Proud members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. We strongly believe in personal freedom, responsibility, and gun rights. We also believe in the 90/10 theory. That means that 10% of the people have 90% of the talent. Unfortunately, we are not in the 10% category. However, the rest of us are still better than 90% of the politicians.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Click on the image to read Mark's amazing story.

Thanks to Randy Cassingham and for posting the original.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Overheard at Work Today

Woman brought in by ambulance for vaginal bleeding to nurse trying to get a blood pressure throws her hands up in the air and says, "Whoa, wait, I don't need none of that, I'm just out of pads. Just give me some pads so I can go home."

Woman brought in by ambulance, "I don't need no doctor, I just want to see a social worker and the chaplain because I have a ($3.00) prescription I can't afford."

Nice that the emergency system provides those big white taxis.