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Israel’s Friends: The Backlash Against Palestine Solidarity

by Hil Aked, Verso Books, Published April 2023

Israeli-led efforts in Great Britain to destroy the Palestinian Boycott Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement may seem little more than a sordid irrelevance when the people of Gaza are being exterminated in front of our very eyes. And yet, the diplomatic warfare and the saturation bombing are connected. Both expose the evils of Zionism. Both may well presage its ultimate demise. In light of the genocide, Hil Aked’s book is all the more valuable. Her book provides a detailed account of the efforts of the Israelis and their fellow Jews in England – with the support of their so-called “friends” – to undermine the BDS movement, to frustrate its activities at every turn, and to demonize its proponents and its supporters. As if that weren’t enough for one highly readable volume, Hil Aked provides a brief history of the Jewish question in England since the Balfour Declaration, as well as an account of the unconscionable brutality of the IDF and the unspeakable suffering endured by the Palestinians since 1948. And it so happens that with the title of her book, Hil Aked has unwittingly provided an almost perfect summary of one side of the response here in England to the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Israel’s friends are complicit in Israel’s war crimes. It seems as if there is nothing the IDF can do to cause “Israel’s friends” here in England to do anything but act as its cheerleaders. On the other hand, the “backlash” has been directed exclusively against the pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Unqualified support for Israel as it sets about systematically exterminating the people of Gaza is unforgivable. The attempt to smear all the pro-Palestine demonstrators as closet Jihadis or rabid anti-Semites is unforgivably reckless. This is a defining moment for Great Britain. There is an opportunity for the nation to come together in shared grief and sorrow for all the victims. Muslims, in particular, could be reassured that their sorrow for and solidarity with the Palestinians is part of our national response. That moment is passing. The sense of horror that the powers that be in Great Britain are so grotesquely biased in favor of Israel and so seemingly oblivious to the genocide of the Palestinians is causing a wound that will fester for years,  arousing the very kind of extremism that Israel’s friends, one senses, really want. Muslim extremism is necessary to make the crimes of the Jews seem less evil. The current crisis has highlighted the fact that “conservative” in the UK means pro-Jewish and anti-Muslim. This bodes ill for the future.

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage is a classic example of the type. The man who almost single-handedly brought about the UK’s biggest ever electoral shock – the 2016 vote for Brexit – continues to fight the good fight against all things woke and all things net-zero, and he continues to challenge the scandal of that distinctly Orwellian practice of politically-motivated debanking, of which he himself has been a high-profile victim. He is right, of course, to point out that uncontrolled immigration is destabilizing for any country, and that the growth of the Muslim population may indeed be problematic as time goes on. What he fails utterly to recognize is that he himself is the very man who could reduce these dangers by doing two things: acknowledging the sense of outrage caused by the psychopathic behavior of the Jews in Israel; and recognizing that the vast majority of Muslims in this country are social conservatives like himself, and are the very people with whom he should be forming an alliance to uphold the traditional values he himself cherishes. The man who described George Soros as “the biggest danger to the entire western world”[i] and the work of the Open Society Foundation as amounting to “the biggest level of political collusion in history,”[ii] seems unwilling or unable to connect the dots and assign the blame for the cultural crisis and the immigrant crisis where it belongs. This will require the use of the J word, which he appears unable or unwilling to use. He’s too busy demonizing Muslims. At the risk of overstating the matter, he can’t seem to look at a Muslim or a pro-Palestine demo, without seeing a hate-filled Jihadi. The man is a lapsed Anglican, and like so many Brits, he has lost what was best about Protestantism and held on to one of its nastiest accretions, namely a sense of British exceptionalism – modelled on Jewish exceptionalism – and a potent sense that Muslims are the implacable enemy of everything he stands for. Looking ahead to the potential problems posed by the pro-Palestinian march which took place on Remembrance Day, November 11th, Farage seemed determined to accentuate the negative:

The problem is many of those marching hate us. They hate what we stand for, they hate our values they have no respect for this country’s history, for its background, for its culture, and what we’re seeing is an aspect of multiculturalism that has failed horrendously.[iii]

His commentary is not only grotesquely lop-sided – noticed the genocide, Nigel? – but laughably incoherent. Is George Soros a Muslim? Are the Muslims to blame for multiculturalism? I don’t remember many imams clamoring for gay “marriage,” do you Nigel? That was brought in by a Conservative government. Is David Cameron a Muslim? Isn’t it Muslim parents who’ve done so much of the heavy lifting when it comes to opposing gender ideology in schools? Was it a Muslim who conjured up critical race theory? When the list is drawn up of those who hate our values, our history and our background and culture, you’ll have to go quite a ways down that list before you get to the Muslims.

If Nigel Farage took the time to join one of the demos, he’d discover that the vast majority – a great number of whom are families with children – simply want an end to the slaughter. The October 7th Hamas assault on Israel and the subsequent genocidal assault on Gaza has revealed the defining fault line in Great Britain. The fact that so many so-called conservatives are turning a blind eye to the unspeakable evil of the mass murder of an imprisoned people is none the less distressing, even if it’s not wholly surprising. It’s clear that  “conservative” is now simply a byword for apologist for Jewish war crimes. The “conservative” problem is not restricted to lapsed Anglicans but applies equally to high-profile practicing Catholics, not least Jacob Rees-Mogg, the man who conducted the interview in which Nigel Farage made the above pronouncement. Let’s just say that Farage received no challenge of substance from his genial host. In fact, the response of certain high-profile English Catholics has come as a particularly nasty shock.

Anne Widdecombe and Jacob Rees-Mogg, arguably England’s most recognizable self-identifying Catholics, are two of the worst offenders. Ms Widdecombe was a Conservative MP from 1987 to 2010, serving as a minister under John Major and as shadow minister during the Tony Blair New Labour years, continuing as a member of the Brexit Party and its successor Reform UK. Elected as an MP in the David Cameron government of 2010, Jacob Rees-Mogg went on to serve as minister under Boris Johnson – “He’s no Churchill but Boris is an excellent, exceptional leader”[iv] –  and continues to sit in parliament as the Right Honourable Member for North Somerset. Ms Widdecombe relishes – and now, sad to say, richly deserves - her Doris Karloff soubriquet, acquired during her stint as Home Office Minister when she defended the practice of shackling a pregnant woman to her hospital bed. IDF bombing of hospital beds and ambulances seems to cause her less concern, and as late as October 30th she was adamant that a ceasefire was not to be considered.[v] On November 6th, Rees-Mogg, still beavering away about the BBC’s refusal to refer to Hamas as terrorists, was talking about – wait for it – “the people struggling in Gaza.”[vi]

Sounding like characters from a Jane Austen novel, and looking like they’ve just walked off the pages of a PG Wodehouse story, these traditional Catholics are, to their eternal credit, socially conservative with eloquently and forcefully expressed anti-woke, pro-life credentials that make a man proud to be a Catholic. But now they’re just giving us a bad name. Both can be heard regularly on England’s hottest conservative news channel, she being a regular guest on GB News, the station on which Rees-Mogg hosts a nightly 8-9pm show called “State of the Nation,” where he brings to bear a much needed historical perspective on a range of issues from the politicization of judges to the indoctrination of schoolchildren. He’s a classic – and super-rich - free-market conservative but with a devotion to the family reflected in the glorious fact that he’s a father of six. And to top it all he thrives on jokes about his uber-English eccentricity, my own favorite being his identification as “The Right Honourable Member for the 18th Century.” Then came the Hamas attack on October 7th and Israel’s unspeakably evil response. 

What’s so shocking about their reaction is not so much their formulaic condemnation of Hamas, as their nauseatingly obsequious support for Israel, and their deafening silence on the plight of the Palestinians. Eight days into Israel’s saturation bombing of Gaza, Anne Widdecombe, referring to the pronouncements of Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer, gave us this assessment:

So, yes it’s right that they’re united and I think it’s right also that we simply back what Israel wants to do, and Israel is the best judge of how to deal with this. It’s largely their citizens – there are some British citizens there – but it’s largely their citizens who are affected and I think we must just take our lead from them. But what is disgraceful, what I can’t get over is that you have a police force which will arrest street preachers, which will roll up on doorsteps to check people’s thinking, which will put people on registers for non-crime ‘hate’ incidents, and yet when people are out there demonstrating in favour of people who have attacked babies and  old folk and taking innocent hostages the police do virtually nothing.[vii]

The theme of police double standards is also a top priority for Rees-Mogg, who on October 26th highlighted this in a striking way by contrasting the apparent license given to Islamist rhetoric on the streets of London with the thought-crime policing suffered by Isabel Vaughan-Spruce who, following two previous arrests for the same “offence,” yet again has faced police sanction for the heinous crime of praying silently within an abortion center “buffer zone.” Fair enough Jacob. Good point, well made. But the Israeli approach to the Palestinians and the UK’s approach to pro-life vigil keepers reflect the same mindset – raw power rather than dialogue. Rees-Mogg fails to see the connection, while his silence in the face of genocide has now destroyed his moral authority. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Like Anne Widdecombe, Jacob Rees-Mogg, usually so precise and balanced in his thought and expression, has kept a relentless focus on the negative aspects of the demonstrations in London, without even once affirming the peaceful and – given the genocidal intent of the Israeli bombardment and blockade – overwhelmingly moderate, family-oriented nature of the London demonstrations. To be fair, he has affirmed the right of people to take part and he has acknowledged that there has been suffering on both sides, but his ‘Israel-is-a-functioning-democracy’ blank cheque to the IDF makes a man wonder if there is anything the IDF could do which would cause him to speak out. Already, one fears, that given the horror to which he has so far turned a blind eye, any future challenge to Israel will be regarded as too little, too late.

So why is the most articulate and tenacious challenger of ever more ubiquitous and flagrant double standards so blind to his own mind-boggling pro-Israeli bias. The answer is two-fold. In the first place, Rees-Mogg is not just a Catholic, he’s a British Catholic and a member of the Conservative Party, the full title of which is the Conservative and Unionist Party. Catholics in this position tend to adopt a Protestant mindset which regards the Jews a model of tribal purity fighting off the Muslim hordes, and regarding the Brits as a kind of European version with a similar mission. In the second place, Rees-Mogg has internalized the Holocaust Narrative. Each problem has a potential remedy in the form of set reading from two books written a century apart, and a third which is the subject of this review.

As a remedy for his “Britishness,” Rees-Mogg can learn a great deal from a book published in 1922, and which as a traditional Catholic and as a history graduate from Oxford University he must be quite familiar. For us, dear reader, having some sense of the history of the Jewish question in England provides a helpful context for interpreting Rees-Mogg’s position and Hil Aked’s book:

But the real causes of that alliance between the English and the Jews which is seen in the late seventeenth century, which quickened throughout the eighteenth and became so very marked in the nineteenth century, was the cosmopolitan position of England as the leading commercial State. This it was which led to something like identity between the interests of Israel and the interests of Britain, an identity which has lasted so long that now, when divergence is beginning to appear, it still seems odd and novel to the older generation that there should be any Jewish action which is not favourable to England.[viii]

Plus ća change. Belloc goes on to clarify how this alignment of interests came to be regarded so very favorably by the Jews themselves:

And the Jew pointed to the English State as that one in which all that his nation required of the goyim was to be found. He here enjoyed a situation the like of which he could not hope to enjoy in any other country of the world. All antagonism to him had died down. He was admitted to every institution in the State, a prominent member of his nation [Disraeli] became chief officer of  the English Executive, and, an influence more subtle and penetrating, marriages began to take place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes. After two generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception.[ix]

The tendency to not merely tolerate Jews but to regard the Jews as the ideal of nationhood and the epitome of individual virtue was reflected in the literature of the period:

The Jew began to appear in English fiction as an exalted character, quite specially removed to his advantage from the mass of mankind. He is already a hero in Sir Walter Scott, but the full development was much later. You could still have a Jewish villain as late as Oliver Twist, but with writers as different as Charles Reade and George Eliot we reach a time where the Jew is impeccable. The worst any writer dares do at the end of the process is to be silent. The best is to flatter the Jewish type out of all knowledge.[x]

It’s clear that at this absolutely crucial moment, Rees-Mogg has allowed his Britishness to trump his Catholicity, succumbing to an error which the Catholic Church had never made in the centuries before Belloc’s 1922 assessment:

The Catholic Church is the conservator of an age-long European tradition, and that tradition will never compromise with the fiction that a Jew can be other than a Jew. Wherever the Catholic Church has power, and in proportion to its power, the Jewish problem will be recognized to the full.[xi]

The best I can offer at this point is to speculate that Rees-Mogg’s adoption of a blatantly Protestant Judaizing mindset arises from two sources, namely, the traditional deference to the Protestant regime of the Catholic Church in England, and his own immersion in Protestant culture both as a schoolboy at Eton and a student at Oxford. The fact that his paternal grandfather – a contemporary of Belloc – was an Anglican may also account to some extent for Rees-Mogg’s position.

Anne Widdecombe

The second element of Rees-Mogg’s failure to have a balanced view is his invocation of the Holocaust. According to Rees-Mogg, Hamas’ only motivation is anti-Semitism, “the ancient hatred which people now try to hide.”[xii] At the same time, the Holocaust provides his unqualified justification for Israel’s response. Rees-Mogg asserts that this latest eruption of Hamas violence has one fundamental cause, as he explained on October 9th: 

80 years ago, the Nazi extermination camps were liberated by the Allies and Soviet forces. Across German occupied Europe, a total of 6 million Jewish people were killed. It is a stain on global history, and nothing has ever or will ever compare to it and shortly after this great tragedy the state of Israel was born. But Saturday’s terrorist attacks on Israel saw more Jewish people murdered in a single day than has happened since the Holocaust […] and tragically – unbelievably – a wheelchair bound grandmother who was a survivor of the Holocaust has been taken as a hostage.[xiii]

Rees-Mogg is the most high-profile example of what can best be described as a Judaizing Catholic. In shackling the October 7th attacks to the Holocaust, he relieves himself of any duty to acknowledge that Hamas might be motivated – even in part – by a desire to escape from the seemingly endless nightmare of Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing. Instead, he attributes the actions of Hamas exclusively to a continuation of the alleged age-old European desire to kill all Jews:

The context of the of the Holocaust is crucial to understanding this conflict. The Holocaust was the culmination of hundreds of years of European anti-Semitism perhaps best embodied by the fabricated text known as the protocols of the Elders of Zion, an early 20th century work published in Imperial Russia, which characterized the Jewish people as the drivers of a global conspiracy. It was written amidst the backdrop of the Russian pogroms and was eventually taught as fact in Nazi Germany. Well, Hamas’ founding charter in 1988 endorses the protocols of the Elders of Zion, so this is what Israel is facing, not resistance or rebels or  militants, but Nazi-inspired Islamist terrorists whose main aim is to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the Earth.[xiv]

Whoa, hold on there Jacob! This has nothing to do with resistance? Middle Eastern Muslim militants are really European anti-Semites. Hamas is just another manifestation of Nazism? I honestly don’t know how enflamed with Nazi ideology Hamas really is, but if even Hamas can’t be accorded some justification for dissatisfaction with Israel, then who can be absolved from the charge of being a Nazi sympathizer? Shame on all those Jews in Israel who are calling for a ceasefire – what a bunch of Nazis! And how dare that aforementioned 85-year-old wheelchair-bound Holocaust survivor speak well of her Hamas captors – I bet Mrs Lifschitz has a poster of Adolf Hitler on her wall. Hamas is not about resistance? Not even Palestinians are allowed to resist Israel without being called Nazis? Jacob, may I recommend a 2023 publication:

…the fundamental message of the Holocaust Narrative is that truth is the opinion of the powerful. Relieved of their duty to follow the truth, the Jews who invoke that narrative are capable of the same atrocities they accuse others of perpetrating, as the state of Israel has shown. The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.[xv]

The same, it would appear, applies to Israel’s friends when defending the IDF. That Polish proverb provides a template for summarizing Hil Aked’s book: The Israeli regime cries out “racist” as you challenge its racism. Jewish projection of guilt is the moral dynamic at work, the driving force behind the variety of tactics described in Hil Aked’s book. Though she bends over backwards to uncouple Zionism (colonial, racist, merciless) from Jewishness (vulnerable and varied), the author is fearless in exposing how the old anti-Semitism has been re-fashioned as the “new anti-Semitism,” but with no sign of anything except the same old weaponization of the same old charge: “It perversely implies that calling out Israeli state racism is itself a form of racism.”[xvi]

Reading the book, I couldn’t help but think that if the most famous male and female British Catholics aren’t prepared to challenge Israel, then let’s see what a gender-neutral (they/ them) anti-racist, BLM-supporting person of color, with a degree in sociology can do? The answer is that she – sorry, they/ them – has (sorry, have) provided a meticulously researched catalogue of the breadth and depth and intensity of direct Israeli involvement here in the UK in undermining the BDS movement, and destroying the reputations and careers of anyone who thereby shows support for Palestine. To the Israelis, the attack on BDS is just another front in the perpetual war. The Jews themselves freely acknowledge this:

As Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported in 2016, Israel’s London embassy has played a key role in the creation, since around 2012, of ‘a network of more than 40 pro-Israel organizations throughout Britain’. The paper noted that the embassy’s approach to the struggle against BDS in Britain was to treat it like a war. It described the office of one Israeli diplomat stationed in London, in which there was ‘a map of Britain hanging on the wall … like the war room of a brigade on the Lebanese border … [which] shows the front – the main campuses, the deployment of pro-Israel activists and the location of the “enemy forces.”’[xvii]

The book is the perfect complement to a number of recent TV documentaries, namely the 2009 Channel 4 Dispatches called Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby,[xviii] and more directly with the 2017 Al Jazeera undercover series, The Lobby,[xix] as well as the Al Jazeera exposé of the manufactured anti-Semitism crisis in the Labour Party, revealed in the 2022 series, The Labour Files. It’s always helpful to put faces to names, not least when it comes to Labour MP Joan Ryan, then chairwoman of Labour Friends of Israel, who was filmed during the 2016 Labour Party Conference turning a conversation about Palestine into an opportunity to demonize one of her fellow Labour Party members.[xx] The incident revealed the ruthlessness and mendacity employed, as well as the drearily predictable weaponization of anti-Semitism as the go-to replacement for dialogue. Ryan has since left the Labour Party, but as a seeming reward for denouncing a fellow member, she continues as Honorary President of Labour Friends of Israel.[xxi]

The book is worth the money just for the references. You’ll find links related to all the work done by the various BDS supporters and their events and organizations. Top prize must go to the Electronic Intifada,[xxii] which has covered all the key stories referred to in Hil Aked’s book, as well as those from the related documentaries, and continues providing coverage of all aspects of the occupation and now, of course, the genocide.

The book is a one-stop shop on the history of Zionism, and how crucial a role was played by Great Britain in the establishment of Israel. The layman will be relieved of any illusion that it’s only the Conservative Party which is devoted to Zionism or which is under the influence of the Jews:

‘Let the Arabs be encouraged to move out, as the Jews move in’, declared the Labour Party leadership in a report called The International Post-War Settlement, issued shortly before the 1945 election. Although, once in office, Labour abandoned this position – a stance more extreme than even the fascist-influenced revisionist Zionists – it was a Labour government which, in March 1950, first officially recognised the new state of Israel in the wake of precisely this form of ethnic cleansing perpetrated against over 750,000 Palestinians.[xxiii]

By 1957, the Labour Party had established its parliamentary organization for MPs, Labour Friends of Israel, with the Conservatives following suit with the establishment in 1974 of Conservative Friends of Israel. Both continue to be crucial in terms of ensuring that Jewish interests are felt at the heart of government. There’s a concise and eye-opening summary of how Jewish influence re-emerged very forcefully in the Tony Blair New Labour era when the party’s dependence on trade union funding was greatly diminished by the relationship between Tony Blair and Jewish music mogul Michael Levy, whose first meeting was arranged by, you guessed it, an Israeli diplomat, one Gideon Mayer:

Levy was the ‘bag man’ for Blair’s Labour Leader’s Office Fund, a blind trust to which donors could give anonymously. Among the pro-Israel figures later revealed as donors were the millionaire industrialist Sir Emmanuel Kaye and Sir Trevor Chinn – noted previously as an early backer of Conservative Friends of Israel. Several of the new donors were closely associated with the Jewish Leadership Council, set up, as the previous chapter explained, partly in order to enable lobbying access to Blair via Levy, the latter seen as a ‘gatekeeper to Downing Street’[xxiv]

Suddenly, we have a greater understanding of Tony Blair’s appetite for the invasion of Iraq. We also see that the big Jewish money men are not driven by obsolete thinking like “left” and “right” – they give money to the main parties not because of belief in a particular vision for this country, but to ensure that whoever is willing to do their bidding will get their funding. We are thus reminded of the staggering level of influence wielded by the Jews on UK politicians, using what Aked refers to as “carrots and sticks”[xxv] to ensure that politicians – left and right – toe the Jewish line. Hil Aked’s account of what she refers to as the “Corbyn Catastrophe”[xxvi] is another example of how the Jews and their friends seek to determine who will or who will not be a leader of this country. Here again, it’s the link to other sources which proves to be as helpful as the content itself. In what might be regarded as a companion piece to Hil Aked’s book, Weaponising Anti-Semitism by Asa Winstanley – of the aforementioned Electronic Intifada – completes the work done by Aked. A key message, and one which politicians seem unable to learn, is that trying to placate the Jews by….



[…] This is just an excerpt from the Jan 2024 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!

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[i]              Peter Walker, “Farage criticised for using antisemitic themes to criticise Soros,” The Guardian, May 12, 2019,
[ii]             Ibid
[iii]             GBNews, “‘Met BANNED EDL march!’: Why can’t ‘COWARDLY’ Mark Rowley ban Palestine march? | Nigel Farage,” YouTube, Nov. 8, 2023,, 0m 18 s
[iv]             Camilla Tominey, “Jacob Rees-Mogg: ‘He’s no Churchill, but Boris is an excellent, exceptional leader,’” The Telegraph, Jan. 28, 2022,
[v]             GBNews, “BBC: 'lost its way!' after 'NOT taking sides in TERRORISM!' | Ann Widdecombe,” YouTube, Oct. 29, 2023,, 2m55s
[vi]             GBNews, “'Safe space for EXTREMISTS to call for JIHAD!': Protests on Armistice Day | Jacob Rees Mogg,” YouTube, Nov. 6, 2023,
[vii]            GBNews, “'This is NOT what people voted for!': Ann Widdecombe SLAMS post-Brexit migration levels,” YouTube, Oct. 16, 2023,, 6m 18s
[viii]            Belloc, Hilaire. The Jews (Classics To Go) Otbebookpublishing. Kindle Edition, p220
[ix]             Belloc, p223
[x]             Belloc, p225
[xi]             Belloc, p209
[xii]            GBNews, “Antisemitism 'hidden under the cover of Palestinian solidarity': Rees-Mogg condemns Hamas attacks, ” YouTube, Oct. 10, 2023,
[xiii]            GBNews, “'We have been funding our ENEMY!' | Jacob Rees-Mogg says Iran is behind conflict in Israel,” YouTube, Oct. 9, 2023,
[xiv]            Ibid
[xv]            HN, p39
[xvi]            Aked, p28
[xvii]           Aked, p155
[xviii]           mikenagoya, “Dispatches: Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby 2009,” YouTube, Sept. 1, 2013,
[xix]            Al Jazeera English, “The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel l Al Jazeera Investigations,” YouTube, Jan. 11, 2017,
[xx]            Aked, p155
[xxi]            Joan Ryan (politician):
[xxii]           Asa Winstanley, “Local party votes to oust Labour MP who faked anti-Semitism charge,” The Electronic Intifada, Sept. 6, 2018,
[xxiii]           Aked, 121
[xxiv]           Aked, 128-9
[xxv]           Aked, p246
[xxvi]           Aked, p139
[xxvii]          Winstanley, Asa Weaponising Anti-Semitism (p. 174). OR Books. Kindle Edition, pp173-4
[xxviii]          Aked, Hil Friends of Israel: The Backlash Against Palestine Solidarity  Verso. Kindle Edition, p21
[xxix]           Aked, pp21-22
[xxx]           Aked, p181
[xxxi]           Aked, p15
[xxxii]          Aked, p152
[xxxiii]          Aked, p239
[xxxiv]          Aked, p239
[xxxv]          Aked, p290
[xxxvi]          Aked, p292
[xxxvii]         Al Jazeera English, “The Lobby P4: The Takedown l Al Jazeera Investigations,” YouTube, Jan. 14, 2017,, location 26:30
[xxxviii]         Nicolas Kent:
[xxxix]          Kiln Theatre:
[xl]             Aked, p153
[xli]            Aked, p173
[xlii]            Aked, p169
[xliii]           Aked, p169
[xliv]           Aked, p283
[xlv]            Aked, p177
[xlvi]           Aked, p187
[xlvii]           Aked, pp37-8
[xlviii]          Belloc, p64
[xlix]           BDS:,_Divestment_and_Sanctions
[l]              Aked, pp2-3
[li]             Aked, p106
[lii]             Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik, “The Virtue of Hate,” First Things, Feb. 2003,