BP Dev-Chat Summary July 10, 2024

✅ BuddyPress 14.0.0

This meeting main goal was to check we made enough progress to package BuddyPress 14.0.0 on July 12. Short answer is yes as it was released on this day!

  • Credits list: @vapvarun worked on it and shared it with us at the very beginning of our chat.
  • Announcement post: @im4th volunteered to write it out of the BP Hello Screen and asked @dcavins to review it once a draft is ready. He agreed 😍.
  • Full change log: this was the last task to achieve. @vapvarun volunteered and started right away to generate it for the Codex as a bit before the end or our meeting he confirmed it was ready.

We were confident about releasing on July 12, and we were right!

14.0.0 final schedule

🔮 BuddyPress 15.0.0

  • @im4th started to share about the little complexity introduced by our new way of branching (right after the release candidate version): we need to be careful to commit a fix twice or 3 times during the period between RC and final release:
    • trunk,
    • new branch,
    • & possibly old branch in case the commit is a regression from the previous plugin version.
  • Who’s volunteering to lead 15.0.0 release?
    • @dcavins won’t have enough time to commit to leading
    • @emaralive thinks it should be someone that is not him ��.
    • @vapvarun will monitor all 15.0.0 steps to be ready to lead 16.0.0.
    • @espellcaste wasn’t around during the chat, @im4th said he thinks he was interested to lead 15.0.0
    • Let’s decide about it during our next development meeting.
  • There are already more than 70 tickets into the 15.0.0 milestone 😅. @emaralive thinks we should straighten out registration/invitations/opt-outs + email notifications (it’s on @dcavins todo list!). @dcavins noted there were private messages improvements as well as caching/performance ones.
  • @im4th thinks it would be nice to release 15.0.0 before the end of the year.

20 minutes about the very needed BuddyPress.org new theme

#9193 is the place where we can share/organize our ideas. @im4th shared with other members of the team the nice discussion he and @vapvarun had at Da Lucia’s pizzeria. What about using the Twenty Twenty-Four default WordPress theme and enjoy all possible customizations the Site Editor is providing? It’s an interesting idea to have this change: it would give us some time to work on a great new BuddyPress standalone theme as well as renew BuddyPress.org site’s appearance which has been the same for years! Finally @im4th suggested we really talk about it during a video/audio chat: let’s organize it soon 🎥 🎙️.

Next Dev-Chat Agenda

It will happen on Wednesday July 31, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

PS: no chat next week! Next docs chat will happen on Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 19:00 UTC.

#14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary July 3, 2024 + July 10 Dev-Chat agenda

⏳ BuddyPress 14.0.0

After a few minutes of discussions we realized we couldn’t do the Release Candidate party as we planned to 🥲.

  • #9206 this ticket was opened during the chat by @vapvarun: 2 emails were sent to an site invited user once they accepted the invite. @im4th wanted this ticket to be fixed before releasing RC1. This was the main reason we decided to work on a new schedule for 14.0.0 release.
  • #9189 Bump bundled BP CLI to 3.0.1, @espellcaste needed an extra time to have it fixed
  • #9188 Hello Screen updates for 14.0.0 was reviewed during the chat: many thanks to @dcavins & @espellcaste.
  • We also needed to update 14.0.0 credits list + #9196 Team roles update & formalize the fact @vapvarun & @emaralive are part of the BP Team.
  • About #9204 start working on up/next right after current RC1, @im4th asked for some more feedbacks.

We then shared some tasks to finally get ready for an updated schedule we agreed on during the chat (see next section of this summary).

We finally decided to replace today’s docs chat with a new dev chat to see if we would have made enough progress to finally release 14.0.0 on July 12.

14.0.0 updated schedule

Next Dev-Chat Agenda

It will happen on Wednesday July 10, 2024 at 19:00 UTC (today) in #BuddyPress. Below is our agenda!

  • 14.0.0 Credits list
  • 14.0.0 Announcement post
  • 14.0.0 full changelog
  • If we have some time left : start discussing about 15.0.0 Release lead.

#14-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda July 3, 2024


Our next development meeting will happen on Wednesday July 3 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 14.0.0 tickets to fix before RC release:
    • #9189 Bump bundled BP CLI to 3.1
    • #9188 Hello Screen updates for 14.0.0
    • #9196 Team roles update & formalize the fact @vapvarun & @emaralive are part of the BP Team.
    • #9204 start working on up/next right after current RC1.
  • Who’s volunteering to lead the 15.0.0 release?
  • RC1 release party! 🥁🎸🎤

PS: this chat will probably last longer than usual, thanks in advance for your understanding, we need to accelerate a bit to be ready to release 14.0.0 stable version on July 8.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.

#14-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

Notice of Deprecated Functions in 14.0.0

BuddyPress 14.0.0  has deprecated functions and constants that will no longer be supported. Furthermore, these functions and constants may be removed from future versions, therefore it is  recommended to update any code that uses them, appropriately.

bp_activity_admin_screen_options( $value, $option, $new_value )Deprecated14.0.0
bp_groups_admin_screen_options( $value, $option, $new_value )Deprecated14.0.0

See src/bp-core/deprecated/14.0.php for further code details.


Additional Suggestions:

For non-developers, here are some tips for resolving deprecation notices in BuddyPress:

  • Update themes and plugins: This is the most common fix.
  • If the plugin or theme developer doesn’t have an update available, contact them directly. 

FYI: 14.0.0 schedule

  • June 13: 14.0.0-beta1 ✅.
  • June 24: 14.0.0-beta2 ✅.
  • July 5: 14.0.0-rc1 ✅.
  • July 8 July 12: 14.0.0 ✅.

#14-0-0, #notification

Translating BuddyPress texts into your community vocabulary is back in 14.0.0

Thanks to WordPress 6.5 localization improvements, we’re happy to share with you this great news: customizing BuddyPress texts according to your community site’s purpose is possible again without any additional plugins 😅. Whether you use the default WordPress locale (en_US) or any other ones, you can override it to change all the BuddyPress texts of your choice! Below is an example of my test replacing all “group” terms with “team” ones.

We thought as we made it possible for you to customize any BuddyPress URLs since our previous major version (12.0.0), we had to bring back custom translation files locations (which sadly vanished 😭 when WordPress 4.6 was released, 8 years ago).

We even extended it so that you can also have custom translation files for BuddyPress blocks 👇

If you’re wondering what you’ll have to do to enjoy it, here’s the documentation about it.

You need to view it to believe it? Be my guest: you can beta test it (& contribute to BuddyPress beta testing 😁).

#14-0-0, #translations

BP Docs-Chat Agenda June 26, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on June 26, 2024, at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • BP Documentation tracker status.
  • Review the 23 open issues that are labeled “user“. ➡ The 23
    • Determine which of the 23 belong to WP Admin screens/pages., e.g., Activity, Group, etc.
    • If WP Admin, determine if we need a label to earmark these for priority.
    • Determine if we are missing issues for WP Admin screens/pages, e.g., needs help tab and/or link to GitHub document.
  • If time permits, review workflow process, e.g., there are currently 42 open issues, of which only 4 are unassigned: does this mean the other 38 are currently being worked?
  • If time permits, Open Floor.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss, please share them in the comments area of this post.

#agenda, #docs-chat, #documentation

BP Docs-Chat Summary June 13, 2024

BuddyPress Issues and Pull Requests:

  • @vapvarun: Shared updates about closed pull requests on Group Type and Group Cover Image, highlighted 41 open issues, and submitted a new PR on joining private groups.
  • @imath: Acknowledged @vapvarun‘s updates and planned to address the next tasks.

Documentation and Translation Discussions:

The group discussed where to place documentation for advanced users and suggested making it accessible to regular users. There was a consensus on the need for easy access to translation tools and documentation on customizing labels, messages, and URLs.

Handling Language Translation Paths:

  • @vapvarun and @imath: Discussed handling language translation files in WordPress, focusing on paths and behavior post-updates.
  • @vapvarun: Advocated for the need to translate common labels and messages for normal users, emphasizing site-specific customizations.

Prioritizing Documentation Efforts:

  • @imath: Suggested deciding where to place advanced user documentation and questioned the necessity of a separate handbook for advanced topics.
  • @vapvarun: Discussed focusing first on user tags that require only screenshots and guides and then moving to developer tags that need in-depth work and code testing.
  • @emaralive: Expressed concerns about potential conflicting priorities in documentation efforts.
  • @espellcaste: Supported focusing on broader user documentation before delving into advanced topics.

Technical Issues and Project Management:

  • @emaralive: Reported a bug in BP Tools for managing opt-outs and highlighted discrepancies in label counts on GitHub.
  • @vapvarun: Suggested improvements for the BuddyPress.org UI based on developer feedback and discussed promoting BuddyPress during contributor day at WordCamp.

Concluding the Chat:

  • @vapvarun: Invited final suggestions and concluded the chat, noting the need to address documentation priorities and UI concerns.
  • @imath and @espellcaste: To explore new strategies for documentation and contribution, considering feedback on UI and technical issues.

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary