Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Chinese mayor in the Philippines saga

 At the moment it appears that the father of the mayor is back in China.  The mayor herself and the remaining family here that the authorities know about, are missing in action with arrest warrants.

The Philippines Senate is displaying the jail cell they have prepared for her and her family.  The senators are saying that she will get 3 meals a day, AC, snacks, and outdoor air a few min a day.  

So far she is wanted for contempt of Congress.  Because she has not shown up to the latest public hearing.  

It is highly likely that she is back in China.  It is not a difficult thing if one has some cash to leave the Philippines and go to China.  Boats travel frequently and the Philippine coast guard and Navy does not have resources to monitor the entire coast, much less interdict many boats they find suspicious.  Same goes with aircraft.  Although my money would be on a boat ride.  I have friends who sailed to Hong Kong from Subic a couple months ago in a 32 foot sail boat to compete in a race there.

Some speculation is that she left using a Chinese passport on a flight.  If there was a Chinese doppelganger who arrived here, then gave their passport to Alice, it would be possible.  

These Chinese had a lot of money.  The mayor was well known for her expensive designer clothing, and her driving of a Rolls Royce.

She was also known for owning a helicopter.  No word on the location of her helicopter.  

As I still can not post photos here is a link to a list of news stories about it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The deep state AI appears to have targeted my blog

 "errors" to upload pictures and video.  the control panel looks different.  

I do not think it is accident.  As it has worked fine for over a decade, only to suddenly fail now?  

Very likely it is a AI calling the shots as there is simply not enough resources to target everyone without AI help.

Also this going on here in Philippines:  

14 July 2024 (Sunday)
Chinese Coastguard 🇨🇳 seen Patrolling in Batangas. 🇵🇭
A China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel has inched closer to the Philippines, sailing past an island located just 40 kilometers west of Calatagan in Batangas over the weekend, a maritime group said.
Based on monitoring by SeaLight, a maritime transparency project that monitors and reports activities in the South China Sea, the 135-meter CCG 5203 arrived 60 nautical miles west of Lubang Island at 4:20 p.m. on Sunday ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I am less than a hundred miles from this location. Local on the ground observations: Anti-Chinese sentiment is very high. Especially in light of the Alice Guo situation. Guo is a Chinese citizen on fake papers who somehow got elected to mayor of Tarlac. She had some gambling enterprises there that were traded where 500 trafficked persons were found and tortured people. Over the weekend I was in Clark and Tarlac and there were campaign posters of Alice Guo only a couple miles outside one of the west gates of Clark. Literally on the border of Clark a Chinese agent was mayor. Bureau of Immigration has changed the visa system here as so many Chinese of military age showed up and got visas to live here.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Satan's food processor. The delivery

 We managed to get the production line shipped out and delivered Thursday.  I ended up taking Grab car instead of driving.  As it is such a pain in the ass to go to that part of town.  

We got to the factory where it is going.  However due to delays with the engineering department, we was only able to get a temporary wire to the machinery hooked up after lunch.  We set up in the engineering department for testing and training, surrounded by giant air compressors and machinery.  

First batch of plastic went smooth.  The plastic extrusion machine not so great.  They ordered a very small machine, and we have to push the plastic into the extrusion screw in the same manner as one feeds a meat grinder.  

Anyways we made some nice plastic lumber once that was sorted.  Got paid, and got another Grab car to go home.  12 miles and a couple hours of rush hour traffic.  

This morning got to the shop to find the gate is full of wet cement.  Had to walk thru wet cement in my sandals.  At least we got shipped yesterday.

Today is a warranty service on a extrusion machine, finishing another extrusion machine, and the weekend will be spent on graphene.  I have a visiting American Physics grad to assist on that project with my Chemist.   

Monday we start on another full production line paid for by Coke and donated to a small town community organization.  They will process waste plastic in their town for making construction materials. 

Additional 3 full factories in the pipeline after that. 

I spent the weekend on the graphene project, which involved a trip to Angeles City.  The Angeles where Clark AF base is.  Now Philippines AF, and free trade zone.

I had a room near the infamous Fields avenue red light zone. 

The graphene project progress was advanced. 

Re the red light zone.  It had many more sellers than buyers. 

Many of the girls were covered in tattoos, and look sickly.  I am guessing a combo of disease, alcoholism, and drugs.  There was a fair amount of pervert white guys there.  It was rather creepy. 

Sunday I was in the mall as we was getting some food for a bbq.  (Philippine malls have supermarkets) I felt like the Filipinos regarded me as another one of the perverts. 

I also saw many prostitutes out and abut outside the red light zone.  Many appeared to be under age.  Which are very dangerous as many run the underage girl scam, where they will blackmail the white guy for anywhere between 100 to 300 thousand pesos. 

Definitely not a place to live if one wants to move to a tropical island.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The current situation is where the craziest of the hippie movement have come to power

 So much of this current thing, is the manifestation of the rants, ravings etc of the worst of the 60's and 70's self appointed hippie leadershit.

I HEARD these exact same woke nonsense from the far reaches of the left in the 1980's.  I studied them.  I was mentored by a retired USAF colonel, who sent me reams of their information via the post during my teen years.  He was a very strong anti-communist.  

I got interested in the anti-communist thing back when I started realizing that something was wrong with the Lutheran Church I was attending.  My father most certainly was NOT very conservative.  he was a former beatnik/hippie/milquetoast conservative who listened to Rush Limbaugh and that was about it.

Rather it was the Colonel whom taught me these things.  I have forgotten more about Marxism than most college Marxists ever learned.  I know Marxism when I hear it.

Karl Marx is I dare say the biggest world influence since Jesus and Mohammad.  I am not saying it was a good thing, rather it was a very bad thing.  

The root of all Marxism is anti-humanity.

That said.  I have studied where these ideas have taken root in other societies.  SE Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America etc.  Once it has hit a certain point, it is game over.  I think the USA has passed that point.  It will be generations of suffering before the collective society sees the error of its ways.

I am not saying that Russia has fully turned away from the Soviet ideology.  They have not.  One judges people by the friends they keep, and the Russians are allied with some very bad people.  But also the USA is allied with bad people.  Two wrongs do not make a right.

Ultimately one level above that is the anti-human ideologyUltimately one level above that is the anti-human ideology

Satan's food processor 3. It works!


This was formerly a bunch of shopping bags, food packaging, shampoo and detergent packaging plastic.  

It is now this dense granules mixed with pigment.  I followed the video instructions of the Mexican guy and got it working.  

I did run into a issue with a bearing as the boys did not re-assemble the machine properly.  I had to gix that one.

I added in a amp/watt meter to see the motor load.  and the boys are adding in a better gate valve to discharge the plastic, as well as primer painting it.

The top lid is changed to have a hinge.  

Ready to go to the client tomorrow.