Jonathan Pentland Hate Hoax: Black 'Victim' Accused Of Groping Woman, Attempting to Snatch Baby 'Is Mentally Ill And Has Been Committed'

Alleged "victim" is mentally ill, was facing charges for animal cruelty and trespassing, and was accused of groping a woman and attempting to snatch a baby in Pentland's neighborhood
Chris Menahan

Apr. 16, 2021

Army Sergeant Jonathan Pentland was thrown under the bus for defending his neighbors and family from a mentally ill man who was facing charges for trespassing and malicious injury to animals and was accused of groping a woman and trying to snatch a baby in his neighborhood.

The Daily Mail reported Friday night that the alleged victim, who is being identified only as "Deandre," is mentally ill and has now been committed to a facility. His trespassing and animal cruelty charges were reportedly dropped after it was determined he is "mentally incapable of standing trial."

From The Daily Mail, "EXCLUSIVE: Revealed: Black man who was told he'd 'come to the wrong neighborhood' by aggressive Army drill sergeant 'is mentally ill and has been committed to a facility'":
The young black man aggressively confronted by Army drill sergeant Jonathan Pentland is mentally ill and has been committed to a facility following the incident in a quiet gated community, can reveal.

Pentland, 42, has been charged with third degree assault and battery after finding the man outside his large detached house and telling him: 'You've come to the wrong neighborhood motherf****r'.�

The alleged victim - identified only as Deandre on social media - has been facing charges of trespass and animal cruelty from different incidents, can reveal.

But he has now been determined mentally incapable of standing trial, a law enforcement source said.
The entire "walking while black" narrative around this case was a complete hoax.

Nonetheless, Pentland was thrown under the bus by Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, suspended from his job by army officials at Fort Jackson and targeted for persecution by Attorney General Merrick Garland's hyper-political Department of Justice.

Deandre's criminal history includes charges for malicious injury to animals, public disorderly conduct, marijuana possession and trespassing. I've blacked out his name for his privacy as he is mental ill (it was the digital lynch mobs and their allies in the media and Biden regime who blew this case up, not him).

Pentland's family was terrorized by a violent BLM mob who protested outside their suburban home in Columbia, South Carolina with megaphones, attacked his house with a baseball bat, splattered an unknown substance on his driveway and garage door and threw a hammer through his second-floor window while "three people were upstairs at the time."

The Daily Mail continues:
The father of two has been suspended from his drill instructor role until the outcome of the Department of Justice assault charge.

[...] The career soldier faces 30 days in jail and a $500 fine if found guilty.
Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to pursue charges against the Capitol police officer who executed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt but he has no issue with going after Sgt. Pentland over a little push!
He is listed as having been detained in the Richland County Jail and issued a personal recognizance bond, according to online jail records.�

He was originally handed a citation for malicious injury to property for slapping Deandre's phone out of his hand and cracking it, according to reports. Sheriff Leon Lott said Pentland was not arrested on the day of the incident as it took officers time to investigate properly.�

He has not named the victim, but said he would not face charges. He added the man had been involved in other incidents in the neighborhood in the delays leading up tot he video, but 'none of them justified the assault that occurred'.
We know the other "incidents" thanks to WACH FOX 57 and they absolutely justified Pentland's defensive actions:
According to one incident report, an African-American man approached a woman walking in the area on April 8, put his hand around her waist and then put her hand down the side of her shorts. The woman then pushed away and when she did, her shorts partially came down. As she pulled her shorts back up, the man put his arm around her waist for a second time, according to the incident report. The woman then ran back into her home.

A second incident report showed on April 10 a woman was walking when an African-American man approached her and picked up a baby who was with her. The woman said he tried to walk away with the baby but she grabbed the child back. She said this happened three times before she told the man it was not her baby and she "did not have the right to allow people to hold the child." She then went home and said she wanted to prosecute, but no charges have been filed, according to the incident report.
The Washington Post confirmed Deandre was the accused in both of those incidents.

The Post also reported that the filmed confrontation took place shortly after Deandre allegedly approached "several neighbors in a threatening manner" and neighbors ran to Pentland's house and begged him to help protect them.

All the evidence suggests Pentland was acting as a good Samaritan and defending his neighbors and his wife from a mentally ill man with a history of alleged animal cruelty, trespassing, sexual harassment and attempted baby snatching!

Instead of being celebrated for stepping up to defend his community he was digitally lynched, smeared as a "racist," criminally charged and thrown under the bus by the government he honorably served for the "crime" of being white!

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