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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

But if atheists were really proceeding from the presumption that life was so worthless as to not justify any suffering at all, they would already have killed themselves. Of course many do, or engage in a variety of behaviors that seem designed to that end. But by and large it seems that the problem is more of perspective than of mathematical axioms.

That is to say, most professed atheists devalue life after death because it is more distant, and thus looms smaller to their natural perception of time. They are not really rejecting the premise that life itself is of value, or there would be no truth to the assertion that "there are no atheists in foxholes" (which is not precisely true but does accurately reflect how much more precious life seems to even an atheist when a modest amount of suffering might avert immediate death).

One may distinguish between doctrinaire and social atheists, but what they both have in common is an angry impatience for the idea of suffering now for a long deferred gratification. That, rather than a enduring sense of real existential despair, is generally the reason that atheists don't treat their future life with much concern if it requires something of them in the present.

30 June 2017 at 07:53

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CC - I would say that most people in The West (who are of course de facto atheists, however they self-identfy) are only kept from suicide by anaesthesia and distraction - by not-thinking (or not really thinking - what they call thinking is merely superficial automatic cerebral processing, inculcated and maintained by society - especially, nowadays, the mass media).

Modern atheists are, to put matters simply, functioning on an animal-survival basis. That is, they want to stay alive fro animal instinct, and they live merely from animal vitality, rather than qua human beings.

So long as they experience net pleasure or hope of it, they can continue; but when the balance tips towards suffering and they lose hope - they want to die.

What stops them is, mostly, cowardice - hence the constant pressure for a right to 'assisted suicide' humane killing, euthanasia etc. They want to die, but they fear to suffer - my prediction is that if/ when suffering-free death is 'provided', we will see a massive increase in suicide.

30 June 2017 at 09:04

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Hmm...I don't know about that. I think that there are certainly clear tendencies to encourage suicide readily evident in the agenda being pushed by atheistic forces in society, but I also detect more than a whiff of hypocrisy, it seems most of them are encouraging others to commit suicide rather than working up to it themselves. Death by foolish (short-sighted) misadventure is still much more widespread than pre-meditated suicide.

30 June 2017 at 14:09

Blogger spiltteeth said...

Could you go into the difference between living from animal vitality rather than qua human being? Would this be receiving one's life from God and a life of sacrifice?

30 June 2017 at 14:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@s - What I intended was that all living things are equipped with biological reflexes and instincts that (on average, within limits) tend to maintain homeostasis and life.

Even the most suicidal of people - those with severe melancholia/ endogenous depression - usually do not kill themselves; there is a significant barrier to overcome.

Indeed, suicide - or even 'attempted' suicide parasuicide - very seldom happens in clear consciousness; people are nearly-always intoxicated, taking a psychoactive drug or actually psychotic. In common parlance, they need to be 'disinhibited' to overcome their innate instincts.

I don't know whether you have read my Mouse Utopia ideas about mutation accumulation?

One aspect of this phenomenon is that it would be expected to weken innate, evolved homeostatic and survival mechanisms (probably when at a more advanced stage than we currently see - when the higher adaptations of sexuality and social life are affected). So, in future people may 'find it easier' to kill themselves than in the evolutionary past.


30 June 2017 at 14:36

Blogger Chent said...

I think you overcomplicate things.

They don't want eternal life because eternal life comes with strings attached: trying to suppress the Self and reduce Pleasure. They would like to overcome death (they are not joyous about dying) but this cost is too much for them.

They don't want to do that. All the other arguments are excuses and rationalizations.

30 June 2017 at 16:22