Matt Mullenweg: State of the Word 2010

34 responses on “Matt Mullenweg: State of the Word 2010

  1. Integrati

    WordPress just gets better and better, and soon will be THE CMS, if your not on WordPress you have not heard the word!

    Thank you Matt and Team WordPress.

    Team, Integrati Marketing.


  2. Paul Hastings

    He reminds me of Steve Jobs.

    (don’t let it go to your head though Matt) 😉


    • chris

      Matt is so much more goofy, down-to-earth and generally *likable* than Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs is able to take any concept and spin it in a way that makes the entire freaking world want whatever it is that he’s talking about; it’s what he’s good at. Matt doesn’t need a dominating presence like Jobs, he is much more able to talk to people on their level (whatever that may be). Not saying that one is better than the other, they just have completely different approaches.


      • Boise Web Design

        I very much agree with Chris here. There is a bit of a Steve Jobs essence though. Something in the inherent geekiness of the topics perhaps.

        Matt if you are reading this, I’m really happy for you to be in this position. You’re getting to be the lead of a force that doesn’t make you out to be a dictator (Jobs) of any sort and you are doing something great for the world. Live it up! 🙂


  3. xavier

    A great and lively keynote, very cool 🙂

    One sidenote, though: too bad we’re missing on all non-microphoned comments (especially the last shouted one). I took it as a habit to repeat what people told me off-mike so that everyone (and the recording crew) could get it too.

    So, is there a way you could enlighten us on that final funny comment? 🙂


  4. Scott Bolinger

    I love the Jazz theme Matt. I studied Jazz in College, now I’m a WordPress developer!


  5. Norm DeValliere

    Great talk. I am glad I was there to hear it live, equally glad to see the video is available. There is a lot of information here – don’t let the > 1 hr length scare you off.

    Thanks Matt!


  6. bentrem

    Good metaphor, jazz as “call and response”.
    So when some in the community are seated too distant in the wings they might get to feeling frustrated, if they really care, as the core of the ensemble seems to be drifting away from them. To those seated centrally that might sound like kvetching, even though it’s actually motivated by a sense of solidarity and engagement.


  7. Ben Tremblay

    The jazz “call and response” metaphor is great for the dev community.
    If the players in the wings get feeling disconnected, they’re going to let it be known. The players in the center might see that as just kvetching, but actually it just shows that folk care!


  8. Andy Staple

    Don’t say that. He’s got a much more open policy on just about everything. If he were like Steve Jobs he’d close up WordPress, make it 4 times its cost to him and his company, and limit user integration.

    I don’t think we want that, do we?

    WordPress is what it is, because of its Open Source roots.


  9. sharelomer

    Amazing video, i learned a lot from it, its amazing the way blog grew in the past years…

    Thank you!


  10. Michel

    Matt thank you very much for the presentation and congratulations on the new version 3.0.


  11. ileaneb

    This was worth watching. It’s nice to know about all of the new features coming in WordPress 3.0 and at the same time find out what’s driving the changes to Now that I know what I’ll get with “surprise me” I published a post that I’d been pondering just to see the surprise. Thanks Matt and the WordPress team.


  12. Manuel Brasov

    WordPress simply took me out of the fear of even trying to learn more about websites. It does the job and it does better that you’d think.


  13. Alistair

    Enjoying the talk although not sure if this is a VideoPress problem but all videos I can’t use the scrubber at all. It will move to the new point then not move the video. It will then continue from point however the video has still not moved.

    It will also infrequently stop at the new scroll point and not start the counter.

    So basically scrubber bar works occasionaly but the video wont work with it.

    Same performance in all browsers, given it’s flash this isn’t a browser issue?


  14. SK

    Had a great time at WCSF 2010. Having some friends re-watch this video now!


  15. uloga

    Matt is great! 🙂


  16. Rob Elings

    Matt, congrats! You continue to amaze me as you bring in more and more simplicity into an increasingly complex web of data and functionality.

    Now surprise us, and oh yeah, we’re so ready for BuddyPress!

    Sending you some Amsterdam love


  17. Bronson Quick

    Great talk Matt! I was dying to see this talk so I’m so glad it’s up on

    I was jealous of everyone at Wordcamp San Francisco 2010 because I knew you were getting ready to do your talk after your quick cameo on WordPress Weekly with Jeff Chandler!

    My business partner and I want to try and get a mini Wordcamp or at least a WordPress meetup happening in Brisbane, Australia over the course of this year. I can’t thank the WordPress team and community enough for creating such a wonderful open source platform!


  18. Al Willis

    Matt, a slight correction to what you said in your talk: the iPhone SDK itself is actually free; it’s part of the Xcode download from What costs $99 is being in the iPhone developer program, which gives you the option to distribute iPhone apps commercially.


  19. Bas van der Lans

    A WordPress 3.0 summary for Dutchies, based on Matt’s keynote:
    Njoy and drop me a line with feedback 🙂


  20. Jasmin

    I was there, woohoo!!!


  21. Banago

    Inspiring! Thank you Matt!


  22. Ron Bercume

    Where would we be today without WordPress? Can’t wait for WordCamp Philly. ; )


  23. Caren Libby

    WordPress has changed my life. It is the perfect marriage of Geek and Creative, and I can’t wait for 3.0. Fantastic video…thanks for sharing.


  24. R'phael Spindel

    Matt, there is a Thunderbird extension called SendTools which allowed future scheduling of emails, however the author hasn’t updated it to support the latest Thunderbird.


  25. William Muncrief

    Four years ago I began building websites, but not with the idea of becoming a web developer. The initial motivation for me was to sell products; my chain saw carvings of all things. Imagine that a General Building Contractor trying to sell his artwork, and building his own site. I started with static sites and quickly progressed to dynamic.

    Enter Joomla the wonderful world of dynamic content, and the impossible world of complexity. After several sites that loaded like lethargic sloths I went back to static sites just for the speed.

    Fast forward two years ago I found WordPress. Every site I have built since then has been a WordPress site. From the onset I found WordPress intuitive, progressive, and something I could believe in.

    Today I have built a small web development company where 50% of my total personal income comes from developing WordPress sites. Not bad for a guy who 10 years ago wouldn’t even own a computer, but wouldn’t have been possible without a platform and community like WordPress.

    With the decline of construction WordPress filled in the gaps for me by providing a usable platform from which to build an entire business from. My story is a testimony to the user friendliness, and the ability of those users to take their work to the next level. For myself, my happy clients, and what I see as a future full of possibility I want to thank everyone responsible for the WordPress phenomenon.

    Great work Matt, team, developers, and community.


  26. Showcase WP

    Matt is a great guy. I liked that question about BBPress, that it will be a plugin to WordPress in the future. I know that for now the first thing is work on WP 3.0, but please, don’t forget BBPress, and thank you for everything, I love WP and the 3.0 version will complete my best dreams.


  27. Ben

    For all the good of that day, I was surprised to see all the plastic water bottles at a cool California event. Hope next camp day you’ll give out stainless steel water bottles instead of yet another carry-bag. Or if that’s too costly for you, make plastic bottles not allowed on the premises, and let people know that requirement ahead of time (with registration); they can bring their own or you can sell them.

    Plastic=oil=ocean health…you get the picture. Thanks.


  28. elmalak

    At an earlier date I thought Joomla had the upper hand over WordPress, however now after the release of the new version 3.0, I believe WordPress is a a winner.


  29. Cristian

    Yes I agree bbPress needs to become a plugin for WP.


  30. Eric

    WordPress is simply amazing! I use wordpress for every single one of my blogs. I will support them until the day I die (as corny as it sounds, it is highly possible) Thanks wordpress, I really appreciate it :). My true loyalty is shown because I run a blog about joomla themes and it uses wordpress! if you dont believe me, check it out here: !


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May 12, 2010

Matt Mullenweg discusses the year past and year ahead for the WordPress community in his keynote presentation at WordCamp San Francisco 2010.

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WordCamp San Francisco 2010 19


Matt Mullenweg 91


State of the Word 22


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