Netflix Surpasses HBO in U.S. Subscribers

Netflix reports 29.17 million subs in 1Q, edging out HBO's 28.7 million

Reed hastings netflix

Netflix reported 29.17 million domestic subscribers in the first quarter of 2013, surpassing HBO for the first time.

Netflix, which ended 2012 with 27.15 million domestic subs, added just over 2 million subs, according to first quarter results issued Monday.

HBO ended 2012 with 28.7 million subscribers, according to data from SNL Kagan.

The new figures will likely escalate the rivalry simmering between the two companies, given the barbs Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and Jeff Bewkes, chairman of HBO parent company Time Warner, have traded over the years

That said, Netflix has a ways to go before catching up worldwide. HBO has 114 million subscribers across the globe, a far cry from the 7.14 million Netflix has outside the U.S.  Netflix also added just over 1 million subs internationally in US., bringing its global total to over 36 million subs–more than 3 million than  last quarter.

SNL Kagan will offer first-quarter update next month on the premium channels, which could put HBO back on top again.

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