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Anonymous Jason said...

This is very true. Life in the modern west is especially demotivating for a (white) man. With the aggressive emasculation and promotion of mass androgyny, along with the most legal power being held by women, I find it hard to be motivated to do anything at all. I have little desire to work, pursue a vocation, or contribute to wider society, knowing that my contributions will go to fuel a social order which despises my very existence.

23 April 2015 at 16:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jason - Indeed, but those are (in general) secondary motivations.

Modern men can become religious, marry and raise families.

23 April 2015 at 16:40

Blogger ted said...

The left has removed all polarities that is part of our substance-in-relation. Hence the dynamism of culture gets diffused to the point where we all become non-judgmental uncommitted epicureans.

23 April 2015 at 17:24

Anonymous as said...

What are some of these old books with good ideas?

23 April 2015 at 18:30

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@as - It is impossible helpfully to answer such a general query; it all depends on what *you* need *now*; and what you are able to appreciate.

23 April 2015 at 19:11

Anonymous as said...

If people today have family, they probably do not have extended family, roots in a place, or a community (based on extended family, roots, religion).

23 April 2015 at 20:18

Anonymous as said...

It is impossible helpfully to answer such a general query; it all depends on what *you* need *now*; and what you are able to appreciate.

Where do you go to find a good husband or wife in a modern society?

My extended family network is limited. I have to consider total strangers on internet sites for marriage.

23 April 2015 at 21:12

Anonymous Nicholas Fulford said...

Survival - strongly motivating, even in the most horrible of conditions many are strongly motivated to survive.

Family - Having those to whom one is very closely attached with obligations and responsibilities is also strongly motivating. (Family and survival are related unless the family is toxic. This is born out by statistics with regard to mortality and morbidity with regard to being single/alone and connected to a spouse.)

Religion/Ideology - a higher set of values encourages people to step up. It can motivate a person to endure and overcome, whereas a person without that may throw in the towel. A lack of purpose certainly is demotivating, and religion and ideology can provide purpose. I also expect that Primary Religious Experiences (ecstatic states) are also very motivating when they lead to optimism and desire to live a meaningful life.

23 April 2015 at 22:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@as - If you are not a Christian, become one. Work at it. Join a serious church, participate, learn, practice. Serious churches are the best places to find a good spouse.

@NF - I am currently re-reading Abraham Maslow, who certainly agrees that ecstatic states/ peak experiences are part of high level motivation.

23 April 2015 at 22:50