Starfield Player Removes Grav Jump Loading Screen

Starfield Player Removes Grav Jump Loading Screen

From TheGamer (Written by Rhiannon Bevan) on | OpenCritic

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When Starfield launched, fans were immediately disappointed to see that space travel wasn't all that they had hoped for. Rather than letting us cruise around seamlessly across the galaxy, going from planet to planet was just a series of loading screens and menus.

Now, one player has done something to address this, managing to hide one of the pesky loading screens. Seamless Grav Jump by Nexus Mods user aDebaser is one of the most popular mods from the past 30 days, and makes space travel a little smoother. With this, the loading screen you'd normally see during a grav jump is completely hidden, making everything feel much faster.

As you can see, it doesn't completely get rid of the game's need to load the next area, but it does a good job of hiding when the loading is happening. There's just a very quick cut to black, and then we're back with a view of space.

This is far from the only mod out there that aims to improve Starfield's space travel. While this is more of a minor gripe, there's another mod that removes that dramatic music that swells whenever you make a jump. Because let's be honest, the...

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