Crypto/investment scams rise to #1 riskiest in 2023

Investment scams, including those involving cryptocurrency, are now the riskiest scam type, according to the latest BBB Scam Tracker Risk Report. More than 80 percent of people who were targeted by this scam type reported losing money to BBB Scam Tracker. It also had the second highest median dollar loss at $3,800.

Investment scams take many forms, including pressure to purchase, trade, or store digital assets (cryptocurrency) with fraudulent exchanges. Investment and cryptocurrency scams both appeared on the list of ten riskiest scams in 2023. This year, we combined them because most cryptocurrency scams involved some sort of investment opportunity.

The report includes insights about how scams are perpetrated, who is being targeted, which scams have the greatest impact, and behaviors and factors that may impact an individual’s susceptibility.

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