You’ve found a rare treasure trove of readable, thoughtful essays on game design theory, art and the business of design.

  • Kind Games: The GDC Talk

    Kind Games: The GDC Talk

    I presented the Kind Games paper at GDC 2024! I found out afterwards that it ended up being a completely full session with (checks analytics) 140 people in the audience and 94% of respondent rating it Excellent. 6% rated it only Good. Well, at least…

  • What is a Daniel Cook Game?

    What is a Daniel Cook Game?

    A teammate asked me the damning question, “What is a Daniel Cook game?” I didn’t have a good answer.  He was looking for some understanding…

  • Kind Games: Designing for Prosocial Multiplayer

    Kind Games: Designing for Prosocial Multiplayer

    This paper was originally published here as part of the Polaris Game Design Retreat 2022 papers. Posted here to ensure to help defend against far…

  • List of Game Artists

    List of Game Artists

    A very large number of game developers come to Lostgarden looking for game art. (Apparently I’m on the first page of results if you search…

  • How to bootstrap your indie art needs

    How to bootstrap your indie art needs

    A goodly number of indie game developers are lured into by the free game graphics. Every few days an email pops into my inbox,…

  • Kind Games: The GDC Talk

    I presented the Kind Games paper at GDC 2024! I found out afterwards that it ended up being a completely full session with (checks analytics)…

  • What is a Daniel Cook Game?

    A teammate asked me the damning question, “What is a Daniel Cook game?” I didn’t have a good answer.  He was looking for some understanding…

  • Kind Games: Designing for Prosocial Multiplayer

    This paper was originally published here as part of the Polaris Game Design Retreat 2022 papers. Posted here to ensure to help defend against far…

  • Appliance Gaming 2020

    (Note: This was written for the Games of 2020 content put on by Game Developer magazine. I won a free ticket to GDC 2009.) The…

  • A design practice for social systems

    The following essay was originally posted in ACM Journal Games: Research and Practice ( Reposted here to provide a more accessible copy with better formatting.…

  • The Letter Circle

    A thought that has been stewing for a while is “What is a form of social media I’d be willing to use?” So here is…

  • Closed social affordances / Open social affordances in social systems design

    Introduction In social systems design, we often need to control how different players interact with one another. We want to heavily mediate griefing and toxicity…

  • Kindness

    So much mentoring I do is asking folks to treat themselves with kindness. Overwork, anxiety, external and internal pressure can put us into a dark…

  • The Workshopping Skill

    How do you cultivate a wildly productive generative engine of design creativity. Especially one detached from your ego? Design in this case means coming up…