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Blogger Jonathan said...

A very useful post.

Some day I hope you will write an essay putting together this with many other things you have written about your conversion experience, especially the details about the metaphysical assumptions you had to drop and the ones you had to adopt. (I've learned a huge amount from your metaphysics posts, but they're still all bits and pieces in my mind and I haven't been able to put them together into a big picture yet, though I'm trying.)

I think there are agnostics and seculars out there who might reconsider Christianity if you gave them a large, coherent roadmap to arriving at a new metaphysics/belief system/system of doubt that other scientifically-minded people can follow to see a plausible Christian worldview. As you have pointed out multiple times, it doesn't seem to be possible to get there incrementally; there are too many assumptions that have to change simultaneously, and that's part of why moderns are so trapped in their worldview. (Motivation is another extremely difficult issue, of course, but that can't really be addressed until there's a clear map to a new worldview that one can motivate.) Having the whole roadmap written down in one place to help the intelligent reader make the leap would be sooooo useful.

19 June 2019 at 08:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jonathan - It would have been much easier for me to become a Christian if I had recognised that it is primarily an individual decision and only secondarily (or not at all) a matter of joining a church. I held a peculiarly incoherent, but maybe fairly common, belief that Christianity was defined and controlled by The Church (who had the authority to define or exclude me as a Christian) - but I was very unclear as to the nature of this Church.

I failed to notice that because I was the one who had to decide which Church was true, and for me, that this undermined any Church's claim to define Christianity (and salvation).

(This is something people ought to be able to gather from reading and believing the Fourth Gospel, but of course they just regard it as one of many books of the Bible, and the Bible is read through a very prejudicial framework, and read the IV Gospel in context of that framework; and anyway there is no reason to believe scripture until *after* one is a Christian!)

If I had recognised earlier that I would (sooner or later) have to do the work myself, including discerning who are the valid authorities; then it would have made Christianity even more analogous to being an active scientist.

19 June 2019 at 10:20

Blogger Francis Berger said...

Thanks for sharing this. I am certain it will prove helpful for many. The reasons why you found it difficulty to become a Christian are likely the same reasons why so many abandon the faith. More Christians need to know about the "individual decision" you mention here and embrace it rather than dismiss it.

I was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church. As I grew older, I found it increasingly difficult to ignore the RC Church's corruption and I eventually turned my back on it all. (I still cannot ignore the corruption today, especially with the current Pope, who, unfortunately, shares my name).

In the end, my path is somewhat similar to yours. I had to become an "independent" Christian after I became disillusioned with Catholicism. After I "made an individual decision" as you put it, I found I could start attending Mass again. I attend Mass most Sundays now with my family, but I regard this as mostly a complementary activity rather than the core of my Christian faith.

19 June 2019 at 19:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The average Christian being a stumbling block to others coming to Christianity...

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

As quoted by William Rees-Mogg in "The Times", April 4, 2005.

Other good quotes at that link.


Kreeft touches on it in his "How to Win the Culture War."

Answer: become Saints.


-Book Slinger.

20 June 2019 at 16:55

Anonymous Jack said...

“The true Christian does not cling to any particular sect. He may participate in the ceremonial service of every sect, and still belong to none. He has only one science, which is Christ within him; he has only one desire, namely, to do good." - Jacob Boehme

24 June 2019 at 04:11