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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I think the main point of the dog in the manger is not that the position is uncomfortable for the dog, but that dogs don't eat hay -- so the dog gets no benefit from chasing the other animals away, except the satisfaction of annoying them

20 March 2014 at 08:16

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - Yes - but going to the stable and getting into the manger involves the dog in actual purposive effort; so it is worse than a merely a passive lack of benefit.

20 March 2014 at 09:48

Anonymous David said...

Do you see modern forms of psychotherapy including CBT as potentially helpful to distressed human beings (who are often gravely sinning at root to their common mental health problems but this language is not accepted or addressed with secular methods)? I am Iincreasingly concerned that the role of psychotherapy/ccounselling in modern society could be more harmful than good? I am considering leaving my profession if possible based on such conerns.

20 March 2014 at 12:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - Wearing my psychiatry hat, I regard Freudian type psychotherapy/ counselling (which is essentially confessional) as overall doing considerably more harm than good - by creating dependence while being no more effective than random human interaction.

Charlton, BG. The moral case against psychotherapy. Psychiatric Bulletin, 1991, 15,

Plus, this whole area of activity is riddled by sexual 'abuse'/ exploitation, seduction and the rest of it.

Charlton, Bruce G. Sexual ethics in psychiatry. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 6(5):713-716, October 1993.

On the other hand Alcoholics Anonymous - which is based on Jungian principles, and I religious (albeit minimally) is sometimes very effective - indeed life (and soul) saving.

Behaviour therapy - eg for phobias, is certainly effective and does more good than harm.

Cognitive therapy for depression is modestly effective in a small and pre-selected group - but I suspect there may be 'side effects' in terms of making people less 'in the moment' and more self-conscious' (Cognitive Therapy is a training in rather Aspergerish/ 'Mr Logic' ways of thinking - which do not work optimally when applied to inter-human relationships).

In sum, I am underwhelmed by Cognitive Therapy but accept that it is modestly effective for some intellectual and introspective people with milder problems.

Overall, I am sure that the culture of psychotherapy and counselling does a great deal more harm than good - both to individuals and to the general set-up of modern life - but there is room for picking and choosing.

20 March 2014 at 13:02

Anonymous David said...

Thanks for the feedback. I will check out those papers you reference. Your comments confirm what I have suspected personally for a while now. I feel like if I stay in my current profession/job I will be wasting my potential to participate in God's plan for my life. If, as you believe, and I increasing believe too, that we chose mortal life as a volunteer to paticipate in God's plan then I certainly do not want to disappoint him wasting my time, skills and resources in a job that only pays lip-service to helping other humans but that does not really deliver in a lasting way. I repent daily now and pray to God for wisdom about how to follow what he would like for me to do. Do you believe that he can guide me in this way? I often wonder how to listen and how to follow signs towards my calling in life. I would like to think that all humans have a part to play but that can also seem unclear. He may be guiding the blind with me at times I think. I'm grateful he is perfectly patient :-)

20 March 2014 at 13:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - yes, but life is trial and error - unavoidably - and so long as we do our best and repent sins, we can learn from the process: indeed, presumably that is why we live in this kind of world. So - you may need to change direction, but do or not you should expect continued trials and errors *as well as* guidance, surety and rewards - and trustfully expect strength sufficient to deal with them!

20 March 2014 at 14:04

Anonymous Adam G. said...

I think I see a second way where confession to another person could work, which doesn't require that the other person be wiser than you.

I have often noticed that talking through something with a sympathetic listener helps me sort out my ideas and realize truths that just thinking about it doesn't. This doesn't require the listener to contribute much themselves or even to understand the topic very well. They just need to listen and occasionally ask questions. This may not be a universal experience, but its not unique to me either. Plenty of others have had the same experience.

This phenomenon applies to confession too.

It doesn't seem to work quite as well in prayer, for whatever reason. In my experience, praying about an issue is no substitute for discussing it with someone, and discussing it with someone is no substitute for prayer.

I tie this phenomenon in to the Mormon doctrine that councils can be avenues of revelation and to the teaching in D&C 50 that when two people make a spiritual connection, the connection to the Holy Ghost becomes easier, though how or why this would be so I don't know.

20 March 2014 at 15:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam -

So sympathetic, trusted, but not wiser - and the confession creates sufficient objectivity o generate self-enlightenment. Quite likely that could be of value.

I have no experience of the kind of council you have experienced (although I have read about them) - all the (secular) committees and meetings I have been involved with (and some Christian ones) have been hermetically-sealed from any possible infiltration by the Holy Ghost (as it were).

20 March 2014 at 15:20