Friday, July 19, 2024


W: 317.4

BS: 157

Slept last night.  Aside from waking once to pee, nothing but sweet oblivion. I slept through the alarm.  I slept through a doctor's appointment.  

  • The usual
  • Outdoor stuff and things
  • Even more usual

It has occurred to me that the majority of political rhetoric would vanish if using the words 'Could', 'Would', and 'Might' were punished with a good kick to the genitals.

(Here would be an image of a bee in one of my squash blossoms, if Blogger allowed me to post pictures).

So, where were you the day Crowdstrike and Microsoft crashed over a billion corporate computers worldwide?

I think it's vastly significant that an error by a single employee and single mismanaged cyber-company can do such massive damage worldwide.

All indications are that Crowdstrike will not survive as a company, and Microsoft may lose millions if not billions of dollars.  The corporations affected?  There is no way to add up what this will cost their investors.

The real question in my mind is this:  What will be learned from this event?   I expect... nothing.

(Lovely image of fresh picked cherry tomatoes which you will never see, thanks to Blogger fubaring images on my computer).

Thursday, July 18, 2024


In the past I have sung praises to Flashfood and their app.   For a time, it worked really well and I was able to bargain shop food that our family wanted.

A short while ago, Flashfood asked my thoughts on their service.  Here is my response:

You wished to know my experiences with local stores and Flash food?

At first it was GREAT, and I have three Giant stores local to use it at. of those stores (Willow Valley, Willow Street) makes such egregious mistakes I won't go back.  They lost an entire order and threw away the groceries I paid for just hours after I bought them (bought in the late evening, tossed by opening the next day. Another store (Friendly drive, Buck) only posts a few things each day  (today was 9 that I saw).. invariably old bread or bagged green produce.  When something is bought there, we find it run by children who simply don't care and are happy to give you other people's food when they can't find yours. The last store (Quarryville) is so understaffed you must wait 20 minutes to collect your purchase. I'm hearing the same from friends I turned on to this app. 
It seems like Giant stores lost interest. Things are not being posted like they were when I started, and customer treatment in the stores has slid downwards.
Frankly, I have gone from checking the app several times a day to maybe twice a week and only if I am already going there.

Today was the last effort on my part to use the app.  It is as I described, and I realize there is nothing left with Flashfood that attracts my food budget.   I deleted the app and asked to delete the account information too.


W: 317.4

BS: 115

Up at 4am.  Busy little creatures of the ID.

  • Chickens
  • Dishes
  • Taxi 1
  • Taxi 2
  • Laundry
  • Vacuum
  • Trash
  • Clean up out front.
  • Check weed-eater?
  • ?

Not one of my best days.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


W: 319.4

BS: 118

  • Dishes
  • Laundry
  • Vacuum
  • Vacuum II
  • Chickens
  • Meds
  • Clean kitchen some
  • ?

I'm reloading and restoring the operating system on my laptop. Fitty fitty chance the thing bricks. If it does then off to Prime day I guess.

Update:   Is alive.  Now to see if any issues have been resolved.

Nope.  It moves right along now, and seems to run cleaner, but....  Still sound too low to hear well, it only connects to a couple of bluetooth widgets, and...

And now it all works, and I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The secret service...


Either it failed to protect the presidential candidate, or it failed to assassinate him.

Either way, it failed.

Sloped roof my hairy ass.