A Trailer And a Release Date

Last week, theNobel Peace Prizewas awarded to theEuropean Union.Great stuff.

Do you know who most definitelydoes notdeserve a Nobel Peace Prize, though? TheEvil Squares, they don’t -always outabusingthe charming Ball People.

But soon, you’ll be able tosquare things out(get it?), because Square Planet isfinishedand will come out on Thursday this week, October 18

Square Planet - October 18

Get The Ball Rolling

We could press a button right now and release the game. Yup. Alas, thepowers-that-be(journalists, Apple)kindly advised us to set afixedrelease date.

Overall, making Square Planet took about6 months to our team of 5and a couple of lending hands. Justa tad longerthan initially planned (cough -3 months), but boy, will itkeep you all on theedgeof your seat!

A Whole New Ball Game

Meanwhile, we’d like to suggest checking outthe game’s spanking newtrailer, hot off the editing frying pan. Know someone who might like Square Planet? Feel free tosharethe trailer.

iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch

Square Planet is to be released simultaneously onall iOS devices, includingiPad.Isn’t that sweet?
Unfortunately, itdoes not run oniPhone 3GS and below. The square and edgyHD graphicsproved to be more than the venerable devices could handle.

One More Thing

I know what you think.How much?
Well, Square Planet will be afreeto download app.F-R-E-E. Why? Youshouldknow by now :because we love you.

Too Long ; Didn’t Read?

Square Planet, out October 18, free, iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch.There you go.


A square peg in a round hole (or the other way round)

‘Evening, monkeys !

2 things today:

1. We are almost done with development of Square Planet ! Give us a few days to iron out a few kinks and then a couple of weeks until Apple approves the game, and hopefully Square Planet should fireball its way into your iDevice sometime aroundmid-october. Hopefully.

2. Speaking of fireball, we thought we’d share a wee bit of fun we’re having today. As we are preparing a kick-ass copy for Square Planet’sApp Store description, we’ve been rounding up idioms including the words Round, Ball, Edge and Square. Check out our list so far below… oooh, clever! Right? Right?




  • Do/make the rounds
  • drive/send somebody round the bend
  • square peg in a round hole
  • the other way around
  • a different ball of wax
  • Ball up
  • Be on the ball
  • Drop the ball
  • Keep your eye on the ball
  • Be on edge
  • Drive someone to the edge
  • Edge your way around
  • Edge away from
  • Edge by
  • Have the edge on
  • keep somebody on the edge of their seat
  • Live on the edge
  • Back to square one
  • Be there or be square
  • Fair and square
  • Have a matter to square with
  • Square your shoulders

How many people still play Ski Champion?

Hi there,

Just a quick post as we’ve entered crunch mode to finish Square Planet.

I thought I’d post this graph showing how many people play Ski Champion every day. As you can see we’re in the low part of the curve right now, having ran a promo op a month ago that boosted our downloads.

Click on the graph to enlarge it

Feel free to ask questions in the comment section … or “Tweet Me Maybe”? @NicolasG_B