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 USD $200,000


 USD $122,645

Campaign created by Friends & Family of Zach Rehl

Campaign funds will be received by Amanda Rehl

Support Zach Rehl

Zach was arrested March 17, 2021. He is nonviolent, he did not push through any barricades, brought no weapons, and he did not damage any property. Yet he has been convicted of seditious conspiracy and more. Regardless of the verdict from a DC jury, his fight is far from over. Him and his lawyer will be taking this to the court of appeals. 

Since his arrest, Zach has missed the birth of his daughter with his wife and has never been able to hold his now two year old child. He also has a teenage daughter who he misses greatly and has missed graduate from high school. Zach was the provider for his household and his absence has been a cause of great stress mentally, emotionally, and financially on his family. Now their struggles have to go on longer as they fight to prove a wrongful conviction.

Zach is a father, a husband, Marine Corps Veteran, and Patriot who loves his Country. He has fought for all of us, now he needs us to fight for him.

Please donate or share this fundraiser with any other Patriots you know. All funds go toward helping his family during this hard time. Anything helps! God Bless!

Thank You,

The friends and family of Zach Rehl

Recent Donations
George Andricopulos
$ 5.00 USD
1 day ago

$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

God Bless

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 days ago

$ 25.00 USD
4 days ago

God bless you and your family

$ 25.00 USD
4 days ago

Keep up your faith. Trump will get you out soon. Praying daily for you

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 days ago

Sending prayers.

T Yamaguchi
$ 10.00 USD
7 days ago

I may not be present during J6 but I support all patriots! 45 all the way!

Mark Shurett
$ 200.00 USD
7 days ago

Keep the faith!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 days ago

I am praying that Trump gets reelected and will set all of the J6 prisoners free.

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 85.00 USD
8 days ago

May God bless you as you seek him.

James MacElroy
$ 10.00 USD
8 days ago

Democrats do not believe veterans have the right to disagree with them.

$ 40.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 85.00 USD
8 days ago

God bless you and stay strong. God is with us!


Update #63

July 14th, 2024

If you ever doubted that J6 was a political setup to stop President Trump, that they won’t do anything to hold on to power, the assignation attempt today on President Trump should put that to rest. God Bless our hostages and God Bless President Trump

Update #62

July 4th, 2024

God Bless America and Happy 4th of July, Patriots! 🇺🇸🦅

The last few years have been many Americans and it hasn’t felt like the “land of the free”, let’s pray that good starts to prevail and we get our great country back!

Update #61

June 28th, 2024

HUGE win for J6ers today! We are so happy with the Supreme Court’s decision.

While this may not immediately affect Zach, this is a stepping stone closer to bringing him home. 

Update #60

June 18th, 2024


Update #59

June 16th, 2024

This weekend, Zach was able to have visits with his wife and youngest daughter. He has not seen them since October because the prison he is at is so far away. They were able to have their FIRST EVER family photo taken together. Zach was able to play with his daughter at the visits and read her a book. Little moments like that have been taken away from him the last 3 1/2 years and he is so grateful that he was able to make some memories with her over the past two days. He said one of the best parts of the visit was when she first saw him and her face lit up with the biggest smile! 

For all those fathers who aren’t able to spend today with their children, we pray for you. To those who can, please hold them close.  

Happy Father’s Day, Patriots!

Update #58

June 13th, 2024

Yesterday, Zach’s youngest daughter celebrated her 3rd birthday. Because of the injustice that has been happening, she has never had to chance to celebrate with her daddy. This corrupt DOJ has forced him to miss her birth, holidays, every birthday, and all of the precious moments that come with having a child. It is truly heart wrenching.

We pray that soon the tide starts changing and this corruption comes to its end. 

Update #57

June 2nd, 2024

While we are not surprised by the guilty verdict for Trump, it is terrifying to see the state of this country. We had watched the corruption during the Proud Boys trial and it is only getting worse.

Please let us pray for the future of America. 

Update #56

May 12th, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day!

Extra prayers for all of the J6 mothers. The moms left to raise their children alone because their husband is a political prisoner and the moms missing their child who is being held, they have all shown so much strength in these challenging years.

For Zach, this is the third year he has missed Mother’s Day and has never been able to spend this day with his wife since she gave birth to their daughter. So many holidays have been missed and the chance for memories taken away by this corrupt DOJ. 

Update #55

May 5th, 2024

Happy 6th anniversary to Zach and Amanda! 

Hopefully next year they will be able to celebrate together. They have, sadly, spent more wedding anniversaries apart than together thanks to this injustice. 

Update #54

April 6th, 2024

As of today, the X account for Zach has been suspended. We have not been given the reason why but we are appealing the decision. The account has been used for nothing more than to share updates on his case as he prepares for his appeal and articles relating to Zach and January 6th.

So we do find that this decision was likely made in bias verses anything done on the account itself. For now, we will revert back to using TRUTH. You can follow us at - @zachdefense

Have a good and safe weekend! 

Update #53

March 31st, 2024

Happy Easter! 

Update #52

March 26th, 2024

Hey all! Zach has been replying to all of the letters he’s received! He just got done another batch of them and is mailing them out. He would like to thank all of you for your continued support and kind words. It means so much to him to know that he has not been forgotten. 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

Update #51

March 17th, 2024

Today marks three years since Zach’s arrest. The FBI raided his home at 8:30 AM, pointing guns at his wife who was six months pregnant at the time and unarmed. While the agent in charge had ensured that Zach would be home by that Friday, he never returned home. In the time since his arrest, he missed the birth of his youngest daughter and missed his eldest daughter graduating from high school. He was forced through a sham of a trial where the judge was beyond corrupt and decided he was guilty even before the trial had begun. He was fed to a biased jury pool of DC leftists and received a guilty verdict because of their deep seated hatred for Trump. 

Three years later, he has been placed in a prison almost six hours from his home city. While there were other prisons that could take him that were much closer, this was the one he ended up at. It’s not a prison that his family can easily get to and would require air travel and a hotel stay in order for them to visit.

Zach’s fight is far from over, however. He is not guilty of what he was convicted of and he will continue to contest these bogus charges until he is home again. As always, please keep Zach and his family in your prayers. 

May we also pray for a fair election this year and for the state of our country. 

God Bless! 

Update #50

March 8th, 2024

Absolutely disgusting for January 6th to be compared to the Civil War. The only disgrace to this democracy is how many Patriots have been politically persecuted and how many more this corrupt DOJ intends to arrest.

As always, keep the J6ers and their families in your prayers.

God Bless America.

Update #49

February 18th, 2024


Zach just wanted to give a quick little update to those who are waiting on responses on letters. He received around a hundred letters in the mail and is slowly writing back. It may take some time but he intends to write back to everyone. He is beyond grateful to those who have reached out and for all of the support he has received.

You all have helped his morale these past years and we are praying that soon this nightmare will end.

Happy Sunday and God Bless! 

Update #48

February 14th, 2024

Sending thoughts and prayers to all the political prisoners who are spending this day away from their loved ones.

Update #47

January 11th, 2024

Thank you to everyone who sent cards, letters, and books to Zach over the holiday season. He is beyond grateful and knows he has not been forgotten. 

He enjoys being able to write back to fellow Patriots, so if anyone else would like to send a letter they can do so at:




P.O. BOX 1000


Update #46

January 6th, 2024

Happy Patriots Day. 🇺🇸🦅

Please keep all of the Patriots who are being detained by the DOJ or facing persecution in your prayers. 

Update #45

December 24th, 2023

Merry Christmas Eve, Patriots.

Please keep Zach and all of the other political prisoners and their families in your prayers. 

Update #44

December 11th, 2023

Happy Holidays!

Zach is spending another holiday season away from his family. His youngest daughter is just starting to understand Santa and enjoys seeing all of the houses decorated for Christmas. These are the little things that Zach is missing out on because of our corrupt government. 

If anyone would like to send a letter or card to boost his morale this holiday, you may do so at this address:




P.O. BOX 1000


Update #43

November 2nd, 2023

Yesterday Zach left Philadelphia and has arrived at his designated Prison. He is located at FCI Petersburg. It is not as close to home as he would have liked to be. If anyone would like to write him, here is the address:




P.O. BOX 1000


He can also receive books as long as they are from the publisher or Amazon if anyone would like to send any. Here are a few Zach had said he wanted - The Dark Tower series, Going infinite, and Fire and Blood.

Update #42

October 13th, 2023

Zach has been told he has been designated to a prison (a BOP). At this time we do not know which one or when he will be transferred there. Once we do, we’ll post here how to write to him. For emails, he needs to send an invite to Corrlinks which is the system that the BOP uses.

Also, when Zach left DC an overzealous Marshall decided to take Zach’s list of contacts. Usually inmates can bring a slip of paper with contact information, he has never had an issue before. That being said, he lost every number and email of those he had been in contact with. If anyone had stopped hearing from him, that is why. You can contact us on X/Twitter or Truth with your contact info if he had suddenly stopped responding to you.

Update #41

October 1st, 2023

Today Zach got to hold his 2 year old daughter for the FIRST TIME EVER. They had an hour and a half long visit where they got to eat snacks, play patty cake, and laugh. It may seem like such a little thing, but Zach has been waiting to do this for 2 years. We are so grateful that his wife and daughter were able to have a nice visit. 

Update #40

September 23rd, 2023

Zach is in FDC Philadelphia! He's back in his home city which means his family is only minutes away from him for a visit. The website states they do have contact visits so, God willing, he may be able to hold his two year old daughter for the first time in the upcoming weeks. 

But we do not know how long he will be in Philadelphia. It looks like he may only be there temporarily - anywhere from a few days to weeks.

As always, please keep him in your prayers. God bless!

Update #39

September 22nd, 2023

Zach is in the process of transferring from the DC Gulag. We have no idea where he is supposed to end up. His family hasn't from him since roughly 4:45 this morning. Please keep him and them in your prayers. God Bless!

Update #38

September 13th, 2023

Tune in to INFOWARS at 2:00 to hear Zach.

Update #37

September 9th, 2023

Today was a rough day. Zach had a visit scheduled with his wife and two year old daughter. He was supposed to be able to hold his daughter for the first time ever. But early this morning they prepared him and his codefendants for transfer. Because of this, his wife was unable to have her visit with him. 

Zach is still located in DC, they never transferred him. This is the third time that Zach has missed out on a contact visit with his wife and daughter because of prison transfers. 

There is talk that he will be transferred next week, but that just means it will be that much longer until he will be able to have a visit with his family. The prison system claims to want to keep families close, but since Zach’s arrest they have been doing anything possible in keeping Zach from his family.

Update #36

September 1st, 2023

Today did not go how we had wanted. But we know that Zach will not sit in prison for 15 years. Now we move on to appeals. Please continue to pray for Zach and his family as they keep up the fight for his freedom. 

Update #35

August 18th, 2023

Seeing what the government was requesting for a sentence today was highly discouraging. We would be lying if we said that we weren’t nervous. What they want isn’t in the favor of justice, it’s solely for political reasons and unjust cruelty. 

This time - more than ever - the Rehl family needs your prayers. What the government wants is more than him just missing his youngest daughter’s birth and his eldest graduating from high school. What they want is for him to miss his youngest daughter’s entire life, to never help her with her homework or take her to a father-daughter dance. They want him to never see his eldest graduate from college or walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. Nothing he did on January 6th warrants what he already missed but it most definitely doesn’t mean he should miss his daughter’s entire lives.

Sentencing is August 31. Please say a prayer that day that the judge will see that Zach doesn’t deserve to lose decades of his life.

Update #34

August 5th, 2023

Zach has hired new representation to take him to sentencing and to the court of appeals. His new attorney is Norm Pattis. He had to also hire a civil attorney to defend him in two unjust civil suits from the city of Washington DC and the Capitol Police.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless.

Update #33

July 17th, 2023

Anyone wishing to write to Zach may do so at:

Zachary Rehl 385325

1901 D ST SE

WASHINGTON, DC 20003-2534

As he awaits sentencing, being able to communicate with people helps to keep his morale high. He is also able to receive books from Amazon or the publisher. Zach is a huge fan of puzzle books and crosswords!

Update #32

June 24th, 2023

On Wednesday, Zach was moved from Lewisburg to DC. This was unexpected and we’re disappointed that he is returning to less than humane conditions.

Update #31

June 18th, 2023

Happy Father’s Day

Update #30

June 18th, 2023

Happy Birthday, Zach! 

Update #29

June 13th, 2023

Zach has been moved to USP Lewisburg. While here, he will finally be out of solitary confinement and be able to go outside for the first time since his arrest. While his family wishes he was home, we are thankful that at least the conditions of his confinement are changing. 

Anyone wishing to write to him may do so at :

ZACHARY REHL 34945-509



P.O. BOX 1000


For anyone who would like to contribute to his commissary they can do so through Moneygram (receive code 7932), Western Union, or a money order (he can not receive cash) sent via the United States Post Office. The address for the money orders is Federal Bureau of Prisons, Zachary Rehl, 34945-509, Post Office Box 474701, Des Moines, Iowa 50947-000. When moving to a new prison, inmates lose all of their belongings and commissary that they had before. Zach will have to purchase all his toiletries, sneakers, t-shirts, sweatpants, medications (like aspirin and antacid), food, and drinks. At the beginning this cost can add up greatly so any contribution would be greatly appreciated.

As always, thank you for your continued support and prayers. Please add to your prayers for a light sentence and leniency from the judge, and also for success when his case is brought into the court of appeals.

Update #28

May 15th, 2023

Proud Boys Twitter space with Gateway Pundit -

Update #27

May 13th, 2023

Zach did two interviews today:

Update #26

May 5th, 2023

For the time being, Zach is still in Alexandria. Here is the address you can write to him at. Only letters, no cards. We will update if and when he transfers.

Zachary Rehl 281752 

William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center 

2001 Mill Road Alexandria, VA 22314

Update #25

May 5th, 2023

Happy five year anniversary to Zach and his wife. Because of this corrupt DOJ they have spent more wedding anniversaries apart than together. They have an almost two year old together who Zach has never held.

Update #24

May 5th, 2023

We are deeply saddened by today’s verdict. But we knew having a trial in DC with their jury pool wouldn’t give Zach and the guys a fair shot. This fight isn’t over, far from actually. 

Thank you so much for all the support we have received. Please continue to keep Zach in your prayers and especially his family during this time. 

Update #23

April 29th, 2023

We end today with no verdict. Deliberations will resume Monday morning. Please pray for a not guilty verdict so that Zach may return home to his family. He has an almost two year old who is eager to finally meet her dad!
Update #22

April 26th, 2023

Jury has begun deliberations. Please keep Zach and his family in your prayers. 
Update #21

April 21st, 2023

The government and defense have both rested their case. Closing statements to begin on Monday then it goes to the jury. Please pray for Zach and not guilty verdicts. His family misses him and wants nothing more than for this nightmare to be over. 
Update #20

April 13th, 2023

For the last two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, Zach has been on the stand for his own defense. Trial will resume Monday and we are assuming the prosecution will begin their cross of him. Please keep Zach in your prayers. He is an innocent man who has been detained for over two years and severely overcharged for what should have been nothing more than trespassing. His youngest daughter is almost two years old and has never met him; while his oldest daughter is about to graduate high school and would love to have her dad there. ❤️
Update #19

April 2nd, 2023

Last week, Zach Rehl's lawyer, Carmen Hernandez, started calling his witnesses to the stand.

Zach's wife, Amanda. He has NEVER held their almost 2 year old daughter. She testified on a video that the prosecution has stated Zach says "Fuck that storm the capitol." To her, that is NOT Zach's voice. Compared to another video the prosecution shared that IS Zach, the two voiced are NOT the same. They're reaching.

Next they had Jeff Finley who was adamant there was no plan. He entered the Capitol with Zach and they discussed only MOMENTS prior IF they should go in. 

Finally was Anthony Guiffre who was a part of MOSD and a close friend of Zach who has NEVER read or heard of ANY plan.

Update #18

March 22nd, 2023

Mr. Rehl and the defendants are herewith preparing a separate motion to dismiss the Indictment or for an evidentiary hearing, raising serious and substantiated allegations of governmental misconduct surrounding the surreptitious invasion and interference of the defense team by the government through a confidential human source, at the government’s behest.

Update #17

March 21st, 2023

Yesterday the Government rested its case. Today the defense had its third witness on the stand. Please keep Zach and the other guys in your prayers as their lawyers fight to show the jury that they didn’t do what they are being accused of. 

Update #16

March 10th, 2023

On March 8th at the Proud Boys trial, it was discovered that the FBI was not only reading but sharing amongst each other emails between Zach Rehl and his attorney at the time. These emails are attorney/client privilege and are protected under the 6th amendment.

Update #15

February 27th, 2023

Currently on day 27 of trial. Please pray that the jury is able to see past the narrative that the prosecution is trying to paint and that the defense is able to show that these men did not do what they are being accused of. 

Update #14

December 24th, 2022

Day 5 of jury selection has come to an end. Please pray for an unbiased jury or a change of venue! God bless!

Update #13

December 7th, 2022

TWITTER - @ZachRehlDefense

TRUTH - @zachdefense

Update #12

November 30th, 2022

Zach was moved from Northern Neck, VA to Alexandria, VA at about 3 am this morning. Neither him or his lawyer had prior notice but he will now be closer to DC for trial. His trial is set to begin 12/19.

Anyone wishing to write to him may do so at this NEW address:


William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center

2001 Mill Road

Alexandria, VA 22314

Update #11

November 10th, 2022

On Monday, November 7, Zach was abruptly moved from the Philadelphia Detention Center. He was told he would be going to DC but was ultimately taken to Northern Neck Regional Jail in Virginia. His lawyer was given no notice of this transfer.

If anyone would like to write to Zach, the new address is:

P.O. BOX 1060
WARSAW, VA. 22572

Update #10

October 6th, 2022

Zach has a hearing this Friday, 10/7, at 8 am regarding reopening his bail. It will be in person with no public call in line. Please keep him in your prayers, both for release and so that this hearing does not get rescheduled like the last two. God Bless!

Update #9

September 27th, 2022

The hearing for bail that Zach had for this upcoming Friday is being rescheduled AGAIN to an unknown date. Please keep Zach and his family in your prayers and hope for a new date ASAP. He has never been able to hold his 15 month old daughter and has been looking forward to argue for bail in hopes that he can finally be a father to her. His his wife and his 17 year old daughter miss him greatly and they want nothing more than for him to be home. 

Update #8

September 27th, 2022

Zach and his family thank everyone who has donated and for all their encouraging messages. It means more than anything to see so much support and kindness from strangers. 

On 9/30 at 9:30 AM, Zach has a hearing to reopen bail. The hearing will be in person with no public line. This was originally supposed to happen on 9/14 but FDC Philadelphia was unable to transport him to Washington DC to attend.  Again, the Rehl family is asking for your prayers. Zach has two daughters, a 17 year old and 15 month old, who would love to have their father home. And, with his trial quickly approaching, Zach needs all the time he can to communicate with his lawyer and go over the vast amount of discovery with no restrictions. 

Update #7

September 8th, 2022

Zach's trial is set for December 12, 2022. As of right now his lawyer has filed for motions to dismiss and he has a hearing 9/14 for detention. We are asking for prayers that things start changing for the better for Zach and his family. 

Update #6

June 18th, 2022

Happy Birthday, Zach!

Update #5

June 7th, 2022

Thank you so much to everyone who helped, sent messages and posted words of encouragement, without all of you, my time in here would not be as easy. Knowing there are patriots out there rooting for us means the world to me and makes this battle ever more so worth fighting for! We will all get through this, no matter how ugly it can look at times, but I know by your comments that no one has given up and our country is as strong as it has ever been! I look forward to the day I walk out of this place and continue to enjoy the freedoms of this great nation, but until then, I thank you all for doing all that you can to raise awareness to this atrocity and doing all you can to help in the meantime! 

God Bless you all and God Bless America! 

Yours Truly, 
Zach Rehl

Update #4

April 28th, 2022


TRUTH - @zachdefense


GETTR - @defendzach 

Update #3

April 15th, 2022

While Zachary is still being denied bail with no trial date set, the detention center he is at has taken away his right to use the phone for 45 days. He has two children and a wife, use of the phone allows him to be updated on how they are doing. The phone privileges were taken away from him because he had purchased phone minutes off of another inmate. He had received no verbal warning instead was instantly written up and given a hearing where, regardless of having no issues at the detention center, was given a punishment that is for someone who has been a repeat offender of issues with the phone. He is being held pretrial but is being treated as though he is already convicted. There is no reason why he should be cut off from his family for 45 days.

Update #2

April 7th, 2022

As of April 5, 2022, Zach's trial date for May 2022 has been vacated. Please pray that he can be granted bail so that he can be with his two daughters and his wife as he waits for a new date. 

Update #1

February 24th, 2022

If anyone would like to write letters to Zachary to help with his morale, this is the address to where he is being held:

  • Zachary Rehl 34945-509
  • PO BOX 562
  • PHILADELPHIA, PA 19105-0562

God Bless!

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