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Over One-Third of Democrat Voters Believe Tara Reade’s Allegations Against Joe Biden

A whopping seventy-six percent of Democrats said they believed Christine Blasey Ford.



Over one-third of Democrat voters believe Tara Reade’s harassment allegations against presumed Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden, and 30 percent believe he sexually assaulted her.

A new poll conducted by Hill-HarrisX found that while party leadership has been quick to dismiss the allegations, voters are not on the same page.

“Thirty-four percent of Democrats in the May 11-12 poll believe the harassment claims made by former Senate staffer, Tara Reade, and 30 percent believe the sexual assault accusations,” the pollsters found.

Reade has alleged that then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her while she was working for his office in 1993. She claims that he cornered her in a hallway, forcibly kissed her, reached up her skirt and inserted his fingers inside of her without consent. Her claims have been corroborated by multiple people who were told about his inappropriate behavior in the 1990s.

“By contrast, 66 percent of Democratic voters said they did not believe the harassment allegations while 7 in 10 said they did not believe the sexual assault claims,” the pollsters continued.

This is a stark contrast from the support received by Christine Blasey Ford and her allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. During his confirmation process, pollsters found that 80 percent of male Democratic voters believed Ford, as well as 74 percent of Democratic women. Her story about being assaulted by Kavanaugh in high school had far fewer pieces of corroborating evidence, and she couldn’t even remember exactly when it happened.

Overall, a whopping seventy-six percent of Democrats surveyed said they believed Ford.

However, a majority of voters surveyed said that if the allegations are proven to be true before the election, Biden should remove himself from the ticket.

“If the allegations are proven true before the election, a majority of voters in the Hill-HarrisX survey (57 percent) said Joe Biden should remove himself from the ticket and allow the Democratic Party to replace him, including 44 percent of Democratic voters,” the pollsters found.

If the allegations are not proven beyond a doubt, most voters believe he should remain on the ballot.

“Context matters when dealing with these issues: These type of allegations do not play well with voters, and do harm candidates, but elections are also about a choice. Voters still view harassment allegations towards Trump as being worse than these new allegations towards Biden. Voters also believe the onus of proof for the Reade allegations is with the accuser, and if no proof is found they want Biden to remain in the race. If proof is found, then it remains to be seen whether the Reade allegations are disqualifying for Biden or not – much depends on how this issue plays out from a communications perspective.” Dritan Nesho, CEO and head pollster of HarrisX, told the Hill.

The poll was conducted online among 948 registered voters between May 11 and 12. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.18 percentage points.


WATCH: Someone Farted During Joe Biden’s Campaign Live Stream

Well… that’s embarrassing.



The internet is going crazy over a clip from former Vice President Joe Biden’s livestreamed campaign event with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf in which someone appears to have passed gas.

The Trump campaign will probably have an absolute field day with this clip.

Social media users speculated that the culprit was Biden, as Governor Wolf appeared to grimace slightly at the sound.

“[Mitch McConnell] says they should declare bankruptcies if you can. And this isn’t some math exercise. This is about people. It’s about making sure you don’t have to cut those teachers and firefighters, police officers, and cut critical healthcare programs,” the former vice president said before the flatulence sound. “Or stop work on roads and bridges. So, what does the human cost of lack of state and local fiscal relief look like in Pennsylvania?”

Wolf, despite his seemingly involuntary facial response, continued to discuss issues in his state and did not comment about the noise.

“Leader of the free world can’t control his bowels for 3 minutes,” one Twitter user snarked.

This incident is just the latest in a long line of gaffes for the aging candidate and career politician. From discussing enjoying children hopping on his lap, to forgetting the name of the coronavirus and how many grandchildren he has, it seems as though Biden just can’t stop giving fodder to his rivals.

The incident reminded people an incident with Rep. Eric Swalwell where it sounded as though he passed gas during an interview with MSNBC. He denied that he did it, but social media users were skeptical.

“It was not me!!!!!” Swalwell told reporters at the time. “Ha. And I didn’t hear it when I was speaking.”

The Biden campaign has not yet commented on the apparent flatulence. We will update this post if and when they do.

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Joe Biden: ‘If You Don’t Vote For Me, You Ain’t Black’

The contentious interview lead to Biden asserting that his campaign was doing enough to reach out to black voters before he made the jaw-dropping remark.



Former Vice President Joe Biden told African-Americans that “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” during a shocking appearance on the Breakfast Club on Friday morning.

The contentious interview lead to Biden asserting that his campaign was doing enough to reach out to black voters before he made the jaw-dropping remark.

The radio show’s host Charlamagne had asked Biden about rapper Sean Combs, also known as Diddy, claiming that that Democrats take black voters for granted. In response, Biden pointed to his overwhelming win in South Carolina.

“I kicked everybody’s — excuse me,” Biden said,stopping himself from swearing.

“I need you to say that!” Charlamagne fired back.

“I won every single county. I won the largest share of the black vote that anybody had, including Barack,” Biden continued. “They’re the folks that, as they say up my way, brung me to the dance. That’s how I get elected every single time.”

Biden also addressed his support for the controversial crime bill that implemented harsher penalties for minor drug offenses, which has largely been credited for more people of color being sent to prison.

“The crime bill didn’t increase mass incarceration, other things increased mass incarceration,” Biden said.

“I know a lot of weed smokers,” Biden also claimed.

He also told the host that he is considering “multiple” black women to be his running mate.

At the end of the interview, a staffer told Biden that he was out of time.

“You can’t do that to black media!” Charlamagne said.

“I do that to white media and black media,” Biden replied, promising to come back on the show.

“If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden said.

“It don’t have nothing to do with Trump — it has to do with the fact that I want something for my community,” Charlamagne countered.

Naturally, the racist comment has drawn fierce criticism from the black community, as well as the Trump campaign and RNC.


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Editor of ‘Non-Partisan’ VA Paper Accidentally Emails GOP Senate Candidate Calling Her a ‘Dimwit’

Witzke is an ‘America First’ conservative.



The publisher of the Virginia News-Gazette emailed Republican Delaware Senate candidate Lauren Witzke and mistakenly sent along an conversation in which the editor called her a “dimwit.”

Witzke is an ‘America First’ conservative who is running on similar policies to what President Donald Trump campaigned on. She is also promising to fight for a full 10 year moratorium on all immigration and restoration of the American nuclear family.

Some how, the editor of the News-Gazette accidentally ended up on Witzke’s donor email list by mistake. After sending out a campaign email opposing the Delaware governor’s lock down orders, the Witzke campaign received an email from Matt Paxton, publisher of The News-Gazette.

It appears that the editor had forwarded the email to Paxton, adding “I’m not sure how we got on this dimwit’s mailing list.” When tried to email the Witzke campaign asking to be removed from the list, he replied to all, which forwarded along the chain where the editor called her a dimwit.


Witzke responded to the email, saying “thanks for letting us know. Are you aware that you forwarded the original message from your editor along with this thread? Not a great look for the ‘non-partisan’ media.”

Paxton responded by claiming that it was sent on purpose.

“I am aware. and sending unwanted, inapplicable emails willy-nilly to every little media outlet within hundreds of miles, not even in a contiguous state, meets the definition in my mind, and I’d say that whether this came from a candidate of the Democrat, Republican, Whig, Prohibition, Green, Libertarian or Socialist Worker Party,” Paxton responded. “We get enough spam as it is. I am not ‘non-partisan’ when it comes to spam.”

The District Herald called Paxton to ask whether or not the paper is indeed meant to be non-partisan. He claimed that they are and that he had never even heard of Witzke prior to the email being sent to him. He also claimed, contrary to his response to Witzke, that the email was sent by mistake.

“Umm… I think that was an internal email, a forwarded email, that inadvertently was sent,” Paxton responded.

When asked again if the paper is considered to be non-partisan, Paxton asserted that “I don’t even know who this person is. This Lauren Witzke.”

“She sent an email to us, we’re three states away,” Paxton added, seemingly frustrated.

The District Herald again asked if the paper is considered to be Democrat-leaning or if it is non-partisan.

“We’re non-partisan. We’re a community newspaper. We really don’t cover anything that is doesn’t happen in Rockbridge County, Virginia.

Witzke, for her part, told the District Herald that the paper should be ashamed of itself.

“As if it wasn’t obvious enough, the far-left news media once again tipped its partisan hand. The staff at The News-Gazette, which lost any credibility it had left with one single email today, ought to be ashamed of itself,” Witzke said. “The paper’s management should be immediately fired and replaced with those who will report the news honestly.”

She added that it is “little surprise that a Democrat paper in Virginia owned by people from Illinois is as sexist as Ralph Northam is racist, or that this level of frothing hate seems to be the norm in the small town that kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out of a chicken dinner restaurant for being associated with the Trump campaign.”

In 2018, Sanders was kicked out of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington for working at the White House. The owner of the restaurant, Stephanie Wilkinson, said that she was taking a stand against a person who defends “inhumane and unethical” presidential policies.

The incident caught the attention of President Donald Trump himself, and the restaurant claimed they had to close for two weeks because of all the negative attention. Still, the media largely defended their actions, even continuing to write glowing portraits of the incident a year later.

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