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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Daniel F said...

The extent to which modern Christianity -- even the more "based" and "hard-core" varieties -- is involved in moralistic, cultural and political crusades is an indication of the fundamental materialist outlook that Dr. Charlton is discussing here.

This is not to say that those focusing their Christian lives on the moralistic and culture war aspects of things are "wrong" in terms of the specific issues they are pushing. The side they take in the crusades they are fighting is often self-evidently the right side. But, very often, there is nothing else to their religion beyond those moral and political battles. And from that perspective these are all entirely worldly projects: Focused on reforming THIS world, making people good in THIS world. These outward-looking crusades also end up being a convenient means of focusing on other people's blind-spots and flaws, rather than on one's own. Or, to put it in more Romantic Christian terms, such projects distract the participant from the important creative and God-cooperative work that they (we) should be engaged in.

And if the above errors of excessive moralism and culture war mania are a sort of "temptation from the right", there are also (obvious) errors of emphasis and focus that form a corresponding "temptation from the left", where the (misguided) focus is placed on social justice and altruism, i.e. all of the "good works" that were the subject of discussion here a few days ago.

Thus, much of Christianity as it is practiced today is a debate among different factions of extremely worldly, materialistic, chiliastic and eschaton-immanentizing "Christianities" which are largely blind to and devoid of any real belief in spiritual realities, although lip service is paid to the Spirit on all sides.

7 December 2023 at 09:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Daniel F - Yes - well said!

7 December 2023 at 10:12

Blogger Francis Berger said...

I second that. Great comment, Daniel.

7 December 2023 at 16:31

Anonymous Daniel F said...

Thank you, both!

7 December 2023 at 17:37

Blogger hdv said...

So should the main goal of our good works be to help (but not force) ourselves and others to choose God/Heaven?

Does it mean that there should be political/legal lines drawn that Christians shouldn't cross so that we can, without material coercion, make significant moral choices?

Thanks again for your feedback.

10 December 2023 at 19:38

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@hdv - There is no "our" and no means by which to instruct "Christians" (legally or politically) to do anything. That way of thinking is just day dreaming. What we need to decide about good works, is for our-selves - we we personally ought to be doing.

10 December 2023 at 21:09