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Advancing Population Research

Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology

CSDE is a community of faculty and students associated to advance population science through research and training. As a federally funded research center with over 70 years of experience, the CSDE community of scholars develops new demographic measures and methods, advances knowledge about population dynamics, generates new data and evidence to support population science, and trains the next generation of demographers.



With over 100 research affiliates representing scientific endeavors and units across the entire UW campus, CSDE scholars apply innovative demographic measurements and methods to investigate human migrations and settlements, environments and population, health of people and populations, and well being of families and households.

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CSDE provides UW graduate students with advanced, interdisciplinary training in population science. CSDE is not a degree granting unit, but does offer a formal Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods open to any graduate student at UW. A fellowship program is available for those enrolled in the certificate program.

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