FOX NEWS REPORT: 60 Israeli Spies Arrested In USA Shortly After 9/11 (Aired 12/11/01)

June 25, 2012

Believe it or not, Fox News used to have real reporters who reported real news. All four parts of Carl Cameron’s Pulitzer-level report can be seen below. It blows the lid off Israeli espionage on U.S. soil during and before the September 11, 2001 “terror attacks” on New York City and Washington, D.C.

Most Americans still sheepishly believe that 9/11 Commission Report. It should be noted that Cameron’s report was removed from all Fox News video feeds (direct order from Rupert Murdoch himself shortly after originally airing). The Wiki-Jews are out in full force not only cleansing Cameron’s Wikipedia page of any reference to the story, but silencing all truth about Israeli corporation Amdocs being involved. Amdocs prints and stores virtually every record of all telecommunications made in the USA, specifically for AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Comcast, DirecTV and Bell Canada, among others.

Amdocs is said to be “headquartered” in Chesterfield, MO. Coincidentally or otherwise, Chesterfield and several other St. Louis suburbs are home to almost every so-called “Jew” in the state. At least 30 of the Israeli spies were employed with Amdocs and several more were active Israeli military. For those who don’t know, Mossad = Israeli CIA. Most of these spies were likely Mossad agents. George W. Bush simply deported most of them back to Israel without facing any sort of repercussions. The stories about the rest of them have been long buried.

Here are all four parts of the story in one video.

You may also view it on internet archives.


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