This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.

Apache Tajo™: A big data warehouse system on Hadoop

Apache Tajo is a robust big data relational and distributed data warehouse system for Apache Hadoop. Tajo is designed for low-latency and scalable ad-hoc queries, online aggregation, and ETL (extract-transform-load process) on large-data sets stored on HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and other data sources. By supporting SQL standards and leveraging advanced database techniques, Tajo allows direct control of distributed execution and data flow across a variety of query evaluation strategies and optimization opportunities.


  • Fast and Efficient
    • Fully distributed SQL query processing engine
    • Advanced query optimization such as cost-based and progressive query optimization
    • Interactive analysis on reasonable data set
  • Scalable
    • Fault tolerance and dynamic scheduling for long-running queries
    • Out-of-core algorithms for data sets larger than main memory
  • Compatible
    • ANSI/ISO SQL standard compliance
    • Hive MetaStore access support
    • JDBC driver support
    • Various file formats support, such as CSV, JSON, RCFile, SequenceFile, ORC and Parquet
  • Easy
    • User-defined functions
    • Interactive shell
    • Convenient Backup/Restore utility
    • Asynchronous/Synchronous Java API


  • [2016-05-18] Tajo 0.11.3 released.
  • [2016-04-07] Tajo 0.11.2 released.
  • [2016-02-03] Tajo 0.11.1 released.
  • [2015-10-27] Tajo 0.11.0 released.
  • [2015-10-01] Jihoon Son had a talk at Apache: Big Data Europe 2015 (Slide).
  • [2015-09-19] DaeMyung Kang was invited to a new committer.
  • [2015-06-27] Hyunsik Choi had a talk at Big Data Day LA 2015.
  • [2015-06-17] Hyunsik Choi had a talk at Hadoop Summit North America (Slide).
  • [2014-12-05] Hyoung Jun Kim was elected as a Tajo PMC member.
  • [2014-12-05] Jihun Kang was invited to a new committer.
  • [2014-08-06] Hyoung Jun Kim was invited to a new committer.
  • [2014-06-14] Hyunsik Choi had a talk at Big Data Camp LA 2014. (Slide)
  • [2014-06-02] Hyunsik Choi had a talk at Hadoop Summit North America 2014. (Slide)
  • [2014-05-24] Alvin Derek Henrick was invited to a new committer.
  • [2014-04-01] Keuntae Park presented the real usecases of Apache Tajo in ApacheCon North America 2014. (Video, Slide)
  • [2014-04-01] Min Zhou was invited to a new committer.
  • [2014-03-24] Apache Tajo became Apache Top-level Project.
  • [2014-02-27] Keuntae Park was invited to ApacheConf 2014 (schedule).
  • [2014-01-02] Keuntae Park was invited to become a new committer.
  • [2013-11-20] Tajo 0.2.0-incubating Released. Now available for download!
  • [2013-10-15] Tajo was presented at Bay Area Hadoop User Group - LinkedIn Special Event.
  • [2013-10-15] Tajo was introduced at Deview 2013.
  • [2013-05-27] Two projects were accepted to Google Summer of Code 2013.
  • [2013-04-09] Tajo was demonstrated at IEEE ICDE 2013.
  • [2013-03-07] Tajo Project enters incubation.
  • [2012-10-15] A demonstration paper of Tajo was accepted to IEEE ICDE 2013.