
Nelson Minar 🧚‍♂️: “One thing I am liking about pr…” – LGBTQIA+ and Tech

For building small to medium new projects with unfamiliar languages, stacks, and tools, this absolutely makes sense. On the other hand, I’ve struggled to get much value out of copilots when working on existing, medium to large, mature (ish) codebases, on stacks etc that I’m already familiar with. Copilots may be good at generating small, self contained blocks of new code, but they don’t really help at all with changes that touch a handful of places across an existing codebase in nontrivial ways. Still makes me feel conflicted that I’m not using the hot new thing though!  

Bridgy Fed’s bridging has been down some today. Apologies, all! I’m on vacation with limited access right now, so the downtime has been longer than it would be otherwise. I’m working on it as best I can. Not sure if it will be back up soon or tomorrow, but I’ll keep you posted.
