February 15, 1989

Khomeini Urges Muslims to Kill Author of Novel

LONDON, Feb. 14 -- Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran declared today that the author and publishers of a novel deemed offensive to Islam had been ''sentenced to death.'' The novelist, Salman Rushdie, author of ''The Satanic Verses,'' said he was taking the threat seriously.

The Teheran radio quoted Ayatollah Khomeini as asking ''all the Muslims to execute them,'' referring to Mr. Rushdie, who lives in London, and the publishers of the book, Viking Penguin, ''wherever they find them.'' He said that anyone killed carrying out his order would be considered a martyr.

Mr. Rushdie's American agent said there were no plans to call off the author's American promotional tour. All was quiet at Viking Penguin's offices in New York, but a guard there said security was tight.

Threat Taken 'Very Seriously'

Wednesday was declared a day of mourning in Iran to protest the novel. It has prompted violent protests by Islamic fundamentalists over the author's projection of Islamic myths and Koranic motifs in contemporary and futuristic settings, which many contend is blasphemous.

''The author of the 'Satanic Verses' book, which is against Islam, the Prophet and the Koran, and all those involved in its publication who were aware of its content, are sentenced to death,'' said Ayatollah Khomeini, whose word is considered law by millions of Shiite Muslims. ''If someone knows them but is unable to kill them, he should hand them over to the people for punishment.''

Mr. Rushdie, who is 41 years old and was born into a Kashmiri Muslim family in Bombay, could not be reached by The New York Times for comment today. But he was quoted as telling the British Broadcasting Corporation that he had to take the threat ''very seriously indeed'' and that he ''may well have to think about'' applying to the authorities for protection.

''I am very sad it should have happened,'' Mr. Rushdie was quoted by the Press Association, Britain's domestic news agency, as saying. ''It is not true this book is a blasphemy against Islam. I doubt very much Khomeini or anyone else in Iran has read the book or anything more than selected extracts taken out of context.''

Britain's Foreign Office said today that clarification was being sought over Ayatollah Khomeini's remarks, which, ''if true, are a cause for concern.'' [ A leader of the British Muslims, quoted by Reuters, added grave concern to the security situation late tonight by reinforcing Ayatollah Khomeini's call for Mr. Rushdie's execution. Said Abdul Quddas, joint secretary of the Council of Mosques in the northern English city of Bradford, told reporters, ''Every good Muslim is after his life. He has tortured Islam and has to pay the penalty. He deserves hanging. [ ''There are any number of people who would willingly carry out what to us would not be a crime but a justified act.'' ] A spokesman for Scotland Yard declined to comment on the threat. However, British newspapers said the Special Branch of Scotland Yard was protecting Mr. Rushdie, adding that a team of armed officers was probably assigned to accompany the author. Special Branch officers will also increase surveillance on Muslim fundamentalist groups in London and throughout Britain, the agency said.

The Khomeini statement came amid a wave of protests and attempts to ban the book. On Sunday, a mob of thousands of enraged Muslims tried to enter and destroy the American cultural center in Islamabad, Pakistan, because Mr. Rushdie's book is being published in the United States. The attack left five people dead and more than 100 people wounded; three people died in similar disturbances in India on Monday.

Muslims in Britain burned copies of the book last month and W. H. Smith booksellers withdrew it from public display in Bradford, a city in the north that has a large Moslem community.

The Press Association quoted Mr. Rushdie's literary agent in Britain, Gillon Aitken, as saying that the author had been ''out and about,'' in response to a question about whether he was in hiding today.

''I assume he has been getting on with his life,'' Mr. Aitken said.

''The Satanic Verses'' begins with a plane crash over the English Channel in which two men survive to be ''born again,'' one with a halo, the other with slowly developing horns and hoofs. It is not clear, despite their appearance, which of them is good and which is evil. They become involved with characters named Alleluia Cone and Mahound, the latter a businessman turned prophet who lives in the imaginary city of Jahilla.

'A Dirty Conspiracy'

Mr. Rushdie's character the Prophet Mahound resembles the portrayal of Jesus Christ in Martin Scorsese's film ''The Last Temptation of Christ,'' in that Mahound is depicted as having a human nature and wrestling with temptation. The work is clearly perceived as offensive to Islam, but what exactly is regarded as insulting has not been spelled out.

The Iranian Government condemned the book as ''a dirty conspiracy'' against Islam and urged followers of Ayatollah Khomeini around the world to take action against it. A Government statement read on the Teheran radio called for cells of the Party of God -devotees of the Ayatollah and a group of them in Lebanon is believed to be holding Westerners who are missing and believed kidnapped there - to take ''necessary steps to neutralize this plot.''

''We call on all Party of God cells in the world of Islam to grasp the depth of this black conspiracy,'' the statement said. ''We advise all Islamic Governments not to place themselves against the million masses of angry Muslims but to demonstrate their disgust and anger, together with their nation, towards this provocative American deed.''

The Iranian press agency quoted Prime Minister Mir Hussein Moussavi as calling Mr. Rushdie an ''American mercenary.''

Mr. Rushdie was quoted as telling Independent Television News here that he doubted that those conducting a campaign against the book were trying to act as ''thought police.''

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