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Anonymous Colin said...

For a devout atheist (such as my elder brother) everything in theory could be explained by science. And reduced to the material. By definition. Therefore discussing anything deemed to rely on non-scientific ‘magic waves’ which by definition can’t exist can only ever be for entertainment.
So yes, the best is to turn away. And return to the personal. The romantic Christian path you describe in the latter half.

8 September 2021 at 12:36

Blogger A said...

I remember children are supposed to see the magical living world, but I wonder if these End Times makes it even shorter.

My son said he saw angels at Mass when he was two, but now doesn't remember at five.

8 September 2021 at 15:02

Blogger David Stanley said...

I'm becoming aware of more demons everyday.

8 September 2021 at 17:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@DS - Yes, we share this world with a different species (I mean, as well as women!).

8 September 2021 at 19:43

Blogger agraves said...

Currently there is a bit of a UFO craze going on with videos of flying objects provided by the US Navy pilots no less. When I bring this to the attention to Navy personnel (atheists), they say it cannot be true, not possible. So they don't even believe their own service members. I think we are better off without actual contact given our present state of affairs on planet earth. Any alien landing on earth would surely become a political pawn, asking if they have democrats on Mars, or if they believe in the welfare state. This would seal their fate as enemy or friend depending on party affiliation. If I were an alien approaching earth I would check my flight path and zoom around it. Maybe that's why they are seen as traveling so fast, flooring it before we make too much of them.

8 September 2021 at 22:42

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tolkien does sound like a Hobbit ethnologist in The Hobbit, and various of his works record contacts between Elves and Men in Anglo-Saxon times and (though here, rereading s in order, for me) later. What were his (ostensible) conclusions? I wonder how worthwhile bringing Lewis's considerations in the 1944 Preface to The Pilgrim's Regress and Surprised by Joy to bear might be, here.

Something that seems weird to me, is how some enthusiasts of 'ancient astronauts' seem to act as if their demonstrability would somehow simultaneously explain God away.

Demons have been mentioned, and Mr. Andrew notes a possible experience of angels - and, indeed, what 'expiration date' can be persuasively posited for the exortation of the Letter to the Hebrews (13:2): "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

What creature - or possible creature - cannot conduce to grateful Godly wonder if we are properly disposed?

David Llewellyn Dodds

10 September 2021 at 03:17

Blogger Brief Outlines said...

This is absolutely brilliant!

10 September 2021 at 10:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@brief - Thanks! This is, of course, Barfield and Steiner re-explained. But this line of reasoning helps make clear exactly why we cannot be rescued (and live well) from our situation by anything external (by any institution, by any reform or betterment).

Nothing 'wonderful' that could happen in 'the world' (not angels, aliens, channeling or telekinesis), nothing that could happen 'to' us, will suffice - because it will just automatically (mostly unconsciously) be processed into the mundane by our thinking.

Rescue and a meaningful/ purposeful life must come from within, *primarily* from (real-)self initiated change in our thinking.

10 September 2021 at 11:06