Friday, July 19, 2024

Glorfindel and Gildor among the Mormons

It appears, at least from what I currently read from my words, that Glorfindel and Gildor spent some time among the Mormons in Salt Lake City in the aftermath of events in the Sawtooth Mountains.

I still don't have a good sense if they arrive with or joined the Disciples and Asenath at Sawtooth, or arrived sometime later.  I can imagine a few different scenarios, and nothing has settled yet in my mind.  And afterward, I am not sure as to their activities between this time back in 2020 and the following year where the Sawtooth Stone was taken over to France.  That is all a bit of a mystery to me, and it will be interesting to understand where they were, when, and why during that whole timeframe.

However, despite all that, it does seem that they spent at least a few days in SLC.  The reasons for that assumption I will share here in this post.  And my current guess is they continued to loiter around the American West until 2021, with the directions to William Peak from Boise (3 hours by car) as one clue that would support this.

The observations they make in their (brief) dialogue makes me think that they hadn't initially passed through Salt Lake City with Gandalf-Nephi and the other Disciples (if they were in one group, which I assume they were).  Their words seem to be commenting on having seen SLC and operations and businesses the Mormons had built for themselves as if for the first time.

As I wrote in an earlier post, Glorfindel and/or Gildor reference my sister by name and refer to Gaul on June 8.  This would seem to indicate that they at least know the general whereabouts of Tom Bombadil's House.  Meaning, by this time, they had already found it, or at least knew where they would be going in the future.  Either are just as likely in my mind right now, and we will see where it shakes out.

On June 9, they make a couple observations that I now take or imagine as commentary as they were observing Salt Lake City for the first time.  June 10 would seem to really reinforce this guess:

June 9
Joseph Smith was a profit center [a play on words between Prophet and Profit]
Everyone has their own little sense of happiness

June 10
Dinner in Salt Lake City
He is a "Murphy"
Well, you definitely have 2 objects in the glass walls
Dylan's (originally spelled out as Dillon) going to kill me
There are different kinds of protection
Here are the words of the King: Leonidas Barber gems cut for epe (originally spelled ipa)

Quite a few seemingly random excerpts here.  There are also dreams that go along with some of these words on June 10 which might have some of it make a little more sense.

You will note that the first comment on June 9 involved the word-play with Prophet and Profit.  A criticism from many both within and without Mormonism is the vast amount of wealth that organization has amassed.   Glorfindel seems to note this as he looks around SLC, and ties that all to the fact that the modern church has built that wealth from Joseph's name and work.  The juxtaposition to the poverty that Joseph Smith died in (Joseph was in bankruptcy proceedings at the time of his murder) would be striking.

And I suppose Joseph is also a 'prophet' center in that there have been many, many self-titled prophets since who claim that role and designation simply by tracing their authority back to him, not actually because they themselves do the works of a prophet.  The LDS First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles call themselves "Prophets, Seers, and Revelators" almost solely because they trace authority back to Joseph, rather than the actual activities they engage in.  Prophets prophecy.  Seers have Stones.  And Revelators reveal things.

Back to the dialogue, it appears that one of our duo makes that initial observation, and the other simply says that apparently this arrangement is what makes them happy.  

At this time a relatively negative view of Mormon leadership is held or has been developed by Glorfindel and Gildor, I believe.  A dream I will share at the end of this post seems to put an exclamation point on this.

On June 10, we have the opening phrase of "Dinner in Salt Lake City".  This accompanied a dream where I was observing a group of people sitting at a very fancy, upscale restaurant.  There was conversation going on, and my vision settled on a older, larger woman with black hair.  As she was in the process of bringing a fork to her mouth to eat something, someone said "He is a Murphy"  (I am not sure by whom).  The woman's face showed shock and dismay at this mention, and she dropped her silverware.  This appeared to be unpleasant news.  That is all I remember from the dinner dream.

In "Murphy" we have another Gaelic name, and it likely means something like "Warrior of the Sea".  Who is this Being?  It isn't clear, but obviously his presence or the very mention of his name is not welcome among those at the dinner table, who I take now as likely being symbolic of Mormon leadership in the context of everything else.  Someone from the "Sea" would be, consistent with how I have viewed this term on this blog, someone from outside the bounds of this Earth.  An Alien, basically  It could be Glorfindel himself, as an example, meaning that there there is an Alien (defined as somebody who came from another world) among the Mormons in SLC.

In any case, after that dream sequence, the dialogue seems to shift to some direct statements.

There are 2 objects within the 'glass walls'.  Two things with the mention of glass walls.  First, it takes me to my short story on Herbie the Hamster, who was confined within a glass cage and who eventually escaped by means of the seed he planted.  Second, Walls have a function within Tolkien's cosmology that is probably what is being referenced.  The "Walls of the World" are what were said to surround Arda (this Creation), and separate us from the Outer Void.  Tolkien actually developed a later view of multiple sets of Walls, which I don't know enough about to get into right now.

Importantly, though, Tolkien has Rumil (the same Being I believe may be referred to as Isaiah), describing the Walls thus:

They are as ice and glass and steel, being above all imagination of the Children of Earth cold, transparent, and hard. They cannot be seen, nor can they be passed, save by the Door of Night. (from the Ambarkarta)

So, Rumil uses glass as one description or analogy for these Walls, which I think ties to Glorfindel's comment.  Thus, the two objects he mentions lie within our 'world', or on this side of the Wall.  What are they?  My guess, consistent with previous posts, is that the two objects in question are the Elessar (Green Elfstone) and the Sawtooth Stone, or Stone of Enoch.  I think this guess is further supported by how the dialogue on June 10 is concluded, which I will get to in just a second.

Another code name comes up with "Dylan" or "Dillon" (it could be either spelling).   Dylan means "Son of the Sea" or "Born of the Sea", but it can also mean something like "Loyal, Faithful" or "Like a Lion", apparently.  I am not confident on who this Being is, actually.

After mentioning 'protection', the dialogue closes with what I believe is Glorfindel summarizing words of "the King".  Who is this King?  My guess is Thingol-Aragorn (as in "Return of the King"), but who knows.  This makes the most sense to me since I currently think of them as having been travelling companions for at least some of the time in 2019 and 2020.  Further, as I think of it currently, Thingol-Aragorn would have departed with Joseph, I believe, using the Anor Stone, thus leaving Glorfindel and Gildor stranded behind on our world.  So, maybe some parting instruction?  I am not sure.

Leonidas, as I have guessed before, I believe is a reference to Glorfindel.  The "Barber" appendage to his name seems to reinforce this notion.  Glorfindel is famous for his hair (his name, in one version, literally meaning "Goldilocks"), so a reference to a barber wouldn't be out of place here.

The phrase following mention of Leonidas describes 'gems' and that they were cut for "epe".  I believe this is the word intended, and its Elvish.  It would mean something like "later, after of time, following".  Given that, it seems that there is mention that gems have been 'cut' for a later time than in the present when Glorfindel is relating the King's words.  My guess is that these 'gems' are the 2 objects within the Glass Walls that I mentioned above:  the Elessar and the Sawtooth Stone.  Time will tell, though, I suppose.  Those make the most sense to me given everything else, but it is still a very rough guess.

OK, so early to mid-June we have Elvish Aliens galavanting around Salt Lake City, forming some fairly negative opinions of Mormon leadership, and likely the institution a whole, and then remarking on some objects that are for 'later'.  This negative take on Mormon leaders will come out in a dream I had later that summer - either in July or early August - that involved both the Catholic and Mormon churches, and specifically their leadership.  Based on my view now that Glorfindel and Gildor were at this time among the Mormons and had developed these opinions, I actually place Glorfindel as the likely source of my dream, for what it's worth.

Here it is.  I had actually recounted this dream to my older sister fairly soon afterward because some of the imagery was disturbing and I needed to talk to someone about it.  Also, as you will see the dream ends with some fairly immediately relevant things that were difficult to explain away without assuming some Being was aware of my immediate surroundings, strangely.   And this really spiked my anxiety.  It put my into a bit of a tailspin, honestly.

In the dream, I was in a church building sitting in the audience with something like a General Conference going one, with all of the LDS church general authorities/ leaders up behind the podium. It was a very nice looking church - kind of like a cathedral, with high ornate ceilings. In looking back on it, I think it was meant to represent a combined Catholic and Mormon building. There had been a speaker, and then one of the leaders introduced a guest speaker from the Catholic Church to talk to everyone about all of the great work they were doing to help the poor and needy. The Catholic priest [I am not sure on what leadership position he had - he did wear a mitre] got up to make his way to the podium to speak, and as he did so, the whole church began to shake, like in a very big earthquake. Dust started coming down from the ceiling. The priest looked up and around, then appeared to think that rather than speak it might be best to get out of the building, so the scene cut to him and his entourage (there was a group of priests with him) exiting rather quickly as they nervously looked up at the ceiling.

After they left, there was a lot of commotion, nervousness, etc. among the congregation about what to do. The LDS leadership on the stand consulted with each other, and then Dallin Oaks (currently the first counselor in the LDS First Presidency) got up and stood at the podium. He began to calm everybody down, telling them that there was nothing to worry about and everything was going to be just fine. As he did this, there was another massive earthquake, and the ceiling right above where Oaks stood gave way and crashed down on him, burying him under the rubble. Everything pretty much went into chaos at this point - with the crowd screaming, and I remember a few leaders going to where the rubble was to check on Oaks, and the scene then cut away.

Following this scene, I remember walking outside in darkness for awhile, and then found myself on my farm. The gate to my animal pen was open, and animals were wandering all around my farm. However, I also noted a hole in my fence, and I picked up a strange black animal that had gotten in among my own farm animals. This creature clearly didn't belong in there, and I felt it intended harm, so I was thinking about how to get rid of it.

As I thought this, I noticed what looked like two black bears wandering outside of my pen, among the animals that had gotten out through the open gate.

I woke up from the dream hearing a commotion outside of my window from the chickens. I opened my blinds to look out in my apple orchard where the chickens were, and there was a small black animal trying to break into my chicken house. I am not sure what it was - it wasn't a fox. Maybe a weasel, though it seemed bigger than that. In any case, it reminded me exactly of the small black animal I had just seen in my dream. I yelled at it from my window and it ended up running away.

I went outside to investigate, and all of the chickens were fine. However, out of the corner of my eye, I saw what looked to me two small black bears in my yard, just like in my dream! That was my initial instant take, at least, but as I turned to look at them, I realized they were my pigs. We raise Berkshire hogs, which is a breed of pig that are black, with some white coloring on their lower legs and sometimes face, and by July/ August they get pretty big. If you looked at them quickly from a distance, you might be forgiven for mistaking them for small black bears walking around.

And here they were wandering around my yard, just like what I thought had been black bears did in my dream. I ran over to the gate for the animal pen, and saw that it was open, just like in my dream as well. This was how the pigs had gotten out of their pen and were wandering around my yard.

I managed to get the pigs back in, and the gate secured, but I was a little shaken up by the events in general. Waking up from that dream, which was already a bit disorienting, to seemingly some things happening on my farm in real life that had some sort of connection to how my dream ended was again not something I really liked or welcomed at that time.  If you could summarize my feelings at that time, I wanted to be left alone, basically, and forget about all of this.

When I spoke with my sister to try and talk through my anxiety and how to view this, her opinion was that the sounds of the chickens outside in real life had likely started to work into my dream at the end, and so that is why I imagined a dark predator among my animals threatening them. I tried to believe this, but I wasn't convinced that this explained how I saw the open gate and what turned out to be my two black pigs wandering out in my yard in the dream while I was very much in my room with my eyes closed and windows shut.

In any case, I now, in light of everything else, view the dream as having come from Glorfindel, which I think reflected his feelings about Mormon leadership and perhaps symbolically the fall of that group and their authority at a future time.  It is the best explanation or guess that I have, and it seems consistent with this view that Glorfindel, having been among those leaders back in June, seems to have judged them and found them wanting.

My guess is that Glorfindel and Gildor may have stayed in the American West until the following year, but I can't be sure, obviously.  It does seem that they were the ones that stayed behind, but it is still unclear to me who else would have been at Williams Peak the following year in 2021.  I don't have that sorted out clearly at this point.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Following the Bright Circle to the Great Valley

There were a number of dreams from last night that mostly slipped away without me being able to remember too much of them.  I do remember a few things, though even those are somewhat vague.  But, I am still going to post on them due to some thoughts I had later.  

In one scene, I was in a library with other people.  An official looking woman walked into the room and said something like it was time for us all to settle up and make sure we had returned all of the books we had checked out.  I believe we had library cards she scanned, and she would then present each person with a printout of what books they still had out outstanding and therefore which needed to be returned. 

I remember a woman who was scanned before me and presented with a list of maybe something like 4 or 5 books that were missing.  The official then came to me and as she scanned my card I wondered how many books would be on my list.  To my surprise, all of the books I had checked out had been returned.  The printout I was given instead listed all of the books I had read, the date I had read them, and a check mark next to each one showing that I had returned them (I assume that was what the check mark meant).

The details are even more vague from this point on, but I remember that in some instances people were not in the library when the official was looking to scan their card.  Rather than printing up a list for them, she printed something that looked to be a gray heart - I am not sure if it was made of paper or something else.  I remember knowing some of these people and wondering where they were, but the rest of the imagery was confusing.

In a later dream scene, I found myself in some familiar environment which I took to be something like my home here, though I don't remember any house.  Meaning, I felt like I was here in Minnesota, but the details of my surroundings elude me.  I was just kind of 'here'.

I was told that it was time to go.  I believed I replied by saying something like "I don't know the way".  This discussion was happening in my mind (I wasn't speaking), and it was with an unnamed and unseen presence.  I couldn't see anybody.  In reply I was told to just follow the Sun, and I was shown a picture of it setting in the West.  I was given to understand that this would involve walking, and I wasn't given to know just how long that walking would go on for.  At this thought, I replied that this was not enough information to go on.  Was I supposed to just leave everything right now and walk with no more direction than this?  How far was I going to walk?  How would I know when I got to wherever it was I was told to go?  I wanted more detailed instructions.  Coordinates or a specific location, I remember asking for.  Where is the spot?  I wasn't given any, and I woke up with the thought of following the Sun in the West (or at least, I don't remember any of the dream after this before waking up).

With dreams that affect me, I will usually lie there and think about them for a bit and see if I can make some sense of them.  At first, a song from Sara Bareilles called "Chasing the Sun" came to me mind.  However, almost immediately afterward, I thought very specifically of a quote from a movie I watched as a child called "The Land Before Time", and this connection seemed to make some sense.

The specific quote, or at least reference, involved Littlefoot learning from his mother on how to reach the Great Valley.  When I remembered that the whole premise of this movie is about dinosaurs escaping some catastrophic change on earth (as well as predators) to find what is essentially a Promised Land-type of place, I first thought of my recent posts about Adam-ondi-Ahman, and this being the Valley where I believe that a gathering is and will be occurring.  This was further symbolized in Hill Valley, the fictional town from Back to the Future, with Tirion (Jerusalem in my story) sitting on a hill in that valley, at least as I imagine it.   

In other words, a major premise of this story unfolding on my blog is about Beings escaping this earth in order to stand in Holy Places, which seem to coincide with this journey of dinosaurs to a Great Valley as portrayed in this movie.

Don Bluth, who produced and directed this movie, has Mormon roots, so in some ways we shouldn't be surprised to see imagery of a journey to a Promised Land enter into the story, since that is very much a Book of Mormon theme that isn't unique to any thinking here.  Bluth was also known for making some pretty dark cartoons with more adult themes back in the 80's, movies like The Secret of NIMH and An American Tale.

Anyway, the specific dialogue that came to my mind turns out to be from a scene where Littlefoot looks at a leaf, which he calls a "Tree Star" because that is what his mother named it earlier in the movie.  Actually, lets look at that earlier scene first, because that has some of the imagery following the Sun as it sets in the West.  I had to look up the scenes this morning, as it was the specific quote or reference to the movie dialogue that came to my mind, but not the scenes themselves.  For example, I had forgotten all about the Tree Star, but as you will see some of the imagery is pretty striking.

In this first clip, Littlefoot is introduced to a Tree Star and then his mother teaches him about the Great Valley, what is there, and why they are going there.

Littlefoot will later be separated from his family (his mother will be killed by T-Rex, and his grandparents can't find him), but will come into contact with other dinosaurs who will ultimately join him on his journey.

For a time after his mother's death, however, he basically wanders around (as far as I can remember) in the wasteland-desert and forgets about the Great Valley and how to get there.

However, eventually a Tree Star descends from Heaven.  With this Tree Star is his mother's voice, calling his name.  As he looks into the Tree Star, he is given some additional instructions on how to reach the Great Valley.  In addition to following the Sun to the West, he is told:

Follow the bright circle past the great rock that looks like a long-neck and past the mountains that burn.

That instruction is concluded with the statement to "Let your heart guide you".

Here is the clip.  It is a bit of a longer one at 5 minutes or so, but the relevant part starts at about the 1:20 mark.

It was this dialogue, and specifically this very instruction, that had come to my mind as I was laying there earlier this morning thinking about the dream.  And when I thought about it, I heard this instruction in a slightly different way than in which the riddles unfolded in the movie.

When I thought of "long-neck", my mind went to the "narrow neck of land" that is mentioned in the Book of Mormon.  Specifically, I thought of William Tychonievich's post in which he had likened this narrow neck of land to the Little Skinny Planet.

For whatever reason, the "rock" became a planet in my mind (much like how people sometimes refer to Earth as the 3rd rock from the sun), and thus the great rock that looked like a long-neck became The Little Skinny Planet, to my mind.

This instantly made the instructions given to Littlefoot, and therefore the phrase I thought through this morning, become interstellar.  He was to travel past that world.  He would then come to the "mountains that burn", and would also need to pass those before arriving in the Valley.

Valinor, where I have placed Tirion and the valley of Aman-ondi-Ahman, was said to be surrounded on all sides by Mountains - the Pelori Mountains, meaning a Boundary or Fence.  Maybe these are the mountains?  I am not sure why the burn reference would be applicable, other than Joseph Smith taught that the place where God lives in is one of everlasting burnings.  Maybe something there.  Or it could mean something else, I guess.  I have likened mountains to planets, and some planets were set on fire during the assault of the Numenoreans - specifically Eressea, but also Aman itself was set on fire, with the Mountain Taniquetil (Manwe's mountain) specifically mentioned:

But Angor (Ar-pharazôn) assailed the shores of the Gods, and he cast bolts of thunder, and fire came upon the sides of Taniquetil

But this is all to say that the imagery to me of the scene when I actually looked at it made some of the symbolism and the instructions I was kind of reinterpreting all the more relevant.  This "Tree Star" comes down from Heaven.  I had that song going through my head for the longest time (I don't really anymore now) about "Waiting for a Star to Fall", with the lyrics from that song suggesting that the Star would carry a heart back into someone's arms.  Littlefoot would look into this Star-shaped leaf and it was in the course of looking into it that he received additional details and directions on how to get home.  These directions came in the form of Milestones - he would know he was on the right path as he passed various things.  And Littlefoot would end up carrying this Tree Star with him on his journey, just as one might carry a Stone or like Lehi had his Liahona.

A few other things I noted as I watched these scenes and thought more on what I can remember of the movie.

"Littlefoot" is an interesting name for a couple reasons.  Sasquatch or Bigfoot has come up on this blog and on William's a few times, so it was interesting to see it's opposite here.  Feet, and footwear, have also come up as important symbols for any kind of journey off of this Earth, so that also seems to be reflected in the name.

Littlefoot will ultimately become part of a group of 5 Beings.  This number 5 has been a repetitive theme, not so much on what I have written here, I don't think, but in some of the imagery that William has shown on his blog, with 5 Beings shown in various settings, including in the Little Skinny Planet post where he linked a music video by Of Monsters and Men which show 5 individuals on a journey.

Lastly, one of these five Beings is a bird-like dinosaur named Petrie.  Petrie, as you might guess, is a form of the name Peter (also Patrick, I guess).  It is actually the Scottish (Gaelic!) version or nickname for Peter.  Peter being symbolized as a bird has come up many times before.  In fact, it was in my post back in May titled "Good and Evil, and a large bird named Gregor" that I first explored the possibility that Peter and Pharazon were the same Being, a conclusion that was extremely surprising to me, but nevertheless remains my current guess.  This bird symbolism also is over on William's blog, for example with the post on Odessa Grigorievna.

He is shown flying here, but for much of the first movie he is unable to fly, something that he will have to eventually learn.  One potential connection with Peter is his unsuccessful initial attempt (per the New Testament, at least) to walk on water with Jesus, though he was clearly meant to, per Peter's own desire and Jesus' invitation.  Water or the Seas represents the skies or Outer Space in some aspects of my story, so there might be something to this also.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Back to the Future

Last night I was going to write another post, since there are a few things going through my mind at the moment and I want to tick through some of them.

However, I also kind of wanted to take a break, and so I ultimately decided to just veg out and watch something.

I started scanning options on Netflix, and almost pulled the trigger on watching one of the Lord of the Rings films since I haven't seen them in awhile.  But I thought that was a bit much, and not really a break from any of this, so I kept looking (though LOTR will make a cameo, as you will see).

There was a section of films on the menu called "80's nostalgia" and I scrolled through those until coming to the Back to the Future films.  I have a pretty good memory of what happened in the first one, but found that I didn't remember too much about what happened in the second and third films.  I looked up reviews for the second film, saw that it wasn't bad, and decided to watch it. 

The first indication that I might have some symbols popping out at me in the movie was the appearance of Elizabeth Shue.  I did not remember her being in the movie, and I later went back to confirm that in the first movie it was a different actress.  Shue came up on this blog recently in relation to the Karate Kid, which also had some interesting symbolism relative to the Ithil Stone and Sawtooth Stone, if you remember, as well as just the reference to a woman wearing a single shoe, per William Tychonievich's poem on 'Shoon'.

Specifically, Shue (and the character Ali Mills in Karate Kid) I explored as being symbolic of Eowyn (and the Ithil Stone) in that earlier post I linked above.  Here, in Back to the Future II, she goes by the name Jennifer.  In looking up that name quickly, it means "Fair One" or "White Enchantress".  I remembered I had actually explored this name back in my Dark Crystal post as well (or the shorter name Jen) but it was interesting to see it here as well in conjunction with actress whose name had been used before to symbolize Eowyn.  Recall that in the LOTR, for whatever reason, it is Eowyn that Tolkien has his characters refer to as fair in multiple instances, with Aragorn saying that she is "fair maiden, fairest lady of a house of queens".  And Faramir calls her the White Lady.

OK, so in the movie Jennifer-Shue is dating Michael J. Fox, whose character is Marty McFly.  Marty is short for Martin, which means "Dedicated to Mars".  Mars, of course, is the Red Planet, and I specifically used Red symbolism back in that Karate Kid post to talk about Elizabeth Shue's love interest in that movie:  Daniel LaRusso.  Why?  Because LaRusso, Daniel's last name, specifically means "The Red".  So, I came up with the Red Judge of God, or something like that, in that post, which seemed to work really well, and linked that character name to Faramir-Eonwe.  I also linked it the character name from Joseph Smith's Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language (GAEL for short... remember that) which was Ja-ho-e-oop or Jah ni hah.

Other name elements should stand out to you if you have read earlier posts on these characters, and specifically Faramir.  I have him "flying" or going on a moonwalk, space travel, or whatever, and here we have Marty's last name very much involved with flying.  Further, almost to reinforce these GAEL-ic references that have come up here and on William's blog, the 'fly' begins with the "Mc..." prefix, which is short for the Gaelic word "Mac".

I have also associated Faramir with the Being of Michael, at least a future iteration of Michael, maybe, and here we have the actor playing Marty as having that very name.  As an interesting bit of trivia which I just learned, Fox's real middle initial isn't J but A, but he chose J for his stage name, I guess.  Given that both of those GAEL names that I attribute to Faramir-Eonwe start with J, I'll just assume it is those names the J really stands for.  Sure.

I am going to leave Fox alone right now so we can move on, but this name itself is a fairly mixed symbol as it has come up here, though I have mostly used it for Satanic representation.  However, it can also be used as a good symbol, and may be so here.  But, not important right now.

OK, so we basically have Eowyn and Faramir represented here in this story, a reuniting of Ali Mills and Daniel LaRusso from Karate Kid now in the form of Jennifer and Marty McFly.


One other thing I thought was interesting about the Marty McFly character was that he could take quite a lot, but one thing he could not take was being called "Chicken".  It was a major aspect of the character.  I found this interesting for a few reasons, given the "Unhenned" references, the gathering of chickens, but also potentially for actions in the long-forgotten past.  There may be actions that Faramir-Eonwe (by whatever name he had at that time) and others took, which in one context might be assumed to be 'cowardly' (what calling someone chicken is slang for), but which will be shown to not be so.  The very reason we are all here in this situation may well be because those who had the ability to fight against an overwhelming evil, chose rather to retreat and be cast into this Void, and to ultimately win in a far-future day.

Back to the movie...

The premise of the story is that Jennifer and Marty's family - their kids - are in trouble.  The particular story element tracks with what we have been working through here.  My story is about the Family of Light, who I have assumed are the children of the Beings who would come to be known as Eowyn and Faramir, as well as Asenath and Joseph.  It is their family that is 'in trouble' and needs to be gathered in and rescued.

Frodo's Cameo

Doc, Jennifer, and Marty actually travel to the future this time around, and Marty goes into an 80's cafe, with all sorts of 80's memorabilia (Remember the 80's....).  This is when we get our LOTR cameo, because who else but Frodo shows up!  Did anyone else know that Elijah Wood is in this movie?  Marty goes over to a video game, and one of the two young boys is none other than Mr. Wood.

Mayor Goldie Wilson, Peter-Pharazon, and the Hill Valley of Tirion Adam-ondi-Ahman

It was either in this scene or just before, the name Goldie Wilson is re-introduced.  Goldie Wilson in the first Back to the Future became the first Black mayor of Hill Valley, which is the town where all of this happens (more on Hill Valley in a second).  This apparently is his son, Goldie II.

If you think about it, Goldie is a strange name for a man.  I looked it up, and yes, it is typically a female name that means, as you would suspect, "golden, gilded, made of gold".  So the name kind of jumps out at you as given to this particularly character.

So we have a Black man whose name means that he is made of gold or gilded.  In Back to the Future I, Goldie proclaims " I will be mayor; I'll be the most powerful man in Hill Valley and I'm gonna clean up this town!" Pharazon-Peter vibes anybody?  I think obviously yes.  I have called Pharazon the Raven King or the Black King, even recently writing that he is represented by Balthazar, one of the Three Kings of the Nativity, in my post "King Balta Sheave and Peter", who tradition always portrays as Black.

And he is and/or will be Mayor of Hill Valley.  Mayor is the chief magistrate of a city of municipality, and it also means great and mighty.  These terms have come up before in describing Peter-Pharazon.

It is Hill Valley that he is mayor of.  That is another strange name for a place.  How can something be both a Hill and a Valley?

I recently wrote about this with respect to Adam-ondi-Ahman.  This place is specifically referred to as both a Hill (Spring Hill, and also generally "Mountains" in one D&C reference) but also as a Valley, with this Valley being where many great Beings gathered in the Beginning and apparently will be doing so again (or are already in the process of doing so).  Adam-ondi-Ahman I have also places as being in or in the immediate vicinity of Tirion.

So, it is Tirion that I believe is represented by the name Hill Valley - quite on the nose, actually.  And so it would make sense that the Black King - Peter who was once known as Pharazon the Golden ("The Golden" was literally what he was called - which would be the same thing as Goldie) will be mayor there.  In fact, as mentioned, Gim Githil, who is the Being I believe has played both roles as Pharazon and Peter, has always been considered the High King of the all the Elves.  Tirion is their capital city, so the fact that he would be the 'Chief' in that city shouldn't be a surprise to us here.

This is fun.

Three more and then I promise to give it a rest, though there are lots of little nuggets that are interesting to note.

Biff Tannen = Melkor, he who "Strikes the Trees"

The antagonist that is most responsible for the misery of Marty's family, in both Back to the Future 1 and 2, is Biff Tannen.  Let's look at that name.

Biff means "to hit or strike".  Tannen has a couple meanings.  It can refer to turning skins into leather (remember that predators who make trophies of men and use their skins has come up before).  It can mean to turn things brown or dark (to 'tan' something).  These two both work, but I like the third option the best, which uses the German word for "Evergreen Tree" (as in the Christmas carol "O Tannenbaum").

In that last option, the name Biff Tannen means "To strike evergreen trees".  Who struck and killed the Trees in Valinor?  Melkor.  Ultimately, the evil that was introduced in our world, and the light that was taken away even in Heaven, is the result of Melkor.  He is the primary antagonist in our story, and for the Family of Light, just as he was in the Back to the Future movies.

The DeLorean or DeLorien

Remember that I have compared Stones with Cars in my dream, in that the Stones in some way facilitate or enable travel, or at least that is how I see or think of them.  This specific idea first came from my dreams, but also was alluded to in my words, with the Anor Stone (Liahona), for example, being referred to as an essential piece in Lehi's own interstellar travel.

In Back to the Future, the primary source of travel across Time is in a car.  Specifically, the model of that car is called a DeLorean.  This is funny.  The major "Car" or Stone that has come up in our story here is the Sawtooth Stone.  That Stone I have stated has a story, from the beginning of the world (actually going back well before that) all the way to its 'end', and it is Joseph who authored or 'saw' the story that is there.

Another name for Joseph is Lorien, which just so happens to match up pretty well with the car model from the movie.  DeLorien.  "De" means "Of or from".  So this Stone-Car in Back to Future could be symbolic of the Stone that is 'from Lorien".  I thought it worked out neatly, at least.

Last one to call out.

Great Scott!  (Great Gael!) and Dr. Brown as Thingol, the Grey Haired Bearer of Christ

Dr. Emmett Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd, is in this one as well, of course.  His signature phrase in this movie, just as it was in the first, is "Great Scott!".  The exclamation was so apparent, or stood out to me fairly sharply in terms of this signature saying, that I had to look up Scott as well.  Here is a compilation someone did of how many times the phrase is said across all 3 Back to the Future movies:

Scott, I guess it should have figured out from the name, has to do with Scotland, but the word itself comes from the Latin Scoti.  As a related tangent, We see a "Scotty" in Star Trek also, just to note, whose job also has to do with propulsion and travel.  Dr. Brown is responsible for the Flux Capacitor, which is what causes the DeLorean to go, while Scotty in Star Trek is responsible for the Warp Drive.

In any case, Scoti means "Gael".  So we have yet another reference to GAEL.

My own guess is that this character symbolizes Thingol-John, very directly given a few things.  Christopher Lloyd, or more accurately, his name is my favorite indication of this, so let's look at that.

Lloyd means "Grey Haired".  The name Thingol means "Grey Mantle", with mantle being a type of cloak or covering that might also be synonymous with a covering of hair.  In fact, Hair is likely influenced by the English haire (per Etymonline), which means "Haircloth".  To be Grey Haired is also consistent with being old, or Ancient of Days, which is a term that has been used to describe Thingol.

Christopher means "Bearing Christ".  That was the role of John the Baptist, who I have as Thingol.  To Bear witness of Jesus, and potentially to 'Bear' both him and his family (home, perhaps), as it seems in at least some of the stories we seem him doing.

So, with that name you have something like (rearranging the names):  The Grey Haired Bearing Christ.

Works pretty well in my book.

Anyway, just a few things I saw in the movie.  Just goes to show, even when I try to take a break and not think about things, it doesn't always seem to work out that way.  Too many things on my mind, and too many symbols floating around to tie those thoughts to, maybe.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"If you want to say something, say it: it's not bad" AND "guilt free if shining in Gaul"

I mentioned that in these later April - June 2020 words there seem to be more phrases that are direct responses to either questions I asked in a prayer, or in one instance, my decision to not follow through on some action.  It has been interesting to look back through them.

One example I have already reviewed in my post titled "Spelling Bee, Abseil, and Waiting for a Star to Fall", where I shared those words about waiting for a stone.  I had shared those before in my Michael Jackson post, but hadn't given the background that the night before I had been praying for some help.  The words were:

May 6
Yor El
8 inches, 30 pounds
Wait for it

What I didn't mention even in that post where I had given some additional background is that a big part of that prayer had to do with writing and in asking for help on what I was supposed to do.

My words had been going on for quite some time by the time that May 2020 rolled around, having started back in October 2019.  However, as also noted elsewhere, another individual besides Doug had started writing some phrases down as well sometime around the beginning of the year.  He had shared them via email to Doug and me, just as I was emailing some of my things.  As part of this, Doug ended up making a strange statement that this other person and I would somehow be working together to be writing a history of Numenor, and that we should be ready to do that whenever that would start.

Strange to relate now, but that is how I remember that happening.

I was not convinced this was actually the case, however, and I remember replying to Doug's note with something like a "Noted" to start off the communication.  Maybe that was going to be how it played out, maybe not, but I wasn't fully bought into how he was positioning things.  And such a story never materialized, at least on my end, and I had no interest in trying to pursue that.  I was still getting these various words, and recording and trying to understand them remained my priority.

This would have happened earlier in the spring, and my mind was a lot 'healthier' at that time (well, as healthy as one can be with what was going on).  Fast forward to May, and I was not doing well.  I began to have some feelings like maybe I was wrong all along, and that I should be doing something more or different in order to write something, like Doug had suggested.  Maybe I felt so bad and was falling apart because there was something I was supposed to be doing, but wasn't?

So, I asked.  That was part of the help I was looking for.  I said that if I was supposed to write something, I am happy to do it.  I just didn't want to feel as bad anymore, and I was asking for forgiveness, basically, if I had done something wrong or failed to do something that I should have.

The next morning those words above were what I had, and I took it as a clear answer.  Wait.  There is a Stone coming at some point, to some person or group of people, and just wait for it.

So, that was one example where, with all of these voices and words going on, I felt it was a direct answer to me.  Intended for me.  And I determined that while I would go on to write lots of my thoughts, and even more of these strange words, I would never categorize or think of any story as official or having anything close to a level of credibility that someone else should believe in or even consider seriously unless some kind of Stone was involved.  Of all of my other failures in this whole thing and other areas, that has been something I have been proud of, if it is OK to use that word.  I have waited.

Later, on May 31, there was another set of words that came in response to, what I felt at least, was a direct question in prayer.   Recall on May 29 and 30, there were some brief words I recorded about someone having a Stone (one of The Germans saying this), and he also mentioned that 'they are safely away', with my assumption now that this was referring to these 82 Beings.  Though at the time I had no clear idea what that was referring to.  May 30 would have been the song "Coming Home" by Sheppard, which my guess now had to do with this subset of Fathers going home.

I wasn't feeling great, though, and I was being placed on various medications to try and stabilize things.  I had been forwarding these May and June words to this other person still (the only reason I have them now to write about them is because he held on to them, since I destroyed them).  When I sent over a reference to this song "Coming Home", I typed this in the email, based on the file he shared back with me:  "It's a very happy/upbeat song, with surprisingly relevant lyrics, I think.  Wish I felt 25% as upbeat as the song, and I would feel a lot better".

On top of how I felt, I was also having all sorts questions, feelings of guilt, and quite frankly things I was just scared to talk about to any other living person, I guess.  So, it was in another prayer one night that I asked about some things, and I kept feeling bad for having to ask them, or guilty, for whatever reason.  The next morning here is what I had written down:


May 31
hundreds hopefully gimgalu
Beware those priests entertainers robbers
If you want to say something, say it; it's not bad
Because you are think think think
A better idea is to introduce Mr. Train

I have no idea who "Mr. Train" is, and don't even really have any good guesses at this moment over 4 years later.  But that phrase was followed by a dream of a piano (another piano dream), with someone sitting in front of it.  Some kind of fabric or cloth was pulled across the keyboard to cover it, and I noticed that on this fabric was some kind of colored-template for playing a song.  Meaning, it was designed to teach you which keys to play and when in order to play a certain song.  Just play according to what the pattern on the fabric showed, and you'd be pressing the keys in the right order and rhythm to produce the right song, basically.

It was that 4th line that hit me as a very personal response, because in my prayer I had kept repeating phrases before I would say something like "It is probably really bad for me to say or feel this, but...", as I was trying to just get some stuff out.  This particular Voice, I felt, was trying to tell me that nothing I said or would say in this regard was bad, or was interpreted that way, and that maybe I should feel better about just getting what was on my mind and in my heart out, both back then and in the future, and it was OK.  No judgment.  That is at least how I took it, and also noted, just as the speaker seemed to indicate, that I do have a tendency to get lost in my own thoughts, which can be a really good thing at times as I work through problems, but became quite a destructive behavior for me following all of this for the next year or two.

In June, things continued to get more confusing for me, and it looks like I ultimately stopped recording things and sending them over to this other person after June 23.  That is when the file ends.  That makes sense, because I ended up flying out to visit my older sister and her family for a week to get a bit of a break in a different environment to see if that would help.  I think I flew out on June 25.   My wife and kids would fly out the following week and join me at my parents (who life a few hours away from my sister) for a little vacation as well.  So, my recorded words stop at June 23 from what I can tell - not that things stopped then, I just stopped sending them over, and so I don't have them anymore, but do remember some things.

In any case, I mention that because as my situation was shared with my family, I wondered whether I should share more details with my older sister, at least, who I felt more comfortable sharing things with, as to the full extent of what had gone on over the past several months.

Earlier in the month, on June 7th, I started to write an email to my sister, explaining, in highlights, everything that had happened.  I was midway through my email, when I thought that this all sounded ridiculous and ended up deleting the email without sending.  The next morning, a very clear 'voice' asked:

June 8, 2020
Do you not plan to talk [Sister's name]?
Guilt free if shining in Gaul

Having my sister directly mentioned, with the obvious reference to the email I drafted but did not send, was unsettling to me.  It sure wasn't helping me in my own thinking relative to my psychiatric treatment and potential mental illnesses I might have (and was learning all about at this time!).  Hard to not have someone view you as either in on ongoing psychosis episode or somewhat schizophrenic with this going on.  

Now, looking back on this (and again, I've just had these words returned to me in this file that my friend held on to for a couple weeks now), I find the reference to Gaul fairly fascinating.  At that time, though, obviously made no sense at all.

Gaul is the ancient term - used by the Romans, I believe -  for a portion of Europe that was comprised mostly of modern-day France, but with small parts of Belgium, Germany, Italy, etc.  But France was its primary make-up.

Given how much France has become central to our story, and what happens there in the House of Tom Bombadil with a Stone and other things, it actually now makes complete sense to see that mention in this context.  It does make me think that there continues to be something to the France aspect of this story.

In any case, I just thought I would bring up these examples to reinforce that while I tried very hard to extract myself from the story itself (particularly at that time, since I kind of wanted out of the whole crazy thing), it seemed that at least in some instances what was going on in my own real life was being both observed and addressed by whoever was speaking at these various times.  Not that it was always that way - I actually think many times I was more listening in on various words, or maybe dialogues between other Beings are being conveyed I guess, with no real intent from those speakers to address me - but rather that at certain times it seemed that some kind of communication was directed at me, for better or worse.

Monday, July 15, 2024

King Balta Sheave and Peter

Credit to William Tychonievich for catching the potential connection between Balta Sheave in my last post and King Sheave, mentioned in Tolkien's Notion Club Papers.  I hadn't noticed this.  So, this post has just quick, early reactions and observations regarding this connection.

There is a poem regarding King Sheave in the NCP.  I had forgotten about it, actually, but went back to look into it after William left his comment.  Here is the opening of the poem (which is recounted by Lowdham as he and Jeremy are giving a report of their journey after the great storm in which they began adopting old character identities and dialogues from Numenor):

In days of yore out of deep Ocean to the Longobards, in the
land dwelling that of old they held in the isles of the North,
a ship came sailing, shining-timbered, without oar or mast,
eastward floating. The sun behind it sinking westward with
flame kindled the fallow water. Wind was wakened. Over the
world's margin clouds grey-helmed climbed slowly up, wings
unfolding wide and looming, as mighty eagles moving onward
to eastern Earth, omens bearing.

Men there marvelled, in the mist standing of the dark islands
in the deeps of time: laughter they knew not, light nor wisdom;
shadow was upon them, and sheer mountains stalked behind
them, stern and lifeless, evil-haunted. The East was dark.

First off, you will find in this opening a fairly decent parallel or similar imagery with a dream that William recently had about Lord Byron riding a motorcycle.  Here is how William describes his dream:

My dreams of last night ended with this brief scene: Lord Byron, dressed in the clothing of his era, with a black cape about his shoulders, was standing astride a black Yamaha crotch rocket with a long bridge ahead of him. Behind him, the late afternoon sun was shining. Before him, dark storm clouds gathered. He stood there for a few moments, gazing into the distance as if sizing up the situation. Then he started the engine, hunched forward in the seat, and sped off over the bridge and into the storm.

I think the similarities are striking.  In both the dream and the poem, you have a person going from the West to the East, alone.  In Sheave's case, it was on a boat.  Byron preferred his Yamaha motorcycle.  As they travel the East (or prepare to), the sun is described shining low behind them in the West.  And ahead, it is a storm and darkness that both ride into.

What I am prepared to explore is that the Lord Byron of William's dream is meant to symbolize the same Being that Sheave was meant to represent, I think:  The Apostle Peter and his coming to Middle-earth (our Earth) many years ago as an apostle of Jesus.  He would have come from Tirion out West, where he would have been with Jesus, and travelled to Middle-earth - the storm - following Jesus' resurrection where he would have brought light and performed miracles that would later be attributed to Jesus himself in the New Testament, but which I think probably have more to do with Peter in many instances.  The King Sheave poem in NCP goes on to describe the miracles and gifts that Sheave brought to the people.

My theory, to restate, is that we know of Jesus and his works on this Earth, not because Jesus actually came here (I don't think he did), but because he sent Peter, who taught people on this Earth about Jesus.  And didn't just teach them, but performed miracles, and whose life may have become the basis for many stories we think refer to Jesus, but may have been about Peter instead.

In my previous post, I had already tied the Being of Balta to Peter-Marsh-Gim Githil-Pharazon.  Interestingly, I had specifically called out that Balta was short for Balthazar, one of the Three Kings of Nativity tradition who is typically represented as Black.  With this as a reference, notice the color imagery of Lord Byron in William's dream:  He is dressed in Black (with a black cape) and he is riding a Black motorcycle.

I also mentioned that Balta was associated with a cow or calf that would be led up to the stall, but also probably assist in leading other 'cattle' to a place of rest off of this world.  The name Byron, as mentioned elsewhere, means "Place of the cowsheds" and is given to those who work with cattle.

In my original look into Balta Sheave, I didn't catch that Sheave could also be part of the name of this Being, but based on William's comment, and other connections, my guess is this is a direct reference to King Sheave, and that Balta Sheave might be considered both part of a name.

There are a few more interesting connections.  I only covered one 'paragraph' of the words mentioning Balta Sheave in my earlier post, and left the other stuff from that day alone.

In that very next paragraph, I mention 3 names were given, but I only remembered the last one, which went "Lawgiver:  Good cornbread".

This is pretty funny in light of the King Sheave name if this is all correct and this is actually what is referred to.  In Tolkien's King Sheave poem, Sheave is associated both with being a lawgiver (he renewed long forgotten laws, and sat as a king exercising justice) and corn, since the sheaf he arrived with was actually a corn sheaf.  This detail, as Tolkien was well aware, maps to the scandinavian legend of Sceafa, who was a 'Corn-God" and Sheave was referenced directly as such in writings Christopher gathered in The Lost Road.

So, I think this lawgiver mentioned in my words is still referring to Sheave, and this still seems to map to the Three Kings, since three Beings were mentioned and I only caught the last name on the list.  Balthazar the Black King is traditionally listed last among the three kings.  And he will, apparently in our story, be gathered back last (of the Fathers) since the First will be Last, literally.

 There are some other dreams I recorded in that June 2020 timeframe, one of which actually involved a motorcycle rider.  Interestingly, it came directly after a dream involving Walter White, the main (and bald) character from Breaking Bad (I don't remember any of this, by the way, I am just looking at what I typed in the word document - I wish I had more details).  I dreamed about Walter White, and then just wrote one sentence that said:  "I had a dream where someone was talking about a motorcycle rider liking to ride 130 mph".

At the time, I thought the number 130 might be a clue, so I looked up D&C 130, which may or may not be what was being referred to.  I don't know.  I don't have any other ideas for the why 130 would be important, if it is.

Oh, one other thing I noticed.  In my previous post, I indicated that Balta in Elvish could mean "Might".  That word is used to describe Sheave in Tolkien's poem in a couple instances, and the poem itself ends with a reference to "Sheave the mighty":

Far sprang his fame over fallow water; through Northern lands the renown echoed of the shining king, Sheave the mighty.

In a very real way, Balta Sheave could potentially be translated as Mighty Sheave.

There is something here, I think.  My gut tells me that there is a connection with Sheave, Peter, Lord Byron, and Gim Githil, in that they all represent the same Being.  But we will see if that is the case.

Balta Sheave

I am going to do a lot of skipping around with these May and June 2020 words over several posts just based on what is most interesting to me at the moment, so it's going to seem fragmented as I pull different threads of the story out as I see them.

I was going to write a little about what I see as Glorfindel and Gildor's stay in Salt Lake City following the Sawtooth Stone events, but then something caught my attention as I was looking into this, and now I want to get that down.

On June 23, I have a long series of seemingly random phrases from who I believe is Glorfindel at this stage.  I will include them all below, but will only focus on for this post on the section that begins with "Balta Sheave"

June 23, 2020

Iglorion avante
Vasella [followed by the LDS primary song "Search, Ponder, and Pray"]
to stand a witness of his works, writing in purple ink
when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.

Balta sheave
Father's Day: Please remember that date
salt of the earth [followed by a series of numbers: 8 16 24 20]
A strong mead of their choice
A cow that moos when its time to be milked
You want to go play with mir [then another word I missed] in the sky
lini pick to restore Ausir eldest
[3 name or titles are then given - I forget the first two, but the third is:] 
Lawgiver:  Good cornbread
Hui ki-coe [followed by a word that sounded like pizza, but I missed]

Love:  something everyone born-borne here to understand

OK, so Balta Sheave.

When I looked at this phrase this morning, I thought I would take another run at Balta, and see what I could find.  I found what I believe is the solution - almost certainly, actually - but it is one that wouldn't have made sense even 6 months ago since we wouldn't have gone down this Peter-Marsh-Swampy theme yet.  However, in light of all that, it seems like a clever word game, and yet another code name for a character.

You could try and have Balta be an Elvish word, and it might work out to something that had to do with 'might, power', or something like that.  That definitely could work.

But I was feeling creative, so I did my usual sweep with names and looked up the word to see if I could find some additional meanings. 

It turns out that Balta likely has a few different meanings I think are fairly relevant to our story.

First, Balta is the short name for one of the three traditional Kings who visited and witnessed the birth of Jesus in the standard nativity (You know "We three kings, or orient are...").  The Kings' names are Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar, according to tradition.  Balta is commonly used (apparently) as an abbreviation or diminutive for Balthazar.  Interestingly, and you may see where I am going with this as I step into this next part, Balthazar is typically the King that is represented as being Black.

We have been discussing Three Kings in our story here in relation to Witnesses who travelled back to Aman in order to then help gather their people back there.  Those are the Kings or Chiefs of the Elves of the Cuivienen:  Thingol, Finwe, and Gim Githil-Ingwe.  That is what I thought of, at least, as I realized that Balta was Balthazar, one of the three kings.

So, this got my mind already going down this path of perhaps Balta, as mentioned, is a person, and perhaps one of these three Beings.  The Black or Dark King.

I then looked for other definitions of the name, and found something pretty interesting.  The word or name is used in various languages, with many of them meaning "axe".  This could be interesting, or I was interested in looking into this, but then I noted the Romanian meaning for Balta.  

In Romanian, Balta means "marsh, swamp, or muddy pool".  

Marsh or swamp?

I had already been going to down the mental path that Balta referred to one of these three Beings, and likely Gim-Githil who, for those who were along for that ride, I have associated with Peter-Marsh, our Swampy Apostle.  So this seemed too good to be true.

The fact that this was also the meaning in Roman-ian, with Roman being a key part of that word (so not just a random language), and Peter being so closely tied to Rome, I think sealed the deal for me.  I believe the reference to Balta is a reference to Gim-Githil (who is, as of right now, also Pharazon and Peter).  The fact that Balta is also traditionally the Black King in Nativity tradition also works really well here, given everything I have gone through with Gim Githil (and frankly also things that William Tychonievich has written about on his blog)

The name is followed by "Sheave".  Sheave is associated with Wheat, in the sense that one sheaves wheat into bundles.  This analogy comes up in the scriptures with the parable of the Wheat and Tares, which Joseph Smith (importantly) flipped to ensure that it is the Wheat that is gathered out from among the Tares first, leaving the Tares and the Earth to be burned.  Here is a wheat sheaf:

Recall that this gathering is both a big part of my story here on this blog, as well as something I have guessed was currently ongoing back in 2020.  Or, more accurately, at this time 82 of these Fathers have been gathered back to Aman, and we still need to nab the other 14, who just so happen to be Gim Githil-Ingwe's group.

Thus (maybe too conveniently), I think these first two lines refer very specifically to 'sheaving', or gathering into a sheaf, the Wheat of Ingwe with this next step of the 14 Fathers.  This seems to be a good reading when that second line suggests that "Father's Day" is a day that should be remembered.

Next, a 'mead' is mentioned - a strong one, and one that either will be, or has been already, chosen by these Fathers.  My guess is this alludes to the drink that came from the lilies that Pharazon (Gim Githil) and the Numenoreans destroyed on Eressea.  In words of the Faithful, the drink that came from these lilies was called mead:

.... our bread is leavened of the lilies that long ago drank up the light blessed, castabout the Magic Trees Remembered; and our mead comes of their nectar, a syrup golden, of which your honey holds but a distant, faint shape, or sound.

Pharazon and these other Fathers would have drunk of this mead on Eressea, and as written about both here and perhaps on William blog, the price was 'dear/ deer'.

So, I think the choice of mead has already been made.  It will be drunk again by Gim Githil, though in much different circumstances.

The next line about a cow is interesting.  The immediate symbolism I think of is obviously about calves being led up to the stall.  Gim Githil's group of Fathers are among those calves-cows that will be led up to the safety and redemption found in Tirion.  Cow's 'moo', obviously, but its mention here I think just like everything else has some additional meaning.  Gim Githil and these other Beings will have some things to say - things to speak, and what they say may provide additional 'milk' - healing or something like that.  I don't know.  To 'moo' comes from 'bellow', I guess, which can mean something like "to sound or roar", and also a "loud, deep cry".

This all seems to be part of 'going to the sky', and an 'indemnification', which means to compensate for a loss or expense.  What was lost?  In Pharazon-Peter-Ingwe's assault on Eressea, the Lilies were lost, and the price was expensive.  These lilies, per Words of Them That Have Slumbered, also represented the 'fool hopes' of Lorien (Joseph-Ausir) for the union of all manner of Beings in peace.  They were destroyed, and it is this that needs to indemnified.  This reading is supported by the mention of "Ausir Eldest" to conclude that phrase, with Lorien-Joseph of Egypt being that person.

Lini pick may be a reference to the lilies, but in a more hopeful interpretation, it may just mean the 'plucking' or picking of many Beings, including Gim Githil and the rest of these 14 Fathers as an act of restoration for Joseph.  That is how I choose to read it right now, and this seems to align with Asenath's hopes and words regarding the restoration of her family in Aman, and with Joseph.

OK, so to summarize highlights if that was all over the place for everybody.:

I think this phrase directly ties to Ingwe-Gim Githil and the gathering of him and his group of Fathers which still has yet to be accomplished.  The word game involving "Balta" I think might help support this notion that Gim Githil is Peter, as well as helps with the Pharazon connection, honestly.  This last group of Fathers will be led up like cows or calves, and likely even have some things to say once they get to where they are going.  Yaks have come up on William's blog as another name or symbol of these cows, I believe, and to "Yak", in English, is also slang for "to speak or talk" (and even to laugh), so I think there is something there.  With the complete group of Fathers gathered back, there is some kind of indemnification as well as a restoration, if only a partial one at that stage still, for Joseph.  

I am not sure how clear that is to anybody else, but overall I think I understand at least some of what Glorfindel was saying in that phrase on "Balta Sheave".

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Permission granted: "Homeland to receive, Eru to redeem"

Now that I am 'fairly' confident that it is these 82 Beings comprising the Second and Third Houses of these Elvish 'Fathers' from the original Cuivienen (Elvish Awakening back in the day) that are being evacuated from off this world back in the spring of 2020, several more things in my words from that time seem to make sense.

I wrote in my last post that there was mention of a group stepping onto a plane.   This was on May 20, 2020, so four days following 'the sign' of the Sawtooth Stone being extracted from beneath Williams Peak, that Eru seemed to have alluded to.  On that date, the full phrase I have is:

May 20
they were/ are stepping on a plane
What evil music
Destroy this evil bora (spelled initially as boora)

The second line - regarding the evil music - was from a short dream sequence involving my wife.  In that scene, evil music was playing, so loudly that even my wife noticed this (that is how I took the imagery, rightly or wrongly - the degree of how noticeable the evil music is if even she could sense it), and made a comment on how evil this music playing sounded to her.  The next line I actually take as some of what this evil music is saying, with 'bora' in this case referring to a 'trusty or faithful man', who the music is trying to suggest is themselves evil and must be destroyed.   There are other words that support this interpretation, but I will not go into them here.  That will need to be another post.  Just know that at this time back in 2020 there are a few 'evil' voices in my words, or at least summaries of their voices, in terms of how Beings are responding to the ongoing developments. 

I take the folks who are mentioned as stepping on a plane as being the 82 (or subset of the 82) that have so far been gathered, and that this is all part of the evacuation that Eru says will commence following the sign on May 16.

Not all 82 are there at this time, however (wherever 'there' is... somewhere on our world).  Again, it will not be until May 28 where everyone is counted and ready to go, as it seems the 27th of Finwe's House isn't counted until May 26.  How this number accounts for Miriel (Finwe's wife), I am not sure of yet, so I've left that in a bit of a parking lot for the time being.

Anyway, they start 'stepping' onto this plane (is it an actual plane or ship, or do the words 'stepping' indicate that something else is going on here?  A 'plane' can be something else, also, like a flat surface, or a play on words for "plain" like level ground).

It seems, however, that there still need to be some kind of approval that is given for this group to go 'home'.  Which, if they are going to Valinor, I guess makes sense.

On May 24, I seem to get the first real indication that these Beings ascending 'home' has been approved.  Here is what I have:

May 24, 2020
Denter ishnaru
as in the presidency voted
impossible heights to climb
for for this cause have they been shown unto me that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter
brought to stand

Denter Ishnaru is an interesting Elvish phrase which can pretty straightforwardly be translated as:

Hole/passage straight through where Fire/ Story/ Fragrance/ To Tell

I have a few options listed there for that last word naru as it could be many different things, each of which make sense to some degree.  Regardless of those variations, it seems that a hole or passage is ready for these Beings to pass through.  The fourth line seems to tie this passage or hole to the gate which Nephi speaks of at the end of his words in 2 Nephi 31 in the Book of Mormon.  It is ripped from or references verse 17 from that chapter:

Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost.

Thus, it seems that the path that these 82 are now about to embark on in some way relates to both the gate that Nephi mentions (perhaps this hole or passage), but also to a strait and narrow path that Beings are to follow once they have entered this gate.  The implication is that Nephi may have been speaking more literally than we assume when he speaks of this gate and path.  It is at least a possibility.

In entering this gate, this will also enable these 82 Beings to climb 'impossible heights'.  Meaning, I think, without this gate or passage, wherever they are going would be impossible to reach.

The reference to walls which are impossible to climb takes me to my short story, written the following year, about Herbie the Hamster, and also to recent references of Humpty Dumpty who fell from a wall, and in one version of that tale, was unable to once again ascend that wall to take his former place.

This is one reason why I have left one possible translation for that last word element as 'fragrance', because if you remember from my Herbie story, it is the smell or fragrance (a really good one, apparently) that he notices as he approaches the top of the wall on his way out of his cage and out into a larger world that is a big reason as to why he is encouraged to keep climbing, despite some ongoing reservations.

In any case, this passage by these 82 'Fathers' seems to have been facilitated by a vote by the 'Presidency'.  Who that presidency exactly is, I have a few different guesses at, but am not quite sure.  I will have a few more references here in this post where it seems like someone with authority is speaking, but I am not sure exactly who it is.  Rather than trying to solve it here, I am just going to go through what they are saying, and then maybe I can try and put my thoughts down as to possible speakers in another post.

So, the presidency has voted, and it is approved for these Beings to enter this straight passage.

There are some additional words on May 25, one phrase which actually mentions an 'old valley' (which based on yesterday's post, I believe likely refers to Adam-ondi-Ahman).  If I put more thought into other words from that day I will go through it later.

May 26 seems to be an important date, though, in clarifying what exactly the approval entails.  Here is a voice speaking authoritatively about a law given:

May 26
Ladies and gentlemen: I have given my law
Regions round about and other sheep (one fold, one shepherd)
Homeland to receive
Eru to redeem

So, pretty clear.  There is a law given, that there are other regions elsewhere from wherever it is the speaker is saying this from (I am assuming Valinor here), and that from them the sheep will be gathered back to their 'homeland'.

It is at this place, once gathered there, that Eru (who is Jesus) will redeem them.  

Thus, I believe this relates directly to these 82.  They are perhaps the beginning of this gathering back to the 'homeland' mentioned, our world being one of these regions from which the sheep are gathered (Eressea #2 being another).  We need to have the remaining 14 Vanyar gathered back also, as the next step I believe, and then likely a much larger gathering will follow.  That is how I imagine it at least.

I previously shared some of my May 28 words, where we have mention of the 82, and then the 15.  In the afternoon, I had another phrase, which followed a dream of an actual plane ride.   The phrase was "Ilvarno posted disproves it".

I am not sure what the 'it' is that is being disproved, but ilvarno could translate into something like:  "all rescued/ raise".  Posted has a few potential meanings, but maybe we go with, per Etymonline, "supplied with news or full information".  So you could have something like "All rescued supplied with news disproves it".

As to what that actually means, I don't exactly know.  One guess is that these Beings-Fathers have information and news that runs counter to some prevailing narratives, and this information they share disproves some of these prevailing narratives.  That is a convenient implied meaning for me to come up with, obviously, since part of my story is Red Sins becoming White, and that this is at least partly because some things are inaccurately attributed to some, or at least we don't have the full story as to what happened and why.

I guess another possible interpretation is that these Rescued are supplied with full news and information, and that this somehow disproves "it".  Without knowing what the "it" is, it is hard to say.

Anyway, I don't remember the plane dream specifically that is mentioned, other than I made a note of it.  There is another plane dream that is involved with the notion of 15, but that will need to be another post as well.  I believe, however, the plane reference ties to the words on the following day, May 29.  On this day, apparently news is give that the 82 are away safely.  My guess is my plane dream was symbolic of their departure, and the words the following day stated more clearly what that meant: they headed home.

May 29
Ich habe ein der stein.
they are away safely

Interestingly, we have German here again before mention of the successful evacuation.  The German is stating that they have a Stone.  It would roughly translate as "I have one [of] the Stone" or something like this.  To keep consistent with my previous definition of who is a German, this is either John, Glorfindel, or Gildor.  Given that I had John staying behind in Valinor for the time being after returning with Joseph, my guess is that this is Glorfindel and/or Gildor.  They are saying the group has gone to safety, and they have been left behind.  At least that is my read.

Later words seem to verify this, as in June some voice(s) seems to be giving real-time updates, including about a brief stint visiting Salt Lake City, which is kind of funny if I interpret those words in that way.  I'll try to get to those as well in another post.

Even my own older sister will be mentioned by direct name, which is/was not common.  As you can see by now, in my words code-names and riddles when it comes to characters and identities is the norm, and to mention a person by their exact name is very rare.  This is actually the only time it happened in those 2019 and 2020 words.  My own name, as I've mentioned before, was never referred to in a direct or exact manner.  I did write down Doug's first name in one set of phrases (actually on May 6, the day of my call with him later that evening), but even then that was me filling in the name, because the speaker refused or could not bring themselves to say it.  I just understood who they meant.  It is one reason why I have adopted the practice on this blog.

In later words, 2021 and 2022, character names were more commonly used, but this use of my sister's name was a first, which I remember being startling and a little unsettling at the time.  And I wasn't in a good place emotionally or mentally at the time, so surprises or anything that related back to me or my real world weren't really well received, for the most part.  I will maybe cover that phrase in another post as well, because interestingly the phrase mentions France (though I didn't know it at the time).  "Gaul" was the word mentioned, and Gaul is the ancient name for France.

Anyway, piecing this together, it seems that back in Valinor some clarification and a 'law' was given that enabled the 82 to sail/ plane/ walk/ whatever it was back to Aman, specifically to, based on my last post/ Adam-ondi-Ahman to await some kind of redemption that I do not believe has fully happened yet.  And all this was happening as an evacuation following the recovery of the Sawtooth Stone on May 16, which aligns to the dialogue with and words from Eru relating to that event.