklyn, she writes about class, literature, and the wilderness. To read her most recent work, follow her on Twitter.    
  • Robin James

    Robin James

    Robin James is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at UNC Charlotte. She writes about music, politics, gender, race, and sexuality at
  • Charlie Jarvis

    Charlie Jarvis

    Charlie Jarvis is a freelance writer and editor from Northampton, UK.
  • Anabelle Johnston

    Anabelle Johnston

    Anabelle Johnston is a Providence-based student, writer, and technologist. Her work has appeared in Logic Magazine and the College Hill Independent.
  • Tom Jokinen

    Tom Jokinen

    Tom Jokinen is a Toronto-based writer and author of Curtains: Adventures of an Undertaker-in-Training.
  • Justin Joque

    Justin Joque

    Justin Joque is the visualization librarian at the University of Michigan. He completed his PhD in Communications and Media Studies at the European Graduate School and holds a Masters in Science of Information from the University of Michigan. He is the author of Deconstruction Machines: Writing in the Age of Cyberwar and a forthcoming book on statistics, machine learning and capitalism.
  • Daniel Joseph

    Daniel Joseph

    Daniel Joseph is a freelance writer and senior lecturer of digital sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University.
  • Nathan Jurgenson

    Nathan Jurgenson

    Nathan Jurgenson is the editor-in-chief of Real Life.
  • Brian Justie

    Brian Justie

    Brian Justie is a doctoral student at UCLA and a researcher at the UCLA Labor Center.
  • K
  • Zach Kaiser

    Zach Kaiser

    Zach Kaiser is assistant professor of graphic design and experience architecture at Michigan State University. He dreams of a world that celebrates the suboptimal.
  • W. Sebastian Kamau

    W. Sebastian Kamau

    W. Sebastian Kamau is a biologist and writer and is on the editorial staff at CLOT Magazine. His work covers technology, race, and bioart. He is based in Seattle.
  • Ameera Kawash

    Ameera Kawash

    Ameera Kawash is an artist, writer, and PhD candidate at the Royal College of Art.
  • ML Kejera

    ML Kejera

    ML Kejera is a Chicago-based writer from The Gambia. He was recently shortlisted for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize and nominated for the Caine Prize for African Writing. Please tweet him pictures of your favorite pizzas.
  • Devin Kenny

    Devin Kenny

    Devin Kenny is an artist, educator, writer, and musician based in Houston Texas. He received his MFA in 2013 from the New Genres department at UCLA and is an alumnus of the Whitney Independent Study Program, SOMA Mexico, and is currently a fellow at the MFAH Core Program.
  • Anna Rose Kerr

    Anna Rose Kerr

    Anna Rose Kerr is currently a postgraduate student of art history at Birkbeck, University of London, researching how we see the internet, and how it sees us. Their work as a creative director and artist has been featured by the New York Times and Time magazine.
  • Os Keyes

    Os Keyes

    Os Keyes is a PhD student at the University of Washington and an inaugural Ada Lovelace Fellow who studies gender, data, technology, and control.
  • Lydia Kiesling

    Lydia Kiesling

    Lydia Kiesling is the editor of the Millions. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the Guardian, the New Yorker's Page-Turner, and elsewhere. She is working on a novel.
  • Leo Kim

    Leo Kim

    Leo Kim is a writer based in New York. He covers film for the zine From the Intercom, and spends most of his spare time wading through contemporary image culture.
  • Alexandra Kimball

    Alexandra Kimball

    Alexandra Kimball is a writer living in Toronto. Her work has appeared in the Walrus, Toronto Life, Hazlitt, This, and the Guardian.
  • Soraya King

    Soraya King

    Soraya King is an editor at Real Life. She lives in Los Angeles.
  • Linda Kinstler

    Linda Kinstler

    Linda Kinstler is a Marshall Scholar at Goldsmiths, University of London, and contributing writer at Politico Europe.
  • Coco Klockner

    Coco Klockner

    Coco Klockner is an artist and writer based in New York. They are the author of K-Y (Genderfail Press, 2019).
  • Tamara Kneese

    Tamara Kneese

    Tamara Kneese is an assistant professor of media studies and director of gender and sexualities studies at the University of San Francisco.
  • Ava Kofman

    Ava Kofman

    Ava Kofman is a journalist based in Brooklyn. Her reporting on technology has appeared in the Atlantic, the Intercept, the New Republic, and elsewhere.
  • Sierra Komar

    Sierra Komar

    Sierra Komar is a writer and archivist based out of Montréal, Québec.
  • Kelli Korducki

    Kelli Korducki

    Kelli Korducki has written for Hazlitt, the New Inquiry, the Hairpin, Rookie, the Rumpus, and numerous others in print and online. She resides in NYC, where she is a senior editor for a women's lifestyle publication.
  • Adam Kotsko

    Adam Kotsko

    Adam Kotsko is a social media brand based in Chicago. He is the author, most recently, of The Prince of This World.
  • Kyle Kubler

    Kyle Kubler

    Kyle Kubler is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Journalism, Media, and Democracy. He also helps organize Red May Seattle.
  • Cameron Kunzelman

    Cameron Kunzelman

    Cameron Kunzelman is a critic whose work has appeared at Vice, Polygon, Kotaku, and Paste. He holds a PhD in Moving Image Studies. He’s writing a book on speculation and video games.
  • L
  • Vivian Lam

    Vivian Lam

    Vivian Lam is a writer, editor, and unrepentant shower singer based in San Francisco. They currently serve as the assistant health and biomedicine editor at The Conversation US.
  • Siobhan Leddy

    Siobhan Leddy

    Siobhan Leddy is a freelance writer and editor living in Berlin
  • Ben Lee

    Ben Lee

    Ben Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington and has previously served as an Innovator in Residence at the Library of Congress and a fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. His writing has appeared in Current Affairs and GoldFlakePaint.
  • Hyejoo Lee

    Hyejoo Lee

    Hyejoo Lee is a PhD student at the University of Southern California, where she researches and writes about film, digital media, gender, and Korean cinema more specifically.

  • Natasha Lennard

    Natasha Lennard

    Natasha Lennard is a British-born, Brooklyn-based writer, focusing on how power functions, and how it is challenged. She writes for publications including the Nation, the Intercept, Fusion and the New York Times philosophy blog, the Stone.
  • Simon Lewsen

    Simon Lewsen

    Simon Lewsen is a magazine writer based in Toronto. He writes mostly about art, design, technology, society, mental health, and weird science, and he teaches writing at the University of Toronto.
  • Real Life

    Real Life

  • Brent Lin

    Brent Lin

    Brent Lin writes about aesthetics, politics, and technology. He is currently a graduate student at McGill University.
  • Annie Lloyd

    Annie Lloyd

    Annie Lloyd is a writer living in Brooklyn by way of Los Angeles.
  • Zachary Loeb

    Zachary Loeb

    Zachary Loeb is a PhD candidate in the History and Sociology of Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania. His work focuses on the ways that complex technological systems generate and exacerbate risk, and the history of techno-scientific doom-saying. He is currently working on a dissertation project about the year 2000 computing crisis (better known as Y2K).
  • DM Loftis

    DM Loftis

    DM Loftis is a writer and cultural producer based in Philadelphia.
  • Silvio Lorusso

    Silvio Lorusso

    Silvio Lorusso is a writer, artist and designer living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In 2018 he published his first book entitled ENTREPRECARIAT: Everyone Is an Entrepreneur. Nobody Is Safe. He holds a Ph.D. in Design Sciences from the Iuav University of Venice.
  • M
  • Brendan Mackie

    Brendan Mackie

    Brendan Mackie recently received his PhD in History from Berkeley.  You can find his writing about history, technology and parenting on his substack.
  • Evan Malmgren

    Evan Malmgren

    Evan Malmgren is a writer who covers power and infrastructure for outlets including the BafflerDissentLogic, and the Nation. He is currently working on a book about people trying to live “off the grid” in modern America.
  • Leah Mandel

    Leah Mandel

    Leah Mandel is a writer based in New York. Her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Vice, Nylon, The Fader, and NPR. She writes about music, art, media obsolescence, Y2K kid culture, and miniatures.
  • Michael Marder

    Michael Marder

    Michael Marder is an Ikerbasque Research Professor of Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Vitoria-Gasteiz. His work spans the fields of phenomenology, environmental philosophy, and political thought.  
  • Kristen Martin

    Kristen Martin

    Kristen Martin recently received an MFA in nonfiction writing from Columbia University. She is at work on a collection of essays on her parents’ lives and deaths. Her personal and critical essays have been published in Catapult, LitHub, Guernica, Public Books, the Hairpin, the Toast, the Grief Diaries, and elsewhere. She teaches first-year writing at Columbia University and Baruch College.
  • Paris Marx

    Paris Marx

    Paris Marx is a writer, the host of a weekly podcast called Tech Won’t Save Us that critiques the worldviews of Silicon Valley, and a PhD student at the University of Auckland.
  • Megan Marz

    Megan Marz

    Megan Marz has written about books, language, and technology for the Baffler, the Washington Post, and other publications.
  • Andrew Marzoni

    Andrew Marzoni

    Andrew Marzoni writes criticism and teaches high school in New York City.
  • NM Mashurov 

    NM Mashurov 

    NM Mashurov is a music writer, poet, and nightlife worker from Brooklyn, and current MFA candidate at UCSD. They write on collectivity, queer intimacies under the surveillance state, cyborg affect, smashing borders of all kinds, gay noir, and, occasionally, nü metal.
  • Alana Massey

    Alana Massey

    Alana Massey is a writer covering culture, identity, vice, and virtue whose work regularly appears in outlets like Elle, Hazlitt, the Guardian, the New Inquiry, and more. Massey is the author of All the Lives I Want, a collection of essays about our relationships to women in pop culture. Her interests include books, champagne, cats, and money.
  • Adrienne Matei

    Adrienne Matei

    Adrienne Matei is a regular contributor to Quartz and NUVO Magazine. She has been published in Kinfolk Magazine, McSweeney’s, Vanity Fair, and Gather Journal.
  • Shannon Mattern

    Shannon Mattern

    Shannon Mattern is a Professor of Anthropology at The New School for Social Research. Her writing and teaching focus on archives, libraries, and other media spaces; media infrastructures; spatial epistemologies; and mediated sensation and exhibition. She is the author of The New Downtown Library: Designing with CommunitiesDeep Mapping the Media City, and Code and Clay, Data and Dirt: Five Thousand Years of Urban Media, all published by University of Minnesota Press. In addition to writing dozens of articles and book chapters, she also contributes a regular long-form column about urban data and mediated infrastructures to Places, a journal focusing on architecture, urbanism, and landscape, and she collaborates on public design and interactive projects and exhibitions.
  • Laura Mauldin

    Laura Mauldin

    Laura Mauldin is a sociologist and Associate Professor at the University of Connecticut. She is the author of Made to Hear: Cochlear Implants and Raising Deaf Children and a nationally certified American Sign Language interpreter. She is currently working on a new book that centers stories of spousal caregiving in the context of illness, disability, and aging, supported by a Social Science Research Council Rapid-Response Grant.
  • Laura Maw

    Laura Maw

    Laura Maw is a writer living in London. Her essays on horror film and art have featured in HazlittCatapult and Oh Comely magazine, among others. She is currently working on her first book, a critical memoir about women and horror film.
  • Claudia McNeilly

    Claudia McNeilly

    Claudia McNeilly writes and takes pictures for her weekly column Dinner, Deconstructed about Toronto’s restaurant scene in Canada’s National Post newspaper. You can also find her food writing on/in Vogue, Food Network Canada, Teen Vogue, New York magazine and Broadly.
  • Kastalia Medrano

    Kastalia Medrano

    Kastalia Medrano is a New York-based freelancer who still does not enjoy balloons. Her retweets are unwavering personal convictions.
  • Nina Medvedeva

    Nina Medvedeva

    Nina Medvedeva is a Ph.D. candidate in Feminist Studied at the University of Minnesota: Twin Cities. Her research explores what the short-term rental regulation debates in Boston, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. can teach us about how city residents imagine and govern the home.
  • Momtaza Mehri

    Momtaza Mehri

    Momtaza Mehri is a poet, essayist and co-editor of the digital platform Diaspora Drama. Her work is featured and forthcoming in Dazed, Sukoon, Bone Bouquet, Vinyl and Poetry International. Her poems will appear in Ten: Poets of the New Generation, to be published by BloodAxe Books in 2017.
  • Anya Metzer

    Anya Metzer

    Anya Metzer studied English literature at Oxford University and the University of Chicago, with a focus on gender, pathology and Victorian social thought. She is currently based back in London and works in international development.
  • Juli Min

    Juli Min

    Juli Min is the editor in chief of the Shanghai Literary Review and a lecturer of writing at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. She lives in Shanghai.
  • Robert Minto

    Robert Minto

    Robert Minto is an essayist, writer of speculative fiction, and nomadic traveler currently residing in Pittsburgh.
  • Haley Mlotek

    Haley Mlotek

    Haley Mlotek is a writer and editor based in New York. Her work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the New Yorker, the Pitchfork Reviewn+1, and elsewhere.

  • Rolin Moe

    Rolin Moe

    Rolin Moe is Director of the Institute for Academic Innovation at Seattle Pacific University. Too much of his writing exists behind academic paywalls, but he can also be found at Hybrid Pedagogy and Mindshift.
  • Alana Mohamed

    Alana Mohamed

    Alana Mohamed is a writer and librarian from Queens, NY.
  • Maandeeq Mohamed

    Maandeeq Mohamed

    Maandeeq Mohamed is a writer examining racial formation and varied entanglements with queerness.
  • Alexandra Molotkow

    Alexandra Molotkow

    Alexandra Molotkow is a senior editor at Real Life magazine. She was a founding editor of Hazlitt and an editor at the Hairpin. She has written for the Believer, the New York Times Magazine, the Cut and the New Republic.
  • Stephanie Monohan

    Stephanie Monohan

    Stephanie Monohan is a writer, illustrator, and youth researcher for MTV. She is currently pursuing a masters in Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU Steinhardt. Her work focuses on the intersections of technology, horror, and capitalism. She resides in New York and can often be found screening midnight movies at the Spectacle Theater in Brooklyn.
  • Madeleine Monson-Rosen

    Madeleine Monson-Rosen

    Madeleine Monson-Rosen writes about the cultural histories of real and fictional technologies. She has a PhD in English, and teaches literature and writing in Baltimore.
  • Erin Moore

    Erin Moore

    Erin Moore is a writer based in Salt Lake City, Utah. She likes to write about visual media and culture, technology, and identity, and works as the music editor for SLC Weekly. Her favorite things to do are listen to rock music and read theory — sometimes at once.
  • Quinn Moreland

    Quinn Moreland

    Quinn Moreland is a New York-based writer who joined Pitchfork in 2015. Her writing has also appeared in the Fader, the HairpinHyperallergic, Impose, Jezebel, and more.
  • Gavin Mueller

    Gavin Mueller

    Gavin Mueller is a contributing editor at Jacobin. He lives in Washington, D.C.
  • Ismail Muhammad

    Ismail Muhammad

    Ismail Muhammad is a staff writer for the Millions and a contributing editor at ZYZZYVA. His nonfiction and criticism have appeared in Slate, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Catapult, and other venues. He's currently based in Oakland, where he's working on a novel and a PhD in American literature at UC Berkeley. 
  • Kevin Munger

    Kevin Munger

    Kevin Munger is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and Social Data Analytics at Penn State University. He studies the internet and politics, blogs at Never Met a Science, and tweets @kmmunger.
  • Isabel Munson

    Isabel Munson

    Isabel Munson is a multimedia artist based in New York City. She writes and makes documentaries examining relationships between technology, design, economics and behavior. She also produces music, DJs, and runs NYC-based record label Worst Behavior Recs.
  • N
  • Patrick Nathan

    Patrick Nathan

    Patrick Nathan is the author of Some Hell. His essays and short fiction have appeared in Gulf Coast, Pacific Standard, Boulevard, Ninth Letter, Longreads, the Paris Review Daily, and elsewhere. His second book, an essay on photography, art, language, and the antifascist imagination, is forthcoming from Counterpoint Press in 2021.
  • Drew Nelles

    Drew Nelles

    Drew Nelles is a writer and podcast producer living in Brooklyn.

  • Kurt Newman

    Kurt Newman

    Kurt Newman is a Canadian-born Marxist historian who blogs weekly at the Society for U.S. Intellectual History blog (
  • Elizabeth Newton

    Elizabeth Newton

    Elizabeth Newton is a doctoral candidate in historical musicology. Her research interests include musico-poetics, fidelity and reproduction, and affective histories of musical media. She lives in New York City.
  • Greg Nissan

    Greg Nissan

    Greg Nissan is a writer and translator living in Berlin.
  • Rina Nkulu

    Rina Nkulu

    Rina Nkulu is a writer and artist studying in Arizona. She likes writing about cultures/subcultures, imagery, and identity. Her work has been published in Rookie, Teen Vogue, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, and others.
  • Tausif Noor

    Tausif Noor

    Tausif Noor is a freelance writer in London.
  • Emma R. Norton

    Emma R. Norton

    Emma Rae Norton is an artist working with and through software. Her work, while mostly existing online, has also taken the form of DAT zines, CD-ROM and collaborative hand coding workshops. She is currently conducting research on the history and cultural impact of the computer mouse.
  • Rae Nudson

    Rae Nudson

    Rae Nudson is a freelance writer based in Chicago. Her work has appeared on Esquire and the Billfold. She is in the interior design certificate program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
  • O
  • Rebecca O'Dwyer 

    Rebecca O'Dwyer 

    Rebecca O'Dwyer is an Irish art critic and writer based in Berlin. 
  • Vicky Osterweil

    Vicky Osterweil

    Vicky Osterweil is a writer, editor, and agitator based in Philadelphia. She is the co-host of the podcast Cerise and Vicky Rank the Movies, where they are ranking every movie ever made, and the author of In Defense of Looting.
  • P
  • Kyle Paoletta

    Kyle Paoletta

    Kyle Paoletta’s work has appeared in the New York Times MagazineHarper's, and the Nation. He is a native of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Mary Pappalardo

    Mary Pappalardo

    Mary Pappalardo is a PhD candidate in English at Louisiana State University, where she writes about the contemporary novel and the internet. She is also the fiction editor at NDR magazine.
  • Britt S. Paris

    Britt S. Paris

    Britt S. Paris is working on her PhD in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA. Her research interests include information and communication technology aesthetics, critical data studies, history and philosophy of technology and information ethics. Her work has been published in Big Data & Society, Discourse and Society, Triple Canopy, and InterActions.
  • David Parisi

    David Parisi

    David Parisi's research explores the digital mediations and technological extensions of tactility. He is Associate Professor of Emerging Media at the College of Charleston, author of Archaeologies of Touch: Interfacing with Haptics from Electricity to Computing (University of Minnesota Press, 2018), and an editor at ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories.
  • Jason Rhys Parry

    Jason Rhys Parry

    Jason Rhys Parry is a visiting clinical assistant professor in the Honors College at Purdue University. His writing has appeared in Philosophy TodayDiacriticsSubStance, and Theory & Event. In 2020, he was named a fellow of the Future Architecture Platform.
  • Will Partin

    Will Partin

    Will Partin is featherless biped with broad nails and access to the internet. He researches labor, technology, and culture.
  • Ulysses Pascal

    Ulysses Pascal

    Ulysses Pascal is a PhD Candidate at the UCLA department of Information Studies where they research global financial information infrastructure and the political economy of platforms. They are currently working on an updated version of the board game Monopoly for the platform era.
  • Frank Pasquale

    Frank Pasquale

    Frank Pasquale is Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School, and author of New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI (Harvard University Press, 2020).  
  • PJ Patella-Rey

    PJ Patella-Rey

    PJ Patella-Rey is a writer and community organizer  who works at the intersections of sexuality, labor, and digital technology. He is co-host of the Peepshow Podcast and co-founded the Cyborgology blog and the Theorizing the Web conference.
  • Sharrona Pearl

    Sharrona Pearl

    Sharrona Pearl is Associate Professor of Medical Ethics at Drexel University.  A historian and theorist of the face and body, her most recent book is Face/On: Face Transplants and the Ethics of the Other (University of Chicago Press, 2017).  She is currently writing a book about face blindness and super recognition, forthcoming from Johns Hopkins University Press.  You can find her freelance writing in the Washington Post, Lilith Magazine, Tablet Magazine, Chronicle Vitae, Kveller, and in other places including her website,
  • Liz Pelly

    Liz Pelly

    Liz Pelly is a writer and critic based in New York. She is a contributing editor and columnist at the Baffler.
  • Kelly Pendergrast

    Kelly Pendergrast

    Kelly Pendergrast is a writer, researcher, and curator based in San Francisco. She works with ANTISTATIC on technology and environmental justice, and she writes about natures, visual culture, and laboring bodies.
  • Eleanor Penny

    Eleanor Penny

    Eleanor Penny is a writer, editor, translator and poet. She's an editor at Novara Media, and an associate editor at openDemocracyUK. She holds a degree in Philosophy & French from University College London.
  • Adam Fleming Petty

    Adam Fleming Petty

    Adam Fleming Petty is a writer in Indianapolis. His work has appeared in the Paris Review Daily, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and Electric Literature
  • Kaitlin Phillips

    Kaitlin Phillips

    Kaitlin Phillips is a writer living in New York.
  • Jake Pitre

    Jake Pitre

    Jake Pitre is a graduate student in Film Studies at Carleton University, working on a thesis about Steven Universe and queer fandom. He has been published at Dazed & Confused, Polygon, Paste Magazine, the Outline, and Hazlitt
  • Peter Polack

    Peter Polack

    Peter Polack is a designer and PhD candidate at the Department of Information Studies at UCLA. His work and research address how algorithmic systems are designed to inform our perception, and the role of art-making in illustrating what algorithms make perceptible. This focus is informed by his background in game design, visual analytics, and his work to analyze the social impacts of law enforcement information systems.
  • Sam Popowich

    Sam Popowich

    Sam Popowich is a librarian at the University of Alberta and a PhD student in political science at the University of Birmingham. He is the author of Confronting the Democratic Discourse of Librarianship: A Marxist ApproachHe blogs regularly about librarianship, technology, and politics at
  • Devon Powers

    Devon Powers

    Devon Powers is Associate Professor of Advertising at Temple University. She studies consumer culture past, present, and future. She is the author of On Trend: The Business of Forecasting the Future (University of Illinois Press, 2019).
  • Melissa Powers

    Melissa Powers

    Melissa Powers is a Singaporean-American writer based in Brooklyn. Reach out at if you can help her put on Hamlet in an IKEA.
  • Alicia Puglionesi

    Alicia Puglionesi

    Alicia Puglionesi is an adjunct instructor in the medical humanities. She is the author of Common Phantoms: An American History of Psychic Science (2020) and articles for Aeon, the Public Domain Review, and Atlas Obscura.
  • Paco Salas Pérez

    Paco Salas Pérez

    Paco Salas Pérez is a writer, sci-fi enthusiast and computational linguist based in Brooklyn. They're a contributing editor at the New Inquiry.
  • Q
  • Alex Quicho

    Alex Quicho

    Alex Quicho is a writer and cultural analyst in London. Her writing on futures, sex, and power in art and design has appeared in Adult, Mask, and Canadian Art.
  • R
  • Krish Raghav

    Krish Raghav

    Krish Raghav is a comic book artist based in Amsterdam. He is part of Chaoyang Trap (, an experimental newsletter about everyday life on the Chinese internet.
  • Zara Rahman

    Zara Rahman

    Zara Rahman is a researcher, writer, and linguist who is interested in the intersection of power, race, and technology. She has traveled and worked in more than 25 countries in the field of information accessibility and data use in civil society. She was the first employee at OpenOil, looking into open data in the extractive industries, then worked for Open Knowledge, working with School of Data on data literacy for journalists and civil society. Rahman is currently a Fellow at the Data & Society Research Institute in New York City, investigating the bridging role between highly tech-literate communities and lower tech-literate communities. She is also a Research Lead at The Engine Room where she leads their Responsible Data Program.
  • Chris Randle

    Chris Randle

    Chris Randle is one of those Canadian writers living in New York. He has contributed to Hazlitt, the Guardian, Pitchfork, the New York Times Magazine, and other publications.
  • Emilie Reed

    Emilie Reed

    Emilie Reed is a writer, curator and researcher currently based in Glasgow, with a focus on amateur, expressive and experimental use of technology. Her website is
  • Tiana Reid

    Tiana Reid

    Tiana Reid is a writer and editor at the New Inquiry. Her work has been published in BitchFull Stop, Mask, the ToastVice, and elsewhere.
  • Sara Reinis

    Sara Reinis

    Sara Reinis is a strategist by trade who thinks obsessively about the internet. Her research and writing interests surround social media, visual culture, and new technologies.
  • Renée Reizman

    Renée Reizman

    Renée Reizman is an MFA candidate in critical and curatorial studies at the University of California, Irvine, and the curatorial assistant at And/Or Gallery in Pasadena.
  • Anna Reser

    Anna Reser

    Anna Reser is a historian of technology and the editor of Lady Science.
  • Brianna Rettig

    Brianna Rettig

    Brianna Rettig is a photographer and creator based in New York City. She is currently a member of the visuals team at Artsy Magazine. See her work at
  • Erin Reznick

    Erin Reznick

    Erin Reznick is a publisher and creative director currently based between New York City and Toronto, Canada. She was the co-Editor in Chief of Phile Magazine. Her research tends to the general problem of negotiating space within an urban landscape, specifically the social space that occurs in both public and private domains.
  • Kevin Rogan

    Kevin Rogan

    Kevin Rogan is a writer and dilettante based in New York City.
  • Alex Ronan

    Alex Ronan

    Alex Ronan is a writer living in Berlin, mostly. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, New York Magazine, Dwell, and elsewhere.
  • Paul Roquet

    Paul Roquet

    Paul Roquet is an associate professor in Comparative Media Studies at MIT, and the author of Ambient Media: Japanese Atmospheres of Self (Minnesota, 2016)
  • Olivia Rosane

    Olivia Rosane

    Olivia Rosane has a master's in art and politics from Goldsmiths, University of London. For her dissertation, she completed a multimedia imagining of communities surviving in a climate-changed London. She spent her 20s working and organizing at a bookstore and writing about drones and internet literature for The State. Her work has also appeared in the New InquiryYes! Magazine, and the Dissent blog.
  • Franceska Rouzard

    Franceska Rouzard

    Franceska Rouzard is an essayist based in Philadelphia.
  • David Rudin

    David Rudin

    David Rudin is a writer who lives in Montreal. He is highly caffeinated.
  • S
  • L. M. Sacasas

    L. M. Sacasas

    L. M. Sacasas is an independent scholar based in central Florida. He writes at his website, The Frailest Thing, and publishes The Convivial Society newsletter.
  • Shaan Sachdev

    Shaan Sachdev

    Shaan Sachdev writes about ontology, Beyoncé, the military industrial complex, noise, and other things.
  • Jathan Sadowski

    Jathan Sadowski

    Jathan Sadowski is a research fellow in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University.
  • Mila Samdub

    Mila Samdub

    Mila Samdub studied creative writing at a small college in upstate New York. He has interests like trees, food, borderlands, and typography. He lives in New Delhi, the city of his adolescence, where he now works everyday as a curator. He can be found on Instagram at @delhimodernism.
  • Dorothy R. Santos

    Dorothy R. Santos

    Dorothy R. Santos is a Filipina-American editor, curator, and educator whose research interests include digital art, activism, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology. She serves as Editor-in-Chief for Hyphen magazine.
  • M.R. Sauter

    M.R. Sauter

    M.R. Sauter is the author of The Coming Swarm: DDOS Actions, Hacktivism, and Civil Disobedience on the Internet. They're a professor of information studies in Maryland. They are working on a book about the history of venture capital.
  • R. Joshua Scannell

    R. Joshua Scannell

    R. Joshua Scannell is an adjunct instructor in Sociology and Women and Gender Studies at Hunter College, and the author of Cities: Uncertain Sovereignty and Unauthorised Resistance in the Urban World
  • Taylore Scarabelli

    Taylore Scarabelli

    Taylore Scarabelli is a New York-based writer whose work focuses on fashion, feminism, and technology. She has written for DazedFlauntTopical Cream, and Under the Influence, among others.  
  • Christopher Schaberg

    Christopher Schaberg

    Christopher Schaberg is Dorothy Harrell Brown Distinguished Professor of English at Loyola University New Orleans, and the author of The Textual Life of Airports (2011), The End of Airports (2015), Airportness (2017), and The Work of Literature in an Age of Post-Truth (2018).
  • Benjamin Schneider

    Benjamin Schneider

    Benjamin Schneider is a freelance writer based in San Francisco, focusing on urbanism, technology, and culture.
  • Erin Schwartz

    Erin Schwartz

    Erin Schwartz is a writer based in New York.
  • Mayukh Sen

    Mayukh Sen

    Mayukh Sen is a writer who lives in New York. He has written for New York magazine, VicePitchforkthe Fader, and elsewhere.
  • Charlotte Shane

    Charlotte Shane

    Charlotte Shane has contributed to Fusion, Hazlitt, the New Inquiry, and the New Republic. She is the author of Prostitute Laundry and N.B. and the co-founder of TigerBee Press.

  • Nikki Shaner-Bradford

    Nikki Shaner-Bradford

    Nikki Shaner-Bradford is a writer who lives in New York. Her work can be found in the Paris Review Daily, the Outline, and her semi-regular newsletter about Love Island.
  • Cason Sharpe

    Cason Sharpe

    Cason Sharpe is a writer currently based in Toronto. His first collection of stories, Our Lady of Perpetual Realness, was published by Metatron Press in 2017.
  • Suzannah Showler

    Suzannah Showler

    Suzannah Showler is the author of the poetry collections Thing is (McClelland & Stewart 2017) and Failure to Thrive (ECW 2014) and the book Most Dramatic Ever about The Bachelor. You can read her work in the New York Times Magazine, Slate, Buzzfeed Reader, the Walrus, Hazlitt, Maisonneuve, and the Los Angeles Review of Books, among other places.
  • Geoff Shullenberger

    Geoff Shullenberger

    Geoff Shullenberger teaches at NYU and has written for Dissent, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and the New Inquiry, among others.
  • Arabelle Sicardi

    Arabelle Sicardi

    Arabelle Sicardi writes about beauty, fashion, and power. Their work can be found in Allure, Teen Vogue, Racked, Hazlitt, and elsewhere.
  • Naomi Skwarna

    Naomi Skwarna

    Naomi Skwarna is a writer and actor. Her work has appeared in the Believer, the Globe and Mail, the Hairpin, Hazlitt, the National Post, Toronto Life, and elsewhere. She lives in Toronto, where she takes pictures with her phone.
  • Isabel B. Slone

    Isabel B. Slone

    Isabel B. Slone is a freelance journalist and copywriter living in Toronto. She has written for the Globe and Mail, the National Post, Flare, the Hairpin, Hazlitt, and Vice.
  • Nadine Smith

    Nadine Smith

    Nadine Smith is a writer, DJ, and co-host of the podcast Hotbox the Cinema. Her work has appeared in publications like the New York Times Magazine, Pitchfork, the Outline, Bandcamp Daily, Observer, & the Nashville Scene.
  • Philippa Snow

    Philippa Snow

    Philippa Snow is a London-based writer and editor at Modern Matter and Hexus journal. She has written for i-D, the Guardian, Dazed & Confused, and the Quietus, among others.
  • Daniel Spielberger

    Daniel Spielberger

    Daniel Spielberger is a writer. He graduated from Reed College in 2015 and now lives in San Francisco.
  • Emma Stamm

    Emma Stamm

    Emma Stamm is Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University. She specializes in critical theory and philosophy of technology. Her website is and she's on Twitter @14floating.
  • Aurora Stewart de Peña

    Aurora Stewart de Peña

    Aurora Stewart de Peña is a writer and ad strategist from Toronto. Her writing has appeared in Vice and the Puritan, and she’s a playwright in residence at Buddies in Bad Times theater.

  • Matthew Stewart

    Matthew Stewart

    Matthew Stewart is designer and writer based in London. He teaches on the BA Architecture course at the University of Westminster and has worked with architectural practices in Beijing, Seoul and Mumbai. He is currently researching the relationship between modernisation and modernity with urbanization, in the context of AI.
  • Tynan Stewart

    Tynan Stewart

    Tynan Stewart writes and gardens in Fort Worth, Texas. His journalism has been published in the Counter and Undark Magazine, among other places.
  • Rachel Stone

    Rachel Stone

    Rachel Stone is a student and writer from Chicago. Her work has been published in the Awl, the Toast, the Hairpin, and others.
  • Tiffany Sum

    Tiffany Sum

    A sci-fi writer who also manages tech-heavy entertainment productions, Tiffany Sum proposes solutions for all to save our earth with emerging technologies.
  • Chelsea G. Summers

    Chelsea G. Summers

    A former academic, Chelsea G. Summers writes almost exclusively about sex. Her writing has appeared in Hazlitt, Vice, the New Republic, Adult Magazine, and the Guardian, among others.
  • Lachlan Summers

    Lachlan Summers

    Lachlan Summers is a PhD candidate in cultural anthropology at UC Santa Cruz, where he researches the political fallout of Mexico City’s repeating earthquakes. He is having an amazing time.
  • Joe Sutton

    Joe Sutton

    Joe Sutton is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn.
  • T
  • Apoorva Tadepalli

    Apoorva Tadepalli

    Apoorva Tadepalli is a freelance writer. She is from Bombay and lives in Brooklyn.
  • Grafton Tanner

    Grafton Tanner

    Grafton Tanner is the author of The Hours Have Lost Their Clock: The Politics of Nostalgia. His work has appeared in such venues as The Nation, NPR's Throughline, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. He lives in Athens, GA.
  • Mitch Therieau

    Mitch Therieau

    Mitch Therieau is a writer and PhD candidate in Modern Thought and Literature at Stanford University. You can find his writing in Post45n+1, the Drift, the Baffler, and Chicago Review, among other places.
  • Stephen Thomas

    Stephen Thomas

    Stephen Thomas is the author of The Jokes, a book of stories, and has contributed to Hazlitt, the Daily Dot, Little Brother, and the Millions. He lives in Toronto.
  • Michael Thomsen

    Michael Thomsen

    Michael Thomsen is a writer in New York and the author of Levitate the Primate: Handjobs, Internet Dating, and Other Issues for Men.
  • Eric Thurm

    Eric Thurm

    Eric Thurm would rather be watching The Young Pope or playing Pandemic: Legacy. He also writes for, among other outlets, GQ, Esquire, and the Guardian, and is the founder and host of the extremely non-TED affiliated event Drunk TED Talks.
  • Monica Torres

    Monica Torres

    Monica Torres is a journalist living in New York. Her writing has appeared in Fusion, the Hairpin and the Feminist Wire. She emotes through gifs on Twitter
  • Josh Tucker

    Josh Tucker

    Josh Tucker is a writer based in the U.S. Midwest. His freelance work has appeared at various outlets that may or may not still exist.
  • Tony Tulathimutte

    Tony Tulathimutte

    Tony Tulathimutte wrote the novel Private Citizens and runs CRIT, a writing class in Brooklyn. He has received a Whiting Award and an O. Henry Award, and is a graduate of Stanford University and the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • David Turner

    David Turner

    David Turner is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn, who writes a weekly newsletter on the business of music streaming called Penny Fractions.
  • U
  • Christina Ungermann

    Christina Ungermann

    Christina Ungermann is a writer from California currently living in Los Angeles.
  • V
  • Tracy Valcourt

    Tracy Valcourt

    Tracy Valcourt is a writer based in Montréal.
  • Sanjana Varghese

    Sanjana Varghese

    Sanjana Varghese is a journalist and researcher based in London. She writes about technology and power, and has previously written for the New Statesman, Wired UK, Vice and others.
  • Anh Vo

    Anh Vo

    Anh Vo is a Vietnamese choreographer and writer. Their research focuses on experimental practices in dance and pornography. They are currently based in Brooklyn, NY.
  • Alex Vuocolo

    Alex Vuocolo

    Alex Vuocolo a New York City-based editor, reporter, and freelance writer.
  • W
  • Bekah Waalkes

    Bekah Waalkes

    Bekah Waalkes is a PhD candidate and writer based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Genevieve Walker

    Genevieve Walker

    Genevieve Walker is a writer based in Brooklyn, New York. Previously she managed editorial operations at the Players' Tribune, and before that, was the lead web producer at GQ magazine. You can find her gloves here.
  • Aimee Walleston

    Aimee Walleston

    Aimee Walleston is a writer and adjunct professor based in New York. She has contributed writing for publications including Art in America, T Magazine, and Mousse. She teaches at New York University, International Center of Photography, and Sotheby's Institute of Art.
  • Marisol García Walls

    Marisol García Walls

    Marisol García Walls is an essayist in Mexico City. Her work in English has appeared in Remezcla. She is currently writing a book on objects, surfaces, archives and museums. She is active as one of the editors and members of the Center for the Study of Cute and Useless Things.
  • Mary Wang

    Mary Wang

    Mary Wang is a Chinese-Dutch writer based in New York. Follow more of her work on Twitter or Instagram.
  • May Waver

    May Waver

    May Waver is a new media and video artist based in St. Paul, Minnesota. Her research-oriented practice explores technologies of care, intimacy, and privacy. May is also a co-founding member of the art collective cybertwee.
  • Moira Weigel

    Moira Weigel

    Moira Weigel is a writer and academic currently finishing a PhD at Yale University. Her first book, Labor of Love: The Invention of Datingcame out in May 2016. 
  • Heather White

    Heather White

    Heather White is a writer in Toronto.
  • Autumn Whitefield-Madrano

    Autumn Whitefield-Madrano

    Autumn Whitefield-Madrano is the author of Face Value: The Hidden Ways Beauty Shapes Women’s Lives. Her writing has appeared in Marie Claire, Glamour, and Jezebel, and she blogs for the New Inquiry and Psychology Today.
  • Adam Willems

    Adam Willems

    Adam Willems is a Seattle-based freelance writer and reporter. They write Divine Innovation, a somewhat cheeky newsletter on spirituality and technology.
  • Damien Patrick Williams

    Damien Patrick Williams

    Damien Patrick Williams is a PhD researcher at Virginia Tech in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society. His research areas include ethics, epistemology, philosophy of technology, philosophy of mind, and the occult. He writes at and
  • James K. Williamson

    James K. Williamson

    James KWilliamson fact-checks and writes in New York City. His writing has appeared in the Trace, Columbia Journalism Review, and Narratively.
  • Richard Woodall

    Richard Woodall

    Richard Woodall is a writer and researcher based in Sheffield, England. His interests include the history and politics of visual technologies, as well as the analysis and critique of digital capitalism.
  • Grant Wythoff

    Grant Wythoff

    Grant Wythoff is a visiting fellow with the Center for Humanities and Information at Penn State. He teaches literature, digital media, and science fiction.
  • Y
  • Ludwig Yeetgenstein

    Ludwig Yeetgenstein

    Ludwig Yeetgenstein is a software engineer. You can follow him on Twitter.
  • Natasha Young

    Natasha Young

    Natasha Young is a writer whose essays and criticism have been published in the New Inquiry, Artforum, and Adult magazine. Her first novel, Static Flux, is coming fall 2017 via Metatron. She lives in Los Angeles.
  • N
  • Neta Alexander and Bradley H. Kerr

    Neta Alexander and Bradley H. Kerr

    Neta Alexander is an assistant professor of film and media at Colgate University, New York. Her work focuses on Science and Technology Studies and digital media. She serves as an assistant editor of JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, and her recent book, Failure (Polity, 2019), coauthored with Arjun Appadurai, studies how Silicon Valley and Wall Street monetize failure and forgetfulness. Bradley H. Kerr is a writer and editor based in upstate New York. He holds an M.A in Philosophy from Columbia University and a B.A. in Mind, Nature and Value from the New School. He recently apprenticed at the Carpenter's Boat Shop, a school for traditional wooden boatbuilding in Pemaquid, Maine.
  • M
  • Marcus Carter and Ben Egliston

    Marcus Carter and Ben Egliston

    Marcus Carter is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney, where he researches games, play and mixed reality. Ben Egliston is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Digital Media Research Centre at Queensland University of Technology.
  • B
  • Brooke Erin Duffy and Kate M. Miltner

    Brooke Erin Duffy and Kate M. Miltner

    Brooke Erin Duffy, PhD, is an associate professor at Cornell University and the author of (Not) Getting Paid to Do What You Love: Gender, Social Media, and Aspirational Work (Yale University Press, 2017) and Platforms and Cultural Production, with Thomas Poell and David Nieborg (Polity Press, 2022), among others.

    Kate M. Miltner, PhD is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions TRAIN@Ed Fellow at the University of Edinburgh whose work has been featured in Wired, Slate, the Atlantic, the Guardian, Al Jazeera, Time, and the BBC.

  • J
  • Jackie Brown and Philippe Mesly

    Jackie Brown and Philippe Mesly

    Jackie Brown is a researcher and writer based in Toronto. Her work focuses on economic justice and the relationships between people, technology, and their environments. Philippe Mesly is a horticulturalist, translator, and writer. He lives in Toronto with his partner.
  • C
  • Chris Gilliard and David Golumbia

    Chris Gilliard and David Golumbia

    Chris Gilliard has a PhD from Purdue University’s Rhetoric and Composition Program and currently teaches at Macomb Community College. His work concentrates on privacy, institutional tech policy, digital redlining, and the re-inventions of discriminatory practices through data mining and algorithmic decision-making, especially as these apply to college students. David Golumbia is an Associate Professor of English Department at Virginia Commonwealth University. He is the author of The Cultural Logic of Computation (Harvard University Press, 2009), The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism (University of Minnesota Press, 2016) and many articles on digital culture, language, and literary studies.
  • P
  • Priya C. Kumar; Anna Pendergrast; Kelly Pendergrast

    Priya C. Kumar; Anna Pendergrast; Kelly Pendergrast

    Priya C. Kumar is a writer and researcher who studies the datafication of family life. She is an assistant professor at the Pennsylvania State University’s College of Information Sciences and Technology. Anna Pendergrast is a New Zealand-based writer and analyst. She is co-lead of ANTISTATIC, a research and communications group that focuses on issues of technology and the environment. Kelly Pendergrast is a writer, researcher, and curator based in San Francisco. She works with ANTISTATIC on technology and environmental justice, and she writes about natures, visual culture, and laboring bodies.
  • A
  • Alexandra Kimball and Tamara Lea Spira

    Alexandra Kimball and Tamara Lea Spira

    Alexandra Kimball is a non-fiction writer based in Toronto. Her first book, The Seed: Infertility is a Feminist Issue was published in 2019 by Coach House Books. She is currently working on a book of essays about the ideology of motherhood under consumer capitalism. Tamara Lea Spira is an Associate Professor of Queer Studies in the Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies at Western Washington University. Her work has been published in venues including Radical History ReviewBoundary2Identities, Feminist TheoryFeminist Formations,  The Feminist Wire and more. Her first book, Movements of Feeling, is forthcoming with the University of Washington Press. Her second book on queering family is under contract with the University of California Press.
  • R
  • Robert W. Gehl and Sean T. Lawson

    Robert W. Gehl and Sean T. Lawson

    Robert W. Gehl is F. Jay Taylor Endowed Research Chair of Communication at Louisiana Tech University and the author of Weaving the Dark Web (MIT Press). Sean T. Lawson is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Utah, Non-Resident Fellow at the Brute Krulak Center for Innovation & Future Warfare at the Marine Corps University, and author of Cybersecurity Discourse in the United States.
  • K
  • Katherine Alejandra Cross and Anastasia Schaadhardt

    Katherine Alejandra Cross and Anastasia Schaadhardt

    Katherine Alejandra Cross is a PhD Candidate at the University of Washington School of Information who specialises in the study of anti-social behaviour online, including online harassment. She's written extensively on tech, video gaming, and culture for a variety of outlets. Anastasia Schaadhardt is a PhD student at the University of Washington School of Information who studies intersections of disability, technology, and power. Her current research involves mental health networks and communities on TikTok.
  • Karen Gregory; Kirsty Hendry; Jake Watts; Dave Young

    Karen Gregory; Kirsty Hendry; Jake Watts; Dave Young

    Cursor was established by artists Kirsty Hendry, Jake Watts, and Dave Young. The app also contains contributions from Karen Gregory, Rumi Josephs, Simone C Niquille, and Anna Zett.
  • A
  • Anna Reser and Leila McNeill

    Anna Reser and Leila McNeill

    Anna Reser is a historian of technology and the editor of Lady Science. Leila McNeill is a writer, historian of science, and editor for Lady Science magazine. She is currently a regular writer on women and gender in the history of science, technology, and medicine for
  • D
  • David A. Banks and Britney Gil

    David A. Banks and Britney Gil

    David A. Banks is an editor at Cyborgology and a Theorizing the Web committee member. His work focuses on the intersections of digital networks, urban form, and structures of power. David’s work has also been featured in the New Inquiry, Tikkun Magazine, and the Baffler Blog. Britney Gil is a freelance writer interested in technology and society, media criticism, and speculative fiction. She lives in Troy, New York.
  • C
  • Cherie Lacey; Catherine Caudwell; Alex Beattie

    Cherie Lacey; Catherine Caudwell; Alex Beattie

    Cherie Lacey is a lecturer in Media Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Her research explores the ways in which the design of 'smart' technologies mediates relationships. Situated within the field of Science and Technology Studies, Cherie has published in the areas of data privacy and ethics, dark patterns, digital wellbeing, and user subjectivity. Catherine Caudwell is a lecturer in User Experience Design at the School of Design, Victoria University of Wellington. Catherine’s research takes a qualitative and interdisciplinary approach to exploring how relationships with emerging technologies are created, reinforced, and reimagined through the nexus of design, marketing, media, and public adoption. Alex Beattie is a writer and PhD candidate at Victoria University of Wellington and is researching ways in which people disconnect from the internet.
  • A
  • Anna and Kelly Pendergrast

    Anna and Kelly Pendergrast

    Anna Pendergrast is a New Zealand-based writer and analyst. She is co-lead of ANTISTATIC, a research and communications group that focuses on issues of technology and the environment. Kelly Pendergrast is a writer, researcher, and curator based in San Francisco. She works with ANTISTATIC on technology and environmental justice, and she writes about natures, visual culture, and laboring bodies.
  • Z
  • Hannah Zeavin

    Hannah Zeavin

    Hannah Zeavin is a Lecturer in the Departments of English and History at UC Berkeley, and a faculty affiliate of the University of California at Berkeley Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society.  Her research focuses on the coordinated histories of technology and medicine. Zeavin is the author of The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy (MIT Press, August 2021) and at work on her second book, Mother's Little Helpers: Technology in the American Family (MIT Press, 2023). Other work has appeared or is forthcoming in differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Logic Magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Slate, and beyond.
  • Eli Zeger

    Eli Zeger

    Eli Zeger is currently a freshman at Goucher College in Towson, Maryland. His work has been published in Vice, the A.V. Club, and Paste.
  • Sienna Zeilinger

    Sienna Zeilinger

    Sienna Zeilinger is a writer and educator based in Cleveland, Ohio. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Salon, Curbed, Post-, The College Hill Independent, and elsewhere.
  • Cat Zhang

    Cat Zhang

    Cat Zhang is a writer based in Brooklyn. She is on staff at Pitchfork, where she writes a column dissecting the musical trends of TikTok.
  • Catherine Zimmer

    Catherine Zimmer

    Catherine Zimmer is Chair of the Film and Screen Studies Department at Pace University, and the author of Surveillance Cinema. Her work on media, culture, and politics has appeared in a range of scholarly journals as well as popular online publications.
  • Sam Zucchi

    Sam Zucchi

    Sam Zucchi is a law student and occasional games critic.
  • D
  • Angella d'Avignon

    Angella d'Avignon

    Angella d'Avignon was born and raised in California, lives and works in Brooklyn, and is an MFA candidate in Art Writing at School of Visual Arts.
  • Rachel del Valle

    Rachel del Valle

    Rachel del Valle is a freelance writer and copywriter. She lives in Brooklyn.
  • K
  • merritt k

    merritt k

    merritt k is a writer and podcaster living in Brooklyn. She hosts the podcasts Woodland Secrets and dadfeelings and can be found on Twitter at @merrittk.