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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"someone who recognises the spiritual realm, who has faith in life beyond biological death and who regards The Good as an aspect of God's creation can never wholly be controlled by any earthly power."

God is freedom, God is liberation.

No system can dominate mankind as long as God lives.
- Carter Craft

20 November 2016 at 00:42

Anonymous Terry said...

Regarding your point of "manipulating psychological responses; e.g. with training, with drugs, or genetic engineering, and putatively with 'micro-chipping'": the manipulation isn't just done WITH these agents but also ABOUT the value of these distorting devices.

As an example, the genetic engineering industry and their associated profiteering government pawns such as the FDA claim that GMO products are safe and have virtually no risks. Yet, what everyone should know is that there has been a long history of ignoring and suppressing the real dangers of GMO foods from the genetic engineering industry.

One of the earliest cases that has demonstrated that fact is the infamous tryptophan disaster of 1989 where the FDA ignored the warnings of their own scientists about the real risks of GMOs, simply to protect the business interests of the GMO industry, which they've been colluding with for decades - see

The government-biotech industrial complex has the average person believing that they're protecting their health. Yet, lying about real facts, denying real facts, or minimizing or ignoring real facts is not protecting or helping the public, it's deceiving the public.

20 November 2016 at 23:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Terry - My point is to understand *why*? - my argument is that it is *not* just about business interests.

21 November 2016 at 06:14