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Poverty Is Caused By The Dad Gap

Poverty Is Caused By The Dad Gap

By Dr. Thomas Patterson | Well after 50 years from the end of the Civil War, black Americans in much of the country were not allowed to enter the homes of whites by the front door. Black men could be lynched for looking a white woman in the face. Schools, restaurants,...

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Why Gen-Z Is The Most Pro-Family Generation In 50 Years

Why Gen-Z Is The Most Pro-Family Generation In 50 Years

By Carson Carpenter | As an 18-year-old student graduating from Arizona State University this May, I constantly think about what is next. Many people in Gen-Z are often told, “After school, you need to find a good paying job” or “You should go to graduate school.” But...

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The Case For Draining The Swamp Is Stronger Than Ever

The Case For Draining The Swamp Is Stronger Than Ever

By Stephen Moore | The latest official employment report finds once again that the federal government and state-and-local government hiring spree is still in full gear.  Over the past year health care and government hiring has outpaced every private sector industry....

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Strength Through Weakness Is A Really, Really Bad Idea

Strength Through Weakness Is A Really, Really Bad Idea

By Dr. Thomas Patterson | The warning signs can no longer be ignored. America’s future as a world power is fading. The emerging alliance of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, spanning the spectrum of autocratic, expansionist ideologies, is poised to seriously...

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Legislature Fails To Fix Troubled Arizona Commerce Authority

Legislature Fails To Fix Troubled Arizona Commerce Authority

By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club | After months of debate surrounding the controversial reauthorization of the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA), the tension finally broke on the last day of session when HB2210 was raced through the House and Senate and...

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Our Tragically Foolish Border Policy

Our Tragically Foolish Border Policy

By Dr. Thomas Patterson | We know exactly the cause of our disastrous immigration crisis. It was us. We voters have only ourselves to blame. Biden didn’t even try to deceive us on this one. In the 2020 presidential debates, he vowed “on day one” to reverse Trump’s...

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