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Blogger Cererean said...

What about preparing for the collapse of the system, and helping to build the small platoons that can survive it?

You could argue that They would just pull the plug before letting that happen. But as the NASB translation says, "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." They could have avoided crucifying Christ, but instead they played right into the Divine Plan because they did not understand the Plan.

30 June 2019 at 19:53

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@C. I imagine that if/ when this happens there will be a positive feedback process from the unprecedented multiple inter-dependencies - so the collapse will accelerate.

With such a population density as we now have essentials will run out very quickly, and those who have 'prepared' may survive a few more days, but will be pillaged by those with power.

Also, while a few sensible precutions are one thing, a focus on disaster preparedness seems to go with an undesirable kind of materialism - it just another 'Ahrimanic' trap, of the kind which dominates.

We all must and will die sooner or later; and the important thing is that we each live our lives in the right way, and learn what we need.

A survivalist attitude would/ does play into the demonic plan, because it would entail submission to the demonic agenda - or indeed service to evil - in order to survive just that bit longer.

So our 'platoons' should (if this is possible) focus on spiritual thriving (Romantic Christianity, loving creation) and not on survival.

30 June 2019 at 21:18