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Director Lana Wilson’s Documentary ‘Look Into My Eyes’ Gives Viewers A Reading On The New York Psychic Scene — Sundance Studio

Lana Wilson Sundance interview

TITLE: Look Into My Eyes
Section: U.S. Documentary Competition
Director: Lana Wilson

Writer: Lana Wilson
Logline: A group of New York City psychics conduct deeply intimate readings for their clients, revealing a kaleidoscope of loneliness, connection, and healing. Look Into My Eyes gives us an intimate view of psychics in New York City. Over a series of interviews and with a camera that is not afraid to get up close and personal, director Lana Wilson highlights the ins and outs of being a psychic and what that entails, while constructing a tender portrayal of the clients.

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Distributor: A24
Panelists: Lana Wilson
First screening: Monday, Jan. 22
Key quote: “We have one pet psychic in the film, and I mean, there’s a lot of humor in the film in general. I hope people will laugh watching it. There’s a lot of wackiness and weirdness, and some of my favorite scenes are with the pet psychic. There’s someone who’s asking her about his lizard, who a zookeeper has absconded with to New Jersey, and he has not heard from the lizard who’s named Bobby Jr. And he wants to know, is my lizard happy and should I go to New Jersey and try to rescue the lizard? To my surprise, the psychic said no to both of those questions. It was not what the client wanted to hear. I found it very interesting. It was kind of an acknowledgement of what happens when you say goodbye to people, to relationships. You have to move on and let this go.” (Lana Wilson)

The Deadline Studio at Sundance runs January 19-22 at 608 Main Street, when the cast and creatives behind the best and buzziest titles in this year’s lineup joined Deadline’s festival team to discuss their movies and the paths they took to get to Park City. 

Thank you to our sponsors McGee & Co., Final Draft, Portrait Creative Network, and Courser.

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