Feb 1, 2018From commenter Joe, Averaged: Sort of OT but related to ethnicity baiting and an iSteve classic. I've only been reading for two years but I�...
Oct 3, 2014Over at West Hunter, Greg Cochran explains the politics behind why during the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, West Samoa under British�...
Aug 22, 2011This story of two men being shot in separate but related incidents at a 49ers-Raiders game at Candlestick Park has no ethnic information.
Jul 18, 2018The jacks represented, Tupo explained, the four races of husbands: palagi, Tongan, Japanese, Samoan. ... Girls who marry Samoans will go to Samoa�...
Jan 2, 2005He then set off to become the greatest satirical-realist novelist in the English language since his idol, Evelyn Waugh. With his third novel, I�...
Feb 20, 2007Under the "reasoning" that Polynesians are indigenous and so should get the same benefits as Indians. So the US government is discriminating in�...
May 12, 2013Have you noticed how immigrants and/or Hispanics have become inseparable in the media mind from the cant phrase "the American dream," even�...
Apr 30, 2023The Iowa and Wisconsin NCAA football programs tend to specialize as destinations for white players, rather like Gonzaga's basketball program�...
Aug 8, 2023Richard Hanania has emerged as one of the most talked-about writers in the nation, and in this book, he puts forward a stunning new theory�...