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Blogger Rainforest Giant said...

Why, if we have been here for thousands of years, why are we now packing on the population? Thousands of years we chased mammoths and reindeer with a couple of thousand people on the planet. Now we add more folks than lived through the decadent Roman empire. They murdered people for entertainment, left kids on trash piles, abused slaves on an everyday basis. Are we worse than that?

We must be or there is something else working, some other power working for us to be here now.

23 June 2017 at 03:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@RF - WHat do you mean by 'worse'? What is your outide-history-and-society index of good or bad?

Mine is Christian, and by that modern Westerners are clearly the worst people we know about - because they/ we have officially inverted Good (virtue, beauty, truth). We consider ourselves beyond ('traditional') good and evil and to have transvalued all values (to reference Nietzsche) - and this situation is regarded positively, not as an aberration or error. See my book Thought Prison, or Addicted to Distraction (link in sidebar) for a more detailed argument.

23 June 2017 at 06:49