The Archive of Stanley Messenger

Dancing with Tears

A corn circle adventure



When we get to the New
What do we all do?
How do we look at Crop-circies?
How do we approach them?
How do we explain them?

There have been many new beginnings already. People have polarised themselves into several streams. Like politicians they have formed parties. Vorticists, hoaxists, symbolists, alienists. People’s preconceptions determine where they start from, but not always where they get to. Some listen only to evidence which confirms their preconceptions. Others remain open.

What determines whether your temperamental mind-set becomes a prejudice in you? Nobody likes to start feeling that they themselves are prejudiced. A preconception is not necessarily a prejudice. It is a base-line from which to preserve one’s balance. A preconception only becomes a prejudice if one feels threatened. Once one feels secure and balanced one ceases to feel threatened, and preconceptions can safely be modified. One can begin to grow.


Some people reject the very idea that truth is other than fixed and changeless. The idea that reality itself GROWS, both inner reality and outer, is profoundly threatening to them. To explain the utterly new in terms of the old is for such people a matter of survival. Their sanity depends on it. The idea that reality has other dimensions ‘presses all their buttons’ It reveals fears they hardly knew they had.

The apparent fixity of scientific laws is an essential support to such people. They believe that scientific laws are the ground of truth. Science becomes for them a belief system, a ‘scientism’, almost a religion. But this is not the nature of science itself. Science is an open ended path of knowledge. But it is only one such path. There are others.

It is this realisation, that there are other paths of knowledge than those that rest upon immutable laws, that leads some people to remain open when confronted by the UTTERLY NEW. The discipline of immutable laws which brain-thinking can master is only one parameter of our sanity. There are other parameters. The human heart can also know things. The heart is not just an organ of subjective feeling. The heart can perceive dimensions of reality which are closed to the brain, which transcend the brain’s limitations, which enlarge the brain’s perspective. Heart knowledge can face the fears that turn the preconceptions of the brain into prejudices.

The heart does not deny the certainties of logical thinking. It confirms them at a deeper level. The heart allows logical thinking to remain open to possibilities it would otherwise reject through its fear-based prejudices.

It is the openness of the heart to new dimensions of rational knowledge that removes the threat to sanity when reality presents us with something utterly new. This is why it was possible for Rupert Sheldrake to suggest that the laws of nature bear more resemblance to deep!y-rooted habits than to the immutable operations of a machine. Habits can change without wrecking the system. Laws can only remain fixed, or break. Laws leave no space for innovation. Habits are provisional and allow nature to be inspired and creative.

Crop-circles break no immutable natural laws. They demonstrate that the deeply rooted habits of nature are on the blink. Such a thought can remove the desire to imprison the new in the thought habits of the old. Many more people can then be addressed in a state of wonder. Many more people will permit themselves to be expectant, even awe-struck, in face of a mystery which continually deepens. They will cease, if they ever began, to explain everything away. Intuitively they will remain in a condition of inner quietness and simply observe without judgement. They know that hoaxes exist, but it doesn’t worry them. Hoaxes are no more than irritants on the surface of events which speak unassailably to human consciousness on quite other levels.

It is to these observers that this booklet is addressed.

There is an old definition of the philosopher as "an observer of all time and existence". This implies open-heartedness and, at the same time, a certain distance of perspective, which can look at inner events of the soul with the same detachment which is accorded to phenomena of the senses. With this detachment it becomes considerably easier to observe the mutual relevance of inner and outer events. Above all, it becomes possible to withhold judgement for much longer than was previously possible, and in the end to allow the phenomena to speak their own meaning to the heart’s depths.

The following account appeals without further justification to such insights, leaving a more analytical and equally necessary approach to those with the talent for it.

At the same time if will be necessary for clarity to explain how the experiences which follow came about.


Daily inner life for the majority of westerners is nowadays little more than a lonely restless chat-show. Apart from those who simply talk to themselves all day there are many whose inner lives are numbly silent till someone addresses them. Then there is a minority who pray, and a still smaller number who meditate. Of those a tiny number reach a level of mystical contemplation, or, on a different path, give themselves over to some degree of trance-mediumship.

In recent years there has been an increase in a kind of inner life which differs from these in a significant way. There have of course always been people who ‘heard voices’. Since the development of the different schools of modern psychology ‘hearing voices’ has usually been regarded as abnormal, pathological, in need of treatment. The voices have been seen as having no origin other than the unconscious levels in the psyche in those that hear them.  These psychic regions themselves are not regarded as having any independent status. Whatever their nature as energy fields, or simply as aspects of energy patterns in the brain, science in general would perceive as meaningless any suggestion that intelligent events could have any other source than that of the person perceiving them.

It is usually true that when these experiences reach a degree of dissociation such that a person hears ‘in their head’ intelligible voices more or less indistinguishable from those heard normally through the ears, there is cause for concern. Whatever the objective nature of these manifestations it is usually possible to judge by the content of them that something is not being healthily integrated. There are, for instance, conditions in which detached psychic entities, having no centre of their own, attach themselves to the psyches of people who are weak or disturbed. The word ‘possession’ can be used to describe this and other pathological situations. Apart from this there are conditions in which a person’s centre of identity is so withdrawn that different aspects of the personality create different sub-centres of their own, which are usually quite unaware of each other, so-called schizoid conditions. In all these cases the central focus of a person’s identity is in some way weakened or disturbed. These conditions are all properly regarded as pathological.
But there are other conditions quite different from these. In these situations a person’s focus of identity, the groundedness at the centre of their own consciousness, is not only not weakened or disturbed, it is on the contrary considerably strengthened and enhanced. By natural endowment, or more frequently by a degree of more or less conscious self-training, often through meditation or kindred practices, normal consciousness has been expanded and enhanced. The experience is that the person feels there is more inner space. Within this space all kinds of imaginative exercises can take place. Different people have different talents in this regard. Some are more easily able to visualise inner events. Some have more facility in hearing them. Others again have the facility for constructing a framework for other conscious presences to occupy. People’s experiences are almost infinitely varied in this regard. Some people remember their awareness of other entities in their inner world since early childhood, often lost as they grow older. Others construct inner worlds which are in the first place almost wholly imaginary, and only gradually become occupied with thoughts and pictures in later life which are recognisably derived from other realities.

The great difference between genuine, healthy psychic experience and the pathological situations described above is that the healthy experiences are always in control. Even when quite unfamiliar expansions take place they always do so from within. It is the self-awareness which grows, and the self­awareness which contains the expansion. One never has the sense of losing touch. Moreover, everything is experienced as being under the protection of love. This inner love is the crucial yardstick. In pathological conditions there is always an underlying uneasiness and fear.
However, it now has to be said that in practice life is never quite that simple. Inner growth on a psychic path is seldom a smooth glide into miraculous worlds of wonder. It is, like life itself, a long difficult path, uphill all the way, though salted with ineffable periods of bliss and confidence. But even the worst times have the air of a sort of surgical cleansing and protection, and they have an underlying feeling in any case of being wisely self-chosen.

This is the stage when it becomes seriously possible to discriminate between thoughts and feelings one is simply inventing and events which have a life of their own in one’s awareness. The keynote of these events is that they are never invasive. It is not simply that other presences enter one’s consciousness by permission, though more and more frequently one comes to recognise a knock at the inner door. There is a still deeper recognition of one’s essential freedom. One is actually aware that the ultimate initiative in the matter is one’s own. Higher spiritual beings CAN only act in one’s consciousness when one is ready to take the inner initiative which makes this possible. Anything less respectful of a human being’s essential freedom than this is a certain indication that the incursive entity has its own independent motivations, and that these are less than fully loving of the human interest. Mediumship, more especially when full or partial trance is involved, always demands an awareness of this issue.

Having said this it would be equally wrong to condemn mediumship out of hand. Information obtained through mediumship can be highly suspect. The practice of it can often be very damaging to the medium’s own best interest. But there is always a degree of implied or even overt permission when an entity wholly or partly displaces a medium’s consciousness, indeed this may be the only way to convey information or teaching to which the medium has no other access. There is often a measure of conscious sacrifice on the medium’s part in this, though this very sacrifice may not always be the wisest thing the medium can do. It can be the result of guilt and under-valuation of one’s independent awareness. The path it leads on can sometimes be better followed in other ways.

Vast amounts of of valuable teaching have accumulated over the years from mediumism. It is tempting at times therefore to justify the price that has been paid by mediums in lost health and opportunities for personal evolution. And this is where the matter would stand, were it not for the ever increasing growth of a level of communication with beings in the world of spirit which stands beyond mediumship, as far beyond it as mediumship itself stands beyond doctrinal construction of spiritual teaching derived from tradition.

How is it that this statement can be made now, when it could not have been made, say, a hundred years ago?

We now come to an area of activities which have come to be lumped together under the generic term ’channelling’. This term is already inadequate because of the rapid changes taking place in it. These changes are taking place as extensively in trance-mediumship as they are within more conscious instances of inner communication. There is a general change of direction and mood. More and more, the guides who speak through mediums appear to be laying foundations whereby listeners can prepare themselves for dispensing with the aid of both guide and medium. ’Do it yourself’ is the order of the day. ENTER INTO THE FREEDOM OF YOUR OWN AUTHORITY. You are emerging from spiritual adolescence. Maturity has been creeping up on you unobserved.

Another vital feature of these changes is that the entities in one’s inner awareness, whose lineaments clarify day by day as one becomes accustomed to them, are no longer content with a one-way flow of communication. They ask questions, to which they request answers. Gradually the whole performance shifts in the direction of dialogue. In this respect too the term channelling is becoming inappropriate.
Naturally this evolution doesn’t happen overnight. The communications which follow have emerged from a development which has taken eight or nine years to reach its present stage. It started with the work of three people who were at quite different stages of conscious evolution. One man had undergone a short period of psychic training which made him aware of other beings. The woman who became his partner had wide vistas of visual awareness which had developed in her since childhood. The third was a man of an older generation whose intuitional grasp of spiritual situations resulted from extensive reading and contemplation. These descriptions will have to serve, though I think we all feel it is impossible to do justice to such a description without a fuller biography.

This proved to be an extremely fertile combination of talents. There was one person to realise that supersensible beings were involved: a second to set the scene in which they were manifesting: a third to identify, reflect back and record what they said. As the work progressed these distinctive junctions grew and overlapped. At times it seemed as if the three almost achieved a single consciousness. All the time the sense of being loved and protected grew and grew.

Other people with their own distinctive talents gravitated to the work. As they did so the nature of the path clarified. The three principal communicating entities, the CHRIST itself, his ‘countenance’ or visible face, the Archangel Michael, and their principal voice in the early part of the century, the Austrian teacher Rudolf Steiner, became ever more articulate in the delineation of the path they were asking us to follow in the interests of mankind, and of the New World into which they were preparing mankind to enter.

When at a certain point I, the third member of the trio, witness to these events, began to occupy myself with Crop-circles, it was not long before Michael asked me through my partner Gio to prepare a booklet under their guidance which would put this growing phenomenon into context with the general work the group was doing.

He said such a booklet would be a necessary step in leading mankind to relate to Crop-circles in the way their originators intended. He said that although it would appeal to a wide circle of people, it would not be necessary to print huge numbers. The booklet would make its own way in the world. I felt then that much of the distribution would be through personal gift. So l envisaged a practical format which would be as inexpensive as possible.

Speaking through Gio, Michael then gave us five sessions which appear here, largely verbatim. I then did two week-end workshops in which the content of Michael’s communications were put into operation in the construction of an exercise, upon which Michael then commented through me. At that stage I drew a base-line and issued the booklet. Michael said he would be prepared to continue the process with a second booklet next year.

I hope you have an interesting read.

Stanley Messenger.

Five sessions with the Archangel Michael

In these communications only two members of the group are involved, Stanley and Gio. Gio receives the communications. Stanley writes them down. At a certain point Stanley is asked to describe his experiences to Michael, which Gio writes down.

Various other beings are involved. The first and third sessions are introduced by a being we have come to know for some years as the King. He has been described on one occasion as an aspect-self of the CHRIST. He is that aspect of the CHRIST- being who controls and guides human Karma. Rudolf Steiner in his life time referred to the CHRIST as the lord of Karma. The King frequently addresses members of the group in a very characteristic style, clear, warmly compassionate, intimate and with considerable humour.

Some of the Circle-makers also address us, speaking through Gio.

First Session: Sept 23rd 1991: 5 p.m.

The King wants to speak to Stanley. Stanley is standing in the Corn and looks at the King. The King is in the Corn too now, and says to Stanley that he is doing good work.

"See more CHRIST in this Corn, dear Stanley, and more CHRIST in your heart too, of course. There are three things that you do not see about1 Corn-circles, and you can write a little booklet with Gio on the question of Corn-circles.

Let’s start with this booklet today, and see if we can finish it in October. You can write your own parts in this booklet, in which you comment on communications you receive from a friend. This friend of course is Gio. You can mention Gio’s name in the booklet. We will say more about the booklet later.

Let’s give you the first communication for this booklet. You will receive five communications altogether. It is a response of the spiritual world to your work. It’s personal guidance too, but spoken in such a way that the public can read it.

Let’s begin.

Chapter One: First Communication

It is a communication from the Archangel Michael, and Michael communicates his thoughts to Gio.

"Let’s speak about Corn-circles today. Let’s look at the Light in the Corn, not just in the Corn-circle, but in all the Corn in a field. What creates Corn, my friends? Corn gets created by whom? Which beings create Corn?

Beings in the nature-kingdoms create the Corn....different beings of course, but they all work together. Now they have been asked by a higher source to create Corn-circles, especially in England. And they will create more Corn-circles for you. In this small booklet we want to explain a bit more about Corn-circles and how you can work with them in a safe way. To-day I only want to speak about why Corn-circles are there. Why do these beings create these things? What is the purpose of all this?

There are two main reasons for the creation of these things. Man needs to wake. This is the first reason. Man needs to wake on the inside of himself. Man needs to speak from his heart more. and create a better world. Corn-circles are guides, in a sense, showing you a path of truth. They bring you love through the Corn. The CHRIST is speaking through the Corn. Do you read these symbols in the Corn? Can you see where these symbols are coming from? They come from the soul of Man, and they come from the soul of the Earth. They tell you something about your path. Don’t think that Corn-circles are just interesting, or another game, or a new sensation. Don’t space out. Earth yourself and come to a true knowledge about these Circles. Man needs to wake. This is the first reason for the creation of these things.

The second reason is this. Mankind’s evolution is changing. The world as we see it to-day will change. We are looking for a world with deeper meaning, and the gods want to speak to man again. The gods want to be heard by man. Man is learning, and is on a darker path in a sense (This is mankind as a whole.) This darkness is a part of man’s consciousness, there where he sees a world without God, without the divine, without the CHRIST in their hearts. Here man separates off from a universal source and starts to lose a sense of his own origin. Man gets explained in a wrong kind of way by mankind, there where man gets seen as a descendant from the animal kingdom. Man does not descend from the animal kingdom, my friends. The animal is in him, but he wasn’t born out of it. Man is created in the image of the gods. Man needs to save the world. This is the second reason why Corn-circles are being formed.

In the next chapter we will look at the symbols that appear in the Corn, and how you need to walk through a Corn-circle. I, Michael, share my perceptions with you in the hope that you will see more Light through these things"

The King continues:- "Dear Stanley, work with this, and tell me next time we meet what you think of this communication. I love you and bless you. The King.  5.45.p.rm

Second Session: October 9th 1991: 10 a.m.

There is first twenty minutes for reading back and discussion, then the communication begins.

"Lets give you the second communication first, and then we will speak about more things afterwards. Let’s begin.

Chapter Two. Michael speaks again

When you see a Corn-circle, what do you see? When you look at the Corn, what do you see? When you look at the physical world, what do you see? Can you see God in the physical world? Can you see the gods in the Corn? Can you see the divine in the Corn-circles? What do you see in "things"?

The problem with mankind is the following.

Mankind ‘sees’ things without the divine.....without what is CHRIST, in a sense without gods. Man is onto a path of his own, almost. Almost alone, but not completely alone yet. He keeps a line with the divine, somewhere, but he needs a total communication with the divine for a true civilisation. Whatever man’s path is he needs to see his God. God is man, in a sense, and man is God. God is a word for the higher aspect of man, for his connection with the divine. ‘God is man’ is a space in which the forces of life are at work. Life works through man, through the God inside himself. God is you, my dears. It is you.

God works through Corn-circles somehow, and of course he is everywhere in your physical world. What we call the etheric is really God.....the etheric forces.....God’s forces you could say, God as life-giving energy, God as energy sustaining your form, everywhere present, ‘omnipresent’ and so on. To be aware of God is to be aware of this etheric plane in a sense, the life-giving force in all. Each plant, each human being grows through this.

We would like to look at the etheric side of the Corn-circles to-day. We would like to look at Corn-circles in a deeper way.

That God may be with us and that we may see. Let’s begin after the break. 10.46.a.m.

A Corn-circle is a manifestation of the divine.

This seems to be the main picture about Corn-circles. People might want to reject this, and l am sure some of them will. The divine speaks through a Corn-circle. And what do you do when you approach one? You breathe a little bit deeper into your heart, and you breathe out again. Don’t hold your breath in Corn-circles. Breathe! And let the energy flow.

There is always one being standing by a Corn-circle. There is always one, and generally in female form. The Corn-circle is the heart of the Mother.....don ‘t forget this..... and the Corn-circle is also the BLUE2 of the CHRIST.

Stanley, I’m speaking to you now I want to help you with your work with these Corn-circles. Stanley! The Mother and the CHRIST are in the Corn. Do you see the picture? The Mother and the CHRIST are the corn. Do you see it now, Stanley? Do you see it?


For the third communication we would like to ask you to present us with a Corn-circle that draws your interest the most at this moment in time. Tell us where it Is and what it looks like, and we will work with that Corn-circle next time. For the last two communications we will do the same thing. Every time we will ask you to show us a Corn-circle that draws you the strongest at that moment in time. And we will work with it in the communication.

Man has forgotten himself. The physical world is his paradise in a sense, and this paradise is false. There’s nothing wrong with the physical world. But things go wrong when you forget your God, when you forget who you are, when you forget what the world is. Think about these things, my friends. Think about the meaning behind Corn-circles. It is a sign of the gods for you, showing you where you went wrong.

Don’t fear the gods. They are friendly gods, the gods of whom I speak. They are breathing you every day, breathing your life into you. In the etheric God lives, let’s say. Not only in the etheric of course, but l would call it the ‘region of God’. The CHRIST is rising God’s world (region S.M.), for mankind’s development (We will look at this more later.) and the Father and the Mother are in God..... God the Father and God the Mother, we can say..... the Life of the Heavens and the Life of the Earth..... Heavens Father and Earth Mother, and the CHRIST growing within their hearts..... the love of the Father and the Mother for you..... you growing as a seed that is BLUE3 now, dear Stanley, BLUE.3

This communication is for all of you my friends. Michael wants to speak to the world. He is responsible for that world, responsible for you in your freedom.

When you enter a Corn-circle, breathe! God returns there into your heart. It is either a confrontation or a blessing, depending upon what you understand. Stanley can walk into a Corn-circle without being harmed. Know what happens in a Corn-circle, and enter on the basis of that knowledge.

Let’s look at three Corn-circles in the next three communications to come. THIS BOOKLET IS FOR YOU! Michael. I 1.20.a.m.

Third Session: October 11th 1991:10 a.m.


Chapter 3. The King wants to begin first

Dear Stanley, open up your heart to this communication. It’s not just a process of telling you what things are, it’s a process of you developing through us, or with our help.

Let’s look at your Just Corn-circle to-day. The booklet is a booklet of Michael, Gio and you..... not me. We will see more about this booklet when you have finished with the communications, and you can’t write it too fast. The booklet is not precisely what you think it is, and I think this will become clearer to you as we proceed.

Now, tell Michael about your first Corn-circle, why you chose this one. Give him a clear picture of the shape. He doesn’t need to hear all the stories around it.....just the shape, the place, and why you chose this one. And of course anything else you want to say.

Now, in the booklet this gets written down. So you either write it down yourself or you let Gio write it if that is easier at a certain moment. Can we begin?

Stanley begins: "First I would like to say that I am experiencing a certain nervousness or stage fright. It hardly deserves the name of fear, though it is linked with it. In a sense it serves to heighten attention. But now I need to relax my heart and to breathe, and try to visualise the actual experience I had.

Let me first say why I chose this particular formation to describe to you, dear Michael. This one was not the first of its kind that I had been in. But I believe it was in this one that I began to see a picture of the course of development that these shapes were following. This fact, and the thoughts that I was developing around the figures, has meant that the experiences have somewhat overlapped in my memory. There were so many, and they seemed to be driving in a powerful evolution of form. In the one that I have chosen it seemed to me that a kind of crisis had been reached, full of expectancy for the next step. The one I shall now describe was therefore one of a group of rather similar forms.

To the best of my memory this one appeared about a mile south-east of the Avebury stone formation and perhaps the same distance from Silbury Hill, quite near to the avenue of stones that runs south-east from Avebury.

The main element in the formation4 was what we call fusiform. like a fish or chrysalis, broader in the middle and tapering at the ends. The form was, as it were, protected, partially enclosed at the ends by incomplete circles..... these circles being broad rings of flattened corn, separated from the fish-shape by quarter-circles of standing corn. To make the picture clear for Gio I will make a rough sketch.

There are two further things to describe, but I would be glad if you, Michael, would indicate whether both these themes should be pursued now. One them is the remarkable internal anatomy with which the Corn was swirled and interwoven within the fish-shape. The other theme is a description of the course of development which seemed to be leading towards this particular form. How mach of this detail is relevant at this point?

Michael:- I would appreciate it if you would continue, but keep it simple and clear.

"Thank you. The lay of most of the Corn within the fish-shape was clearly based on a circular movement, but greatly modified by the requirements of the elongated shape. It was also held, as if on a scaffold, by powerful straight lines within it. One of these lines, the principal one, was to be discerned beneath the main mass of flattened Corn, running from one pointed end to the other. Two other straight lines of Corn, three to four cornstalks in width, ran at right-angles to the main axis a short distance from each end.

There was an extremely complicated interweaving between the main -circular swirl, based on the centre of the formation, and these three scaffold lines as I shall depict them in the diagram. I will add a simplified indication of this for Gio.

The other theme is based on my feeling that there has been a metamorphosis over several years with the evolution in plant and individual plants and insects. In this I have the feeling that we are being presented with images in which we can read a renewal of Steiner’s anthrosophical presentation of evolution, and perhaps that this is being taken to a further stage. I can give more detail of this if it is needed at this point.

Michael:- We can do with this, but we want to say more about it"

The choice of this formation as the first to be described was made because I felt that there was a mounting tension in the form, as if it was preparing for an entirely new development, analogous to the bursting of a bud or chrysalis, when a radiant form can enter it from the sun rather than from the earth"

Michael wants to begin:- "Stanley! Your nervousness can heal through your certainty. But where does your certainty live? Let’s go to the Corn-circle that you see and tell you what we see in your heart. You look at this Corn-circle with experience. Something in you knows things already. The Corn-circle heightens your energy somehow. That’s why we say ‘Breathe!’ when you stand in a Corn-circle, and open your heart to the gods. The shape of the Corn-circle is an indication of something the gods want to say. But the CHRIST and the Mother also speak through these things. How can we receive the information from them? And here I want to show you a new step you can take.

If you go to a Corn-circle with a set of friends, or people that you know, or even with strangers who are interested in this work, you can stand in the Corn-circle together and breathe. Simply breathe. Then start to experience what happens to you. What is the Corn-circle doing with you? What does it say? We can see your Corn-circle now near Avebury, and we want you to join us in this same exercise, but now on the inner levels of course. You and Gio and I and some other beings are standing together in this circle now, and we breathe.

First I ask Gio what he sees.

Gio answers:- "I see a great Light in my heart, and I see that the Corn is changing in front of me. I get very tired now, extremely tired, and I need an angel to help me with my heart. I seem to lose consciousness somewhere, and I think that there is great confusion round these Corn-circles. I see a scientific approach that misses the point. I see insecurities in people who can see the spiritual side of if. And I can see a clarity in Stanley’s head. I’m breathing now, and l am asking Stanley to do the same, and to tell us what he experiences in this Circle.

Stanley answers:- "I am picturing once more my experience when I entered this formation a few months ago. A few people were there, some walking round measuring things and discussing, others quietly mystified in their own space. I can see now a feature I had forgotten. There were a few Corn-stalks, about half-a-dozen, at the exact centre. It was as if a quiet space, like the eye of a storm, had been left untouched by the mighty forces at work in the formation. They felt like an umbilical cord to another level of reality. I am aware, as I speak, of the Guardian of the formation, positioned at the edge outside in the standing Corn, with bent head and folded hands, looking inward as if the Corn-circle was a Temple.

The rest of us stand quietly round the centre, breathing. I see a series of concentric rings, copper-coloured, and separated by turquoise, in the sky above the end of the formation. A star lies in the central ring. Several times it has changed from a six to a five-pointed star, and to other forms. But it seems the six­pointed predominates.

I hear a being say:- "Come to these formations when you can and be with us here. They are provided for your healing and teaching." I find myself at peace here. They are Temples of Love.

Then Michael speaks, who is also following this exercise:­ "I see the earth changing", says Michael, "I see the earth in our hearts. I see new indications coming for man. I see a heart. I see a heart. I see a heart, expressing itself in the Corn. The CHRIST is speaking to you through the Corn, and symbols appear that you need. Let’s look at this shape a bit more later in the reading. I am breathing now, breathing in the Corn."

Another being begins to speak who stands with Michael in our small circle. This being has made the Corn-circle herself. It is her being that is in this Corn. Her heart is there, and her tears. Her efforts lie in the Corn. She was asked to create this Corn-circle by a higher force. She begins to speak after the break.5


Another being appears in our circle who is new, new to the consciousness of mankind. She is breathing power through us all, and a space-ship can be seen at a distance. More beings arrive with messages of the stars, laid flown in these Circles. The feet of the CHRIST can be seen in these Circles now, and a great laughter appears in our hearts."

We end our meditation in this Circle, and Michael continues the reading. "Lets look at everyone’s experiences again", says Michael. "Can we read back?" (We do so).

Michael proceeds:­ "All your experiences are valid, including mine. What is the scientific approach in this, dear Stanley? Who is going to tell us what we feel and do not feel? Who is going to prove the existence of this space-ship? Are you going to prove it, Stanley? Maybe what we see in these Corn-circles is illusion anyway! Maybe we do not even know how we see. No, dear Stanley, let these experiences BE! Let’s use our own organs of perception, the organs that God gave us to perceive the spiritual world.

I want to end this reading by looking at the shape, and the being of the shape will explain it.

Being of the shape:

"This shape can be what you see in it. It’s not what I think it is, nor is it what you think it is. It is living substance in form, providing you with a meaning You read your path into it. Of course there is logic involved, but not always the kind of logic that you might want, 0 reader of this booklet. There is a deeper logic in your heart. Here the CHRIST speaks with intelligence.

And this Circle is a shape that expresses my feelings! It is an eye with two droplets of tears. That’s not its universal meaning, it’s what I put into it. Stanley is right in how he looks at it. I’m not going to break that down. But my tears are in this Corn. Two droplets with my eye.

Why do l cry? Why am l crying? I cry for you. O Man, in this little booklet, Dancing with Tears. Dancing with tears I am, speaking to you. Do you want to explain me? Well try it! Give if a try! But see me in my heart, expressing myself for CHRIST, expressing myself for a New World to come.

I cry. Is that all right?"


Fourth Session: October 12th 1991:10 a.m.

Chapter 4. Stanley

"Dear Michael. This time I was sure which formation I needed to present to you, but I was far less clear in remembering the details. This was good, since I am able to come into a new relationship with my nervousness, and certainly I know where my memory is accurate and where it is maybe mistaken. I will therefore describe the formation as I have reconstructed it and base my feeling of certainty on this reconstruction, with any minor mistakes it may contain.

The formation was located north of the city of Bath below the village of Newton St Loe, about half a mile north of the point where the city begins.6A river valley, the river Avon, runs north for a mile at this point in the direction of Bristol. The Crop-circle was on the left hand side of this valley going north, about a hundred feet above the valley floor. It was aligned parallel to the river, railway and road.

The general formation was similar to many of the linear pictograms which were formed throughout the Corn seasons of 1990 and 1991. They all consisted of a series of circles in a line, of different sizes, sometimes connected and sometimes not, by straight tracks of flattened Corn. Usually one of these tracks was flanked by parallel rectangular blocks, symmetrically placed, one or two as a rule on each side. Usually also one or more of the Circles gave rise to a claw or fork-shaped formation in a diagonal position from the main line. Two smaller Circles or rings, one larger and one smaller, were placed diagonally a little way from the lower end of the formation, like a signature.

There was much variation at the head end of the formations, and this Newton St Loe pictogram was unique in this respect.7 The top Circle, which was smaller than the rest, was separated from the rest by a short gap, into which protruded a short forked formation like a letter-Y, and at the sides of this fork were symmetrical T-shaped forms, protruding from the final Circle and flanking the Y-shaped form.8 There was a distinct feeling that a powerful energy was emitted from the Y-shape, and that it met a block at the northern end of the last Circle. I felt that a counter-wave of reflected energy was being thrown back, represented by the T-shaped forms. I have drawn a sketch of all this for Gio, and am wondering whether it would now be good to look inwardly at the forms together. Perhaps you, Michael, would like to comment on this before I describe my experiences on visiting the formation."

Michael:- "Please continue describing your experiences; We will then go into meditation and look at it all from our own inner spaces. Is that all right, dear Stanley, or would you want things differently?

Stanley:- "That seems fine. Thank you.

I made three or even four visits to this formation over a three-week period. On the first occasion it was fairly fresh, though even then careless visitors had broken through the Corn separating the shapes, so that one felt a kind of leakage in the energy flow. Nevertheless I had a powerful impression of the energies.

It was when I entered the large central Circle and was half way across it, moving counter to the clockwise lay of the Corn, that I began to feel a cramping contraction of my thigh-muscles and nearly fell to the ground. The muscles relaxed when I got into the northern flow of the connecting track, but the contraction was repeated in the next small Circle. As I stood in the end Circle I was strongly aware of the total block at the north end preventing further development of the form. It was like a wave of the sea striking the beach and being thrown back to create the two lateral T-shapes.

As I returned I felt that the point of division in the Y-s hoped fork might hold a clue to the whole formation. I stood on this point facing north, and breathed with my eyes closed. I felt a powerful glowing warmth coming up through my feet, and felt a healing relaxation in all the muscles of my legs. On the way back I took care to cross the Circles on a curved path in the direction of the lay of the Corn, and then felt no resistance. This experience developed further in the third formation which I shall describe on Tuesday.9

I visited this formation three more times and was sad to see that it was almost completely trampled by many hundreds of visitors.

(Read back and break)

Michael begins:-

"We have been listening to this account with care. You were breathing in the Y-shaped form, you said, and this warmth came up from below. Is that correct? (Yes)  Thank you.

What was healing you there, dear Stanley, and can these Corn-circles heal us? We want to look at the shape of last time a bit more, and then look further into the shape that you presented to us to-day.

Why are there tears in a Cornfield? Why is there an eye crying in a Cornfield?

It’s crying because of Man’s convictions, because of the things Man does not see. Man is alone in himself somehow, alone without his gods in these days. The earth is in Man’s heart, and there he can listen to her or not. Not listening to the earth has consequences, and the state of your earth to-day is the result of this. Man forgets the world of nature somehow and destroys too much around himself. Nature is speaking back to him through the Corn, and through other things of course. Even in his own body he can feel the pain of the earth. This nature-being who created this form expressed her feelings in the CHRIST, and her tears were rolling over that field in which the form was made. That was the communication from the spiritual world to you, to all those scientific researchers of the Corn-circle phenomena. Did it touch their hearts, or did they miss the point? It doesn’t matter much whether it touched their hearts, because the Corn-circle itself becomes their path. These Corn-circles have quite strong effects upon people, and these effects need to be understood.

I am willing to write another booklet with you, maybe in a year’s time, and work more on this side of the event. I also want to work more on your experience described in your visit to this next Corn-circle, and look at it more then. It is not an unwillingness on my side to to answer you on your experience now, it is simply for the sake of the booklet itself. I will say a bit more about your experience, but that’s all. In this second booklet we can look at many more experiences of people, and I will tell you more about this when the time comes near.

In this first booklet I want to communicate on Corn-circles themselves, what they are, and how you can work with them in yourself. The second shape that you are presenting to us is very fascinating indeed, and a different being wants to speak about this Corn-circle, but again through a similar meditation to the one we did last time.

Gio, you and I are standing together in this Corn-circle now, and again I will ask Gio to describe his experience. Then I will ask you. Then I will speak. And then this being will end. We are not just breathing now, We are also seeing with our hearts, and the CHRIST in our hearts is looking. The BLUE,10 Stanley, this is the BLUE! let Gio begin after the break.

Gio begins.:- "I am seeing the Corn-circle in my heart, and a dream develops inside of me, a dream of a different world. The experience hurts a bit. But l am feeling good inside. I am feeling Stanley at my right hand now, and Michael on my left side. This being who created the form is here too. I see more space-ships now and l know that they help to create these forms, but not in the way that many people think. They provide the energy for the nature-beings to work with, and the gods guide the paths of these space-ships. We will say more about these space-ships in the last communication. I am on a star now, looking at this Corn-circle, and suddenly I understand a lot more. I see that our own thoughts are in these Corn-circles somehow and that these thoughts come from deep inside. I see my own thinking in this Corn-circle somewhere, and the being who created this form smiles to confirm my impression. I’m seeing Stanley’s thinking in this form too, and the thoughts of millions of people are there. Subconscious thinking.....  is that a good word for this process?.....the thoughts that lie deeper within. I see my own thinking now in this Corn, expressing itself from deep within.

Stanley, can you take it further?

Stanley:- "I stand once more at the fork of the Y-shape and face the last circle. I feel how each Circle in the line is a refinement of the previous Circle. I feel the fork of the Y-shape flickering like a serpent’s tongue, questioning the mystery before me. The two T-shaped forms are where two guardians stand beyond the threshold. The last Circle is BLUE.11 It is my own heart. It is across the abyss from where I stand. The Mother’s warmth fills me from below. My heart is in the New World. I cannot yet reach it. l am on the way there. The beings surround me and bless my path. I thank the being who made the form, and that I can see this picture in what she made."

Michael continues:- "l am seeing this Corn-circle in my heart too, and there I begin to speak. I speak to your hearts, my dear readers. I speak to your hearts. Read into the Corn what you see in your own hearts, and let science slowly fade. I’m not against science as such. But lam against misinterpretation of reality. I don’t mind if you misinterpret reality, because that in a sense is your path, is your learning process with life. ‘So in science and scientific investigation you learn. But it doesn’t mean that you are seeing things rightly.

I’m not going to tell you that l know the truth. But from where I stand I can see that your science confuses reality. Yes! Measure these Circles! Study them! Do what you want. But don’t forget to find God inside of them. Don’t forget to see the divine process that is at work in these things. That’s why I write this booklet, to make a point of this.

The being who created the form will speak now. Thank you dear readers for listening to me..... I, the Archangel Michael, who speak to your hearts."

The being who created the form speaks:- "I created this form with my heart in service of all your lives. Why are these shapes so long, and why are there so many different figures in them? Because there is a lot to say to you..... a lot needs to be said. Stanley’s experience is interesting to me, especially the part about the weakening of his muscle strength. You need to learn how to walk through these Corn-circles. You need to follow your own inner guidance in this. It’s not necessarily always so that when you walk against the lay of the Corn, i.e. the direction in which the Corn is laid, that you get into trouble. People might have different experiences of this. But what is important is that you listen inside of yourself to a voice that guides your path. We can speak to you inwardly. We can tell you more about why these Corn-circles were made. We can guide you on your path to the truth. I made this Corn-circle for you, and every part of it carries a precise meaning that you can understand in yourself. Let your hearts be opened by these things. We are standing together now, with the being who created the Corn-circle of the last communication, and we are waiting to be joined by the being who created the Corn-circle that Stanley will choose next".


Fifth Session: October 16th 1991 : 7.20 p.m.

Chapter 5. Stanley

"The last Corn-circle I want to describe to you, dear Michael and dear Gio, is simple and unique.

During the last three or four years a tremendous lot of dowsing investigation has been done in southern England. It was suspected that a great line of energy could be traced the whole way from East Anglia to Cornwall The first observation was that a great number of churches dedicated to you, Archangel Michael, lay in a straight line. After some years work this fact was confirmed again and again. In the end it was realised that the line of energy was serpentine, but followed fairly closely the median direction of a straight line. During the investigation a second dowsable line was discovered whose energies had a certain polarity to the Michael line, and on this second line were many churches dedicated to the Virgin Mary.12

During 1991 a dozen or more of the Crop-circles in Wiltshire appeared in pairs close to one or other of these lines. The’ formation I want to describe to you to-day was formed within a few yards of the Mary line, about two miles north-west of the town of Marlborough. A second quite different figure was formed in the same field, about 300 yards away on the other side of the same Mary line. Both formations were extremely clear, very beautiful, and nowhere repeated elsewhere.
The formation we are looking at was a perfect circular ring of flattened Corn about five to six feet broad, the whole Circle being about fifteen yards in diameter.13 Protruding from its south-west side were two short trackways, one about twice as long as the other. I’m guessing, but l should say twelve feet for the one towards the west, twenty five feet for the easterly one. But the really striking feature of the formation was the presence of two smaller Circles of flattened Corn, side by side inside the ring just described. These two Circles were touching one another, but were separated by a couple of feet from the outer ring. I will sketch a quick drawing for Gio.

The whole formation had a definite feeling of gentleness and femininity. Another interesting fact is the resemblance of the formation to the lay-out of the stone circles five or six miles to the west at Avebury14, including the positions of the two avenues of stone which enter the Avebury ring on the south side. It may be significant that both the Mary and Michael lines go through the Avebury stone circle, actually crossing each other at three locations in the vicinity."

Michael speaks:- ‘Thank you, dear Stanley, Let’s begin.

To-day we are going to look at the Circle you just described in a different way. We are going to look at the world first, the world of Man and the world of the Earth, and how they relate to each other..... two worlds together in the same universal space..... Man being created in God’s image, and the Earth being created in a different way from how Man was created. We want to look at Man’s creation first Then we will look at this Corn-circle. And then we will look at the creation of the Earth.

Man was created without form, without the form in which he walks around on the Earth. His physical body is not the ‘creation of Man’. That body is only one of his bodies. What is Man then without these forms, and how was he created? The essence of creation is a mystery still, and I, Michael, only know so much. But I will share with you something that I have understood.

Man was created before time began. These subjects are not easy, and l can’t go into things in detail here. So I will just work at the points that are important in this booklet. Man was created before time began; and there was a great Light in his heart, a loving relationship to everything, let’s say. The CHRIST brings this message to you, or rather he reminds you of yourself, of how you were before time began. Of course you can say what is time? what is time? Time is not just the clock, ticking away every day, year in year out, ticking, ticking, ticking. Time is something else, my dears, than just what your clock says. Time needs to be understood in the CHRIST. Before time you didn’t need the CHRIST as you need him now. The CHRIST is not time, himself. Time is a test for your heart. for your being, for your soul, for your self. Again, I can’t take this any further here, but I will relate it to what I want to say.

You need to take a different direction, O Man, with everything that you do. Bring love into everything that you do. Be that CHRIST in your heart, the CHRIST that you need in time, the being that holds you together somewhere, the being that centres your heart. You were created in a loving relationship to everything, and you need to find this back in yourself.

Now, this Corn-circle expresses something of this. It expresses it in the centre two Circles, protected by an outer ring of CHRIST-energy with two passages leading into the CHRIST. The shorter passage is the path of Man, the longer passage relates to the Earth, and the two Circles are Man and the Earth, the Earth and Man together in the CHRIST, coming into the CHRIST from beyond time, the passages leading into the inner Circle. The picture is very precise and accurate. It expresses something of your path’ Let’s look at the Earth after the break.

Let’s look at the creation of the Earth next. The Earth also existed before time, and I can see that the Earth is a mystery to you all. For the earth is not just fire, water, air, and earth. The Earth is something of you. The Earth is not just physical substance. The Earth also has different bodies. And the Earth is the Mother in a sense. We call if a female principle, because it receives. The Earth receives you in your physical form. The Earth brings you food, takes care of you everywhere, loves you all the way through. The Earth is made up of hi her beings, beings that heal you in your heart. Teachers for your heart they are. Some of these beings are gods. They hold your world together, let’s say. They give a breath to you. You breathe with those gods every day. Your blood flows through their energies. Nothing in you would live without them. The earth is a space of learning, let’s say. But the Earth was created before time.

And what is the Earth now? that you are living in time and space and form? that you are changing form, changing time, and changing space?


The Earth was in you as love. But you fell....and you had to fall, and lost your memory of this. When the Earth moved into time it separated itself from you in a sense. You kept your relationship to everything, but you lost love, more and more. You lost it and found it. You felt it and lost it. You accepted it and denied it. You did all sorts of things with love. You were learning in the CHRIST when the Earth became a separate entity from you. Why did all this happen? Was it for the sake of your own consciousness? Was it a path of growth for you?

Yes, 0 dear Man, if is your education! It is your path to find this love, which is your Earth. The Earth on which you live is your love.

This Corn-circle can change into another image, dear Stanley. We can create a Corn-circle that expresses the fact of Man finding the Earth back.

This Corn-circle, the one that you chose as the third one, speaks of Man and the Earth together in the CHRIST, and the existence of Man and the Earth before time began. It’s a simple picture, but how beautifully laid out in the Corn! What a beautiful way to end this booklet, to show Man something about his life, to show him that the higher worlds are speaking through these Corn-circles.

The being who created this one has joined the other two now and they are happy together here with me. I love you dear readers. Think about the things that I say.

I want to end this booklet with a prayer, a prayer for Stanley’s heart, and for all those who are looking for a meaning to these things.

Michael’s Prayer

To all Corn-circle enthusiasts I speak the following words:-
That you may protect the Corn-circle process in your life.
That the Corn-circles may speak to you from within.
That within you a world may open up.
That we may see each other again, and speak about Corn-circles.
That a friendship may build between us.
That I may guide you on your path.
That the world may heal through Corn-circle consciousness.
That the right ideas about the Corn and the Earth are needed by you.
Every new Corn-circle is a part of a dream.
This dream gets written in your Corn.
That you may understand the dream, I pray, dear people.
I pray for your path.


After the five sessions in the first half of October l was asked by the Creative Being Centre in Stratford-upon-Avon to do a week-end workshop on Crop-circles. This was requested for 9/10th November. I was fired to speak to Michael and ask him to do this workshop with me. I had the impression that he laughed at me in a good-natured way, but declared that he would play along with me!

A group of people appeared at the workshop.

The first day was descriptive, and I read the preceding communications. Geraldine Rowlands greatly enhanced the proceedings by getting people into movement with music. On the second day after a brief introduction I told them directly what I had in mind. They were visibly moved and responsive, I began to describe how I perceived that Michael was appearing in the circle. I was struck that he had brought a particularly bright sword with him. I suggested that it was in the spirit of Michael’s relationship with mankind, and particularly in this new Crop-circle context, that each should make their own individual contact with him in privacy. A circle of understanding and action could then arise under his guidance in which each of us played a unique part. I suggested that we ask Michael to stand before each of us in turn, so that we establish with him the kind of dialogue each feels appropriate. As each person feels that the contact has reached the right point they should touch their neighbour’s hand and allow Michael to pass round the circle. I felt that the sword he brought was his point of contact with our hearts. Michael came to me last. I felt a great warmth as well as his height and strength, and a soft blue glowing colour, but I saw no features. I felt his blessing, and that he wanted to speak to the group through me. This he did in the following words, in three short sessions, separated by breaks, as follows:-

"I, Michael now move to a place behind each of you and speak from there.
At the loving help and support of each of you I stand in awe. The sword I carry to-day I place in the heart of each one of you, and with the light of this sword you and I create this temple. In a certain way we may say that this is the first Crop-circle consciously created by a group of human beings on the inner planes. I, Michael, am not myself free in the sense that you human beings in physical bodies are free. But I have the power to confer the understanding of freedom which you can freely assume. So the creation of this temple is a free action of yours. In this sense you are also free to put this moment in time on hold if you so wish. What happens in the course of the further development of the Crop-circle saga is therefore, within the parameters of this event to-day, in your hands. If you choose to make it so, such an inner act will open up quite new possibilities for the Crop-circle story. Let us now have a short break. Relax your hearts and breathe, and we will let this action of ours settle in. Perhaps you would like some refreshment.


"One thing that you will have seen in our conversations together is that it is by no means a one-way process. Dear, dear human beings, we up here not only love you, we need you. I have been given the power to confer freedom upon you, not only for your sake, but for my sake, and through me for the CHRIST’s sake also. All hierarchical beings embody and express love. Only mankind expresses both love and freedom. The freedom of mankind will complete the creation of mankind. We here can take creation no further. The CHRIST is in your heart, waiting for you. Now I will go back a little from you, so that you can talk freely."


"If it needs saying, you are now at the point where you can leave this temple-creating action open, and so leave yourselves time for commitment to grow individually towards another moment, where you can commit yourselves to being a Crop-circle Creating Group, a Crop-circle Celebrating Group, a Crop circle Door-opening Group.

What is the relationship between commitment and freedom in human beings? I, Michael, do not know the secrets of your hearts unless you share them with me. That is the secret of your freedom. If you decide that NOW is the moment for this commitment, there is something further that I can do. This is the centre-point of the division between those who say yes and those who say no. All right then, I will make what I do a secret between me and each of you. Now you see the reason for the sword. Swords can do one of two things. They can dedicate, or they can divide. However, my sword, whatever Gabriel’s was, is a dedicator. We’ll end this proceeding with the prayer, but we’ll have a few minute’s silence in which each will make their dedication or withdrawal. I love you all. Let us meet again."


At the conclusion of the workshop it became apparent that the group wanted to continue, and that all but two would be able to take the process further an the 4th\5th of January. From the outset of this second workshop it became apparent how much we owed to Geraldine Rowlands in setting the tone of an active gathering, in which we spent plenty of time on our feet. Geraldine had the inspiration of getting us to re-create the three Crop formations with which we had become familiar on the floor of the large assembly room at the Creative Being Centre. This we did with great lengths of string, and later on with differently coloured cords and wools. The second figure, two circles in a ring, which we call here the Maizey Farm figure, was then manned by the whole group, which moved magnificently round the completed figure like planets in their orbits. Mark Batten described us as a humanly embodied brass orrery. (or horary, depending upon whether we were seen as planets or clock hands.). Heather Burton carefully recorded our impressions. Stanley started by introducing a description of the origin of temples and temple-consciousness.

He spoke of" the continuity of consciousness", how difficult it is to achieve this. The facing of this difficulty is immensely strengthening. As a result of the separation of the sun from the earth, and later also of the moon, the earth became increasingly hardened and impenetrable. In order that we should not be altogether cut off from the inner sun, certain places were left where the hardening processes were incomplete. People would gather at these sites as their clairvoyant powers diminished in order to re-connect.


Confusion arose as the image, (e.g. The Golden Calf, interposed Andrew), was substituted for the inner sun. Then ‘religion’ arose, with the hierarchical structure of priesthood, in order to bring spiritual matters partially into secular control. Systems of ideas, transformed from the sense-world, replaced the direct creative process. Thinking from the heart is the only true creative art and act. Thoughts are ineffective unless they are of the nature of love. They ‘cut no gingerbread’. Ultimately they have no effect on reality. Visualisation of temples from the heart activates the building of temples in and through thinking.


After this introduction we gathered the string form together and Geraldine arranged us in positions from which we could ourselves set the form into movement. As shown in the diagram,15 two stood on each of the entrance paths, one on each of the inner circles, one stood outside as representative of the guardian, and the other four on the peripheral circle, eleven in all. Someone pointed out that we were working during a time when many people were aware of the power of the double eleven, 11:11.

What follows is an account of what we each experienced. Present at the Workshop:- Stanley Messenger, Andrew Cowan, Cynthia Blackwell, Dave Kendrick, Sally Higgins, Audrey Woodward, Diana Ker, Mark Batten, Geraldine Rowlands, Ray Cox, Heather Burton.

ANDREW (outer circle). I was aware of the four of us going around the outside in procession as seasons, and outside the circle was the timeless area on my right hand. We tuned into a motion and I was aware that all participants were getting deeply into their roles. I felt the hand direction to be significant.

CYNTHIA (small entrance path). I was aware of a creamish white globe of light (the colour of the moon) to the left, and to the right of this another globe of the same colour. The edges of this were not yet created and consisted of waves of light, (very strong waves).

DAVE (outer circle). This had the feeling of being quite a universal life was symbolic of that. I had the feeling of being both inside and outside the body..... like blood-cells in the body moving around slowly. No beginning, no end. Timeless.

SALLY (small inner circle). I felt very timeless and floating.....time was speeding up more and more quickly. This floating cosmic feeling was earthed every time I touched felt comfortable, I felt some humour in it. I felt like Mercury. (has Mercury in Taurus).

AUDREY (small entrance path). I felt it was something very familiar, like a dream within a dream..... something I knew. More than that, there was an overwhelming feeling of a tremendous radiance of love, from and through Diana (guardian). Great power of love.

GERALDINE (small inner circle). I had no thoughts about it. Once I had let go of taking responsibility for everyone, and where they were going, I felt in a state of bliss. My body was trembling so much it was hard to keep my feet going in the right place. Waves of energy were moving through my body. I was aware of the movement of the whole pattern and the interaction between the inner movement, the outer circle, and the people standing still. It felt very familiar. I was aware of Diana throughout and felt she was like an angel. I felt it was so important touching Sally as we met, (otherwise I might have spun off somewhere). I felt Sally was Mercury at the end. I’m amazed at how these things work..

MARK (larger entrance path). I found that standing at the entrance-way I had a strong sense of the stream of life into the solar system.....very strong.....and of the procession of lives of each spirit in the physical system. My strongest impression was of being part of an astronomical orrery, (brass), and the two centre people were revolving spheres as they travelled their circles, and likewise with those working with the enclosing circles. I felt very strongly that Diana was in reality overseeing the energy that was in operation.

RAY (outer circle). I was visualising the extremely slow formative processes which took place in the very early stages of the solar system, in which everything was gradually being formed, out of what Rudolf Steiner called "an original state of warmth" before form took place. All was spherical.....not lines. Everything was in this very slow formative process. I did not feel people or humanity were involved, only forms being moulded into spherical patterns. There were powers behind all this. They were the various hierarchies responsible for all this. The only personal experience was a feeling of being rather light-headed as the forms were solidifying into globes, which they eventually did do, and became separated. (I was) able to relate this description of warmth to what actually developed into the love which came out of this creation.

HEATHER (larger entrance path). I felt spaced out and very much part of the planetary orrery.....a part of the whole process, even though I was stationary.

STANLEY (outer circle). I felt increasingly as we all came deeper into the process that the form is multi­dimensional and has space in it for a large number of different human experiences, all of which make their contribution to the building of a total form. The Crop-circle pattern is no more than a trigger for the creation of a profounder, much more comprehensive form, and it is this greater form which is the temple.

I feel Michael smiling. "You see now" he says "why you needed to feel so laid back and unprepared this week-end. You have introduced virtually nothing which could block the growth of your initiative into its second stage. The work you did at the first meeting has therefore been given a chance to sink into your own beings, and to re-emerge into your will as creative action. The love that you have felt pouring in is the love of the CHRIST. We all feel deeply rewarded by your response to this. Our blessing pours out upon you, full of creative power. We love you. MICHAEL.


When we came on the second day to the Newton St Loe pictogram we excelled ourselves! The figure was twenty-seven feet long, and the ‘standing corn’, made of swirls of yellow string, was as vortical and plasmoid as Dr Meaden could have wished! We out-hoaxed the hoaxers. I wonder how many of the Dougs and Daves became uneasily aware as they fabricated their ingenious constructs, that their security-inspired footsteps were dogged by the very same gods, devas, and elementals who guided our creations, so very differently motivated. It was clear that Michael was concerned to have us as relaxed and laid-back as possible. In the event ,we were contented to dream and meditate round our string-and-plastic figure for a full hour-and-a-half. We were left with the distinct conviction that we were laying foundations for an approach to the 1992 Crop-circle season that was far more sure-footed than anything we had previously experienced. This was not the sure-footedness of prejudice, or even preconception, but of a calm openness to something increasingly unexpected, like sailing into waters which might be challenging or even dangerous, but essentially navigable. Michael had given us clues, terms of reference, practical equipment for extending consciousness without losing either direction or equilibrium.

We decided to meet again every three months. We also felt that we had no monopoly of the process. Happy though we would be to advise other groups, we felt that Michael was offering his support and teaching to anyone who found the inner confidence and courage to ask for it. The more such groups work with Crop-circles the greater will be the preparation for the inevitable explosion of new, unprecedented phenomena in the future. The essence of the strength of such groups lies as much in their variety as in their depth, and in the soundness of their inner and outer observation.

It will not have escaped notice that I myself often perceive the dynamic essence of Crop-circles, but fail to preserve outer proportions and detail. Others observe the finer points with great accuracy, sometimes at the cost of larger perspectives. When the rare instance occurs of someone who can do both, they sometimes have great difficulty in developing the necessary confidence to say so. It is very necessary to learn from each other.

Finally I would like to say a bit more about the "Beings ", the giant presences whose restrained power and heart’s warmth progressively allays all possible doubts about their immediacy and reality. The formidable presence of these beings has accompanied us on all the stages of the path of research and practice I have been describing, and on many others. Only slowly have we become accustomed to working with them, and the awareness of what an extraordinary privilege this is grows all the time. I greatly hope that many readers are able to pick up from this account what a racy, familiar business, serious and comic by turns, and frequently awe-inspiring, this day-to­day working with conscious communication across the threshold into other dimensions can be. This being Michael is no heraldic, two-dimensional figure from the stained-glass windows of mythology. He is an increasingly down-to-earth daily mentor and companion, prone to exciting new discoveries of his own about the new dimensions opening up for him at the time of, and springing directly from, "the second coming of the CHRIST". Coming as close to modern man as these developments have enabled him to do, he is sometimes able to describe his limitations as well as his strengths to mankind. Nothing endears high hierarchical beings to us more effectively than the realisation that we can start to become effective colleagues with them, in specific enterprises which they can teach us to understand, and in the end to participate in.

Our second partner in this work, Rudolf Steiner as he was in his last life on earth, has played a less vocal part in this Crop-circle enterprise than in other aspects of the work. But he too has something to say to adherents of the movement he brought to fruition seventy years ago, in connection with what he now refers to as "the renewal of anthroposophy", in which the Crop-circle phenomenon is revealing itself as an important factor. By the renewal of anthroposophy Steiner means that spiritual science, directly as a result of the increasing impact of the return of the CHRIST into the etheric envelope of the earth, has passed out of its first phase. This first phase was the metamorphosis of brain-thinking into what he described as Imaginative and Inspirational cognition. (These are technical terms which need reference to Steiner’s own work, e.g. the book "Theosophy"). Spirit is now plunging, as did Michael’s sword into the awakening hearts of our group at Stratford, directly into deeds of the spirit. These "temple deeds", initiated by such awakenings as are brought about by Crop-circles, are thus a stage beyond the enterprises in education, art, agriculture, medicine, theatre etc. etc., undertaken at Steiner’s behest seventy years ago. They have moved beyond schooling into apprenticeship, out of thinking and feeling transformation into the metamorphosis of actual deeds. (Intuition, in Steiner’s language). Steiner is inviting mature human beings, whether members of the movement he founded or not, to work directly with himself with Michael, and with the CHRIST, to come to know them in an idiosyncratic way, to learn directly from and with them in practical deeds as colleagues. There is no implication in this that there has been something less than worthy in the work of anthroposophists in the last half-century. On the contrary, giant strides have been made in the movement from study towards the sighting of deeper levels of knowledge. On the other hand, the very steadiness and continuity of growth can sometimes conceal the moment when a new threshold is ripe to be crossed, and in some cases should already have been crossed. Steiner himself prophesied such a threshold towards the end of this century. His own increasing willingness and capacity to remake his contacts with the movement he initiated is ample evidence for the fulfilment of this prophesy.


There stands behind Michael and Steiner the presence of the CHRIST entity itself. Everything done on the Crop-circle path, both inwardly in us and outwardly in the Corn, is done by this Being, who, as we have seen, is ITSELF the meaning of all our experiences of soul, and on the planet. This being is ourselves and is our Earth. Much of this fact has been concealed, as well as in part revealed over the centuries by the prevalence of religion and its dogmas. The experiences and practices we have been describing remove to a large extent the need to clarify by teaching, by argument, and by sheer polemics, the mistakes and misunderstandings of religion. Individual spiritual growth and responsibility constitutes a prodigious threat, also to secularism in all its forms, not least to the religion of scientism so prevalent in our day. Too often it is precisely religion in all its forms which has been the answer promoted and tolerated by secular interests under threat to the uncontrolled growth of spiritual awareness in individuals.

We are being presented with new realities, of which the Crop-circle phenomenon is one, which can open a path whereby we can learn to transcend the limitations of both science and religion. We may call it the birth of a new art, a new art of life.

It is an introduction to this NEW ART OF LIFE that we have been concerned to present here.


1.  During the sessions the more general term Crop-circles is replaced by Corn-circles. This is because Gio knows them as such. Guides can only use what is in the language structure of the speaker.

2.  See appendix

3.  See appendix

4.  See figure 1. Actual distance from Avebury 1.2 miles, from Silbury .85 miles

5.  See figure 1

6.  Actual mileage Is as follows:- half mile W of city boundary, on a mile run of the river. 40m above the valley floor

7.  In recalling this formation I totally overlooked the one-but-final circle and the bar attached to It. When Michael deals with this figure In the second booklet I believe he will explain why this happened.

8.  Actually, ‘flanking the second circle’ See figure 2

9.  I fully intended to describe the Barbury Castle formation as number three. This was clearly a head-trip on my part, and when I allowed myself to feel instead of rationalist, Maizey Farm was obvious. Michael evidently intervened to good effect.

10.  See Appendix.

11.  See Appendix.

12.  vide "The Sun and the Serpent", Miller and Broadhurst. Pendragon 1989

13.  Corrected dimensions: Once more my memory and observation combined were inaccurate. Actual dimensions:- 3 ft broad and 22.5 yds diameter. (J.F.Langrish 11.7.91.)

14.  Checking the measurements we get Short track 9 ft, long track 38 ft: over four limes as long. The two inner circles were both about 19 ft in diameter, about 9 ft away from the outer ring. The longer trackway led directly into the circle accurately on magnetic north (Langrish) (Actual distance from Avebury 4.4 miles)

15.  See Figure 3


By Roland Pargeter

Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.


Firstly to Michael, leader of the heavenly hosts, whose idea this booklet was, and who laid down the form of it.

To Gio, who heard what he said and spoke it.

To Geraldine and all those who came to the Creative Being Centre to make the first inner Crop-Circle with Michael and me.

To Roland who patiently drew the pictures (the dots take hours!)

To Penny on whose computer it was typed, and to Adam, Ralph and Chris who showed me how to type it (and did a lot themselves)

Finally to Gudrun and the group of seven who heard the booklet and blessed me and it.



If you have been mystified by the frequent appearance of BLUE in capital letters in the communications, it is matched by the sense of mystery which has surrounded it for us over the years. It was Gildas, the guide who speaks through Ruth White, who first put it into my consciousness. He said that for a long time now a new organ in the chakra system below and behind the heart, had been developing in many of those whose consciousness was directed towards a spiritual world. This manifestation is linked no doubt with the bodies of a New Mankind making its way to the Earth from the Cosmos. Sirius, the Pleiades and Arcturus are mentioned as the directions from which they come. Some writings refer to Star-children, and identify individual children with unusual perceptions and gifts in ordinary material bodies. Others claim awareness of entities which, though physical in the sense that they interact with the material world, are not perceptible to the material senses. In other respects they impinge on the awareness like ordinary children, though with the kind of perspective on the human scene more characteristic of a ‘higher being’ than ordinary kids tend to have. Their presence sometimes impinges on the imagination spontaneously, but as a rule they simply respond to one’s ordinary fantasy and imagination by communicating as any ‘guide’ does, only with even more force and conviction. No doubt I am somewhat at the nursery-class stage in my psychic education .....I perceive only the fringe of these phenomena. But this may carry more conviction to the ordinary reader than more categorical assertions about a burgeoning BLUE world. l am quite sure that with patience and application, and of course the necessary suspension of disbelief you will get at least as far as I have.

Psychic perception is of course not confined to vision. In fact some people have very little colour sensitivity at all, even in the ordinary world. So BLUE may mean very little to them. On the other hand, tones, and even particular syllabic and word-like sounds, may come mysteriously into their awareness and build up a personal language as meaningful to them as colours are to others. Yet other people relate very little to the different senses, but have powerful sentient awareness of psychic presences. We need many people with a variety of capacities to develop the language of the New awareness. Crop-circles themselves are such a language. Perhaps you are one of those who can smell or taste Crop-circles?


The Archive of Stanley Messenger

Dancing with Tears

A corn circle adventure

Stanley Messenger