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A Destination is the recipient of a Notification or an Important Alert. The value of a Destination can be a webhook URL for Slack, Google Chat, or Microsoft Teams, a general-purpose webhook URL, or an email address.

Destinations can be created in either the organization view of the VIP Dashboard or the application view of the VIP Dashboard. Destinations created in either view can be assigned as a recipient for Notifications for an organization, Notifications for one of the organization’s applications, and Important Alerts. A Destination can only be edited or removed from within the organization view of the VIP Dashboard.


Emoji and multibyte characters are not supported in any of the Destination configuration form fields.



  • To view the name and type of Destinations that are configured for an organization, a user must have at minimum either an App write role for one of the organization’s applications or an Org member role.
  • To add a new Destination for an application’s Notifications a user must have at minimum an App write role for that application or an Org member role.
  • To add, edit, or remove configurations for an organization’s Destinations a user must have at minimum an Org member role.

To access the Destinations panel in the VIP Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the organization view of the VIP Dashboard.
  2. Select “Notifications” from the lefthand navigation menu.
  3. Select the button labeled “Manage Destinations” located in the upper right of the Notifications panel.

Add a Destination

From within either the Notifications panel or the Destinations panel:

  1. Select the button labeled “+ Add Destination” located in the upper right of the panel.
  2. Complete the fields in the form titled “Add Destination”.
    • Webhook URL or Email Address (required): Add an email address, a Slack webhook URL, or a general-purpose webhook URL for the Destination.
    • Name (required): Add a custom name for this Destination configuration. The value should be helpful for identifying and relocating this Destination from a list.
    • Description (optional): Add a custom description for this Destination configuration. This value can be used to communicate the purpose of the Destination or similar types of information that could be helpful to other team members.
  3. Select the button labeled “Add Destination” below the form.
  4. In the “Send Test Message” modal, select the button labeled “Send Test” in order to trigger a test notification to be sent to the configured Destination.

Edit a Destination

From within the Destinations panel:

  1. Select the “Edit” link located to the right of a listed Destination.
  2. In the form titled “Edit Destination”, modify the field values as needed.
  3. Select the button labeled “Update Destination” below the form to save the changes.

Remove a Destination


Use caution when removing a configured Destination. Removing a Destination that is currently assigned as a recipient to a configured Notification will cause the Notification to be deleted as well.

From within the Destinations panel:

  1. Select the “Remove” link located to the right of a listed Destination.
  2. In the “Remove Destination” modal, select the button labeled “Remove Destination” to confirm the removal of the configured destination from all organization settings.

Last updated: July 11, 2024

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  • Node.js
  • WordPress